Diffused reflection頭の中 掠めてゆくdiffused reflection 眩暈がする 呼んでいる 声は聞こえているdiffused reflection 用意は出来ている 何時しか壊れてしまった時の針はrecapture 微かに動き始めてる 葬ってしまいたいぐらいの追憶なfeedback 声が聞こえてくる 逃げ出すことは出来ない 射す光が 溶かすように照らす 立つ風が 騰がる熱を揺らして知らす 向かい合う 鏡の世界の中で 走りだす もう止められない 奮えるdance 今 宿るままに 求めて たとえ感情論でも この身を委ね 狙いを定め そう 近づいて さあ 迷い無き 誓い 射す光が 溶かす様に照らす 立つ風が 騰がる熱を揺らして知らす diffused reflection 自分らしさ誘え 探し出す そう まだ見ぬ彼方へ | INORAN | INORAN | INORAN | INORAN | 頭の中 掠めてゆくdiffused reflection 眩暈がする 呼んでいる 声は聞こえているdiffused reflection 用意は出来ている 何時しか壊れてしまった時の針はrecapture 微かに動き始めてる 葬ってしまいたいぐらいの追憶なfeedback 声が聞こえてくる 逃げ出すことは出来ない 射す光が 溶かすように照らす 立つ風が 騰がる熱を揺らして知らす 向かい合う 鏡の世界の中で 走りだす もう止められない 奮えるdance 今 宿るままに 求めて たとえ感情論でも この身を委ね 狙いを定め そう 近づいて さあ 迷い無き 誓い 射す光が 溶かす様に照らす 立つ風が 騰がる熱を揺らして知らす diffused reflection 自分らしさ誘え 探し出す そう まだ見ぬ彼方へ |
Daylightまぶたの裏で君が微笑ってる 追いかけた日の輝き 懐かしい匂い交わした言葉 すり抜けてゆく風を感じた 約束した 僕らの未来は 光り続ける ずっと遠くに離れていても この世界から君が消えたら すべてのことが色褪せてしまう いくつもの夜が通り過ぎても 僕はここにいるよ あるがままで 逢えない時は静寂の中で 渇きそうになるけど 止まない歩み重ねた響き 心ざわめく 強く感じるよ 慌ただしさに 隠した想いは 尽きることなく ずっと胸に生きているから この世界から君が消えたら すべてのことが色褪せてしまう 笑顔の日々や涙の夜も すべて受け止めよう あるがままで この空の下 君はどこかで 微笑んでいてほしいと祈る 声にならなくても僕は詠うよ 溢れない様に見守っている この世界から君が消えたら すべてのことが色褪せてしまう いくつもの夜が通り過ぎても 僕はここにいるよ あるがままで | INORAN | INORAN | INORAN | | まぶたの裏で君が微笑ってる 追いかけた日の輝き 懐かしい匂い交わした言葉 すり抜けてゆく風を感じた 約束した 僕らの未来は 光り続ける ずっと遠くに離れていても この世界から君が消えたら すべてのことが色褪せてしまう いくつもの夜が通り過ぎても 僕はここにいるよ あるがままで 逢えない時は静寂の中で 渇きそうになるけど 止まない歩み重ねた響き 心ざわめく 強く感じるよ 慌ただしさに 隠した想いは 尽きることなく ずっと胸に生きているから この世界から君が消えたら すべてのことが色褪せてしまう 笑顔の日々や涙の夜も すべて受け止めよう あるがままで この空の下 君はどこかで 微笑んでいてほしいと祈る 声にならなくても僕は詠うよ 溢れない様に見守っている この世界から君が消えたら すべてのことが色褪せてしまう いくつもの夜が通り過ぎても 僕はここにいるよ あるがままで |
Determine街ゆくspeedに 慣れた身体が震える 更なる理想へとdive出来る 予感を感じたなら 叫び続けている礫を解き放し 空と繋がる調べに焦がれたい 君はもう知っているから どうしたい? 抜け出すかい? 満たされない照らされたい どうしようもなく抑えきれない ざわめきを拭い去り 躊躇うことを忘れていいんだよ 煌めきを掴むには 今すぐここから旅立とう すれ違い 交差する 幾重の方向を見つめ 次なるstepへはだいぶ来てる 光を掴め 君はとうに知っていたのに 自分次第 白か黒か? まだ足りない確かめたい どうしても捉えきれない 透明なこの風に 漂う声 探せるように 輝きは照らしている 今から 一緒に旅に出よう 背中に持った重い荷物は ここでは全部降ろして 喧騒を消し noise無くして 辿り着いた場所では 繋がっている ひとつのline 忘れていた感覚 君なしでは生きられない この気持ちは確かなもの チカラに変えて 何を犠牲にしても | INORAN | INORAN | INORAN | INORAN | 街ゆくspeedに 慣れた身体が震える 更なる理想へとdive出来る 予感を感じたなら 叫び続けている礫を解き放し 空と繋がる調べに焦がれたい 君はもう知っているから どうしたい? 抜け出すかい? 満たされない照らされたい どうしようもなく抑えきれない ざわめきを拭い去り 躊躇うことを忘れていいんだよ 煌めきを掴むには 今すぐここから旅立とう すれ違い 交差する 幾重の方向を見つめ 次なるstepへはだいぶ来てる 光を掴め 君はとうに知っていたのに 自分次第 白か黒か? まだ足りない確かめたい どうしても捉えきれない 透明なこの風に 漂う声 探せるように 輝きは照らしている 今から 一緒に旅に出よう 背中に持った重い荷物は ここでは全部降ろして 喧騒を消し noise無くして 辿り着いた場所では 繋がっている ひとつのline 忘れていた感覚 君なしでは生きられない この気持ちは確かなもの チカラに変えて 何を犠牲にしても |
to myself.隣には あなたがいつも居ました 見つめていた 輝いた「永遠」に出逢いました とても 輝いた 蒼白く 咲いた月 照らしていた 面影を 胸に かけがいの無い ものだった 張り裂けた心が 叫ぶ いつか きっと あえると おもう いつか きっと あえると おもう いつか きっと あえると おもう いつか | INORAN | INORAN | INORAN | INORAN | 隣には あなたがいつも居ました 見つめていた 輝いた「永遠」に出逢いました とても 輝いた 蒼白く 咲いた月 照らしていた 面影を 胸に かけがいの無い ものだった 張り裂けた心が 叫ぶ いつか きっと あえると おもう いつか きっと あえると おもう いつか きっと あえると おもう いつか |
時の色いつも思い出すよ この空のように とても優しい気持ちになれた時のことを 何が欠けていたのかって 分かりもしなかった あの頃の僕らが少しだけ微笑んだ 失うことで大人になると 強がりで過ごしてきた 受け入れる生き方を 傍で教えてくれた I love you ありきたりな言葉かもしれないけれど 君に ずっとこれから幾度となく伝えてく 人生の様々な場面に出てくる 目の前を通りすぎる風が切り取る風景 慌ただしく過ぎていった日々の中で 数えきれない笑顔の数も涙の音も ひとつひとつ書き綴ったね 落書きだらけのノート 二人の記録だから I love you あの日出逢えた 時の色が増していく 君に そっと吹く風でありたいと想っている I love you 深くお互いの呼吸をあわせたら 遙か 遠く彼方にあるものだってつかめる 求めすぎたり 傷つけ合ったり 自分を守るため 投げやりになったり 肩で風きって 息をせき切らせて 水たまりを避けても スニーカー汚れて そんな不安な時でも 分け隔てなく紡ぐ 君に心から I love you ありきたりな言葉かもしれないけれど 君に ずっとこれから幾度となく伝えてたい I love you 深くお互いの呼吸をあわせたら 遙か 遠く彼方にあるものだってつかめる I love you あの日出逢えた 時の色増していく 君に そっと吹く風でありたいと想っている I love you 君がくれたものが 僕をかたちづくる ずっと 手を離さずに 変わることない未来に向かって 歩みたい I love you | INORAN | INORAN | INORAN | INORAN | いつも思い出すよ この空のように とても優しい気持ちになれた時のことを 何が欠けていたのかって 分かりもしなかった あの頃の僕らが少しだけ微笑んだ 失うことで大人になると 強がりで過ごしてきた 受け入れる生き方を 傍で教えてくれた I love you ありきたりな言葉かもしれないけれど 君に ずっとこれから幾度となく伝えてく 人生の様々な場面に出てくる 目の前を通りすぎる風が切り取る風景 慌ただしく過ぎていった日々の中で 数えきれない笑顔の数も涙の音も ひとつひとつ書き綴ったね 落書きだらけのノート 二人の記録だから I love you あの日出逢えた 時の色が増していく 君に そっと吹く風でありたいと想っている I love you 深くお互いの呼吸をあわせたら 遙か 遠く彼方にあるものだってつかめる 求めすぎたり 傷つけ合ったり 自分を守るため 投げやりになったり 肩で風きって 息をせき切らせて 水たまりを避けても スニーカー汚れて そんな不安な時でも 分け隔てなく紡ぐ 君に心から I love you ありきたりな言葉かもしれないけれど 君に ずっとこれから幾度となく伝えてたい I love you 深くお互いの呼吸をあわせたら 遙か 遠く彼方にあるものだってつかめる I love you あの日出逢えた 時の色増していく 君に そっと吹く風でありたいと想っている I love you 君がくれたものが 僕をかたちづくる ずっと 手を離さずに 変わることない未来に向かって 歩みたい I love you |
Don't Know What To Say…Only ones in the galaxy Going down in history Self-fulfilling a prophecy Everyone's craving a remedy A whole lot a talking It's all a distraction Where's the action? All I see around What's been going down Maybe we should start a revolution If the feeling's right Let it out tonight Maybe we could start some evolution Don't know what to say now Don't know what to say now Anymore What the hell are we waiting for? Now we're knocking on heaven's door There's a whole lot a talking It's all a distraction Where's the action? All I see around What's been going down Maybe we should start a revolution If the feeling's right Let it out tonight Maybe we could start some evolution All I see around What's been going down Maybe it's all part of an illusion If the feeling's right Let it out tonight Maybe we're all part of the solution Don't know what to say now Don't know what to say now Anymore What the hell are we waiting for? Now we're knocking on heaven's door All I see around What's been going down Maybe we should start a revolution If the feeling's right Let it out tonight Maybe we could start some evolution All I see around What's been going down Maybe it's all part of an illusion If the feeling's right Let it out tonight Maybe we're all part of the solution Don't know what to say now Anymore | INORAN | Jon Underdown | INORAN | | Only ones in the galaxy Going down in history Self-fulfilling a prophecy Everyone's craving a remedy A whole lot a talking It's all a distraction Where's the action? All I see around What's been going down Maybe we should start a revolution If the feeling's right Let it out tonight Maybe we could start some evolution Don't know what to say now Don't know what to say now Anymore What the hell are we waiting for? Now we're knocking on heaven's door There's a whole lot a talking It's all a distraction Where's the action? All I see around What's been going down Maybe we should start a revolution If the feeling's right Let it out tonight Maybe we could start some evolution All I see around What's been going down Maybe it's all part of an illusion If the feeling's right Let it out tonight Maybe we're all part of the solution Don't know what to say now Don't know what to say now Anymore What the hell are we waiting for? Now we're knocking on heaven's door All I see around What's been going down Maybe we should start a revolution If the feeling's right Let it out tonight Maybe we could start some evolution All I see around What's been going down Maybe it's all part of an illusion If the feeling's right Let it out tonight Maybe we're all part of the solution Don't know what to say now Anymore |
Don't Bring Me DownRhinestone Remy Cointreau A limousine full of Veuve Clicquot Alabama Slammer Slippery Nipple Jim Beam Triple Sec Gasoline Stolli Line'em up Next one's on me We all need it Don't mind me if I let off some steam Triple Sec Lift off for the night Dancing with the laser light Can't turn away from a little Bombay Just wanna have some fun Don't bring me down Don't bring me down Nitro Never gets old Another lime with a shot a Patron Puzzle pieces Buzzin Creepin on down to my feet Triple Sec Never gets old Lift off for the night Dancing with the laser light Can't turn away from a little Bombay Just wanna have some fun Don't bring me down Don't bring me down Don't bring me down Don't bring me down Don't bring me down Gimmie nitro Gimmie nitro Limousine full of Veuve Cliquot Never gets old Never gets old Let off some steam Gimmie nitro Gimmie nitro Line'em up ‘nother shot a Patron Never gets old Never gets old Livin the dream Let's lift off for the night Neon laser light (Let's) lift off for the night Neon laser light (We all need it Don't mind me if I let off some steam) Don't bring me down Don't bring me down Don't bring me down | INORAN | Jon Underdown | INORAN | | Rhinestone Remy Cointreau A limousine full of Veuve Clicquot Alabama Slammer Slippery Nipple Jim Beam Triple Sec Gasoline Stolli Line'em up Next one's on me We all need it Don't mind me if I let off some steam Triple Sec Lift off for the night Dancing with the laser light Can't turn away from a little Bombay Just wanna have some fun Don't bring me down Don't bring me down Nitro Never gets old Another lime with a shot a Patron Puzzle pieces Buzzin Creepin on down to my feet Triple Sec Never gets old Lift off for the night Dancing with the laser light Can't turn away from a little Bombay Just wanna have some fun Don't bring me down Don't bring me down Don't bring me down Don't bring me down Don't bring me down Gimmie nitro Gimmie nitro Limousine full of Veuve Cliquot Never gets old Never gets old Let off some steam Gimmie nitro Gimmie nitro Line'em up ‘nother shot a Patron Never gets old Never gets old Livin the dream Let's lift off for the night Neon laser light (Let's) lift off for the night Neon laser light (We all need it Don't mind me if I let off some steam) Don't bring me down Don't bring me down Don't bring me down |
Don't you worryWe can feel the same We can pick up where we left off tomorrow I've walked for miles You've walked for miles To where we are today Time is drifting day to day And you are here with me now We can feel the same We can pick up where we left off tomorrow Everything is going so far away Far in the distance, fall fall... Love the sun in the rain We can fall through the clouds Don't you worry Don't you worry But that was then So this is now It will always be special Eternal sunshine Two shapes of darkness Where is really for us? Time is drifting day to day But you are here with me now We can feel the same We can pick up where we left off tomorrow 'Cause everything you do, the words you say Oh, This could be something, you... Love the sun in the rain We can fall through the clouds Don't you worry Don't you worry Don't you worry Don't you worry... When we wake up It's a sorrowful feeling we've got deep inside, deep inside inside... Love the sun in the rain We can fall through the clouds Don't you worry Don't you worry Don't you worry Don't you worry Like the calm before a thunderstorm So brighter, oh Let me see your face I'll be by your side | INORAN | YUKIO MURATA | INORAN | | We can feel the same We can pick up where we left off tomorrow I've walked for miles You've walked for miles To where we are today Time is drifting day to day And you are here with me now We can feel the same We can pick up where we left off tomorrow Everything is going so far away Far in the distance, fall fall... Love the sun in the rain We can fall through the clouds Don't you worry Don't you worry But that was then So this is now It will always be special Eternal sunshine Two shapes of darkness Where is really for us? Time is drifting day to day But you are here with me now We can feel the same We can pick up where we left off tomorrow 'Cause everything you do, the words you say Oh, This could be something, you... Love the sun in the rain We can fall through the clouds Don't you worry Don't you worry Don't you worry Don't you worry... When we wake up It's a sorrowful feeling we've got deep inside, deep inside inside... Love the sun in the rain We can fall through the clouds Don't you worry Don't you worry Don't you worry Don't you worry Like the calm before a thunderstorm So brighter, oh Let me see your face I'll be by your side |
Dawn of TomorrowWaiting alone in the dark Hoping for something to spark I know somebody's here The trees be speaking tonight Telling us all to hold tight We know, nothing to fear Summer moonlight It's gonna take us all night Until we see day light Nothing gets in our way, hey The coming monsoon Charge the batteries now If you want a way out Don't you stop the fight now, hey It's the dawn of the future Look where we are So far from where we started Still not satisfied If you know that you're ready Come on, let's go The weather starts to get worse But not as bad as we heard You know that I'm right here The clouds, an ominous sight But mind is stronger than might We know, nothing to fear When the noon sun Shows ‘em what they did wrong Will they have a new song? Maybe they'll be long gone Will the sun shine on Everything that went right? Bring in all the daylight? Finally end the fight, hey It's the dawn of the future Look where we are So far from where we started Still not satisfied If you know that you're ready Come on, let's go It's the dawn of tomorrow Look where we are And whatever it throws at us Won't bring us down Now you know that you're ready Come on, let's go Waiting alone in the dark Hoping for something to spark I know somebody's here The clouds, an ominous sight But mind is stronger than might We know, nothing to fear It's the dawn of the future Look where we are So far from where we started Still not satisfied If you know that you're ready Come on, let's go It's the dawn of tomorrow Look where we are And whatever it throws our way Won't bring us down Now you know that you're ready Come on, let's go | INORAN | Nelson Babin-Coy | INORAN | | Waiting alone in the dark Hoping for something to spark I know somebody's here The trees be speaking tonight Telling us all to hold tight We know, nothing to fear Summer moonlight It's gonna take us all night Until we see day light Nothing gets in our way, hey The coming monsoon Charge the batteries now If you want a way out Don't you stop the fight now, hey It's the dawn of the future Look where we are So far from where we started Still not satisfied If you know that you're ready Come on, let's go The weather starts to get worse But not as bad as we heard You know that I'm right here The clouds, an ominous sight But mind is stronger than might We know, nothing to fear When the noon sun Shows ‘em what they did wrong Will they have a new song? Maybe they'll be long gone Will the sun shine on Everything that went right? Bring in all the daylight? Finally end the fight, hey It's the dawn of the future Look where we are So far from where we started Still not satisfied If you know that you're ready Come on, let's go It's the dawn of tomorrow Look where we are And whatever it throws at us Won't bring us down Now you know that you're ready Come on, let's go Waiting alone in the dark Hoping for something to spark I know somebody's here The clouds, an ominous sight But mind is stronger than might We know, nothing to fear It's the dawn of the future Look where we are So far from where we started Still not satisfied If you know that you're ready Come on, let's go It's the dawn of tomorrow Look where we are And whatever it throws our way Won't bring us down Now you know that you're ready Come on, let's go |
Nine closetsNine closets in your mind, mind You're not gonna show what's all of in your heart Dropping little word from your fingers Such a lonely scene just like a pieces of grass Holding your varying eyes Holding your varying world I saw your face, pissed & smiling, crying feeling down your eyes, staying sharpen lips It's a warm nudity, so noble grace just wine red blood Holding your varying eyes Holding your varying world Sometimes it's gloomy haze Sometimes it's jealousy | INORAN | INORAN | INORAN | INORAN | Nine closets in your mind, mind You're not gonna show what's all of in your heart Dropping little word from your fingers Such a lonely scene just like a pieces of grass Holding your varying eyes Holding your varying world I saw your face, pissed & smiling, crying feeling down your eyes, staying sharpen lips It's a warm nudity, so noble grace just wine red blood Holding your varying eyes Holding your varying world Sometimes it's gloomy haze Sometimes it's jealousy |
not a serious woundとりあえず身体を慣らして ビルの隙間の 空を見上げた 大した傷じゃない 大した事はない 此処でこれから いつもの 呼吸をすればいいだけ 昨日の欠片は 二人の未来へと 出会えたこの朝に 言葉にならない 願いは込められて 今日から始まる 簡単なことだと気付いて 吐き出した紫煙は どこか見慣れた 大した意味じゃない 大した意味はない 此処でこれから いつもの スタンスとればいいだけ 昨日の欠片は 二人の未来へと 出会えたこの朝に 言葉にならない 願いは込められて 今日から始まる 出会えたこの風に ありのままに 自分を解き放て 形など無いから 大した傷じゃない 大した事はない 此処でこれから いつもの 呼吸をすればいいだけ 昨日の欠片は 二人に溶けてゆく 昨日の欠片は 二人の未来へと 出会えたこの朝に 言葉にならない 願いは込められて 今日から始まる 出会えたこの風に ありのままに 自分を解き放て 形など無いから やがてはあの夜に ありのままに 光を放つから 形など無くても | INORAN | INORAN | INORAN | INORAN | とりあえず身体を慣らして ビルの隙間の 空を見上げた 大した傷じゃない 大した事はない 此処でこれから いつもの 呼吸をすればいいだけ 昨日の欠片は 二人の未来へと 出会えたこの朝に 言葉にならない 願いは込められて 今日から始まる 簡単なことだと気付いて 吐き出した紫煙は どこか見慣れた 大した意味じゃない 大した意味はない 此処でこれから いつもの スタンスとればいいだけ 昨日の欠片は 二人の未来へと 出会えたこの朝に 言葉にならない 願いは込められて 今日から始まる 出会えたこの風に ありのままに 自分を解き放て 形など無いから 大した傷じゃない 大した事はない 此処でこれから いつもの 呼吸をすればいいだけ 昨日の欠片は 二人に溶けてゆく 昨日の欠片は 二人の未来へと 出会えたこの朝に 言葉にならない 願いは込められて 今日から始まる 出会えたこの風に ありのままに 自分を解き放て 形など無いから やがてはあの夜に ありのままに 光を放つから 形など無くても |
No Way But UpSun is rising on the horizon Not going down, we're not going down Feel the wind caressing your skin No way but up, there's no way but up 3, 2, 1, now don't you miss this Time's ticking like it's nobody's business Like the rising sun, we've just begun, no M.I.A. 3, 2, 1, oh I know you got this Eyes on the prize, show ‘em your greatness The rising sun's got a jump on the gun, so don't delay Not going down, we're not going down No way but up, there's no way but up Not going down, we're not going down The sky's crying, the ocean's rising Not going down, we're not going down The wind at our back keeping us on track No way but up, there's no way but up 3, 2, 1, now don't you miss this Time's ticking like it's nobody's business Like the rising sun, we've just begun, no M.I.A. 3, 2, 1, oh I know you got this Eyes on the prize, show ‘em your greatness The rising sun's got a jump on the gun, so don't delay Not going down, we're not going down No way but up, there's no way but up Not going down, we're not going down No way but up, there's no way but up Take a look around, it's never too late Don't you doubt it now or leave it to fate Like the rising sun, we've only begun We've just begun Take a look around, it's never too late Don't you doubt it now or leave it to fate Like the rising sun, we've only begun We've just begun 3, 2, 1, oh I know you got this Eyes on the prize, show ‘em your greatness The rising sun's got a jump on the gun, so don't delay Not going down, we're not going down No way but up, there's no way but up Not going down, we're not going down No way but up, there's no way but up 3, 2, 1, now don't you miss this Time's ticking like it's nobody's business Like the rising sun, we've just begun, no M.I.A | INORAN | Nelson Babin-Coy・Mark Stein | INORAN | | Sun is rising on the horizon Not going down, we're not going down Feel the wind caressing your skin No way but up, there's no way but up 3, 2, 1, now don't you miss this Time's ticking like it's nobody's business Like the rising sun, we've just begun, no M.I.A. 3, 2, 1, oh I know you got this Eyes on the prize, show ‘em your greatness The rising sun's got a jump on the gun, so don't delay Not going down, we're not going down No way but up, there's no way but up Not going down, we're not going down The sky's crying, the ocean's rising Not going down, we're not going down The wind at our back keeping us on track No way but up, there's no way but up 3, 2, 1, now don't you miss this Time's ticking like it's nobody's business Like the rising sun, we've just begun, no M.I.A. 3, 2, 1, oh I know you got this Eyes on the prize, show ‘em your greatness The rising sun's got a jump on the gun, so don't delay Not going down, we're not going down No way but up, there's no way but up Not going down, we're not going down No way but up, there's no way but up Take a look around, it's never too late Don't you doubt it now or leave it to fate Like the rising sun, we've only begun We've just begun Take a look around, it's never too late Don't you doubt it now or leave it to fate Like the rising sun, we've only begun We've just begun 3, 2, 1, oh I know you got this Eyes on the prize, show ‘em your greatness The rising sun's got a jump on the gun, so don't delay Not going down, we're not going down No way but up, there's no way but up Not going down, we're not going down No way but up, there's no way but up 3, 2, 1, now don't you miss this Time's ticking like it's nobody's business Like the rising sun, we've just begun, no M.I.A |
no optionsBe a memory The world in grey I mean nothing to you I know it's not alright I don't know no matter how I got this way I had no options left Even though you dream on You'd not watch a dream on It's not so in vain wherever you're gonna go Save me, save me from myself Be a memory The world in shade I mean nothing to you You know it's not alright I don't know no matter where you take that way You had no options left No one live in dark night I won't keep it inside It's not so in vain wherever you're gonna go Save me, save me, save me, you save me, save me from myself Be a memory The world in rain I mean nothing to you Even though you dream on You'd not watch a dream on It's not so in vain wherever you're gonna go Save me, save me from myself you save me, save me No one live in dark night I won't keep it inside It's not so in vain wherever you're gonna go Save me, save me, save me, you save me, save me from myself | INORAN | INORAN・Sebastian | INORAN | INORAN | Be a memory The world in grey I mean nothing to you I know it's not alright I don't know no matter how I got this way I had no options left Even though you dream on You'd not watch a dream on It's not so in vain wherever you're gonna go Save me, save me from myself Be a memory The world in shade I mean nothing to you You know it's not alright I don't know no matter where you take that way You had no options left No one live in dark night I won't keep it inside It's not so in vain wherever you're gonna go Save me, save me, save me, you save me, save me from myself Be a memory The world in rain I mean nothing to you Even though you dream on You'd not watch a dream on It's not so in vain wherever you're gonna go Save me, save me from myself you save me, save me No one live in dark night I won't keep it inside It's not so in vain wherever you're gonna go Save me, save me, save me, you save me, save me from myself |
Hide and SeekHey now I'm on my way I got a plan just leave me alone Hey girl, my little sister You got a hole just in your heart Why don't you make yourself alright Just take whatever you desire But before you do it Get into your dark side Come on, give it a try Ride on, waste no more time Come on, give it a try (Oh won't you try it baby) Now you know your heart is aching Now you're not afraid of Being lonely being hurt And you'll be getting over it Oh, give it a try Don't you waste no more time Take or leave it It's your game to play All I'm saying is save your own life Make me cry, you're making me cry All I'm saying is save your own life Make me cry, making me cry now Now you know you're really coming Got a joy without a toy You are strong and independent No more hole just in your heart Oh, give it a try Don't you waste no more time Take or leave it It's your game to play All I'm saying is save your own life Make me cry, you're making me cry All I'm saying is save your own life Make me cry, making me cry All I'm saying is save your own life Make me cry, you're making me cry All I'm saying is save your own life Make me cry, making me cry now Make me cry, making me cry loud | INORAN | Jim Steele | INORAN & Taka Hirose | INORAN | Hey now I'm on my way I got a plan just leave me alone Hey girl, my little sister You got a hole just in your heart Why don't you make yourself alright Just take whatever you desire But before you do it Get into your dark side Come on, give it a try Ride on, waste no more time Come on, give it a try (Oh won't you try it baby) Now you know your heart is aching Now you're not afraid of Being lonely being hurt And you'll be getting over it Oh, give it a try Don't you waste no more time Take or leave it It's your game to play All I'm saying is save your own life Make me cry, you're making me cry All I'm saying is save your own life Make me cry, making me cry now Now you know you're really coming Got a joy without a toy You are strong and independent No more hole just in your heart Oh, give it a try Don't you waste no more time Take or leave it It's your game to play All I'm saying is save your own life Make me cry, you're making me cry All I'm saying is save your own life Make me cry, making me cry All I'm saying is save your own life Make me cry, you're making me cry All I'm saying is save your own life Make me cry, making me cry now Make me cry, making me cry loud |
Heart of GoldTell ya friend Once again You're a gem You're a treasure I tell ya friend In the end There ain't nobody better You were part of me through all the good days A part of me through all the bad days A part of me There ain't enough ways to ever let you know Never could've made it, made it this far I would never trade it Crossing my heart Yeah, you are the reason I keep on believing, yeah Angel with a heart of gold In a world that is so cold Angel with a heart of gold Thank you for staying with me Memories You and me They're a gem They're a treasure I tell ya friend In the end There ain't nobody better You were part of me through all the tough times A part of me for all fun times A part of me Share it for one life Did you ever know? Never could've made it, made it this far I would never trade it Crossing my heart Yeah you are the reason I keep on believing, yeah Angel with a heart of gold In a world that is so cold Angel with a heart of gold Thank you for staying with me A part of me through all the tough times A part of me through all the fun times Tell ya friend Once again You're a gem You're a treasure Here's a part of me Maybe it could be your reason Angel with a heart of gold In a world that is so cold Angel with a heart of gold Thank you for staying with me Angel with a heart of gold In a world that is so cold Angel with a heart of gold Thank you for staying with me | INORAN | Jon Underdown | INORAN | | Tell ya friend Once again You're a gem You're a treasure I tell ya friend In the end There ain't nobody better You were part of me through all the good days A part of me through all the bad days A part of me There ain't enough ways to ever let you know Never could've made it, made it this far I would never trade it Crossing my heart Yeah, you are the reason I keep on believing, yeah Angel with a heart of gold In a world that is so cold Angel with a heart of gold Thank you for staying with me Memories You and me They're a gem They're a treasure I tell ya friend In the end There ain't nobody better You were part of me through all the tough times A part of me for all fun times A part of me Share it for one life Did you ever know? Never could've made it, made it this far I would never trade it Crossing my heart Yeah you are the reason I keep on believing, yeah Angel with a heart of gold In a world that is so cold Angel with a heart of gold Thank you for staying with me A part of me through all the tough times A part of me through all the fun times Tell ya friend Once again You're a gem You're a treasure Here's a part of me Maybe it could be your reason Angel with a heart of gold In a world that is so cold Angel with a heart of gold Thank you for staying with me Angel with a heart of gold In a world that is so cold Angel with a heart of gold Thank you for staying with me |
Hard RightSearching for the pieces that can keep us sane Fills us up with questions and a little pain It's hard to believe in what they say ‘Cause we can see through all of the rain Come on and take a hard right Into the night, here comes the fight They said that we'd be all right But look all around, they lied Sirens coming for us, blocking off the lane Little do they know there's nothing left to gain They don't believe in the Armageddon Let's make them see that this ain't no Heaven Another game, another team Maybe in the next life we're enemies Come on and take a hard right Into the night, here comes the fight They said that we'd be all right But look all around, they lied Another game, another team Maybe in the next life we're enemies I'm starting to feel sublime It's hitting at the wrong time, oh my The world's been trying to control me Don't you see? The world's been trying to control me Don't you see? The pieces that we found They're all disappearing All of the pieces fallin' on the ground They're all disappearing Pieces of me and you breaking without any clue Not much we can do now, nothing can save you Take a seat and cry as fireworks fly Or take a hard right and run into the night | INORAN | Nelson Babin-Coy | INORAN | | Searching for the pieces that can keep us sane Fills us up with questions and a little pain It's hard to believe in what they say ‘Cause we can see through all of the rain Come on and take a hard right Into the night, here comes the fight They said that we'd be all right But look all around, they lied Sirens coming for us, blocking off the lane Little do they know there's nothing left to gain They don't believe in the Armageddon Let's make them see that this ain't no Heaven Another game, another team Maybe in the next life we're enemies Come on and take a hard right Into the night, here comes the fight They said that we'd be all right But look all around, they lied Another game, another team Maybe in the next life we're enemies I'm starting to feel sublime It's hitting at the wrong time, oh my The world's been trying to control me Don't you see? The world's been trying to control me Don't you see? The pieces that we found They're all disappearing All of the pieces fallin' on the ground They're all disappearing Pieces of me and you breaking without any clue Not much we can do now, nothing can save you Take a seat and cry as fireworks fly Or take a hard right and run into the night |
PurposeI'm just another guy And I got my own philosophy I know I can fly But I stay Do you know the time? I'm just asking for a friend He thinks it's all a lie But he stays When things get lost in memories I just close my eyes and I dream Come dream with me Oh, be my friend today and I'll show you how to escape this place Oh come this way Light shines on us Like the dawn's sun Heaven knows which way to go Purpose in disguise Light and darkness Fight for progress Only you know where to go Purpose in disguise Line up, young one Right your wrongs I'll see you on the other side | INORAN | Nelson Babin-Coy | INORAN | | I'm just another guy And I got my own philosophy I know I can fly But I stay Do you know the time? I'm just asking for a friend He thinks it's all a lie But he stays When things get lost in memories I just close my eyes and I dream Come dream with me Oh, be my friend today and I'll show you how to escape this place Oh come this way Light shines on us Like the dawn's sun Heaven knows which way to go Purpose in disguise Light and darkness Fight for progress Only you know where to go Purpose in disguise Line up, young one Right your wrongs I'll see you on the other side |
because of youNight like a dream Looking up at a diamond sky Play with the moonbeams Drawn' the story of my life Can't believe it as I paint it out now Even though it's clear to see I was so alone But the more I think about the changes that I want to make for you I feel a glow inside brighter than sunshine Time after time I was so nearly swallowed up in the waves In warm evening skies after rain has just lifted I see myself Can't believe it as I'm looking back now Even though it's clear to see I was standing still But the more I think about the changes that I want to make with you I get a buzz inside lifting me so high Shout it out for the first time Feel l like I'm really alive and it's all cause of you (because of you) Take this song into your heart Ready now to make a new start and it' s all cause of you (because of you) Can't believe it as I'm looking back now Even though it's clear to see I was so alone But I get a feeling from the changes that I want to make with you.... ....like warm evening skies after rain has just lifted because of you Shout it out for the first time Feel l like I'm really alive and it's all cause of you (because of you) Take this song into your heart Ready now to make a new start and it's all cause of you (because of you) Shout it out for the first time Feel l like I'm really alive and it's all cause of you (because of you) Take this song into your heart I can't wait to make a new start and it's all cause of you (because of you) | INORAN | INORAN | INORAN | | Night like a dream Looking up at a diamond sky Play with the moonbeams Drawn' the story of my life Can't believe it as I paint it out now Even though it's clear to see I was so alone But the more I think about the changes that I want to make for you I feel a glow inside brighter than sunshine Time after time I was so nearly swallowed up in the waves In warm evening skies after rain has just lifted I see myself Can't believe it as I'm looking back now Even though it's clear to see I was standing still But the more I think about the changes that I want to make with you I get a buzz inside lifting me so high Shout it out for the first time Feel l like I'm really alive and it's all cause of you (because of you) Take this song into your heart Ready now to make a new start and it' s all cause of you (because of you) Can't believe it as I'm looking back now Even though it's clear to see I was so alone But I get a feeling from the changes that I want to make with you.... ....like warm evening skies after rain has just lifted because of you Shout it out for the first time Feel l like I'm really alive and it's all cause of you (because of you) Take this song into your heart Ready now to make a new start and it's all cause of you (because of you) Shout it out for the first time Feel l like I'm really alive and it's all cause of you (because of you) Take this song into your heart I can't wait to make a new start and it's all cause of you (because of you) |
Between The World And MeWhy do we try so hard to make it to the sunrise? Hoping for some new surprise? Or a sign to prove that we're still alive Oh my… Don't forget to tell them none of this was my fault I've been trying to say I play the cards I was dealt They're still gonna blame me for the outcome Jealous that I found a way to get some Now they pushed me all the way to the edge and I'm about to take a step off the ledge and Show you all what you gon' be missing When I'm gone Why do we try so hard to make it to the sunrise? Hoping for some new surprise? Or a sign to prove that we're still alive Oh my… In the night We search for the sunlight You and I We could start a new life Why do we try so hard to make it to the sunrise? Hoping for some new surprise? Or a sign to prove that we're still alive Oh my… Hear the people rejoice, suddenly all the noise Turns into a song singing that we belong The melodies will guide us to tomorrow Just know the road will still be hard to follow If they pushed you all the way to the edge and You're about to take a step off the ledge, then Take a look down, you'll see me waiting With open hands In the night We search for the sunlight You and I We could start a new life Hear the people rejoice, suddenly all the noise Turns into a song singing that we belong The melodies will guide us to tomorrow A little longer till we know Hear the people rejoice, suddenly all the noise Turns into a song singing that we belong The melodies will guide us to tomorrow A little longer till we know Why do we try so hard to make it to the sunrise? Hoping for some new surprise? Or a sign to prove that we're still alive Oh my… In the night We search for the sunlight You and I We could start a new life | INORAN | Nelson Babin-Coy | INORAN | | Why do we try so hard to make it to the sunrise? Hoping for some new surprise? Or a sign to prove that we're still alive Oh my… Don't forget to tell them none of this was my fault I've been trying to say I play the cards I was dealt They're still gonna blame me for the outcome Jealous that I found a way to get some Now they pushed me all the way to the edge and I'm about to take a step off the ledge and Show you all what you gon' be missing When I'm gone Why do we try so hard to make it to the sunrise? Hoping for some new surprise? Or a sign to prove that we're still alive Oh my… In the night We search for the sunlight You and I We could start a new life Why do we try so hard to make it to the sunrise? Hoping for some new surprise? Or a sign to prove that we're still alive Oh my… Hear the people rejoice, suddenly all the noise Turns into a song singing that we belong The melodies will guide us to tomorrow Just know the road will still be hard to follow If they pushed you all the way to the edge and You're about to take a step off the ledge, then Take a look down, you'll see me waiting With open hands In the night We search for the sunlight You and I We could start a new life Hear the people rejoice, suddenly all the noise Turns into a song singing that we belong The melodies will guide us to tomorrow A little longer till we know Hear the people rejoice, suddenly all the noise Turns into a song singing that we belong The melodies will guide us to tomorrow A little longer till we know Why do we try so hard to make it to the sunrise? Hoping for some new surprise? Or a sign to prove that we're still alive Oh my… In the night We search for the sunlight You and I We could start a new life |
BEAUTIFUL NOWThinking back I dive into the waves Diamond light upon the sea ablaze This is where a piece of us remains But the nature of this place can just crush your heart So alarming Blue the sky above The next wave will come so we swim out The value will never fade away So… Reach out to the wind and feel the beautiful now It's limitless I believe Keep chasing your dreams and live the beautiful now Let innocence set you free Maybe this will ease your pain, quiet all the static Everyone in their own way is beautiful, beautiful no Journeyed on and came a upon a star Had a dream of falling from afar Through the darkness sinking like a stone But beacon that you lit somehow brought me home New beginning Red setting with the sun Found the strength to go on in your touch In my dreams you're always right beside me Reach out to the wind and feel the beautiful now It's limitless I believe Keep chasing your dreams and live the beautiful now Let innocence set you free Realize the past won't change What if you surrendered to the wisdom of this wave? The beautiful, beautiful now Maybe this could ease your pain, quiet all the static Cause everyone in their own way is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful no Reach out the wind and feel the beautiful now It's limitless I believe Keep chasing your dreams and live the beautiful now Let innocence set you free Face into the wind and feel the beautiful now It's limitless I believe Hold on to your dreams and live the beautiful now Let all of this set you free | INORAN | JON UNDERDOWN・INORAN | INORAN | | Thinking back I dive into the waves Diamond light upon the sea ablaze This is where a piece of us remains But the nature of this place can just crush your heart So alarming Blue the sky above The next wave will come so we swim out The value will never fade away So… Reach out to the wind and feel the beautiful now It's limitless I believe Keep chasing your dreams and live the beautiful now Let innocence set you free Maybe this will ease your pain, quiet all the static Everyone in their own way is beautiful, beautiful no Journeyed on and came a upon a star Had a dream of falling from afar Through the darkness sinking like a stone But beacon that you lit somehow brought me home New beginning Red setting with the sun Found the strength to go on in your touch In my dreams you're always right beside me Reach out to the wind and feel the beautiful now It's limitless I believe Keep chasing your dreams and live the beautiful now Let innocence set you free Realize the past won't change What if you surrendered to the wisdom of this wave? The beautiful, beautiful now Maybe this could ease your pain, quiet all the static Cause everyone in their own way is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful no Reach out the wind and feel the beautiful now It's limitless I believe Keep chasing your dreams and live the beautiful now Let innocence set you free Face into the wind and feel the beautiful now It's limitless I believe Hold on to your dreams and live the beautiful now Let all of this set you free |
ピンク スパイダー君は嘘の糸張りめぐらし 小さな世界全てだと思ってた 近づくものは なんでも傷つけて 君は空が四角いと思ってた 「これが全て… どうせこんなもんだろう?」 君は言った… それも嘘さ… ケバケバしい 君の模様が寂しそうで 極楽鳥が 珍しく話しかけた 「蝶の羽根いただいて こっち来いよ」 「向こうでは 思い通りさ」 ピンク スパイダー 「行きたいなぁ」 ピンク スパイダー 「翼が欲しい…」 捕えた蝶の 命乞い聞かず 君は空を睨む 「傷つけたのは 憎いからじゃない 僕には羽根が無く あの空が 高すぎたから…」 『私の翼を使うがいいわ、スパイダー。 飛び続けるつらさを知らないあなたも、 いつか気が付く事でしょう。 自分が誰かの手の中でしか飛んでいなかった事に。 そして、それを自由なんて呼んでいた事にも…。』 借り物の翼では うまく飛べず まっさかさま 墜落してゆく ピンク スパイダー 「もうダメだ」 ピンク スパイダー 「空は見えるのに…」 ピンク スパイダー 「失敗だぁ」 ピンク スパイダー 「翼が欲しい…」 わずかに見えた あの空の向こう 鳥達は南へ 「もう一度飛ぼう この糸切り裂き 自らのジェットで あの雲が 通り過ぎたら…」 ピンク スパイダー 空は呼んでいる ピンク スパイダー ピンク スパイダー 桃色のくもが 空を流れる… (To be continued…) | INORAN | hide | hide | | 君は嘘の糸張りめぐらし 小さな世界全てだと思ってた 近づくものは なんでも傷つけて 君は空が四角いと思ってた 「これが全て… どうせこんなもんだろう?」 君は言った… それも嘘さ… ケバケバしい 君の模様が寂しそうで 極楽鳥が 珍しく話しかけた 「蝶の羽根いただいて こっち来いよ」 「向こうでは 思い通りさ」 ピンク スパイダー 「行きたいなぁ」 ピンク スパイダー 「翼が欲しい…」 捕えた蝶の 命乞い聞かず 君は空を睨む 「傷つけたのは 憎いからじゃない 僕には羽根が無く あの空が 高すぎたから…」 『私の翼を使うがいいわ、スパイダー。 飛び続けるつらさを知らないあなたも、 いつか気が付く事でしょう。 自分が誰かの手の中でしか飛んでいなかった事に。 そして、それを自由なんて呼んでいた事にも…。』 借り物の翼では うまく飛べず まっさかさま 墜落してゆく ピンク スパイダー 「もうダメだ」 ピンク スパイダー 「空は見えるのに…」 ピンク スパイダー 「失敗だぁ」 ピンク スパイダー 「翼が欲しい…」 わずかに見えた あの空の向こう 鳥達は南へ 「もう一度飛ぼう この糸切り裂き 自らのジェットで あの雲が 通り過ぎたら…」 ピンク スパイダー 空は呼んでいる ピンク スパイダー ピンク スパイダー 桃色のくもが 空を流れる… (To be continued…) |
Feel It In The AirGot my head in the clouds People tell me I'm crazy I keep my feet on the ground Cause this is more than a daydream The world keep turnin' Hearts keep burnin' I'm always searchin' Life is such a riddle The world keep turnin' Livin and learnin' I keep searchin' Try to keep it simple Like a wave upon the ocean I'm steppin in to the great wide open Everything is in slow motion Now there's nowhere I'd rather be (Because) I feel it in the air The wind in my hair A new story, new story I'm gonna kiss the sky Spread my wings and fly A new story's starting today Blast off, ready to go Way beyond the horizon I jump right into the flow Anticipation is rising (yeah) The world keep turnin' Hearts keep burnin' I'm always searchin' Life is such a riddle The world keep turnin' Livin and learnin' I keep searchin' Try to keep it simple Everything I've ever wanted Is right at my fingertips I'm all in In my heart I hear it callin' I'm gonna listen finally (Because) I feel it in the air The wind in my hair A new story, new story I'm gonna kiss the sky Spread my wings and fly A new story's starting today (yeah) A new story Finally a new story beginning now for me (yeah) A new story Finally a new story beginning now for me Like a wave upon the ocean I'm steppin in to the great wide open Everything is in slow motion Now there's nowhere I'd rather be (oh) (Because) I feel it in the air The wind in my hair A new story, new story I'm gonna kiss the sky Spread my wings and fly A new story's starting today Callin out to me There's nowhere I'd rather be Listen finally There's nowhere I'd rather be | INORAN | Jon Underdown | INORAN | | Got my head in the clouds People tell me I'm crazy I keep my feet on the ground Cause this is more than a daydream The world keep turnin' Hearts keep burnin' I'm always searchin' Life is such a riddle The world keep turnin' Livin and learnin' I keep searchin' Try to keep it simple Like a wave upon the ocean I'm steppin in to the great wide open Everything is in slow motion Now there's nowhere I'd rather be (Because) I feel it in the air The wind in my hair A new story, new story I'm gonna kiss the sky Spread my wings and fly A new story's starting today Blast off, ready to go Way beyond the horizon I jump right into the flow Anticipation is rising (yeah) The world keep turnin' Hearts keep burnin' I'm always searchin' Life is such a riddle The world keep turnin' Livin and learnin' I keep searchin' Try to keep it simple Everything I've ever wanted Is right at my fingertips I'm all in In my heart I hear it callin' I'm gonna listen finally (Because) I feel it in the air The wind in my hair A new story, new story I'm gonna kiss the sky Spread my wings and fly A new story's starting today (yeah) A new story Finally a new story beginning now for me (yeah) A new story Finally a new story beginning now for me Like a wave upon the ocean I'm steppin in to the great wide open Everything is in slow motion Now there's nowhere I'd rather be (oh) (Because) I feel it in the air The wind in my hair A new story, new story I'm gonna kiss the sky Spread my wings and fly A new story's starting today Callin out to me There's nowhere I'd rather be Listen finally There's nowhere I'd rather be |
Fading MemoryI don't need a thing Not a thing at all I'm a simple man Cause all that I want Is an honest word And a melody I'm a lucky man if you'll just share it with me I found out I don't need anything All that you love means something to me Helping each other grow patiently Why waste our time with more useless things? Yesterday's a fading memory Whatever may come Through the ups and downs I'm a lucky man Because I have found I believe in you You believe in me We got everything that we need to make it through Got the feeling we can make it through All that you love means something to me Helping each other grow patiently Why waste our time with more useless things? Yesterday's a fading memory Yesterday's a fading memory All that you love means something to me Helping each other grow patiently Why waste our time with more useless things? Yesterday's a fading memory Yesterday's a fading memory Yesterday's a fading memory | INORAN | INORAN・英語詞:JON UNDERDOWN | INORAN | | I don't need a thing Not a thing at all I'm a simple man Cause all that I want Is an honest word And a melody I'm a lucky man if you'll just share it with me I found out I don't need anything All that you love means something to me Helping each other grow patiently Why waste our time with more useless things? Yesterday's a fading memory Whatever may come Through the ups and downs I'm a lucky man Because I have found I believe in you You believe in me We got everything that we need to make it through Got the feeling we can make it through All that you love means something to me Helping each other grow patiently Why waste our time with more useless things? Yesterday's a fading memory Yesterday's a fading memory All that you love means something to me Helping each other grow patiently Why waste our time with more useless things? Yesterday's a fading memory Yesterday's a fading memory Yesterday's a fading memory |
Felicidadラララ 光を求める為に ここまで来たけれど 儚いかけらの数だけ この場所で 何を見ているの? せめて残る 願い だけを 時の中で 抱いて 信じた 輝きを忘れるくらい 今まで来たけれど 愛しい痛みの数だけ この場所で 君を見ているの? せめて残る 願い だけを 時の中で 描いて 信じた せめて残る 想い だから 永遠は あると 信じて 引き寄せて つかめたものは 昔見た is the same as that light 輝いて つかめたものは 君と見る isn't it just night scenery この景色は 一つだから 壊れない様に 終わらない旅は続く 迷わないでいて | INORAN | INORAN | INORAN | | ラララ 光を求める為に ここまで来たけれど 儚いかけらの数だけ この場所で 何を見ているの? せめて残る 願い だけを 時の中で 抱いて 信じた 輝きを忘れるくらい 今まで来たけれど 愛しい痛みの数だけ この場所で 君を見ているの? せめて残る 願い だけを 時の中で 描いて 信じた せめて残る 想い だから 永遠は あると 信じて 引き寄せて つかめたものは 昔見た is the same as that light 輝いて つかめたものは 君と見る isn't it just night scenery この景色は 一つだから 壊れない様に 終わらない旅は続く 迷わないでいて |
For NowYou are golden Perfect Satellite An explosion That is waking me through the night And I'm pausing on the way Don't know when I'll be the same again I don't know I am frozen And I'm out of sight Breathing poison And it's keeping me from the light So I'm going all the way Don't know when I'll see this space again I don't know Here we go Every day, I delay and I don't make it out Disarray and decay are the things That I'm all about For now Please allow Every day, I delay and I don't make it out Disarray and decay are the things That I'm all about For now Please allow I don't know I don't know I don't know | INORAN | DEAN TIDEY | TAKA HIROSE | | You are golden Perfect Satellite An explosion That is waking me through the night And I'm pausing on the way Don't know when I'll be the same again I don't know I am frozen And I'm out of sight Breathing poison And it's keeping me from the light So I'm going all the way Don't know when I'll see this space again I don't know Here we go Every day, I delay and I don't make it out Disarray and decay are the things That I'm all about For now Please allow Every day, I delay and I don't make it out Disarray and decay are the things That I'm all about For now Please allow I don't know I don't know I don't know |
FallingBum-ba-da-bum-ba-da-bum Better watch out ‘cause here I come Nobody can catch me when I'm on the run (yeah) Bum-ba-da-bum-bum-bum (yeah) Bum-ba-da-bum-ba-da-bum You don't wanna see what I'm runnin' from Don't you let it cloud up what's in front (yeah) Bum-ba-da-bum-bum-bum Tell God that I'll be there in a minute Once I find mine, I'm gonna get it Go ahead and gimme what I'm asking I promise you'll feel better when you're comin' (yeah) Wise men say you gotta blaze your own trail Don't be looking back, it's gonna make you stale Take your hands, raise ‘em, ‘cause it's time to sail C'mon baby, let's just fall in (yeah) Like the devil's son, I'm falling (yeah) Looking for the throne, I'm coming (yeah) If you feel alone, come fall in (yeah) No one needs to know we're falling (yeah) Like the devil's son, I'm falling (yeah) Looking for the throne, I'm coming (yeah) If you feel alone, come fall in (yeah) No one needs to know we're falling (yeah) No one needs to know we're falling (yeah) Bum-ba-da-bum-ba-da-bum Did you really think I'd forget my gun? I guess you don't know where I'm comin' from (yeah) Bum-ba-da-bum-bum-bum (yeah) Tell God that we're coming for the money Robbin' from the rich, keep on running I'll show you how to get to where you're goin' I promise you'll feel better when you're comin' (yeah) Wise men say you gotta blaze your own trail Don't be looking back, it's gonna make you stale Take your hands, raise ‘em, ‘cause it's time to sail C'mon baby, let's just fall in (yeah) Like the devil's son, I'm falling (yeah) Looking for the throne, I'm coming (yeah) If you feel alone, come fall in (yeah) No one needs to know we're falling (yeah) Like the devil's son, I'm falling (yeah) Looking for the throne, I'm coming (yeah) If you feel alone, come fall in (yeah) No one needs to know we're falling (yeah) No one needs to know we're falling (yeah) Like the devil's son, I'm falling (yeah) Looking for the throne, I'm coming (yeah) If you feel alone, come fall in (yeah) No one needs to know we're falling (yeah) Like the devil's son, I'm falling (yeah) Looking for the throne, I'm coming (yeah) If you feel alone, come fall in (yeah) No one needs to know we're falling (yeah) | INORAN | Nelson Babin-Coy | INORAN | | Bum-ba-da-bum-ba-da-bum Better watch out ‘cause here I come Nobody can catch me when I'm on the run (yeah) Bum-ba-da-bum-bum-bum (yeah) Bum-ba-da-bum-ba-da-bum You don't wanna see what I'm runnin' from Don't you let it cloud up what's in front (yeah) Bum-ba-da-bum-bum-bum Tell God that I'll be there in a minute Once I find mine, I'm gonna get it Go ahead and gimme what I'm asking I promise you'll feel better when you're comin' (yeah) Wise men say you gotta blaze your own trail Don't be looking back, it's gonna make you stale Take your hands, raise ‘em, ‘cause it's time to sail C'mon baby, let's just fall in (yeah) Like the devil's son, I'm falling (yeah) Looking for the throne, I'm coming (yeah) If you feel alone, come fall in (yeah) No one needs to know we're falling (yeah) Like the devil's son, I'm falling (yeah) Looking for the throne, I'm coming (yeah) If you feel alone, come fall in (yeah) No one needs to know we're falling (yeah) No one needs to know we're falling (yeah) Bum-ba-da-bum-ba-da-bum Did you really think I'd forget my gun? I guess you don't know where I'm comin' from (yeah) Bum-ba-da-bum-bum-bum (yeah) Tell God that we're coming for the money Robbin' from the rich, keep on running I'll show you how to get to where you're goin' I promise you'll feel better when you're comin' (yeah) Wise men say you gotta blaze your own trail Don't be looking back, it's gonna make you stale Take your hands, raise ‘em, ‘cause it's time to sail C'mon baby, let's just fall in (yeah) Like the devil's son, I'm falling (yeah) Looking for the throne, I'm coming (yeah) If you feel alone, come fall in (yeah) No one needs to know we're falling (yeah) Like the devil's son, I'm falling (yeah) Looking for the throne, I'm coming (yeah) If you feel alone, come fall in (yeah) No one needs to know we're falling (yeah) No one needs to know we're falling (yeah) Like the devil's son, I'm falling (yeah) Looking for the throne, I'm coming (yeah) If you feel alone, come fall in (yeah) No one needs to know we're falling (yeah) Like the devil's son, I'm falling (yeah) Looking for the throne, I'm coming (yeah) If you feel alone, come fall in (yeah) No one needs to know we're falling (yeah) |
Baiesかたちない孤独は 三月の風の様に冷たくて 夜明けを待つ事さえ耐えきれず 何度も何度も潰されそうになった 途切れない迷いに囚われたまま 瞳に写る形は影を宿した ただ一つだけでいい 存在を願ってそれだけを信じて 何かが変わり始めた 目の前にあなたがいた 限りない世界で 君に出逢えた奇跡 見えるものすべてが 鮮やかに輝きはじめる どんな時もきっと 分け合えるから 僕らをつないでる この手を離さない様に おそらく単純で静かな物が すべてを知っている答えの様なもので それは決して与えられる事じゃない 手を伸ばしていく 内なる想いをはせて その先に君と 限りある未来を 君とめぐれる軌跡 二度とない強さが 柔らかに反射していく どんな時もきっと 叶えられるから 僕らの焦がれる ラストシーンが訪れる様に 今まで安らげる居場所 探してた つよがりに哀しみを 隠しながら 溢れていく涙が 優しさの色に変わる 目を閉じても そこには確かに 君がいるから すべてが変わりはじめた ずっとずっと共に 限りない世界で 君に出逢えた奇跡 見えるものすべてが 鮮やかに輝きはじめる どんな時もきっと 分け合えるから 僕らをつないでる この手を離さない様に 限りある未来を 君とめぐれる軌跡 二度とない強さが 柔らかに反射していく どんな時もきっと 叶えられるから 僕らの焦がれる ラストシーンが訪れる様に 僕らをつないでる この手を離さない様に | INORAN | INORAN | INORAN | | かたちない孤独は 三月の風の様に冷たくて 夜明けを待つ事さえ耐えきれず 何度も何度も潰されそうになった 途切れない迷いに囚われたまま 瞳に写る形は影を宿した ただ一つだけでいい 存在を願ってそれだけを信じて 何かが変わり始めた 目の前にあなたがいた 限りない世界で 君に出逢えた奇跡 見えるものすべてが 鮮やかに輝きはじめる どんな時もきっと 分け合えるから 僕らをつないでる この手を離さない様に おそらく単純で静かな物が すべてを知っている答えの様なもので それは決して与えられる事じゃない 手を伸ばしていく 内なる想いをはせて その先に君と 限りある未来を 君とめぐれる軌跡 二度とない強さが 柔らかに反射していく どんな時もきっと 叶えられるから 僕らの焦がれる ラストシーンが訪れる様に 今まで安らげる居場所 探してた つよがりに哀しみを 隠しながら 溢れていく涙が 優しさの色に変わる 目を閉じても そこには確かに 君がいるから すべてが変わりはじめた ずっとずっと共に 限りない世界で 君に出逢えた奇跡 見えるものすべてが 鮮やかに輝きはじめる どんな時もきっと 分け合えるから 僕らをつないでる この手を離さない様に 限りある未来を 君とめぐれる軌跡 二度とない強さが 柔らかに反射していく どんな時もきっと 叶えられるから 僕らの焦がれる ラストシーンが訪れる様に 僕らをつないでる この手を離さない様に |
might never see, might never reachSomeone told me “Don't lose yourself” I told you “Don't lose your mind” If you can't afford to fail Oneday's gonna take away until someone dominate you If you can't afford to fail so long I can't get, take this anymore It's a show time, beast's into you If you can't afford to fail Oneday's gonna take away until someone dominate you If you can't afford to fail so long Are you ready to get up & go (move forward one step) It's a time to wake up & play to go There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach I feel something each other through, believe me, trust me, follow me please Someone told me I don't feel anything It's not true we stop breathing I wanna be all that you want So I steal you, kiss you in this time Just wanna be anything you want I hear the sounds like whisper voice (never be afraid) You make me notice into you There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach I feel something each other through, believe me, trust me, follow me please Are you ready to get up & go (move forward one step) It's a time to wake up & play to go There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach I feel something each other through, believe me, trust me, follow me please There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach I feel something each other through, believe me, trust me, follow me please | INORAN | INORAN・Sebastian | INORAN | | Someone told me “Don't lose yourself” I told you “Don't lose your mind” If you can't afford to fail Oneday's gonna take away until someone dominate you If you can't afford to fail so long I can't get, take this anymore It's a show time, beast's into you If you can't afford to fail Oneday's gonna take away until someone dominate you If you can't afford to fail so long Are you ready to get up & go (move forward one step) It's a time to wake up & play to go There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach I feel something each other through, believe me, trust me, follow me please Someone told me I don't feel anything It's not true we stop breathing I wanna be all that you want So I steal you, kiss you in this time Just wanna be anything you want I hear the sounds like whisper voice (never be afraid) You make me notice into you There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach I feel something each other through, believe me, trust me, follow me please Are you ready to get up & go (move forward one step) It's a time to wake up & play to go There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach I feel something each other through, believe me, trust me, follow me please There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach I feel something each other through, believe me, trust me, follow me please |
Missing PieceWake up Come down Lost in the crowd It's not for me Need something more Not like before A missing piece No promise tomorrow / is comin at all So why don't we follow / the heart when it calls Cause I really wanna know Are you leavin me alone? I've been lookin for trouble Trouble just like you Hit or miss You never know Do you really wanna go? I've been lookin for trouble Lucky I found you Hold back What for? Break down the door Inside ourselves Each twist of fate Our choice to make Why stop yourself? No promise tomorrow / is comin at all So why don't we follow / the heart when it calls Let's live for the moment / and see where it leads I'm dyin to show it / if you wanna see Cause I really wanna know Are you leavin me alone? I've been lookin for trouble Trouble just like you Hit or miss You never know Do you really wanna go? I've been lookin for trouble Lucky I found you One chance One life We can't rewind No deja vu We both could be The missing piece It's up to you Cause I really wanna know Are you leavin me alone? I've been lookin for trouble Trouble just like you Hit or miss You never know Do you really wanna go? I've been lookin for trouble Lucky I found you | INORAN | Jon Underdown | INORAN | | Wake up Come down Lost in the crowd It's not for me Need something more Not like before A missing piece No promise tomorrow / is comin at all So why don't we follow / the heart when it calls Cause I really wanna know Are you leavin me alone? I've been lookin for trouble Trouble just like you Hit or miss You never know Do you really wanna go? I've been lookin for trouble Lucky I found you Hold back What for? Break down the door Inside ourselves Each twist of fate Our choice to make Why stop yourself? No promise tomorrow / is comin at all So why don't we follow / the heart when it calls Let's live for the moment / and see where it leads I'm dyin to show it / if you wanna see Cause I really wanna know Are you leavin me alone? I've been lookin for trouble Trouble just like you Hit or miss You never know Do you really wanna go? I've been lookin for trouble Lucky I found you One chance One life We can't rewind No deja vu We both could be The missing piece It's up to you Cause I really wanna know Are you leavin me alone? I've been lookin for trouble Trouble just like you Hit or miss You never know Do you really wanna go? I've been lookin for trouble Lucky I found you |
Minutes to MidnightTry to make them hear ya It feels like talking to a wall Empty promises covering up The truth they want none of us to know Now's our time Here on the front line Say goodbye to the masquerade The countdown's ticking away Have to face it Generation sick of waiting round for miracles Let it ride in rhythm to a whole different drum Elevate, liberate for the unbelievable Redefine borderline with minutes to midnight They'll ask you to believe Then deceive you What goes around must come around Must come around yeah Kharma's kiss will pack a punch No stopping it cause enough is enough 3, 2, 1… The countdown is ticking away Generation Sick of waiting round for miracles Let it ride In rhythm to a whole different drum Elevate, liberate for the unbelievable Redefine borderline With minutes to midnight It won't be long It's all that we focus on In a world gone wrong What's on the other side? No running from ourselves Can't be somebody else's old definition What's on the other side? Miracles Elevate Liberate What's on the other side? Redefine Borderline What's on the other side? We define Now's the time | INORAN | Jon Underdown | INORAN | | Try to make them hear ya It feels like talking to a wall Empty promises covering up The truth they want none of us to know Now's our time Here on the front line Say goodbye to the masquerade The countdown's ticking away Have to face it Generation sick of waiting round for miracles Let it ride in rhythm to a whole different drum Elevate, liberate for the unbelievable Redefine borderline with minutes to midnight They'll ask you to believe Then deceive you What goes around must come around Must come around yeah Kharma's kiss will pack a punch No stopping it cause enough is enough 3, 2, 1… The countdown is ticking away Generation Sick of waiting round for miracles Let it ride In rhythm to a whole different drum Elevate, liberate for the unbelievable Redefine borderline With minutes to midnight It won't be long It's all that we focus on In a world gone wrong What's on the other side? No running from ourselves Can't be somebody else's old definition What's on the other side? Miracles Elevate Liberate What's on the other side? Redefine Borderline What's on the other side? We define Now's the time |
Made Of FireEvery sunrise is one more chance so take it Every mistake is just another lesson Are you learning or losing your direction? Hey, keep on trying We all must face rejection No such thing as wrong or right Life isn't so black and white Listen to the voice inside while there's time Running Gotta keep running Hearts made of fire And we'll never stop chasing the dream Our hearts made of fire And we'll never stop chasing the dream No, we will never stop I remember when everything was simple It felt better when all my thoughts were wishful It gets harder caught up here in the middle now But that's alright I'm grateful for the riddles No such thing as wrong or right Life isn't so black and white Listen to the voice inside while there's time Running Gotta keep running Hearts made of fire And we'll never stop chasing the dream Our hearts made of fire And we'll never stop chasing the dream No, never stop chasing the dream Our hearts made of fire And we'll never stop chasing the dream Our hearts made of fire And we'll never stop chasing the dream Our hearts made of fire And we'll never stop chasing the dream Our hearts made of fire And we'll never stop chasing the dream Never stop chasing the dream | INORAN | Jon Underdown | INORAN | | Every sunrise is one more chance so take it Every mistake is just another lesson Are you learning or losing your direction? Hey, keep on trying We all must face rejection No such thing as wrong or right Life isn't so black and white Listen to the voice inside while there's time Running Gotta keep running Hearts made of fire And we'll never stop chasing the dream Our hearts made of fire And we'll never stop chasing the dream No, we will never stop I remember when everything was simple It felt better when all my thoughts were wishful It gets harder caught up here in the middle now But that's alright I'm grateful for the riddles No such thing as wrong or right Life isn't so black and white Listen to the voice inside while there's time Running Gotta keep running Hearts made of fire And we'll never stop chasing the dream Our hearts made of fire And we'll never stop chasing the dream No, never stop chasing the dream Our hearts made of fire And we'll never stop chasing the dream Our hearts made of fire And we'll never stop chasing the dream Our hearts made of fire And we'll never stop chasing the dream Our hearts made of fire And we'll never stop chasing the dream Never stop chasing the dream |
Your Light is BlindingAWAKE UP!!! from another bad scheme, SIRENS!!! ringing in my Skull it seems FED UP!!! holding on to nothing...she never meant a thing SILENCE!!! sounds so deafening, WIPED OUT!!! holding to a fantasy CRY OUT!!! echoes scream...just forget about me Your Light is Blinding!!!! Two bright for anyone to see Your Light is Blinding!!! Your light is Blinding Your Light is Blinding!!! Are you real or Make-believe Your Light is Blinding!!! Your light is Blinding SHUT-DOWN!!! defiant with everything, BREAK OUT!!! of the Shadows thats holding me HOLD OUT!!! drowning endless...but my mind is strong indeed LASH-OUT!!! Pain comes so easy FACEDOWN!!! in a pool of agony YELL LOUD!!! Echoes scream... laughter is deafening!!! Your Light is Blinding!!!! Two bright for anyone to see Your Light is Blinding!!! Your light is Blinding Your Light is Blinding!!! Are you real or Make-believe Your Light is Blinding!!! Your light is Blinding Beat Break ------------------ Your Light is Blinding!!!! Two bright for anyone to see Your Light is Blinding!!! Your light is Blinding Your Light is Blinding!!! Are you real or Make-believe Your Light is Blinding!!! Your light is Blinding Your Light is Blinding!!!! Two bright for anyone to see Your Light is Blinding!!! Your light is Blinding Your Light is Blinding!!! Are you real or Make-believe Your Light is Blinding!!! Your light is Blinding | INORAN | RAH-D | INORAN | | AWAKE UP!!! from another bad scheme, SIRENS!!! ringing in my Skull it seems FED UP!!! holding on to nothing...she never meant a thing SILENCE!!! sounds so deafening, WIPED OUT!!! holding to a fantasy CRY OUT!!! echoes scream...just forget about me Your Light is Blinding!!!! Two bright for anyone to see Your Light is Blinding!!! Your light is Blinding Your Light is Blinding!!! Are you real or Make-believe Your Light is Blinding!!! Your light is Blinding SHUT-DOWN!!! defiant with everything, BREAK OUT!!! of the Shadows thats holding me HOLD OUT!!! drowning endless...but my mind is strong indeed LASH-OUT!!! Pain comes so easy FACEDOWN!!! in a pool of agony YELL LOUD!!! Echoes scream... laughter is deafening!!! Your Light is Blinding!!!! Two bright for anyone to see Your Light is Blinding!!! Your light is Blinding Your Light is Blinding!!! Are you real or Make-believe Your Light is Blinding!!! Your light is Blinding Beat Break ------------------ Your Light is Blinding!!!! Two bright for anyone to see Your Light is Blinding!!! Your light is Blinding Your Light is Blinding!!! Are you real or Make-believe Your Light is Blinding!!! Your light is Blinding Your Light is Blinding!!!! Two bright for anyone to see Your Light is Blinding!!! Your light is Blinding Your Light is Blinding!!! Are you real or Make-believe Your Light is Blinding!!! Your light is Blinding |
You're Not AloneOn the outside we smile for the camera While screaming on the inside Where no-one ever hears us Don't rock the boat Get in line Keep your hands to yourself Our whole lives we are taught to be all but ourselves And it's taking its toll Oh, one that nobody knows Hollow And it's taking its toll Oh, one that nobody knows You're not alone Even when it feels like nothing's working Even though your heart is heavy, hurting Even if the answer leaves you searching You're not alone You're not alone Another day that bleeds into the next one Politely living our lives in silent desperation And it's taking its toll Oh, one that nobody knows Hollow And it's taking its toll Oh, one that nobody knows You're not alone Even when it feels like nothing's working Even though your heart is heavy, hurting Even if the answer leaves you searching You're not alone You're not alone Even when it feels like nothing's working Even though your heart is heavy, hurting Even if the answer leaves you searching You're not alone You're not alone We know mistakes Yeah everybody make'em In the cold echoes Take a deep breath Take a breath Take a breath Take a deep breath Take a breath Calm down Take a deep breath You can find that thing that'll save ya Never pay no mind to the haters Yeah together they'll never break us Oh You're not alone Even when it feels like nothing's working Even though your heart is heavy, hurting Even if the answer leaves you searching You're not alone You're not alone Even when it feels like nothing's working Even though your heart is heavy, hurting Even if the answer leaves you searching You're not alone You're not alone | INORAN | Jon Underdown | INORAN | | On the outside we smile for the camera While screaming on the inside Where no-one ever hears us Don't rock the boat Get in line Keep your hands to yourself Our whole lives we are taught to be all but ourselves And it's taking its toll Oh, one that nobody knows Hollow And it's taking its toll Oh, one that nobody knows You're not alone Even when it feels like nothing's working Even though your heart is heavy, hurting Even if the answer leaves you searching You're not alone You're not alone Another day that bleeds into the next one Politely living our lives in silent desperation And it's taking its toll Oh, one that nobody knows Hollow And it's taking its toll Oh, one that nobody knows You're not alone Even when it feels like nothing's working Even though your heart is heavy, hurting Even if the answer leaves you searching You're not alone You're not alone Even when it feels like nothing's working Even though your heart is heavy, hurting Even if the answer leaves you searching You're not alone You're not alone We know mistakes Yeah everybody make'em In the cold echoes Take a deep breath Take a breath Take a breath Take a deep breath Take a breath Calm down Take a deep breath You can find that thing that'll save ya Never pay no mind to the haters Yeah together they'll never break us Oh You're not alone Even when it feels like nothing's working Even though your heart is heavy, hurting Even if the answer leaves you searching You're not alone You're not alone Even when it feels like nothing's working Even though your heart is heavy, hurting Even if the answer leaves you searching You're not alone You're not alone |
You'll seeSaw your clever grin running from the Hotel Luxury Sat down in the chair right across from me Said I'm almost there, I'm just a little in between This dream isn't always easy You worry too much when you talk to me We'll be alright, just wait and see it takes some time to realize It's not So bad We're still In your head It's not So bad We're still In your head In time You'll see It's not Heavy We're so much better off then we were back then Can't regret what you don't pretend Said I'm almost there, I'm just a little in between This dream isn't always easy You worry too much when you talk to me We'll be alright, just wait and see it takes some time to realize It's not So bad We're still In your head It's not So bad We're still In your head In time You'll see It's not Heavy All the grass and palm trees, made so much sense to me Saw you crawling down the street and called out Walked around to figure out, where you've been hiding out Won't you come around, Oh come around You worry too much when you talk to me We'll be alright, just wait and see it takes some time to realize It's not So bad We're still In your head It's not So bad We're still In your head In time You'll see It's not Heavy All the grass and palm trees, made so much sense to me Saw you crawling down the street and called out | INORAN | Marlon Sexton | INORAN | | Saw your clever grin running from the Hotel Luxury Sat down in the chair right across from me Said I'm almost there, I'm just a little in between This dream isn't always easy You worry too much when you talk to me We'll be alright, just wait and see it takes some time to realize It's not So bad We're still In your head It's not So bad We're still In your head In time You'll see It's not Heavy We're so much better off then we were back then Can't regret what you don't pretend Said I'm almost there, I'm just a little in between This dream isn't always easy You worry too much when you talk to me We'll be alright, just wait and see it takes some time to realize It's not So bad We're still In your head It's not So bad We're still In your head In time You'll see It's not Heavy All the grass and palm trees, made so much sense to me Saw you crawling down the street and called out Walked around to figure out, where you've been hiding out Won't you come around, Oh come around You worry too much when you talk to me We'll be alright, just wait and see it takes some time to realize It's not So bad We're still In your head It's not So bad We're still In your head In time You'll see It's not Heavy All the grass and palm trees, made so much sense to me Saw you crawling down the street and called out |
Rise AgainIf you just lost your path Look at the sky and remember If you have a broken heart It's not the end The tears will drop your eyes That's why we feel so passion The fears can make you dark from all That's why we stand and be stronger Life, remember Life, together Life, you can make it We rise again Life, remember Life, together Life, let us all walk with you till the end It's time you can choose your way This song will make you remember It's time you can face your pain Thank all the scars The oceans open wide The tides will lead and beside you The fears can make you dark from all That's why we stand and be stronger Life, remember Life, together Life, you can make it We rise again Life, remember Life, together Life, let us all walk with you till the end This can't be over Life, remember Life, together Life, you can make it We rise again Life, remember Life, together Life, let us all walk with you till the end We all just make a fall We all just make a fall Then stand like we are tall We all just make a fall We all just make a fall Then stand like we are tall | INORAN | Shin | INORAN | | If you just lost your path Look at the sky and remember If you have a broken heart It's not the end The tears will drop your eyes That's why we feel so passion The fears can make you dark from all That's why we stand and be stronger Life, remember Life, together Life, you can make it We rise again Life, remember Life, together Life, let us all walk with you till the end It's time you can choose your way This song will make you remember It's time you can face your pain Thank all the scars The oceans open wide The tides will lead and beside you The fears can make you dark from all That's why we stand and be stronger Life, remember Life, together Life, you can make it We rise again Life, remember Life, together Life, let us all walk with you till the end This can't be over Life, remember Life, together Life, you can make it We rise again Life, remember Life, together Life, let us all walk with you till the end We all just make a fall We all just make a fall Then stand like we are tall We all just make a fall We all just make a fall Then stand like we are tall |
Ride the RhythmLong, long, long ago There was a boy with a dream inside him So strong it overflowed into the world around him And it started a fire A fire in his heart that started beating, beating You know what it was saying? Ride the rhythm Trust where it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get Forget your fears and listen Ride the rhythm Wherever it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get Invent yourself today Yeah It feels like days ago When I was young and it burned so brightly Through much time along the road It's all there was to guide me Now you're fueling the fire The fire in my heart that's always beating, beating I'm happy it was saying Ride the rhythm Trust where it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get Forget all your fears and listen to grow and grow and grow So ride the rhythm Wherever it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get Invent yourself today When you ride the rhythm trust where it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get Forget your fears today Time to ride the rhythm wherever it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get My friend, just listen to grow and grow and grow I know Never could've made it alone Never could've made it alone Never could've made it alone, alone, alone I know I never could've made it alone I never could've made it alone I never could've made it alone, alone, alone No~ Ride the rhythm Trust where it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get Forget all your fears and listen to grow and grow and grow So ride the rhythm Wherever it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get My friend, just listen to grow and grow and grow Go ride the rhythm Trust where it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get My friend, just listen to grow and grow and grow I know Never could've made it alone Never could've made it alone Never could've made it alone, alone, alone No~ Never could've made it alone | INORAN | Jon Underdown | INORAN | | Long, long, long ago There was a boy with a dream inside him So strong it overflowed into the world around him And it started a fire A fire in his heart that started beating, beating You know what it was saying? Ride the rhythm Trust where it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get Forget your fears and listen Ride the rhythm Wherever it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get Invent yourself today Yeah It feels like days ago When I was young and it burned so brightly Through much time along the road It's all there was to guide me Now you're fueling the fire The fire in my heart that's always beating, beating I'm happy it was saying Ride the rhythm Trust where it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get Forget all your fears and listen to grow and grow and grow So ride the rhythm Wherever it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get Invent yourself today When you ride the rhythm trust where it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get Forget your fears today Time to ride the rhythm wherever it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get My friend, just listen to grow and grow and grow I know Never could've made it alone Never could've made it alone Never could've made it alone, alone, alone I know I never could've made it alone I never could've made it alone I never could've made it alone, alone, alone No~ Ride the rhythm Trust where it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get Forget all your fears and listen to grow and grow and grow So ride the rhythm Wherever it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get My friend, just listen to grow and grow and grow Go ride the rhythm Trust where it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get My friend, just listen to grow and grow and grow I know Never could've made it alone Never could've made it alone Never could've made it alone, alone, alone No~ Never could've made it alone |
Live it UpOur light Don't wanna feel it half way It's such a blessing Our light Inside the breath of a new day So live it up Be careful what you take for granted Tomorrow's never what you planned it I'm hoping that before it's over To live it up (live it up) So live it up (live it up) We live it up (live it up) So live it up (live it up) Sometimes I feel I'm losing my way I keep forgetting our light No, I don't wanna be too late So live it up Be careful what you take for granted Cause in a blink it all could vanish I'm hoping that before it's over To live it up (live it up) So live it up (live it up) We live it up (live it up) So live it up (live it up) Blood, blood, sweat, tears Beloved one Blood, sweat Are you ready yet? Are you ready yet? Blood, blood, sweat, tears Beloved one Blood, sweat So get ready set So get ready set To live it up (live it up) So live it up (live it up) We live it up (live it up) So live it up (live it up) To live it up (live it up) So live it up (live it up) We live it up (live it up) So live it up (live it up) Let's live it up (live it up) | INORAN | Jon Underdown | INORAN | | Our light Don't wanna feel it half way It's such a blessing Our light Inside the breath of a new day So live it up Be careful what you take for granted Tomorrow's never what you planned it I'm hoping that before it's over To live it up (live it up) So live it up (live it up) We live it up (live it up) So live it up (live it up) Sometimes I feel I'm losing my way I keep forgetting our light No, I don't wanna be too late So live it up Be careful what you take for granted Cause in a blink it all could vanish I'm hoping that before it's over To live it up (live it up) So live it up (live it up) We live it up (live it up) So live it up (live it up) Blood, blood, sweat, tears Beloved one Blood, sweat Are you ready yet? Are you ready yet? Blood, blood, sweat, tears Beloved one Blood, sweat So get ready set So get ready set To live it up (live it up) So live it up (live it up) We live it up (live it up) So live it up (live it up) To live it up (live it up) So live it up (live it up) We live it up (live it up) So live it up (live it up) Let's live it up (live it up) |
Lullaby of WindsStuck in a bad dream Looking for the door But the key I have is broken We gotta bust out Make a break for it Get away from all this poison I'm not walking out on you Last thing I would ever do I'm not walking out on you Trying to save you from what you've become Sinking deeper into shadows Heart in a tailspin Taciturn mirage I don't wanna see you so low I'm not walking out on you Last thing I would ever do I'm not walking out on you Last thing I would ever do Stuck in a bad dream Looking for the door But the key I have is broken | INORAN | INORAN・JON UNDERDOWN | INORAN | | Stuck in a bad dream Looking for the door But the key I have is broken We gotta bust out Make a break for it Get away from all this poison I'm not walking out on you Last thing I would ever do I'm not walking out on you Trying to save you from what you've become Sinking deeper into shadows Heart in a tailspin Taciturn mirage I don't wanna see you so low I'm not walking out on you Last thing I would ever do I'm not walking out on you Last thing I would ever do Stuck in a bad dream Looking for the door But the key I have is broken |
Run AwayThere's something in the air when you pass me by, oo, yeah Every part of me just stops asking why I can tell by the way you move, it's true Morning moon, I see you Got me thinking brand new Where we go, I don't know but I know I want this If you see what I see, baby be my witness Right now, your flaws are flawless, I confess I believe, I believe, I believe in you, yeah Run away, run away, run away from all this Run away, run away, run away from all this When you found me so lost late last night, oo, yeah It's like your eyes lit up the whole sky And I can tell by the way you move, it's true Morning moon, the hidden you Got me seeing brand new Where we go, I don't know but I know I want this If you see what I see, baby be my witness Right now, your flaws are flawless, I confess I believe, I believe, I believe in you, yeah Run away, run away, run away from all this Run away, run away, run away from all this Run away, run away, run away from all this You came into my life and turned it upside down Now everything is fine, you're all I need around You came into my life and turned it upside down Now everything is fine, I can see you Oh, beautiful you… Let me tell you one more time I just can't get enough You're all I'm thinking of I just can't get enough of you Now I know what I need to do… I just can't get enough You're all I'm thinking of Oh, beautiful you You came into my life and turned it upside down Now everything is fine, you're all I need around You came into my life and turned it upside down Now everything is fine, I can see you | INORAN | Nelson Babin-Coy・Mark Stein | INORAN | | There's something in the air when you pass me by, oo, yeah Every part of me just stops asking why I can tell by the way you move, it's true Morning moon, I see you Got me thinking brand new Where we go, I don't know but I know I want this If you see what I see, baby be my witness Right now, your flaws are flawless, I confess I believe, I believe, I believe in you, yeah Run away, run away, run away from all this Run away, run away, run away from all this When you found me so lost late last night, oo, yeah It's like your eyes lit up the whole sky And I can tell by the way you move, it's true Morning moon, the hidden you Got me seeing brand new Where we go, I don't know but I know I want this If you see what I see, baby be my witness Right now, your flaws are flawless, I confess I believe, I believe, I believe in you, yeah Run away, run away, run away from all this Run away, run away, run away from all this Run away, run away, run away from all this You came into my life and turned it upside down Now everything is fine, you're all I need around You came into my life and turned it upside down Now everything is fine, I can see you Oh, beautiful you… Let me tell you one more time I just can't get enough You're all I'm thinking of I just can't get enough of you Now I know what I need to do… I just can't get enough You're all I'm thinking of Oh, beautiful you You came into my life and turned it upside down Now everything is fine, you're all I need around You came into my life and turned it upside down Now everything is fine, I can see you |
REDISCOVER ON ANOTHERSome will fall to the way side Some lose touch with the real world Everyone's gotta face their broken dreams Some only see the downside Some go blaming the whole world No one's safe in this life Hearts are gonna break Can you let go? Can you let go? Can you let go? REDISCOVER now What if you let go? ONE another Be forgiven DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Tears fallen… Tears fallen… REDISCOVER the now If you can let go ONE another Be forgiven DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Tears make the river of dreams Can't keep this on the inside Painful though as it may be Crazy as it all feels Life goes on Will you fall to the wayside? You could marvel the whole world Cross my heart in this life You are not alone Can you let go? Can you let go? Can you let go? REDISCOVER now What if you let go? ONE another Be forgiven DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Tears fallin'… Tears fallin'… REDISCOVER the now If you can let go ONE another Be forgiven DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Tears drifting into the sea Can you let go? Can you let go? Can you let go? REDISCOVER now What if you let go? ONE another Be forgiven DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Tears fallen… Tears fallen… REDISCOVER the now If you can let go ONE another Be forgiven DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Tears make the river of dreams REDISCOVER now What if you let go? ONE another Be forgiven DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Tears fallin'… Tears fallin'… REDISCOVER the now If you can let go ONE another Be forgiven DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Tears drifting into the sea | INORAN | INORAN・Jon Underdown | INORAN | | Some will fall to the way side Some lose touch with the real world Everyone's gotta face their broken dreams Some only see the downside Some go blaming the whole world No one's safe in this life Hearts are gonna break Can you let go? Can you let go? Can you let go? REDISCOVER now What if you let go? ONE another Be forgiven DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Tears fallen… Tears fallen… REDISCOVER the now If you can let go ONE another Be forgiven DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Tears make the river of dreams Can't keep this on the inside Painful though as it may be Crazy as it all feels Life goes on Will you fall to the wayside? You could marvel the whole world Cross my heart in this life You are not alone Can you let go? Can you let go? Can you let go? REDISCOVER now What if you let go? ONE another Be forgiven DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Tears fallin'… Tears fallin'… REDISCOVER the now If you can let go ONE another Be forgiven DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Tears drifting into the sea Can you let go? Can you let go? Can you let go? REDISCOVER now What if you let go? ONE another Be forgiven DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Tears fallen… Tears fallen… REDISCOVER the now If you can let go ONE another Be forgiven DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Tears make the river of dreams REDISCOVER now What if you let go? ONE another Be forgiven DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Tears fallin'… Tears fallin'… REDISCOVER the now If you can let go ONE another Be forgiven DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Tears drifting into the sea |
Libertine DreamsTongue tied Bless my soul Devil in some leather ‘Bout to overload Make me wanna beg to break the rules Make me wanna beg to break the rules Love bites Ain't no joke Never better Wanna let her take control She's a powder keg and I'm the fuze She's a powder keg and I'm the fuze Let's watch it blow It's animal So tight Head to toe Ready for whatever So come on let's go Make me wanna beg to break the rules Make me wanna beg to break the rules All night Can't let go Breathin heavy Got me ready to explode She's a powder keg and I'm the fuze She's a powder keg and I'm the fuze I feel the fire burnin in me She's got the poison Just what I need (I can't get enough) Slave to desire runnin through me She's got the poison Just what I need Libertine dreams Libertine dreams I feel the fire burnin in me (All that's on my mind, It's on my mind) She's got the poison (All that's on my mind, It's on my mind) Just what I need Slave to desire runnin through me (All that's on my mind, All that's on my mind) She's got the poison (All that's on my mind, All that's on my mind) Just what I need Libertine dreams Libertine dreams Libertine dreams Libertine dreams Libertine dreams | INORAN | Jon Underdown | INORAN | | Tongue tied Bless my soul Devil in some leather ‘Bout to overload Make me wanna beg to break the rules Make me wanna beg to break the rules Love bites Ain't no joke Never better Wanna let her take control She's a powder keg and I'm the fuze She's a powder keg and I'm the fuze Let's watch it blow It's animal So tight Head to toe Ready for whatever So come on let's go Make me wanna beg to break the rules Make me wanna beg to break the rules All night Can't let go Breathin heavy Got me ready to explode She's a powder keg and I'm the fuze She's a powder keg and I'm the fuze I feel the fire burnin in me She's got the poison Just what I need (I can't get enough) Slave to desire runnin through me She's got the poison Just what I need Libertine dreams Libertine dreams I feel the fire burnin in me (All that's on my mind, It's on my mind) She's got the poison (All that's on my mind, It's on my mind) Just what I need Slave to desire runnin through me (All that's on my mind, All that's on my mind) She's got the poison (All that's on my mind, All that's on my mind) Just what I need Libertine dreams Libertine dreams Libertine dreams Libertine dreams Libertine dreams |
Leap of FaithLife doesn't wait for us The writing is on the wall Though where is it taking us Remember through it all No matter where we go The love & loss The highs & lows We fall but only to help us grow With every step Yet we forget that everything can change in a moment We're just stars before the morning Voice within us crying to be noticed You know it's true When ya get stuck Have a little bad luck Listen Then take a leap of faith Then take a leap of faith When ya feel blind Going outta your mind Listen Then take a leap of faith Then take a leap of faith Remember… I travelled the world to find The secrets of the sun Just looking for peace of mind I'm not the only one The laughter and the tears Mistakes we make throughout the years The reason that we are standing here With every step We can't forget that everything can change in a moment We're just stars before the morning Voice within us dying to be noticed You know it's true When ya get stuck Have a little bad luck Listen Then take a leap of faith Then take a leap of faith When ya feel blind Going outta your mind Listen Then take a leap of faith Then take a leap of faith Remember Take a leap of faith Take a leap of faith Take a leap of faith Take a leap of faith whatever may come, may come A leap of faith as we wake up, wake up A leap of faith as we take off, take off Just keep on listening And take the leap When ya get stuck Have a little bad luck Listen Then take a leap of faith Then take a leap of faith When ya feel blind Going outta your mind Listen Then take a leap of faith Then take a leap of faith Remember Stay tough Make a lotta great luck Listen Then take a leap of faith Then take a leap of faith We all get stuck Keep on living Stay tough Listen Then take a leap of faith Then take a leap of faith Remember | INORAN | Jon Underdown | INORAN | | Life doesn't wait for us The writing is on the wall Though where is it taking us Remember through it all No matter where we go The love & loss The highs & lows We fall but only to help us grow With every step Yet we forget that everything can change in a moment We're just stars before the morning Voice within us crying to be noticed You know it's true When ya get stuck Have a little bad luck Listen Then take a leap of faith Then take a leap of faith When ya feel blind Going outta your mind Listen Then take a leap of faith Then take a leap of faith Remember… I travelled the world to find The secrets of the sun Just looking for peace of mind I'm not the only one The laughter and the tears Mistakes we make throughout the years The reason that we are standing here With every step We can't forget that everything can change in a moment We're just stars before the morning Voice within us dying to be noticed You know it's true When ya get stuck Have a little bad luck Listen Then take a leap of faith Then take a leap of faith When ya feel blind Going outta your mind Listen Then take a leap of faith Then take a leap of faith Remember Take a leap of faith Take a leap of faith Take a leap of faith Take a leap of faith whatever may come, may come A leap of faith as we wake up, wake up A leap of faith as we take off, take off Just keep on listening And take the leap When ya get stuck Have a little bad luck Listen Then take a leap of faith Then take a leap of faith When ya feel blind Going outta your mind Listen Then take a leap of faith Then take a leap of faith Remember Stay tough Make a lotta great luck Listen Then take a leap of faith Then take a leap of faith We all get stuck Keep on living Stay tough Listen Then take a leap of faith Then take a leap of faith Remember |
raize汚れなき空追いかけて 変わってく景色は次のsignal 目指した行き先にたどり着きたい 足りないもの探す旅 風をはらませて本気で加速して 大切な夢問いかけて 変化を望んだ気持ちになる 照らしたゆき先あともう少し 誰にも邪魔させない この手に強く握った熱を感じて 躊躇わず 飛ばしてゆこう 諦めず 信じて走ろう とらわれない場所 僕等の未来に逢う為に 哀しみで強くなれた 歓びは僕等を包む 何度でも願うよ 何処まででも振り返らずに 躊躇わず 飛ばしてゆこう 諦めず 信じて走ろう とらわれない場所 僕等の未来に逢う為に | INORAN | INORAN | INORAN | INORAN | 汚れなき空追いかけて 変わってく景色は次のsignal 目指した行き先にたどり着きたい 足りないもの探す旅 風をはらませて本気で加速して 大切な夢問いかけて 変化を望んだ気持ちになる 照らしたゆき先あともう少し 誰にも邪魔させない この手に強く握った熱を感じて 躊躇わず 飛ばしてゆこう 諦めず 信じて走ろう とらわれない場所 僕等の未来に逢う為に 哀しみで強くなれた 歓びは僕等を包む 何度でも願うよ 何処まででも振り返らずに 躊躇わず 飛ばしてゆこう 諦めず 信じて走ろう とらわれない場所 僕等の未来に逢う為に |
Let It All OutI'm tearing down the PCH Under a sky of red Cause everything around me now Has got me off my head Paying attention to nothin' but The way I feel inside In my convertible Chevrolet Slipping into the night Trying to turn myself around... Let it all out, let it all out Let it all out, let it all out Let it all out, let it all out Only way that's left for me now Let it all out, let it all out Let it all out, let it all out Let it all out, let it all out Got, got, got to let it all out To let it all out tonight Don't need a destination No, only the stars above Rockin' the music in my head Until I see the sun So aggravated once again My temper's burnin' me out So now I'll take it to the edge Just gotta to let it all out Trying to turn myself around... Let it all out, let it all out Let it all out, let it all out Let it all out, let it all out Only way that's left for me now Let it all out, let it all out Let it all out, let it all out Let it all out, let it all out Got, got, got to let it all out To let it all out tonight | INORAN | INORAN・JON UNDERDOWN | INORAN | | I'm tearing down the PCH Under a sky of red Cause everything around me now Has got me off my head Paying attention to nothin' but The way I feel inside In my convertible Chevrolet Slipping into the night Trying to turn myself around... Let it all out, let it all out Let it all out, let it all out Let it all out, let it all out Only way that's left for me now Let it all out, let it all out Let it all out, let it all out Let it all out, let it all out Got, got, got to let it all out To let it all out tonight Don't need a destination No, only the stars above Rockin' the music in my head Until I see the sun So aggravated once again My temper's burnin' me out So now I'll take it to the edge Just gotta to let it all out Trying to turn myself around... Let it all out, let it all out Let it all out, let it all out Let it all out, let it all out Only way that's left for me now Let it all out, let it all out Let it all out, let it all out Let it all out, let it all out Got, got, got to let it all out To let it all out tonight |
LEMONTUNEI had a bad day like I've never ever had So I made a quick call to the devil in my lamp And he wants me to be this way And he wants me to be that way Oh my lordy! Bad boy invites you to be yellow Gotta stop me moving but I just can't stop Ticking and a clicking like a broken clock Our time is your time Get on the dance floor Fat boy (dance mutherfucker) He's shaking it to the beat (C'mon c'mon, c'mon yeah) Surfing on (a lemon) All your brainwaves Sun in skin Dry your everything So sweet Let the taste surround you now Join me And we can come together now All we all need :loving, loving Sometimes I need a new degree One time I saw a helium Hard time candy swallowing No time to ever get too Lonely, lonely Call me, call me Bite it It's all that you need to know Drive it It's somewhere you need to go Man on moon (a lemon) I'm just floating here for you Clear blue skies (a lemon) Mixed with ocean blue So sweet Let the taste surround you now Join me We can come together All we all need :loving, loving Sometimes I need a new degree One time I saw a helium Hard time candy swallowing This time I'm taking everything Slowly, slowly Hold me closely If you ever need to feel it Just sing the lemontune It could be the sweetest flavor If you open up your head If you need someone to take you Just call me out again And I know life's not that easy But it doesn't have to be hard When all that's left is the moment We'll make the moment ours If it becomes time to be going Just take the feeling home And then we'll come back again tomorrow | INORAN | FAKE? | FAKE? | INORAN | I had a bad day like I've never ever had So I made a quick call to the devil in my lamp And he wants me to be this way And he wants me to be that way Oh my lordy! Bad boy invites you to be yellow Gotta stop me moving but I just can't stop Ticking and a clicking like a broken clock Our time is your time Get on the dance floor Fat boy (dance mutherfucker) He's shaking it to the beat (C'mon c'mon, c'mon yeah) Surfing on (a lemon) All your brainwaves Sun in skin Dry your everything So sweet Let the taste surround you now Join me And we can come together now All we all need :loving, loving Sometimes I need a new degree One time I saw a helium Hard time candy swallowing No time to ever get too Lonely, lonely Call me, call me Bite it It's all that you need to know Drive it It's somewhere you need to go Man on moon (a lemon) I'm just floating here for you Clear blue skies (a lemon) Mixed with ocean blue So sweet Let the taste surround you now Join me We can come together All we all need :loving, loving Sometimes I need a new degree One time I saw a helium Hard time candy swallowing This time I'm taking everything Slowly, slowly Hold me closely If you ever need to feel it Just sing the lemontune It could be the sweetest flavor If you open up your head If you need someone to take you Just call me out again And I know life's not that easy But it doesn't have to be hard When all that's left is the moment We'll make the moment ours If it becomes time to be going Just take the feeling home And then we'll come back again tomorrow |
Long Time CominLong time comin' Long time comin' Where I been Where I'm goin' Through the years We're just escaping through time On and on Keep on runnin' Down a long road that's callin' How things change But remain the same inside You are the light That leads me through the fire A sea of faded memories Let it come together Fill your heart's desire These ups and downs of our lives Show us what it means to be alive Long time comin' Long time comin' What I've seen And how I'm growin' Through it all You were always by my side If we could see See what's comin' Would it change the dreams you're holdin' Seems we're all walking through this life so blind You are the light That leads me through the fire A sea of faded memories Let it come together Fill your heart's desire These ups and downs of our lives Show us what it means to be alive There's a new day comin' A new day comin' As the world The world keeps turnin' Every day's one more chance to get it right You are the light That leads me through the fire A sea of faded memories Let it come together Fill your heart's desire These ups and downs of our lives Show us what it means to be alive and wild Through all the faded memories Let it come together Fill your heart's desire Long time Been a long time Long time Been a long time Long time Been a long time Long time Been a long, long time Long time Been a long time Long time Been a long, long time Long time Been a long time Long time Been a long, long time | INORAN | Jon Underdown | INORAN | | Long time comin' Long time comin' Where I been Where I'm goin' Through the years We're just escaping through time On and on Keep on runnin' Down a long road that's callin' How things change But remain the same inside You are the light That leads me through the fire A sea of faded memories Let it come together Fill your heart's desire These ups and downs of our lives Show us what it means to be alive Long time comin' Long time comin' What I've seen And how I'm growin' Through it all You were always by my side If we could see See what's comin' Would it change the dreams you're holdin' Seems we're all walking through this life so blind You are the light That leads me through the fire A sea of faded memories Let it come together Fill your heart's desire These ups and downs of our lives Show us what it means to be alive There's a new day comin' A new day comin' As the world The world keeps turnin' Every day's one more chance to get it right You are the light That leads me through the fire A sea of faded memories Let it come together Fill your heart's desire These ups and downs of our lives Show us what it means to be alive and wild Through all the faded memories Let it come together Fill your heart's desire Long time Been a long time Long time Been a long time Long time Been a long time Long time Been a long, long time Long time Been a long time Long time Been a long, long time Long time Been a long time Long time Been a long, long time |
One Big BlueYou gotta wake yourself up all right? I think you do know. While it can seem so hard now, that's broken yourself. Even though you lost & cry, gotta take in what's goin' on. Round round…come around round… You grieving it over, don't mess up your day. All of feeling I got so far will never come true of every dreaming. What is lost can still be found when you stand here on the ground. Hey you, still waiting for your something? I'm here with you. When no one seems to care, you gotta hang on so strong. Do you feel all my pain? I can be your papan angel. I swear…swear… Blow this life to hell, grab and drag just take me home. All of feeling I got so far will never come true of every dreaming. What is lost can still be found when you stand here on the ground. All of feeling I got so far will never come true of every dreaming. The weeping drops like a rain fills up river toward one blue. | INORAN | INORAN | INORAN | INORAN | You gotta wake yourself up all right? I think you do know. While it can seem so hard now, that's broken yourself. Even though you lost & cry, gotta take in what's goin' on. Round round…come around round… You grieving it over, don't mess up your day. All of feeling I got so far will never come true of every dreaming. What is lost can still be found when you stand here on the ground. Hey you, still waiting for your something? I'm here with you. When no one seems to care, you gotta hang on so strong. Do you feel all my pain? I can be your papan angel. I swear…swear… Blow this life to hell, grab and drag just take me home. All of feeling I got so far will never come true of every dreaming. What is lost can still be found when you stand here on the ground. All of feeling I got so far will never come true of every dreaming. The weeping drops like a rain fills up river toward one blue. |