KID FRESINOの歌詞一覧リスト  15曲中 1-15曲を表示

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15曲中 1-15曲を表示
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incident ft. JAGGLA繰り返し書くima poet 路地裏で目が合う猫には無い愛想 今からじゃ叶わない夢を見る 覚えたwordsを切り売りして生きる 今夜良い知らせだけを届ける 俺らにsadなnewsはもう充分 1人になれない苦しみを知る 1人になりたい夜も手を握る 頭で考え切れる死に方 頭を抱えて生きてくのかな 俺らは 令和 縛られる鎖 解く手は無いと 目眩 また祈り 一筆書きが出来ない歌を歌い 遺せる唯一の財産はpair ring 俺には無いものが人にある 人にはないものが俺にはあるか 何処から来て今どこへ向かうか 終わりない怠惰に溺れるいずれは but I feel like I'm 18 俺ら信じない全員 追われるよう逃げる向こうに響くアラートに揺れる列島の住人 ゆうにさわれそうなあの太陽は雲のはるか上に 声にはならない声も俺には聞こえてるぜ buddy I go make a million just take my pain I paint the picture visions of Gideon 破れた地図と汚れたshoesで向かう果ての果て I write the composition again 俺のsoulを買い取るなら今日 新しい朝にこの街にはいないと思う  I make the song cry too god got me think I'm weirdo I'm gonna spin these coupes picture me rollin like Hova  霧がぼかすfocus 殴り書きで描写 生きる中で交差しても 秘密基地でroll up  I make the song cry too god got me think I'm weirdo I'm gonna spin these coupes picture me rollin like Hova  いつかtime over これがlast order 惚れた女みたいな音楽 from street's corner  赤い空は落ちて黒いカーテンの奥を覗く ダルマさんが転ぶ 鬼は追いかけまわす 飛べないカラス 今日も生きて恥を晒す 置いてきた昨日 約束を果たす おれの頭の中 キチガイ 短い夜 死神の痕跡 でもソウルは奪えない 引くに引けない 走り出した夜 全部が足りない 満たされた時の心知りたい これからの事考えるの恐怖 大丈夫 ただ退屈との勝負長いストローク 難しいのは自分が自分である事 最初の角から出直そう マイクチェックワンツー ドラマは角度で変わるストーリー 目が合ったあの子もパッと素通り もしもし 2度は無い時間の中walking 一筆書き出来ない歌 おれも歌いながら 腰履きのまんま 向かうnext door  I make the song cry too god got me think I'm weirdo I'm gonna spin these coupes picture me rollin like Hova  霧がぼかすfocus 殴り書きで描写 生きる中で交差しても 秘密基地でroll up  I make the song cry too god got me think I'm weirdo I'm gonna spin these coupes picture me rollin like Hova  いつかtime over これがlast order 惚れた女みたいな音楽 from street's cornerKID FRESINOKid Fresino・JAGGLAKid Fresino繰り返し書くima poet 路地裏で目が合う猫には無い愛想 今からじゃ叶わない夢を見る 覚えたwordsを切り売りして生きる 今夜良い知らせだけを届ける 俺らにsadなnewsはもう充分 1人になれない苦しみを知る 1人になりたい夜も手を握る 頭で考え切れる死に方 頭を抱えて生きてくのかな 俺らは 令和 縛られる鎖 解く手は無いと 目眩 また祈り 一筆書きが出来ない歌を歌い 遺せる唯一の財産はpair ring 俺には無いものが人にある 人にはないものが俺にはあるか 何処から来て今どこへ向かうか 終わりない怠惰に溺れるいずれは but I feel like I'm 18 俺ら信じない全員 追われるよう逃げる向こうに響くアラートに揺れる列島の住人 ゆうにさわれそうなあの太陽は雲のはるか上に 声にはならない声も俺には聞こえてるぜ buddy I go make a million just take my pain I paint the picture visions of Gideon 破れた地図と汚れたshoesで向かう果ての果て I write the composition again 俺のsoulを買い取るなら今日 新しい朝にこの街にはいないと思う  I make the song cry too god got me think I'm weirdo I'm gonna spin these coupes picture me rollin like Hova  霧がぼかすfocus 殴り書きで描写 生きる中で交差しても 秘密基地でroll up  I make the song cry too god got me think I'm weirdo I'm gonna spin these coupes picture me rollin like Hova  いつかtime over これがlast order 惚れた女みたいな音楽 from street's corner  赤い空は落ちて黒いカーテンの奥を覗く ダルマさんが転ぶ 鬼は追いかけまわす 飛べないカラス 今日も生きて恥を晒す 置いてきた昨日 約束を果たす おれの頭の中 キチガイ 短い夜 死神の痕跡 でもソウルは奪えない 引くに引けない 走り出した夜 全部が足りない 満たされた時の心知りたい これからの事考えるの恐怖 大丈夫 ただ退屈との勝負長いストローク 難しいのは自分が自分である事 最初の角から出直そう マイクチェックワンツー ドラマは角度で変わるストーリー 目が合ったあの子もパッと素通り もしもし 2度は無い時間の中walking 一筆書き出来ない歌 おれも歌いながら 腰履きのまんま 向かうnext door  I make the song cry too god got me think I'm weirdo I'm gonna spin these coupes picture me rollin like Hova  霧がぼかすfocus 殴り書きで描写 生きる中で交差しても 秘密基地でroll up  I make the song cry too god got me think I'm weirdo I'm gonna spin these coupes picture me rollin like Hova  いつかtime over これがlast order 惚れた女みたいな音楽 from street's corner
AOSstart by saying like I'm j hus activate all your chakra ay ay ay F  let's see big smoke gun for squeezing and I'm the big one write for spitting u got Ferraris but u can't prance like your horses gang gang schiele, my ignorance's quite nauseous on vintage prada and ace of spades on my vintage ladder and put on my hat like peaky blinders unlimited love but it's random 予報する重たい雨 多感な地上から見下ろす科学の影 このspeedも置いていく神経はpurity your ethics speak minority speak bout devil and rebel (doja) i wanna copy your move it's lovely we gonna dance to it in the morning then imma leave cause i sense u fall in  ye i make a milli and its not a quickie, bitches & riches r tricky & dicky this shit doesn't even get biiiig like Nicki but i got a plan to dj with suimin again i said I'm not into trading but bankers may call me again i sipping on americano singing monaco ayo meet me in Paris imma bury ur faith i promise think i used to be tough and fragile ye it happens a lot i accept him now u barely keep me alive Tonka John never lies but i do lie Claire might be irritated jus only HoHo know what i meant  u call them “regular bitches” but u ain't know nothin bout them bitches huh? 階段の踊り場足りない空気 i got em say “imma pass out!” and i think your keys don't fit me counting my money like sticky did gotta carry the loads to bank 世界樹に接いだ鐘の鳴る木 if soma don't trust u i gon --- (ye ye) there's no need to say cause u know what i quote she give me fever try and repeat her 11pm she waiting for word 無言歌を海へ深く放る i told my city, i couldn't get over ride for my killy and cater to baby so unless u bend my pen, i could kill it again like gang  i think i need 40 tonight people in club and i don't look alive if I was Arteta i'd turn on the light they chattin about little barbie online 夜の船に名前をつけな各自 対岸に夜市 俺らはrefugee then top of the morning u threaten me so tell em I'm doing ok i forgettin my name my face i guess they're ready to be adult “stop actin ya age!” nah  I've been feeling god with me yes, imma write down the recipe ok, but she uses vaseline oh yeah, gucci beauty is good on her lip it really got me from my head to my feet  i am the real one not into cinema but she is like one in a cinema panning ya fucking devices u worry bout lightning i worry bout lighting if u got the petrol, get me ya car key there'd better be flower language for my cutie yes, I could make it i checkin ya area code for this instead, i losing my code for ya  i was looking for records in 2011 now i am starting to record to burn the bullets from 47 wipe your white nose in front of ya parrner texting u back from area, area wait, at the time i was locked in America? in many ways  u call them “regular bitches” but u ain't know nothin bout them bitches huh? 階段の踊り場足りない空気 i got em say “imma pass out!” and i think your keys don't fit me counting my money like sticky did gotta carry the loads to bank 世界樹に接いだ鐘の鳴る木 if soma don't trust u i gon --- (lets go) there's no need to say cause u know what i quote she give me fever try and repeat her 11pm she waiting for word 無言歌を海へ深く放る i told my city, i couldn't get over ride for my killy and cater to baby so unless u bend my pen, i could kill it again like gangKID FRESINOKID FRESINOKID FRESINO・三浦淳悟・佐藤優介・斎藤拓郎・石若駿・小林うてな・西田修大start by saying like I'm j hus activate all your chakra ay ay ay F  let's see big smoke gun for squeezing and I'm the big one write for spitting u got Ferraris but u can't prance like your horses gang gang schiele, my ignorance's quite nauseous on vintage prada and ace of spades on my vintage ladder and put on my hat like peaky blinders unlimited love but it's random 予報する重たい雨 多感な地上から見下ろす科学の影 このspeedも置いていく神経はpurity your ethics speak minority speak bout devil and rebel (doja) i wanna copy your move it's lovely we gonna dance to it in the morning then imma leave cause i sense u fall in  ye i make a milli and its not a quickie, bitches & riches r tricky & dicky this shit doesn't even get biiiig like Nicki but i got a plan to dj with suimin again i said I'm not into trading but bankers may call me again i sipping on americano singing monaco ayo meet me in Paris imma bury ur faith i promise think i used to be tough and fragile ye it happens a lot i accept him now u barely keep me alive Tonka John never lies but i do lie Claire might be irritated jus only HoHo know what i meant  u call them “regular bitches” but u ain't know nothin bout them bitches huh? 階段の踊り場足りない空気 i got em say “imma pass out!” and i think your keys don't fit me counting my money like sticky did gotta carry the loads to bank 世界樹に接いだ鐘の鳴る木 if soma don't trust u i gon --- (ye ye) there's no need to say cause u know what i quote she give me fever try and repeat her 11pm she waiting for word 無言歌を海へ深く放る i told my city, i couldn't get over ride for my killy and cater to baby so unless u bend my pen, i could kill it again like gang  i think i need 40 tonight people in club and i don't look alive if I was Arteta i'd turn on the light they chattin about little barbie online 夜の船に名前をつけな各自 対岸に夜市 俺らはrefugee then top of the morning u threaten me so tell em I'm doing ok i forgettin my name my face i guess they're ready to be adult “stop actin ya age!” nah  I've been feeling god with me yes, imma write down the recipe ok, but she uses vaseline oh yeah, gucci beauty is good on her lip it really got me from my head to my feet  i am the real one not into cinema but she is like one in a cinema panning ya fucking devices u worry bout lightning i worry bout lighting if u got the petrol, get me ya car key there'd better be flower language for my cutie yes, I could make it i checkin ya area code for this instead, i losing my code for ya  i was looking for records in 2011 now i am starting to record to burn the bullets from 47 wipe your white nose in front of ya parrner texting u back from area, area wait, at the time i was locked in America? in many ways  u call them “regular bitches” but u ain't know nothin bout them bitches huh? 階段の踊り場足りない空気 i got em say “imma pass out!” and i think your keys don't fit me counting my money like sticky did gotta carry the loads to bank 世界樹に接いだ鐘の鳴る木 if soma don't trust u i gon --- (lets go) there's no need to say cause u know what i quote she give me fever try and repeat her 11pm she waiting for word 無言歌を海へ深く放る i told my city, i couldn't get over ride for my killy and cater to baby so unless u bend my pen, i could kill it again like gang
come get mepull up to my house drank too much I need break now blowin the candle I sleep now I regret somethin that I said now Mr.Rainman stop play now and then Mia will tell next moring come 時間は戻り出す新しい予感 u smokin L let the police come so we never learn it workin workin workin up town twerkin dance with Rahki カーキ色のMartens check currency rate then 換金 big pool of liquor I dive in it like Matrix 無駄になるだけのbullets and there was nothin 替えのきく過去  now I feel like Bird triple double  tell your friends how deep it is 終わりは いまだ消え残る会話repeatに tone down murder in cold blood pistol, pencil I freak out I don't sip lean day gone 1人に1つ 降りるjourney down like the army warnin it burnin no denyin I guess parents get angry cause u too young depart from Haneda I take flight balanceを制御 spiritsを契合 hurry my darling stay gold me? Rambo in jungle or catch my move in time I'm Tyson I should stop talking shit 動くcursor  grab all my money run through city if god got me I count my money all my money run through city if god got me I count my money  come get me  elevate.  I need to buy Patek Philippe before I die with no teeth I really want Century roll down the main street 開ける車窓 I get it bigger and bigger historical man use my credit card champagne people ain't feel if u hurt them bad idea but I lovin it he lovin it 派手にstill bubblin escape from city we gotta be fine. I forget it again and we High yea? automatic speed it up feelinはcar games in private? listening to podcast focus now look gorgeous sweet lotus u better Imagine what I've done 訳ない war night so serious 急ぐdark knight spinin wheel quick back skt like American tell me if u right 実のあるtalk welcome kiss that crystal we should go and kick it get that all racks どの街に生まれても変わらない realな発想は faceの奥にある構想 take time take time take time 積まれたcontracts目の前 we need to take time take time take time see, what's yours is mine とがってる かなりね 分かるだろ 逃げれない社交場に カーストのcircle flip that chase money not like lunch money stackin my guap KID FRESINOKid Fresino三浦淳悟・佐藤優介・斎藤拓郎・石若駿・小林うてな・Kid Fresinopull up to my house drank too much I need break now blowin the candle I sleep now I regret somethin that I said now Mr.Rainman stop play now and then Mia will tell next moring come 時間は戻り出す新しい予感 u smokin L let the police come so we never learn it workin workin workin up town twerkin dance with Rahki カーキ色のMartens check currency rate then 換金 big pool of liquor I dive in it like Matrix 無駄になるだけのbullets and there was nothin 替えのきく過去  now I feel like Bird triple double  tell your friends how deep it is 終わりは いまだ消え残る会話repeatに tone down murder in cold blood pistol, pencil I freak out I don't sip lean day gone 1人に1つ 降りるjourney down like the army warnin it burnin no denyin I guess parents get angry cause u too young depart from Haneda I take flight balanceを制御 spiritsを契合 hurry my darling stay gold me? Rambo in jungle or catch my move in time I'm Tyson I should stop talking shit 動くcursor  grab all my money run through city if god got me I count my money all my money run through city if god got me I count my money  come get me  elevate.  I need to buy Patek Philippe before I die with no teeth I really want Century roll down the main street 開ける車窓 I get it bigger and bigger historical man use my credit card champagne people ain't feel if u hurt them bad idea but I lovin it he lovin it 派手にstill bubblin escape from city we gotta be fine. I forget it again and we High yea? automatic speed it up feelinはcar games in private? listening to podcast focus now look gorgeous sweet lotus u better Imagine what I've done 訳ない war night so serious 急ぐdark knight spinin wheel quick back skt like American tell me if u right 実のあるtalk welcome kiss that crystal we should go and kick it get that all racks どの街に生まれても変わらない realな発想は faceの奥にある構想 take time take time take time 積まれたcontracts目の前 we need to take time take time take time see, what's yours is mine とがってる かなりね 分かるだろ 逃げれない社交場に カーストのcircle flip that chase money not like lunch money stackin my guap 
Girl got a cute face ft. Campanellablack suit for a kilin I I got necklace on neck  対面  I dress for girl  一旦 just a moment まず演じるgentleman 見せるnext  she staking me like starving die for my new bitch 雄一  just grindin campanella  spill coffee on my new margiela  圧倒的にtight マスタングばり 夜をgo してる俺ら lights追い越して動く  now 上がる月  打たれる豪雨  I throw it all and you throw it all I slide my leg floorに赤いミニスカート she put the crown on my head  girl got a cute face  check it u wifi? I'm a G5 ha fuck rap I'm Nip  優雅に待った空の上 晴天の霹靂 blue velvet いっちょ踏んだstep one to ten 飛ばす高い天  we do the same thing  また回転  like I'm dolphin  swimin my lyric 遊泳 連なるway  bang bang bang  hi we are dancing in a club like stripers  目の前のミラー 散ったスパンコール 並んだリカー  la vida loca  hi we are dancing in a club like stripers  あのlights の中 揺れるシルエット 夜中の絵画  la vida locaKID FRESINOKid Fresino・CampanellaKid Fresinoblack suit for a kilin I I got necklace on neck  対面  I dress for girl  一旦 just a moment まず演じるgentleman 見せるnext  she staking me like starving die for my new bitch 雄一  just grindin campanella  spill coffee on my new margiela  圧倒的にtight マスタングばり 夜をgo してる俺ら lights追い越して動く  now 上がる月  打たれる豪雨  I throw it all and you throw it all I slide my leg floorに赤いミニスカート she put the crown on my head  girl got a cute face  check it u wifi? I'm a G5 ha fuck rap I'm Nip  優雅に待った空の上 晴天の霹靂 blue velvet いっちょ踏んだstep one to ten 飛ばす高い天  we do the same thing  また回転  like I'm dolphin  swimin my lyric 遊泳 連なるway  bang bang bang  hi we are dancing in a club like stripers  目の前のミラー 散ったスパンコール 並んだリカー  la vida loca  hi we are dancing in a club like stripers  あのlights の中 揺れるシルエット 夜中の絵画  la vida loca
Cats & Dogs feat. カネコアヤノmusic to my ears can you feel what I feel? 今更 nothing makes me cry ゆえに雲は泣いてる your question 空白は埋まるよう記すsomething special 残されたセゾン もう夏の匂いはしなくなった俺は悲しい それなりでいいから新しい何かを探したい晴れた日 lessonは増えていく 瞬きの間にget a rain check lightning 落ちるtoday's plan  any cat any dog any crow ang dove any girl anymore for 24 who the fuck see them all? that parasolの下で見てたwaves あの日のdawnから 今はキャンバスの上でだけ上がるsquall 傘はないし I'm boredいつも内心 頭重く ベッド上に終える一日 I used to dream about going back 濃霧 先のgoal 見渡す遠方 乱れ出したダイヤだけにsing song  It's comin down like stars and flow like Amine miss sunlight shine but I don't mind brighten, so cold Fall raindrops on my window everyday I just care bout her cause I'll remind her why she loves sun  洗濯物が揺れる様を見たいよ 今日は絶対に頑張らない パジャマのままでいさせてよね 都市開発は進んでく 君のこと嫌いにならないように頑張ってる こちらは  I stay fleabag pillowの横でbeeperが裂いた朝のsilence 残ったポケットにfree pass 息の詰まる長い時間 誰にも縛れないone danceを 止まない雨に打たれ 変わらないままでいれるか不安です 夢にも深いgreyのcloud 濡れて色を増すよう大東京 0時過ぎの信号 一人きりで反射してるstreet この孤独を海に返すまで I hold on  It's comin down like stars and flow like Amine miss sunlight shine but I don't mind brighten, so cold Fall raindrops on my window everyday I just care bout her cause I'll remind her why she loves sun  洗濯物が揺れる様を見たいよ 今日は絶対に頑張らない パジャマのままでいさせてよね 都市開発は進んでく 君のこと嫌いにならないように頑張ってる こちらは  雨の音で目がさめる 最悪 アラームがなるまであと2時間あるのに 結局パーカー、フード被って下を向いちゃうし 花たちはなんだか嬉しそうでなにより もうこんな時間になるんだね 1日が終わってしまうKID FRESINOKID FRESINO・カネコアヤノカネコアヤノ・KID FRESINO・佐藤優介・斎藤拓郎・石若駿・本村拓磨music to my ears can you feel what I feel? 今更 nothing makes me cry ゆえに雲は泣いてる your question 空白は埋まるよう記すsomething special 残されたセゾン もう夏の匂いはしなくなった俺は悲しい それなりでいいから新しい何かを探したい晴れた日 lessonは増えていく 瞬きの間にget a rain check lightning 落ちるtoday's plan  any cat any dog any crow ang dove any girl anymore for 24 who the fuck see them all? that parasolの下で見てたwaves あの日のdawnから 今はキャンバスの上でだけ上がるsquall 傘はないし I'm boredいつも内心 頭重く ベッド上に終える一日 I used to dream about going back 濃霧 先のgoal 見渡す遠方 乱れ出したダイヤだけにsing song  It's comin down like stars and flow like Amine miss sunlight shine but I don't mind brighten, so cold Fall raindrops on my window everyday I just care bout her cause I'll remind her why she loves sun  洗濯物が揺れる様を見たいよ 今日は絶対に頑張らない パジャマのままでいさせてよね 都市開発は進んでく 君のこと嫌いにならないように頑張ってる こちらは  I stay fleabag pillowの横でbeeperが裂いた朝のsilence 残ったポケットにfree pass 息の詰まる長い時間 誰にも縛れないone danceを 止まない雨に打たれ 変わらないままでいれるか不安です 夢にも深いgreyのcloud 濡れて色を増すよう大東京 0時過ぎの信号 一人きりで反射してるstreet この孤独を海に返すまで I hold on  It's comin down like stars and flow like Amine miss sunlight shine but I don't mind brighten, so cold Fall raindrops on my window everyday I just care bout her cause I'll remind her why she loves sun  洗濯物が揺れる様を見たいよ 今日は絶対に頑張らない パジャマのままでいさせてよね 都市開発は進んでく 君のこと嫌いにならないように頑張ってる こちらは  雨の音で目がさめる 最悪 アラームがなるまであと2時間あるのに 結局パーカー、フード被って下を向いちゃうし 花たちはなんだか嬉しそうでなにより もうこんな時間になるんだね 1日が終わってしまう
that place is burning feat. ハナレグミ歩き出す足 朝焼けの匂い キラキラ光る 生まれたて空気  恐竜の雲 駆け回る子供達 広がる空 エアーポケット  誰もいない窓 シャッター切る 信じられる嘘 一人シーソー イイねっ てなる  One day your light on the planet park 好きなことだけで どこまでいけるかな? Light on the planet park 両手を天に伸ばした  i almost forgot you got a boy friend or a girl friend jus see what is happening if u got a fake Louis bag still i love your faces, got real vintage band tees still hate your dances この猛暑は続く 冬が吹いてもまだ街の地図は燃え続けている 眉と鼻を繋ぐ線を倣って描いた顔 why did u make me feel so young? 続けて描く横顔 my imagination takes me to nowhere but you could take me to the right place though your best friend come too  生まれた時に 見つめ合っていたんだよ 時を集めて 遠くなっていくのはなぜ  One day your light on the planet park 好きなことだけで どこまでいけるかな? Light on the planet park 両手を天に伸ばした  tonight, we walk down by the lake tonight, she quit the job for your own sake tonight, you wanna kiss him in a greenhouse tonight, he's tired of being dumbass  Let's raise our glasses my twins hello i like u a lot! oh sorry, i was making my meme 奪い取れないきらめきと魔術的な美? 人香辿る蝶と今日覚えた歌を今日のうちに歌ってしまうよ two phones, two flows 昼間襲う私の空洞 two boys, too close 夜長無色透明な空砲 and life without you, like lana del rey with no eyeliner I say so and so today is the day to buy headstone 時間の許す限り許されたい事を幾つ話す? この傷を開いたままにしておけば二度も三度も出会える 君の胸に耳を当てて聴く心臓音は悲しい響き yesterday's new quintet これは褪めたの色の叫び  i hope u can see what i see in a scene the one put machine gun Sit on the chair finger on trigger pass it to jane finally you and i fly as a jet i got the tunnel vision for you I've been hurt by her so thinkin of u 80/81 still audible but the record player and me are no longer available do the same on your part, brothers easy on me as Adele, fathers when we started to die, had to tell mothers shout in a pool like DEATHRO I'm still alive like Kawara On why u been cold like chemical war? Vegyn and Frank, again, i go. fire escape on my flat but enjoy the time at the club noone is pullin' a plug in there, they tap and they whap they're caught up in some kind of trap she showed up, ma feet were numb then after the party i wank i might be a next victim murder she wrote the weirdest fashion on my thug passion all girls in a playboy mansion who cares bout job rotation? your depression, no causation 海は枯れて尚も底は見えていない 溺れる痛みは太陽の赤のように治ることがない i go round the bend met a terrible end the remarkable gain in this game i could ruin my day have u ever sent the emoji to them? it's on a tree but u on a shopping spree trousers with pleats braids and beads diamonds are big and rather unique I'm in my black T like Sama Abdulhadi i need the Browning automatic pistol for my headache to go sacred moment that place is burning can u see it?  is this dance? yes, maybe-- why not ?! ?  Light on the planet parkKID FRESINOKID FRESINO・永積崇KID FRESINO・三浦淳悟・佐藤優介・斎藤拓郎・小林うてな・石若駿・西田修大・永積崇歩き出す足 朝焼けの匂い キラキラ光る 生まれたて空気  恐竜の雲 駆け回る子供達 広がる空 エアーポケット  誰もいない窓 シャッター切る 信じられる嘘 一人シーソー イイねっ てなる  One day your light on the planet park 好きなことだけで どこまでいけるかな? Light on the planet park 両手を天に伸ばした  i almost forgot you got a boy friend or a girl friend jus see what is happening if u got a fake Louis bag still i love your faces, got real vintage band tees still hate your dances この猛暑は続く 冬が吹いてもまだ街の地図は燃え続けている 眉と鼻を繋ぐ線を倣って描いた顔 why did u make me feel so young? 続けて描く横顔 my imagination takes me to nowhere but you could take me to the right place though your best friend come too  生まれた時に 見つめ合っていたんだよ 時を集めて 遠くなっていくのはなぜ  One day your light on the planet park 好きなことだけで どこまでいけるかな? Light on the planet park 両手を天に伸ばした  tonight, we walk down by the lake tonight, she quit the job for your own sake tonight, you wanna kiss him in a greenhouse tonight, he's tired of being dumbass  Let's raise our glasses my twins hello i like u a lot! oh sorry, i was making my meme 奪い取れないきらめきと魔術的な美? 人香辿る蝶と今日覚えた歌を今日のうちに歌ってしまうよ two phones, two flows 昼間襲う私の空洞 two boys, too close 夜長無色透明な空砲 and life without you, like lana del rey with no eyeliner I say so and so today is the day to buy headstone 時間の許す限り許されたい事を幾つ話す? この傷を開いたままにしておけば二度も三度も出会える 君の胸に耳を当てて聴く心臓音は悲しい響き yesterday's new quintet これは褪めたの色の叫び  i hope u can see what i see in a scene the one put machine gun Sit on the chair finger on trigger pass it to jane finally you and i fly as a jet i got the tunnel vision for you I've been hurt by her so thinkin of u 80/81 still audible but the record player and me are no longer available do the same on your part, brothers easy on me as Adele, fathers when we started to die, had to tell mothers shout in a pool like DEATHRO I'm still alive like Kawara On why u been cold like chemical war? Vegyn and Frank, again, i go. fire escape on my flat but enjoy the time at the club noone is pullin' a plug in there, they tap and they whap they're caught up in some kind of trap she showed up, ma feet were numb then after the party i wank i might be a next victim murder she wrote the weirdest fashion on my thug passion all girls in a playboy mansion who cares bout job rotation? your depression, no causation 海は枯れて尚も底は見えていない 溺れる痛みは太陽の赤のように治ることがない i go round the bend met a terrible end the remarkable gain in this game i could ruin my day have u ever sent the emoji to them? it's on a tree but u on a shopping spree trousers with pleats braids and beads diamonds are big and rather unique I'm in my black T like Sama Abdulhadi i need the Browning automatic pistol for my headache to go sacred moment that place is burning can u see it?  is this dance? yes, maybe-- why not ?! ?  Light on the planet park
Shit, V12Sniper take out guys on a roof 10k shit not enough for my crew so tell'em I do not mean to be rude best of 20s lose ya cool I barely remember smell of 110th I can afford a benz pounds and Pence I was tense no new friend put a fence  I gon serve like garcon 未明に動き出す circle yeah hoe 袖通す思想 10-4 受信するG code have no sister but I am Solo set up ya new go pro the time to spend ya saving get 47 die by 47 box I feel like I'm joe irregular move it's outta control  ye the Rightness can tell you nothin' ease your pain by heineken we never smile for the cameras and 20 bands to my ear now V12 engine I beat them I pull up and grab just eat them このknowledgeは過去になるし 時と場所は選ぶ気ないし 洗う心俺にはないし you got a friend so ask'em  some people are cold scapegoat finally dawned kacey talk like new coupe take off shake off put my mask on hold up wait a minute. hey we make the best beginning 光を曲げる opal I'm keeping away from dog pound u soil your hands all nite alright alight I don't break the law and I just break the system asshole boy who would you die for? you talkin too much shut up dog see me in club at this time? is god angry bout that? it's up to me if I don't rush no rushKID FRESINOKid Fresinoobject blueSniper take out guys on a roof 10k shit not enough for my crew so tell'em I do not mean to be rude best of 20s lose ya cool I barely remember smell of 110th I can afford a benz pounds and Pence I was tense no new friend put a fence  I gon serve like garcon 未明に動き出す circle yeah hoe 袖通す思想 10-4 受信するG code have no sister but I am Solo set up ya new go pro the time to spend ya saving get 47 die by 47 box I feel like I'm joe irregular move it's outta control  ye the Rightness can tell you nothin' ease your pain by heineken we never smile for the cameras and 20 bands to my ear now V12 engine I beat them I pull up and grab just eat them このknowledgeは過去になるし 時と場所は選ぶ気ないし 洗う心俺にはないし you got a friend so ask'em  some people are cold scapegoat finally dawned kacey talk like new coupe take off shake off put my mask on hold up wait a minute. hey we make the best beginning 光を曲げる opal I'm keeping away from dog pound u soil your hands all nite alright alight I don't break the law and I just break the system asshole boy who would you die for? you talkin too much shut up dog see me in club at this time? is god angry bout that? it's up to me if I don't rush no rush
dejavu ft. BIM, Shuta Nishidashe don't wanna say the same thing she don't wanna she don't wanna say she miss him she don't wanna be the main thing for ya she don't wanna she don't wanna hear the serenade look, may I touch your skin? 都内 first class hotelで上書き ひとつ回るscene 回すroom key she see photo in phone but she allow me  it is not wise to play wit me 揺れるwhite shirt smooth like Kenny coco butter kiss ain't no stopping this we slide on ain't no stopping me high way こんなcar ride indeed I am living a Fast life no lie, is she on line? we can get it anytime open all night called game it is ok doorman gonna peep us it's ok I go down 辿る線 螺旋にまるでsaint 未だpray your hair like Mahalia sun comes up 朝には so I wrote story about ya we should stop motion  we kiss to the drama at night don't go I tryna make u mine low key baby flashing light she never wants me to leave alright  we kiss to the drama at night don't go I tryna make u mine low key baby flashing light she never wants me to leave alright  細目で眺めるよcityのlight まぁそりゃみりゃ分かるだろ 昨夜cried 他で聞いたようなセリフで 脱ぎ捨てた ドレス 惜しげもなく披露 結局は向かう エピローグ ピューラーで剥いたら ピンクのグレープフルーツ バラバラ 破れたところ直す like a シューグー 酒の方はもうこれで十分 歩いて帰れないほど 無言hotel向かう歩道 アスファルトこびりつくガムが あの頃より汚れてたんだ ベッドの上 青白く照らす 画面見つめてないで cocoa butter kiss 朝にはwalk もう違うstreet まるで 苦いけど甘い  we kiss to the drama at night don't go I tryna make u mine low key baby flashing light she never wants me to leave alright  we kiss to the drama at night don't go I tryna make u mine low key baby flashing light she never wants me to leave alrightKID FRESINOKid Fresino・BIMKid Fresinoshe don't wanna say the same thing she don't wanna she don't wanna say she miss him she don't wanna be the main thing for ya she don't wanna she don't wanna hear the serenade look, may I touch your skin? 都内 first class hotelで上書き ひとつ回るscene 回すroom key she see photo in phone but she allow me  it is not wise to play wit me 揺れるwhite shirt smooth like Kenny coco butter kiss ain't no stopping this we slide on ain't no stopping me high way こんなcar ride indeed I am living a Fast life no lie, is she on line? we can get it anytime open all night called game it is ok doorman gonna peep us it's ok I go down 辿る線 螺旋にまるでsaint 未だpray your hair like Mahalia sun comes up 朝には so I wrote story about ya we should stop motion  we kiss to the drama at night don't go I tryna make u mine low key baby flashing light she never wants me to leave alright  we kiss to the drama at night don't go I tryna make u mine low key baby flashing light she never wants me to leave alright  細目で眺めるよcityのlight まぁそりゃみりゃ分かるだろ 昨夜cried 他で聞いたようなセリフで 脱ぎ捨てた ドレス 惜しげもなく披露 結局は向かう エピローグ ピューラーで剥いたら ピンクのグレープフルーツ バラバラ 破れたところ直す like a シューグー 酒の方はもうこれで十分 歩いて帰れないほど 無言hotel向かう歩道 アスファルトこびりつくガムが あの頃より汚れてたんだ ベッドの上 青白く照らす 画面見つめてないで cocoa butter kiss 朝にはwalk もう違うstreet まるで 苦いけど甘い  we kiss to the drama at night don't go I tryna make u mine low key baby flashing light she never wants me to leave alright  we kiss to the drama at night don't go I tryna make u mine low key baby flashing light she never wants me to leave alright
No SunI think about ur mad love is she good girl? look at my face I got a scar I rest my case pray no god It's the way she moves watch it from car 今一つの晩に浮かぶ借りを一つ 絵に描き light up blindに掛ける Chris Paul cut in 如 imma cut in I know Holocene I understand yeah I'm a maingun yeah it's the real one 置かれた態度気付かずに経過 I drown in it 深い海に光のないリビング 簡易的営みとSiri I'm bright like Prada work like Rihanna we losing so much No Sun save my soul like the Son Of Saul 身を正しく埋葬  hello from below the villain  take so many curves and curves put the dog on my tat Imma go in the dirt they say a blessing for all I curse  If i call this model I feel like asshole  make you upset 花みたいな話は枯れる  give me some gimmicks when I dream in your bed In the end  easy as lay up no man's country I do my dance backyard pour water in a garden powder blue shit is what I like  I hear silence call my name  drive it up get Ms in the bank still alive and that ain't fuck wit the game no time to get bored and attend that party again  she started doubtin when I waited in my home 而二不二 floppy ass i searchin hoe he got the money and power I got nothin but your attention I had been cheating like that since I saw you on road  this is how I win big like Pop awaken hearts are breaking down we could make them fix on the mattress look at sides 今消えてく霧 I stare sign we were assigned step into morrow I donno your sorrow and follow you moron think of the game I was playing frameの内側アーチを描く swallow one question. was it fly as Cardo? 新たな展開を予感してる 限りない苦痛にいくつかのtaboo TMGE 積まれたアンプが踏みつけるtatu このivyはleagueよりclever 先端に汚れない枯れないflower like I'm in AMG wit the band round corner King Kong ain't got shit on me why don't I get applause? mama says you deserve it and I'm tipsy the night, the moment there's masterpiece who got the Shadin'? for modeling enter the UK this the bouquet for the girl 身は透明 筆はGauguin and worth the whole gang  20,Stop it.  easy as lay up no man's country I do my dance backyard pour water in a garden powder blue shit is what I like  I hear silence call my name  drive it up get Ms in the bank still alive and that ain't fuck wit the game no time to get bored and attend that party again  she started doubtin when I waited in my home 而二不二 floppy ass i searchin hoe he got the money and power I got nothin but your attention I had been cheating like that since I saw you on roadKID FRESINOKID FRESINOKID FRESINO・三浦淳悟・佐藤優介・斎藤拓郎・小林うてな・柏倉隆史・HSUI think about ur mad love is she good girl? look at my face I got a scar I rest my case pray no god It's the way she moves watch it from car 今一つの晩に浮かぶ借りを一つ 絵に描き light up blindに掛ける Chris Paul cut in 如 imma cut in I know Holocene I understand yeah I'm a maingun yeah it's the real one 置かれた態度気付かずに経過 I drown in it 深い海に光のないリビング 簡易的営みとSiri I'm bright like Prada work like Rihanna we losing so much No Sun save my soul like the Son Of Saul 身を正しく埋葬  hello from below the villain  take so many curves and curves put the dog on my tat Imma go in the dirt they say a blessing for all I curse  If i call this model I feel like asshole  make you upset 花みたいな話は枯れる  give me some gimmicks when I dream in your bed In the end  easy as lay up no man's country I do my dance backyard pour water in a garden powder blue shit is what I like  I hear silence call my name  drive it up get Ms in the bank still alive and that ain't fuck wit the game no time to get bored and attend that party again  she started doubtin when I waited in my home 而二不二 floppy ass i searchin hoe he got the money and power I got nothin but your attention I had been cheating like that since I saw you on road  this is how I win big like Pop awaken hearts are breaking down we could make them fix on the mattress look at sides 今消えてく霧 I stare sign we were assigned step into morrow I donno your sorrow and follow you moron think of the game I was playing frameの内側アーチを描く swallow one question. was it fly as Cardo? 新たな展開を予感してる 限りない苦痛にいくつかのtaboo TMGE 積まれたアンプが踏みつけるtatu このivyはleagueよりclever 先端に汚れない枯れないflower like I'm in AMG wit the band round corner King Kong ain't got shit on me why don't I get applause? mama says you deserve it and I'm tipsy the night, the moment there's masterpiece who got the Shadin'? for modeling enter the UK this the bouquet for the girl 身は透明 筆はGauguin and worth the whole gang  20,Stop it.  easy as lay up no man's country I do my dance backyard pour water in a garden powder blue shit is what I like  I hear silence call my name  drive it up get Ms in the bank still alive and that ain't fuck wit the game no time to get bored and attend that party again  she started doubtin when I waited in my home 而二不二 floppy ass i searchin hoe he got the money and power I got nothin but your attention I had been cheating like that since I saw you on road
夕方の蝶please don't look at me with your eyes cause i know i love u more than u love me i know i keep talking to myself i know please don't look at me 柳は緑 花は紅 冬の暦に約束はない 私が死ぬ以外では君に泣いてもらう方法も知らない  雨に濡れれば溶けるような恋かも 流行りの歌に歌われてるような思いだけどいい だけどいい だけどいい だけどいい  あの飛行機に涙は塗れない 君の近くを離れない 昼間と夜には会えない 夕方の蝶になりたい  please don't look at me with your eyes cause i know i love u more than u love me i know i keep talking to myself i know please don't look at meKID FRESINOKID FRESINOKID FRESINO・佐藤優介・斎藤拓郎please don't look at me with your eyes cause i know i love u more than u love me i know i keep talking to myself i know please don't look at me 柳は緑 花は紅 冬の暦に約束はない 私が死ぬ以外では君に泣いてもらう方法も知らない  雨に濡れれば溶けるような恋かも 流行りの歌に歌われてるような思いだけどいい だけどいい だけどいい だけどいい  あの飛行機に涙は塗れない 君の近くを離れない 昼間と夜には会えない 夕方の蝶になりたい  please don't look at me with your eyes cause i know i love u more than u love me i know i keep talking to myself i know please don't look at me
youth ft. 長谷川白紙they all just wanna have fun without me the Longest night I decided to come clean and they talkin bout comment I can't read I am sick and tired of this thing  open new bottle let me gulp it was good life I calling back would I be who I wanna be? not they want me to be  don't even know where I been I guess it might be at the peak strawberry field are you here? like I'm in a comma for a week joy that you gimme is killin me youth is yours I heard of it youth is yours I heard of it in a sunlight lights follow me  don't even know where I been I guess it might be at the peak strawberry field are you here? like I'm in a comma for a week joy that you gimme is killin me youth is yours I heard of it youth is yours I heard of it in a sunlight lights follow me  now keep hiding Imma only know your kind man I tossed it up my life's mine like Kanye what if I go what if I go I'll remember u all what if I'm dead what if I stay  まばたきして 時のお化けが 降り注いで遠くを見る  思い出した ゆがんで取れていく 蕾だけが涼しい  na na na I feel numb wanna put ten shots in my head now and ima your main bitch I reveal now if u want a new house I rebuild now 飛ぶ鳥と俺に無い拘束 またこれで離れてく後続 how long you been takin bout good old days? am I alright? am I sane? (what u think) they got no vacation please send me new location be there big shit popping and little shit stopping no u know nothin bout it about it I don't need no Hennessey don't let u drain my energy and don't let u ruin my legacy 虚空へ放ったトロフィー I am so damn tired next day I'll get fired to the east in a club in a night I think all I can do is bailando but eshkoshka oh awesome I left ya behind no love I'm on Raf 砂漠をぬけるCaravan tellin your story like pretty one  もし 思い出したら 思い出せるのなら そのときにはどこにいる  解けたのを 結んで泣いている そしたらまだ涼しいKID FRESINOKid Fresino・長谷川白紙三浦淳悟・佐藤優介・斎藤拓郎・石若駿・小林うてな・波多野敦子・長谷川白紙・Kid Fresinothey all just wanna have fun without me the Longest night I decided to come clean and they talkin bout comment I can't read I am sick and tired of this thing  open new bottle let me gulp it was good life I calling back would I be who I wanna be? not they want me to be  don't even know where I been I guess it might be at the peak strawberry field are you here? like I'm in a comma for a week joy that you gimme is killin me youth is yours I heard of it youth is yours I heard of it in a sunlight lights follow me  don't even know where I been I guess it might be at the peak strawberry field are you here? like I'm in a comma for a week joy that you gimme is killin me youth is yours I heard of it youth is yours I heard of it in a sunlight lights follow me  now keep hiding Imma only know your kind man I tossed it up my life's mine like Kanye what if I go what if I go I'll remember u all what if I'm dead what if I stay  まばたきして 時のお化けが 降り注いで遠くを見る  思い出した ゆがんで取れていく 蕾だけが涼しい  na na na I feel numb wanna put ten shots in my head now and ima your main bitch I reveal now if u want a new house I rebuild now 飛ぶ鳥と俺に無い拘束 またこれで離れてく後続 how long you been takin bout good old days? am I alright? am I sane? (what u think) they got no vacation please send me new location be there big shit popping and little shit stopping no u know nothin bout it about it I don't need no Hennessey don't let u drain my energy and don't let u ruin my legacy 虚空へ放ったトロフィー I am so damn tired next day I'll get fired to the east in a club in a night I think all I can do is bailando but eshkoshka oh awesome I left ya behind no love I'm on Raf 砂漠をぬけるCaravan tellin your story like pretty one  もし 思い出したら 思い出せるのなら そのときにはどこにいる  解けたのを 結んで泣いている そしたらまだ涼しい
Lungs ft. Otagiri執拗に追走する猛禽のイメージ 空想に囚われつつも常に合理的な自制心 そのくせに いざとなると悲観的 “Walk in the cage” すべて 光陰のせいにする 進行形のテスティング check it まだそんなステージでもあるめえに  Welcome to the party My friend, Charlie, pairs Nikes on Armani and hardly dances to the music Instead, Bloody Mary 片手の問わず語りに I'm larking ぼくの大好きな7番目のストーリーが佳境にさしかかる前に Aye kid, let's get it heady  If the car moves 写るmirror に知るback number yellowがcolor we love trouble Ye by Burna ye ye ye like that sweetest trauma new process 今 comin' scream like Cardi and mad like Cardi count 2 I did this go party I pee on Bugatti dripping then drippin “The Game” 焦がれたtapeに一度の take I opened box and stole your names 老獪な technic Conde Koma I shootin somebody as Leica and u better bid for my records before I prosper Logoはないぜ 俺は不確か  あげつらう非と水の呼応するトーン 中庸なまなざしは symptom 日常に潜む思慮分別なき黙示録 costs you a fortune 暴走するヒューマニズム on Prepubescent lessons destined to get it out of the question Hatred related mental breakdown I'm out of the earth now 飛び立つ 天の川で踵返すアノニマスな spacecraft To go find Another race, another face another 哲学と言語 less hostile Because I love that smile flying wild over the Hip-Hop vibe  I go break it pack it lock it 余暇にstressをかける仕掛け this shit this your type of shit show what you hide in hands hurry I do 180 crazy keep your boyfriend's ferry steady feel I'm a busta ひとえにvice 付けれないprice dice decide damage your brain no policy 故にhigh like Jodeci poker, deal cards in a limousine I droppin wine bottle hey hey over and over it's me I ate up all where you been? I'm in therapy i repeat it 雪の上血 飛び散るよう画は美しい  Inhale Breathe What lies beneath this 人間的 beauty of senseless autonomous organs か意味を成すか 擦れた self-slanging Amethyst Rocks Contaminated bars of words of postmodern art 沿う かつ混ざる vowels once mothers warned  I came thousands of miles thousands. and then I go thousands of miles.KID FRESINOKid Fresino・Otagiri三浦淳悟・佐藤優介・斎藤拓郎・石若駿・小林うてな・Kid Fresino執拗に追走する猛禽のイメージ 空想に囚われつつも常に合理的な自制心 そのくせに いざとなると悲観的 “Walk in the cage” すべて 光陰のせいにする 進行形のテスティング check it まだそんなステージでもあるめえに  Welcome to the party My friend, Charlie, pairs Nikes on Armani and hardly dances to the music Instead, Bloody Mary 片手の問わず語りに I'm larking ぼくの大好きな7番目のストーリーが佳境にさしかかる前に Aye kid, let's get it heady  If the car moves 写るmirror に知るback number yellowがcolor we love trouble Ye by Burna ye ye ye like that sweetest trauma new process 今 comin' scream like Cardi and mad like Cardi count 2 I did this go party I pee on Bugatti dripping then drippin “The Game” 焦がれたtapeに一度の take I opened box and stole your names 老獪な technic Conde Koma I shootin somebody as Leica and u better bid for my records before I prosper Logoはないぜ 俺は不確か  あげつらう非と水の呼応するトーン 中庸なまなざしは symptom 日常に潜む思慮分別なき黙示録 costs you a fortune 暴走するヒューマニズム on Prepubescent lessons destined to get it out of the question Hatred related mental breakdown I'm out of the earth now 飛び立つ 天の川で踵返すアノニマスな spacecraft To go find Another race, another face another 哲学と言語 less hostile Because I love that smile flying wild over the Hip-Hop vibe  I go break it pack it lock it 余暇にstressをかける仕掛け this shit this your type of shit show what you hide in hands hurry I do 180 crazy keep your boyfriend's ferry steady feel I'm a busta ひとえにvice 付けれないprice dice decide damage your brain no policy 故にhigh like Jodeci poker, deal cards in a limousine I droppin wine bottle hey hey over and over it's me I ate up all where you been? I'm in therapy i repeat it 雪の上血 飛び散るよう画は美しい  Inhale Breathe What lies beneath this 人間的 beauty of senseless autonomous organs か意味を成すか 擦れた self-slanging Amethyst Rocks Contaminated bars of words of postmodern art 沿う かつ混ざる vowels once mothers warned  I came thousands of miles thousands. and then I go thousands of miles.
lea seydouxhow can I go sneaker shopping with Complex?? we all are Noblesse the best of all time I confess get ticket to ride I go then perhaps a year later Y'all see me on red carpet no one's like me look perfect この非凡な才を並べる棚は ない no market I'm telling the truth I added Ya need salt and sauce I added little extra I added take that free that free no payment last night I saw you on magazine cover I called your mama 匿名に向かうだけ I get this money man  if gun in my face I never back down 45 in your face hum a lullaby ouija board don't ever lie the billboard me & my dogs on it no vice me & my me & my dogs are winnin deal? wanna deal wanna deal? I give in 最新の感性が錆びる今 メメントモリ I'm ready for DJ compuma to play that!  rough ride I moving fast I often leave my soul The Watchman cruising down I'm goofy if u call me so we got no excuses ha u ask us why we do this ha u sit and play at chess me no vex  I'm up in the woods I burn that tree design and crash woulda been good and you're nowhere near too far to fight 手紙に添えるclue if I lose imma cut my vein 俺の世話に疲れたbrain 雨がつたうsurface it ruined everything I planned it Ok I'll take u to court A moment of bliss, A toast! ナビに載せるstatue of kid perform in crowd cool as it is like Wheezy I'm on my PC take you Cartier 18k rich mans bitch can't handle me I know you miss me  if gun in my face I never back down 45 in your face hum a lullaby ouija board don't ever lie the billboard me & my dogs on it no vice me & my me & my dogs are winnin deal? wanna deal wanna deal? I give in 最新の感性が錆びる今 メメントモリ I'm ready for DJ compuma to play that!  rough ride I moving fast I often leave my soul The Watchman cruising down I'm goofy if u call me so we got no excuses ha u ask us why we do this ha u sit and play at chess me no vexKID FRESINOKid FresinoSeihohow can I go sneaker shopping with Complex?? we all are Noblesse the best of all time I confess get ticket to ride I go then perhaps a year later Y'all see me on red carpet no one's like me look perfect この非凡な才を並べる棚は ない no market I'm telling the truth I added Ya need salt and sauce I added little extra I added take that free that free no payment last night I saw you on magazine cover I called your mama 匿名に向かうだけ I get this money man  if gun in my face I never back down 45 in your face hum a lullaby ouija board don't ever lie the billboard me & my dogs on it no vice me & my me & my dogs are winnin deal? wanna deal wanna deal? I give in 最新の感性が錆びる今 メメントモリ I'm ready for DJ compuma to play that!  rough ride I moving fast I often leave my soul The Watchman cruising down I'm goofy if u call me so we got no excuses ha u ask us why we do this ha u sit and play at chess me no vex  I'm up in the woods I burn that tree design and crash woulda been good and you're nowhere near too far to fight 手紙に添えるclue if I lose imma cut my vein 俺の世話に疲れたbrain 雨がつたうsurface it ruined everything I planned it Ok I'll take u to court A moment of bliss, A toast! ナビに載せるstatue of kid perform in crowd cool as it is like Wheezy I'm on my PC take you Cartier 18k rich mans bitch can't handle me I know you miss me  if gun in my face I never back down 45 in your face hum a lullaby ouija board don't ever lie the billboard me & my dogs on it no vice me & my me & my dogs are winnin deal? wanna deal wanna deal? I give in 最新の感性が錆びる今 メメントモリ I'm ready for DJ compuma to play that!  rough ride I moving fast I often leave my soul The Watchman cruising down I'm goofy if u call me so we got no excuses ha u ask us why we do this ha u sit and play at chess me no vex
RondoI think you better hide from me girl tell me why we doin now baby I'll be right back wit my Rondo? hear you cry out in ya condo  I think you better hide from me girl tell me why we doin now baby I'll be right back wit my Rondo? hear you cry out in ya condo  don't want you to know my name want you to forget my last ward RMK on your lips we just met in a new world that you made never felt bad why? let me know that her hair like the doll he like where the fuck she go?  I ain't got no car in garage but I'm better man in those jeans I play like Ginuwine one day make it big like your sister see me on TV  I let you turn back then you maybe come back get your own bag are you sure we won't back?  I think you better hide from me girl tell me why we doin now baby I'll be right back wit my Rondo? hear you cry out in ya condo  I think you better hide from me girl tell me why we doin now baby I'll be right back wit my Rondo? hear you cry out in ya condoKID FRESINOKid FresinoKid FresinoI think you better hide from me girl tell me why we doin now baby I'll be right back wit my Rondo? hear you cry out in ya condo  I think you better hide from me girl tell me why we doin now baby I'll be right back wit my Rondo? hear you cry out in ya condo  don't want you to know my name want you to forget my last ward RMK on your lips we just met in a new world that you made never felt bad why? let me know that her hair like the doll he like where the fuck she go?  I ain't got no car in garage but I'm better man in those jeans I play like Ginuwine one day make it big like your sister see me on TV  I let you turn back then you maybe come back get your own bag are you sure we won't back?  I think you better hide from me girl tell me why we doin now baby I'll be right back wit my Rondo? hear you cry out in ya condo  I think you better hide from me girl tell me why we doin now baby I'll be right back wit my Rondo? hear you cry out in ya condo
rosecan i see a rose? imma open bud 'fore i water me and i water that in the wintertime, jus work for that? ya gang might think “a little cold for that” when i send it to southside, i'm gonna press it looking outside, looking for postman when you prove u got nothin to hide in your sock, in your galaxy, Haaland scores again edit your code again  confetti is my ornament i'm a walking tailor made can i see a rose? imma open bud 'fore i water me and i water that in the wintertime, jus work for that? ya gang might think “a little cold for that”  can i see a rose? imma open bud ill never ill never waste time on a facetime i could get a new tat i got plenty of nothin but you call yourself my girlfriend then i say OK contraband in my pocket i light one cigar, they go and buy balmain This is getting really serious feelings get me really curious like the slide position u've got to remember it この血の通る道の衰えに名を与う開花の調べ 上に、木の葉の一枚持ちあげることの出来ない詩歌を並べる but they're four times faster than Concorde can u follow em? Rosay rosay it's the experience of being Jodorowsky my obsession is much too risky at least i'm hubristic 首を抱きしめるこの機関車 蜂の群れに運ばせる象眼された花びら たわいない弄花 u see me in a crown this town is my garden so it's nothin new to me 孤独を競わせるように日の長さについて泣いたり i put the future in back like Sena plus, ATCQ my guerrilla 記念碑を穿つ矢車 華燭が並ぶflower shopで詞華集は束ねられた  can i see a rose? imma open bud 'fore i water me and i water that in the wintertime, jus work for that? ya gang might think “a little cold for that” when i send it to southside, i'm gonna press it looking outside, looking for postman when you prove u got nothin to hide in your sock, in your galaxy, Haaland scores again edit your code again confetti is my ornament i'm a walking tailor made can i see a rose? imma open bud 'fore i water me and i water that in the wintertime, jus work for that? ya gang might think “a little cold for that”KID FRESINOKID FRESINOKID FRESINOcan i see a rose? imma open bud 'fore i water me and i water that in the wintertime, jus work for that? ya gang might think “a little cold for that” when i send it to southside, i'm gonna press it looking outside, looking for postman when you prove u got nothin to hide in your sock, in your galaxy, Haaland scores again edit your code again  confetti is my ornament i'm a walking tailor made can i see a rose? imma open bud 'fore i water me and i water that in the wintertime, jus work for that? ya gang might think “a little cold for that”  can i see a rose? imma open bud ill never ill never waste time on a facetime i could get a new tat i got plenty of nothin but you call yourself my girlfriend then i say OK contraband in my pocket i light one cigar, they go and buy balmain This is getting really serious feelings get me really curious like the slide position u've got to remember it この血の通る道の衰えに名を与う開花の調べ 上に、木の葉の一枚持ちあげることの出来ない詩歌を並べる but they're four times faster than Concorde can u follow em? Rosay rosay it's the experience of being Jodorowsky my obsession is much too risky at least i'm hubristic 首を抱きしめるこの機関車 蜂の群れに運ばせる象眼された花びら たわいない弄花 u see me in a crown this town is my garden so it's nothin new to me 孤独を競わせるように日の長さについて泣いたり i put the future in back like Sena plus, ATCQ my guerrilla 記念碑を穿つ矢車 華燭が並ぶflower shopで詞華集は束ねられた  can i see a rose? imma open bud 'fore i water me and i water that in the wintertime, jus work for that? ya gang might think “a little cold for that” when i send it to southside, i'm gonna press it looking outside, looking for postman when you prove u got nothin to hide in your sock, in your galaxy, Haaland scores again edit your code again confetti is my ornament i'm a walking tailor made can i see a rose? imma open bud 'fore i water me and i water that in the wintertime, jus work for that? ya gang might think “a little cold for that”
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  2. ダーリン
  3. 怪獣
  4. きょういくばんぐみのテーマ
  5. 旅立ちの日に



  1. 無限大(INFINITY) 2025
  2. あたしを選ばなかった君へ
  3. ちゅだい
  4. 琥珀
  5. はらぺこあおむし

