Memories Watch'n outer space I see them shine Crazy stuff like this it blows my mind So many times, waking up to the radio I'm breaking out of the safety of radio When did I stop searching for miracles It's bad enough when nobody helps Memory Memory now You are nothing but a Memory Memory now You're burning out 移り変わり行く世代交代 後追いはしない新時代 Memory Memory now Go on and fuck yourself 見上げた夜空のスクリーンには 数えきれぬほどの光が 今見ているその輝きはもう 僕が生まれる遥か前 昔の 過去の姿それなのに今日も ヤツは僕に光ってみせる! You're just a Memory Memory now You are nothing but a Memory Memory now You're burning out 移り変わり行く世代交代 後追いはしない新時代 Memory Memory now Go on and fuck yourself Don't wanna be a has-been Never gonna happen Not like you Memory Memory now You are nothing but a Memory Memory now You're burning out 移り変わり行く世代交代 後追いはしない新時代 Memory Memory now Go on and fuck yourself | ONE OK ROCK | Taka | Taka・Jordan Schmidt | | Watch'n outer space I see them shine Crazy stuff like this it blows my mind So many times, waking up to the radio I'm breaking out of the safety of radio When did I stop searching for miracles It's bad enough when nobody helps Memory Memory now You are nothing but a Memory Memory now You're burning out 移り変わり行く世代交代 後追いはしない新時代 Memory Memory now Go on and fuck yourself 見上げた夜空のスクリーンには 数えきれぬほどの光が 今見ているその輝きはもう 僕が生まれる遥か前 昔の 過去の姿それなのに今日も ヤツは僕に光ってみせる! You're just a Memory Memory now You are nothing but a Memory Memory now You're burning out 移り変わり行く世代交代 後追いはしない新時代 Memory Memory now Go on and fuck yourself Don't wanna be a has-been Never gonna happen Not like you Memory Memory now You are nothing but a Memory Memory now You're burning out 移り変わり行く世代交代 後追いはしない新時代 Memory Memory now Go on and fuck yourself |
Melody Lineの死亡率 幼い頃に気づいていたけれど 無我夢中に 可能性を信じて走り続けた 苦しんで悩んでも今更後悔はしないのさ 生まれるカタチ 真似はできない We got lots of melodies They have no more boundaries And nobody means to hurt any one 気付いてるでしょ?戸惑いもしない 目の前の君はなぜなの? 残り少ない現実で 自発音(オリジナル)を 言葉に魂込めれば それはこの世でひとつだけのもの 曇っていたバスルームの鏡に 指先でその瞬間(とき)の感情を訴え続けた 歌ってる時だけがありのままの姿を映し出す 僕の人生 音楽(これ)に託した We got lots of melodies They have no more boundaries And nobody means to hurt any one 気付いてるでしょ?戸惑いもしない 目の前の君はなぜなの? 残り少ない現実で 自発音(オリジナル)を 言葉に魂込めれば それはこの世でひとつだけのもの We made this song for you all Hitting like a fireball That's why here we are and we can move on 全ての道に挫折と希望 刺激され明日越えていく 言霊が将来のカギを握っている 無限大の力発揮して 人々の夢広げる だからこそこの先もずっと 愛する音と僕達は未来を創り上げていく Two words become one!! | ONE OK ROCK | Toru | Toru・Taka | | 幼い頃に気づいていたけれど 無我夢中に 可能性を信じて走り続けた 苦しんで悩んでも今更後悔はしないのさ 生まれるカタチ 真似はできない We got lots of melodies They have no more boundaries And nobody means to hurt any one 気付いてるでしょ?戸惑いもしない 目の前の君はなぜなの? 残り少ない現実で 自発音(オリジナル)を 言葉に魂込めれば それはこの世でひとつだけのもの 曇っていたバスルームの鏡に 指先でその瞬間(とき)の感情を訴え続けた 歌ってる時だけがありのままの姿を映し出す 僕の人生 音楽(これ)に託した We got lots of melodies They have no more boundaries And nobody means to hurt any one 気付いてるでしょ?戸惑いもしない 目の前の君はなぜなの? 残り少ない現実で 自発音(オリジナル)を 言葉に魂込めれば それはこの世でひとつだけのもの We made this song for you all Hitting like a fireball That's why here we are and we can move on 全ての道に挫折と希望 刺激され明日越えていく 言霊が将来のカギを握っている 無限大の力発揮して 人々の夢広げる だからこそこの先もずっと 愛する音と僕達は未来を創り上げていく Two words become one!! |
もしも太陽がなくなったとしたら…もしも太陽がなくなったとしたら 誰一人として生きていけない 街中は騒ぎだし焦りだす この先なにが起こるかわからない 朝目覚めると隣に君がいて窓からの光 寝ぐせ頭でいつもの手作りBreakfast お出かけ前のkiss 何気ない生活がすごい大切で一分一秒今を生きてる 突然地球が破壊されると予告されたら僕はなにをするのだろう? 光のない暗闇の中 予想もできない非常事態 もしも太陽がなくなったとしたら 誰一人として生きていけない 街中は騒ぎだし焦りだす この先なにが起こるかわからない 雨降り風吹き小さな芽がでてきれいな花が咲く 季節が変わり時代もともに変わる やがて時が経つにつれて植物や生き物一つも残らず 一瞬にして思い出はこの世から消え去ってく 突然地球が破壊されると予告されたら君はなにをするのだろう? 光のない暗闇の中 予想もできない非常事態 もしも太陽がなくなったとしたら 誰一人として生きていけない 街中は騒ぎだし焦りだす この先なにが起こるかわからない We've seen people we feel sorry. They all say “please help me!” 誰一人として生きていけない 『Shout for help』 『Don't worry, be alright』 世界の終わりが近づいている 今僕にできることは君を強く抱きしめるだけ もしも太陽がなくなったとしたら 誰一人として生きていけない 街中は騒ぎだし焦りだす この先なにが起こるかわからない | ONE OK ROCK | Toru | Toru | ONE OK ROCK | もしも太陽がなくなったとしたら 誰一人として生きていけない 街中は騒ぎだし焦りだす この先なにが起こるかわからない 朝目覚めると隣に君がいて窓からの光 寝ぐせ頭でいつもの手作りBreakfast お出かけ前のkiss 何気ない生活がすごい大切で一分一秒今を生きてる 突然地球が破壊されると予告されたら僕はなにをするのだろう? 光のない暗闇の中 予想もできない非常事態 もしも太陽がなくなったとしたら 誰一人として生きていけない 街中は騒ぎだし焦りだす この先なにが起こるかわからない 雨降り風吹き小さな芽がでてきれいな花が咲く 季節が変わり時代もともに変わる やがて時が経つにつれて植物や生き物一つも残らず 一瞬にして思い出はこの世から消え去ってく 突然地球が破壊されると予告されたら君はなにをするのだろう? 光のない暗闇の中 予想もできない非常事態 もしも太陽がなくなったとしたら 誰一人として生きていけない 街中は騒ぎだし焦りだす この先なにが起こるかわからない We've seen people we feel sorry. They all say “please help me!” 誰一人として生きていけない 『Shout for help』 『Don't worry, be alright』 世界の終わりが近づいている 今僕にできることは君を強く抱きしめるだけ もしも太陽がなくなったとしたら 誰一人として生きていけない 街中は騒ぎだし焦りだす この先なにが起こるかわからない |
Yap泣く事も笑う事もできなくなって どれくらい経つだろう? ウソを言ってさらにウソ重ねるのは 何回目だろう? この退屈で窮屈な 場所のドコを僕は誇ればいい? 強いて言うならば僕が僕のままで いつづけられる事!!それぐらいかな?! テレビで見るののしり合いながらのトークは まるで子供みたいで 認め合って次に進む事の方が大事な気もするけど… 平然と人に向けた言葉という名の機関銃を 撃ちまくるあなたを見て そこで傷つく人がいようとも I never want to try to stop it! There is no one to try to stop it!! Let it go!!! 真実の代わりにウソで人が幸せになるなら どれだけの正義がこの世で悪へと変わるのかな? La La La La La … Should I take it to be happy? Do you think that it is better way? | ONE OK ROCK | Taka | Taka | | 泣く事も笑う事もできなくなって どれくらい経つだろう? ウソを言ってさらにウソ重ねるのは 何回目だろう? この退屈で窮屈な 場所のドコを僕は誇ればいい? 強いて言うならば僕が僕のままで いつづけられる事!!それぐらいかな?! テレビで見るののしり合いながらのトークは まるで子供みたいで 認め合って次に進む事の方が大事な気もするけど… 平然と人に向けた言葉という名の機関銃を 撃ちまくるあなたを見て そこで傷つく人がいようとも I never want to try to stop it! There is no one to try to stop it!! Let it go!!! 真実の代わりにウソで人が幸せになるなら どれだけの正義がこの世で悪へと変わるのかな? La La La La La … Should I take it to be happy? Do you think that it is better way? |
Your Tears are MineIt's been a ride Fighting through life Hard to come by some kindness Trying to hide all that's inside Making walls of your silence And I know there's something going on Though you don't ever let me in I'd give you all my soul Just for you to know Your tears are mine And it's a new world tonight Say my name and I will fly Over to you Gunning for time I promise you that it will be all right Just please hold on I'd like to love you true With all of your scars Wish I could care for a little Piece of your heart If you'd like to tell me How your story began I'm sitting right here waiting And no you're not alone anymore Your tears are mine And it's a new world tonight Say my name and I will fly Over to you Gunning for time I promise you that it will be all right Just please hold on I'll be right here and there's nothing to hide Everyone needs understanding sometimes You're beautiful even when you feel broken I'm right by you We'll make it through I'll stay with you till the dark fades Your tears are mine It's a new world tonight Say my name and I will fly Over to you Gunning for time I promise you that I'll be by your side Through the fight Everything's gonna be fine Just please hold on tight | ONE OK ROCK | Taka・Rob Cavallo・King Aventurina Dorothea・Andrew DeCaro・Jake Sinclair and Nick Long | Taka・Rob Cavallo・King Aventurina Dorothea・Andrew DeCaro・Jake Sinclair and Nick Long | | It's been a ride Fighting through life Hard to come by some kindness Trying to hide all that's inside Making walls of your silence And I know there's something going on Though you don't ever let me in I'd give you all my soul Just for you to know Your tears are mine And it's a new world tonight Say my name and I will fly Over to you Gunning for time I promise you that it will be all right Just please hold on I'd like to love you true With all of your scars Wish I could care for a little Piece of your heart If you'd like to tell me How your story began I'm sitting right here waiting And no you're not alone anymore Your tears are mine And it's a new world tonight Say my name and I will fly Over to you Gunning for time I promise you that it will be all right Just please hold on I'll be right here and there's nothing to hide Everyone needs understanding sometimes You're beautiful even when you feel broken I'm right by you We'll make it through I'll stay with you till the dark fades Your tears are mine It's a new world tonight Say my name and I will fly Over to you Gunning for time I promise you that I'll be by your side Through the fight Everything's gonna be fine Just please hold on tight |
努努-ゆめゆめ- Your life is automatic Believe a little magic Your future may be tragic For a toxic animatic Don't stay in a lonely place, hey, you! Don't you understand? 今の自分 さぁWonderland My Life つまらない それが表情に Don't forget 向上心常に 意味が無いものに手を差し伸べても刺激が強すぎ悲劇なRonin やりたいこと日々冒険 Keep it going! ついて来い 世界に行こうぜ 夢は見るモンじゃなくsoかなえるモンでしょ? だからかなわない夢なら夢とは言わない!! それでも人が「夢は夢」だと言うなら まずは俺らが先人切って 笑い飛ばしてやる! 飛ばしてやる! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 hurry up! 焦らせないで ペース崩したくないから Some day 輝くために太陽の光を浴びていくから Hold on, man! I'll grow up What can you do? I don't know 内面を新たに My Menと羽ばたき出す Compassが指す方へ Go for a sail!! 今が無理なら焦る必要ないけど だけど凄いパワー持ってんだ だから出してこう!出してこう! 見えない恐怖で歩く勇気がないんだろ? ならば俺らが光となってso 照らしてやる!照らしてやる! だから言わんでくれ「どうせ俺は」とか言うの まだだ!まだだ!やってみなきゃ 分からんぜ!分からんぜ! 先の保障はドコの世界にもないから だからそれ求めてやってたら絶対デカくはなれんぞ!! 現実味ないとか 時間のムダとか もし誰かに言われたなら くやしさ押し殺し 明日のバネにして しっかり夢(ビジョン)をたたき出せ! 夢は逃げないよ 勘違いしてるんじゃない? そうさ逃げるのは自分自身 ねぇそうだろ?みんなどうなの? 辛いに+一(プラス イチ)してso幸せつかみ取れ 今だ!今だ!動き出せ! やったろうや!やったろうや! 夢は見るモンじゃなくsoかなえるモンでしょ? だからかなわない夢なら夢とは言わない!! それでも人が「夢は夢」だと言うなら まずは俺らが先人切って 笑い飛ばしてやる! 飛ばしてやる! | ONE OK ROCK | Toru・Taka | Toru・Taka | 平出悟・ONE OK ROCK | Your life is automatic Believe a little magic Your future may be tragic For a toxic animatic Don't stay in a lonely place, hey, you! Don't you understand? 今の自分 さぁWonderland My Life つまらない それが表情に Don't forget 向上心常に 意味が無いものに手を差し伸べても刺激が強すぎ悲劇なRonin やりたいこと日々冒険 Keep it going! ついて来い 世界に行こうぜ 夢は見るモンじゃなくsoかなえるモンでしょ? だからかなわない夢なら夢とは言わない!! それでも人が「夢は夢」だと言うなら まずは俺らが先人切って 笑い飛ばしてやる! 飛ばしてやる! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 hurry up! 焦らせないで ペース崩したくないから Some day 輝くために太陽の光を浴びていくから Hold on, man! I'll grow up What can you do? I don't know 内面を新たに My Menと羽ばたき出す Compassが指す方へ Go for a sail!! 今が無理なら焦る必要ないけど だけど凄いパワー持ってんだ だから出してこう!出してこう! 見えない恐怖で歩く勇気がないんだろ? ならば俺らが光となってso 照らしてやる!照らしてやる! だから言わんでくれ「どうせ俺は」とか言うの まだだ!まだだ!やってみなきゃ 分からんぜ!分からんぜ! 先の保障はドコの世界にもないから だからそれ求めてやってたら絶対デカくはなれんぞ!! 現実味ないとか 時間のムダとか もし誰かに言われたなら くやしさ押し殺し 明日のバネにして しっかり夢(ビジョン)をたたき出せ! 夢は逃げないよ 勘違いしてるんじゃない? そうさ逃げるのは自分自身 ねぇそうだろ?みんなどうなの? 辛いに+一(プラス イチ)してso幸せつかみ取れ 今だ!今だ!動き出せ! やったろうや!やったろうや! 夢は見るモンじゃなくsoかなえるモンでしょ? だからかなわない夢なら夢とは言わない!! それでも人が「夢は夢」だと言うなら まずは俺らが先人切って 笑い飛ばしてやる! 飛ばしてやる! |
(you can do)everything You can fly You can shine Can be stronger Can be brighter You can do it You can do it do it, do it... You can scream You can feel Can be louder Can be wiser You can do it You can do it do it, do it... I know I make mistake だけど やらないよりは You can do everything たとえ道に迷っても 必ずかなうと信じ続ければ Find your“anything”そこに道が無くたって Everything, everything You can take a everything 迷った分だけ 道は増えるさ そこでその道を覚えとくか忘れるかで この先のキミが変わる Sometimes I'm going wrong だけど 口先だけよりは You can do everything たとえ道に迷っても 必ずかなうと信じ続ければ Find your“anything”そこに道が無くたって Everything, everything You can take a everything 探してた物は何だったんだろう その答えを日々探してた でも 答えじゃなくて ソレは理由だったんだ Got to try everything たとえ地球のはてでも 色や音が違う所だって All I can do is sing そこに言葉が無くたって I will sing, I will sing My singing is everything | ONE OK ROCK | Taka | Taka | 平出悟・ONE OK ROCK | You can fly You can shine Can be stronger Can be brighter You can do it You can do it do it, do it... You can scream You can feel Can be louder Can be wiser You can do it You can do it do it, do it... I know I make mistake だけど やらないよりは You can do everything たとえ道に迷っても 必ずかなうと信じ続ければ Find your“anything”そこに道が無くたって Everything, everything You can take a everything 迷った分だけ 道は増えるさ そこでその道を覚えとくか忘れるかで この先のキミが変わる Sometimes I'm going wrong だけど 口先だけよりは You can do everything たとえ道に迷っても 必ずかなうと信じ続ければ Find your“anything”そこに道が無くたって Everything, everything You can take a everything 探してた物は何だったんだろう その答えを日々探してた でも 答えじゃなくて ソレは理由だったんだ Got to try everything たとえ地球のはてでも 色や音が違う所だって All I can do is sing そこに言葉が無くたって I will sing, I will sing My singing is everything |
You've Broken My Heartいつからだろう 君のことを好きになって苦しくなっていったのは 辛い暗い毎日 でもいつかの明日を信じ 用事もなく君にメールした つれなくて 内容もなくて ただ君と繋がっていることが安心で… You've Broken My Heart 悲しくて ただ単に辛くて I don't know what to do? Stay in My Heart 君を僕は忘れたくはない 絶対にSo forever Yeah I miss you 君はその言葉でさえも 軽く流して笑いに変えてしまう でもその時のカンジンなあと一歩がココぞという時に弱気になって 言えなくて でも伝えたくて そんな毎日が相変わらず続く 君との一秒二秒大切で You've Broken My Heart 悲しくて ただ単に辛くて I don't know what to do? Stay in My Heart 君を僕は忘れたくはない 絶対にSo forever 咲かない花は散ることも枯れることもなく ただ明日を待つだけ Stay in My Heart 君を僕は忘れたくはない 絶対にSo forever Yeah | ONE OK ROCK | Taka | Taka | ONE OK ROCK | いつからだろう 君のことを好きになって苦しくなっていったのは 辛い暗い毎日 でもいつかの明日を信じ 用事もなく君にメールした つれなくて 内容もなくて ただ君と繋がっていることが安心で… You've Broken My Heart 悲しくて ただ単に辛くて I don't know what to do? Stay in My Heart 君を僕は忘れたくはない 絶対にSo forever Yeah I miss you 君はその言葉でさえも 軽く流して笑いに変えてしまう でもその時のカンジンなあと一歩がココぞという時に弱気になって 言えなくて でも伝えたくて そんな毎日が相変わらず続く 君との一秒二秒大切で You've Broken My Heart 悲しくて ただ単に辛くて I don't know what to do? Stay in My Heart 君を僕は忘れたくはない 絶対にSo forever 咲かない花は散ることも枯れることもなく ただ明日を待つだけ Stay in My Heart 君を僕は忘れたくはない 絶対にSo forever Yeah |
欲望に満ちた青年団 一度はあの光を見たんだよ とてもキレイで でも今思えば汚かった あれはいわゆるBad Day Dreams 光が眩し過ぎて周りが見えず ただただ日々を 棒に振ってたあの日 今だから笑えるよ 一度はあの幕を開けたんだよ とても重くて プレッシャー、イヤ味それに勝つために ただ嫌なヤツで そして気が付くと真っ暗な部屋に一人ぼっちだった 終わった…。もう戻れない…。なんて…。歩くのも止めた…。 でもI'm not alone. I'm not alone We're not, We're not, We're not alone お金じゃ買えないもの手に入れて もう一度光浴びて そして今度は騙されぬように 僕らは今目指すよ 欲望に満ちた青年団 誰かが言った言葉 それすらその時は流して 今になって気付いたよ 欲望に負けた少年団 So, I know you know? You know I know? We have, We have, We have grown 捕らわれないようにと上向いて歩く もう一度光浴びて そして今度は騙されぬように 僕らは今目指すよ 欲望に満ちた青年団 誰かが言った言葉 それすらその時は流して 今になって気付いたよ 欲望に負けた少年団 | ONE OK ROCK | Taka | Taka | 是永巧一 | 一度はあの光を見たんだよ とてもキレイで でも今思えば汚かった あれはいわゆるBad Day Dreams 光が眩し過ぎて周りが見えず ただただ日々を 棒に振ってたあの日 今だから笑えるよ 一度はあの幕を開けたんだよ とても重くて プレッシャー、イヤ味それに勝つために ただ嫌なヤツで そして気が付くと真っ暗な部屋に一人ぼっちだった 終わった…。もう戻れない…。なんて…。歩くのも止めた…。 でもI'm not alone. I'm not alone We're not, We're not, We're not alone お金じゃ買えないもの手に入れて もう一度光浴びて そして今度は騙されぬように 僕らは今目指すよ 欲望に満ちた青年団 誰かが言った言葉 それすらその時は流して 今になって気付いたよ 欲望に負けた少年団 So, I know you know? You know I know? We have, We have, We have grown 捕らわれないようにと上向いて歩く もう一度光浴びて そして今度は騙されぬように 僕らは今目指すよ 欲望に満ちた青年団 誰かが言った言葉 それすらその時は流して 今になって気付いたよ 欲望に負けた少年団 |
夜にしか咲かない満月 正しい事なんて何もないこの世界で 正そうとしているヤツは知る限りは偽善者で こんな僕らでも分かるアンタらのその行動は どう見てもくだらない互いの傷のなめ合いで 時に人は 当たり前を履き違えてる事がある それを気づかせてくれるのは Maybe, it's more simple thing 月光(あか)りよ今照らせ! 間違えそうな僕らを ひたすら照らし続けて 転ばぬようにと 僕らをいつも誘う 正しい未来の光は ネオンや街灯じゃなくて 夜にだけ咲くまん丸い満月 Hey, Mr. Crazy, don't you think? 分からなくなった僕たちは 誰を信用して誰を傷つけりゃいいの? 嫌われて孤立するより 嫌って敵作る方が 今の今までは少し楽なんだso思っていた 月光(あか)りよ今照らせ! 間違えそうな僕らを ひたすら照らし続けて 迷わぬようにと 僕らをいつも誘う 正しい未来の光は ネオンや街灯じゃなくて 夜にだけ咲くまん丸い満月 ありふれたモノのせいで 汚されたこの球体に 月(それ)は僕らが生まれる前から 背を向けずに光を与え続けてくれていた! 絶望的なこの僕らに 僕らはまだ朽ちてないさ 間違えても腐らないさ どれだけ先ある僕らに口を挟むつもり? 月光(あか)りよ今照らせ! ウソだらけのこの街を 全部をさらけ出させて 慌てる顔が見たい それでも慌てずにまだ冷静を装う奴には 「かわいそうに」と一言 耳元で囁いて笑ってやる | ONE OK ROCK | Taka | Taka | 平出悟 | 正しい事なんて何もないこの世界で 正そうとしているヤツは知る限りは偽善者で こんな僕らでも分かるアンタらのその行動は どう見てもくだらない互いの傷のなめ合いで 時に人は 当たり前を履き違えてる事がある それを気づかせてくれるのは Maybe, it's more simple thing 月光(あか)りよ今照らせ! 間違えそうな僕らを ひたすら照らし続けて 転ばぬようにと 僕らをいつも誘う 正しい未来の光は ネオンや街灯じゃなくて 夜にだけ咲くまん丸い満月 Hey, Mr. Crazy, don't you think? 分からなくなった僕たちは 誰を信用して誰を傷つけりゃいいの? 嫌われて孤立するより 嫌って敵作る方が 今の今までは少し楽なんだso思っていた 月光(あか)りよ今照らせ! 間違えそうな僕らを ひたすら照らし続けて 迷わぬようにと 僕らをいつも誘う 正しい未来の光は ネオンや街灯じゃなくて 夜にだけ咲くまん丸い満月 ありふれたモノのせいで 汚されたこの球体に 月(それ)は僕らが生まれる前から 背を向けずに光を与え続けてくれていた! 絶望的なこの僕らに 僕らはまだ朽ちてないさ 間違えても腐らないさ どれだけ先ある僕らに口を挟むつもり? 月光(あか)りよ今照らせ! ウソだらけのこの街を 全部をさらけ出させて 慌てる顔が見たい それでも慌てずにまだ冷静を装う奴には 「かわいそうに」と一言 耳元で囁いて笑ってやる |
Liar What do you want from me? Just let me breathe a little What do you want to see? 目に見えるモノ? What do you want to believe? Still nothing can be settled Hold on your words you say It's no good 何を求め そして何を受け入れる? 2つに1つ!! 僕にはまだそれが I don't know となりで笑う君は Hey Liar, Hey Liar What do you think of living without me? Hey Liar, Hey Liar 何がウソでどれが真実? Must be a dream I see まるでデジャヴのよう Trying so hard to know inside of you Staring your eyes to feel この思いが届くようにと 願うけど理想とはウラハラ So cold となりで微笑む君… Hey Liar, Hey Liar あれもこれもウソじゃもう I'm tired, so tired What do you think of living without me? There is nothing left to bleed My heart can't take this any more Hey Liar, Hey Liar What do you think of living without me? ねぇ Liar, Oh yeah Liar とどまる事は無意味?? | ONE OK ROCK | Taka | Toru・Taka | Koichi Korenaga・ONE OK ROCK | What do you want from me? Just let me breathe a little What do you want to see? 目に見えるモノ? What do you want to believe? Still nothing can be settled Hold on your words you say It's no good 何を求め そして何を受け入れる? 2つに1つ!! 僕にはまだそれが I don't know となりで笑う君は Hey Liar, Hey Liar What do you think of living without me? Hey Liar, Hey Liar 何がウソでどれが真実? Must be a dream I see まるでデジャヴのよう Trying so hard to know inside of you Staring your eyes to feel この思いが届くようにと 願うけど理想とはウラハラ So cold となりで微笑む君… Hey Liar, Hey Liar あれもこれもウソじゃもう I'm tired, so tired What do you think of living without me? There is nothing left to bleed My heart can't take this any more Hey Liar, Hey Liar What do you think of living without me? ねぇ Liar, Oh yeah Liar とどまる事は無意味?? |
Riot!!! Everybody screaming Everybody moving Let's get it started Gotta make a riot now If you feel so empty and feel so tired When I'm sick of fake smile and fake words We're all wired いつだって僕らほら 自分をごまかしているから Everybody screaming Everybody moving I'm going crazy So what are you gonna do now I'm not only one Just like you, yeah We are all the same I can make it now When I'm sick of being the one who always tells everything Nothing can keep us from doing this Gotta make a riot now 誰だってみんなほら 泣いて笑って生きているから Everybody screaming Everybody moving I'm going crazy So what are you gonna do now I'm not only one Just like you, yeah We are all the same I can make it now Everybody screaming Everybody moving I'm going crazy This is all we got now I'm not only one Just like you, yeah You and I are one Make a riot now!! | ONE OK ROCK | Taka | Taka | Koichi Korenaga・ONE OK ROCK | Everybody screaming Everybody moving Let's get it started Gotta make a riot now If you feel so empty and feel so tired When I'm sick of fake smile and fake words We're all wired いつだって僕らほら 自分をごまかしているから Everybody screaming Everybody moving I'm going crazy So what are you gonna do now I'm not only one Just like you, yeah We are all the same I can make it now When I'm sick of being the one who always tells everything Nothing can keep us from doing this Gotta make a riot now 誰だってみんなほら 泣いて笑って生きているから Everybody screaming Everybody moving I'm going crazy So what are you gonna do now I'm not only one Just like you, yeah We are all the same I can make it now Everybody screaming Everybody moving I'm going crazy This is all we got now I'm not only one Just like you, yeah You and I are one Make a riot now!! |
Listen (featuring Avril Lavigne) You always call me full of regret You want me to save you again After all these years, the days go by I've seen you fall a million times Everybody makes mistakes It feels so hard to watch you hurt From that pain a lesson learned This is how you find your way You feel so lost I've been there too Skies so dark no way through Stories only scars can tell I've got so much love for you my friend Ride or die until the end But only you can save yourself You just have to Listen, listen I hope that you know Listen, listen I won't let you go I wish I could save you from the pain you've been through And all I can tell you is the best thing to do (You gotta) Listen, listen To your heart Listen, listen Listen, listen Listen, listen 一つだけ Listen, listen 信じよう 降り止まない雨などない And all I can tell you is the best thing to do (You gotta) Listen, listen Listen, listen Listen, listen To your heart Listen, listen To your heart | ONE OK ROCK | Taka・Brittain Colin・Long Nick | Taka・Brittain Colin・Long Nick | | You always call me full of regret You want me to save you again After all these years, the days go by I've seen you fall a million times Everybody makes mistakes It feels so hard to watch you hurt From that pain a lesson learned This is how you find your way You feel so lost I've been there too Skies so dark no way through Stories only scars can tell I've got so much love for you my friend Ride or die until the end But only you can save yourself You just have to Listen, listen I hope that you know Listen, listen I won't let you go I wish I could save you from the pain you've been through And all I can tell you is the best thing to do (You gotta) Listen, listen To your heart Listen, listen Listen, listen Listen, listen 一つだけ Listen, listen 信じよう 降り止まない雨などない And all I can tell you is the best thing to do (You gotta) Listen, listen Listen, listen Listen, listen To your heart Listen, listen To your heart |
Living dolls We are living in the same world? 僕と君 答えはないけど 運命の出会いさえ 誰かの決めごとで… If I can touch your heart I can tell how you feel 全て作られている気がして 名も無き人 僕以外は They're all the same looking like dolls 愛を知る事で 現実が見えてきた気がする 生きる意味を側で 手を握り返す 君が 錆び付いている世界に疑いを持つ自分がいたけど The answer you gave me First love that you brought me… 心の曇りはなぜ? 太陽が昇っても君は瞳を閉じたまま この世で最後の涙をそっと流していたよ 君は操り人形じゃなくて僕だけのものだったんだ この温もりは目では見れないよ If I can touch your heart I can tell how you feel 全て作られている気がして 名も無き人 僕以外は They're all the same looking like dolls 錆び付いている世界に疑いを持つ自分がいたけど The answer you gave me First love that you brought me… 雨空に星たちが… | ONE OK ROCK | Toru | Toru | | We are living in the same world? 僕と君 答えはないけど 運命の出会いさえ 誰かの決めごとで… If I can touch your heart I can tell how you feel 全て作られている気がして 名も無き人 僕以外は They're all the same looking like dolls 愛を知る事で 現実が見えてきた気がする 生きる意味を側で 手を握り返す 君が 錆び付いている世界に疑いを持つ自分がいたけど The answer you gave me First love that you brought me… 心の曇りはなぜ? 太陽が昇っても君は瞳を閉じたまま この世で最後の涙をそっと流していたよ 君は操り人形じゃなくて僕だけのものだったんだ この温もりは目では見れないよ If I can touch your heart I can tell how you feel 全て作られている気がして 名も無き人 僕以外は They're all the same looking like dolls 錆び付いている世界に疑いを持つ自分がいたけど The answer you gave me First love that you brought me… 雨空に星たちが… |
Reflection Fading out your memories from the vision Pulling off the picture away from mirror Still you wait for the chance For me to share our time we had But what will be for you I know same results will break us down Help me out, inside of me Just take on to find your way All you want is to stay along But we stand too far Falling out pieces you'll never find one I know what you are looking for Trying to find a reason you can pull me over You just listen what they say Creeping shadow right behind me You know I'll turn my head away I will never let you down You know what I feel Help me out, inside of me Just take on to find your way All you want is to stay along But we stand too far It's like a reflection, like a reflection In my heart, just keep on bleeding I can't stand myself too long Like a reflection, it's like a reflection Don't you ever say your words We had enough, we can take it over It's like a reflection, like a reflection In my heart, just keep on bleeding I can't stand myself too long Like a reflection, it's like a reflection In my heart, just keep on bleeding I can't stand myself too long Like a reflection, it's like a reflection Don't you ever say your words We had enough, we can take it over | ONE OK ROCK | Taka | Alex・Taka | | Fading out your memories from the vision Pulling off the picture away from mirror Still you wait for the chance For me to share our time we had But what will be for you I know same results will break us down Help me out, inside of me Just take on to find your way All you want is to stay along But we stand too far Falling out pieces you'll never find one I know what you are looking for Trying to find a reason you can pull me over You just listen what they say Creeping shadow right behind me You know I'll turn my head away I will never let you down You know what I feel Help me out, inside of me Just take on to find your way All you want is to stay along But we stand too far It's like a reflection, like a reflection In my heart, just keep on bleeding I can't stand myself too long Like a reflection, it's like a reflection Don't you ever say your words We had enough, we can take it over It's like a reflection, like a reflection In my heart, just keep on bleeding I can't stand myself too long Like a reflection, it's like a reflection In my heart, just keep on bleeding I can't stand myself too long Like a reflection, it's like a reflection Don't you ever say your words We had enough, we can take it over |
Re:make You take me back and show me you're the only one Reveal the way you got me, I've got to run You're still alive I'm never gonna take your feeling which is complicated 踏まれてねじられここまで 歩んだこの道の先は 誰にも踏み込まれたくはない 未開拓地領域 触れられてしまえば Break me up 整えりゃ Wait for a moment ここらでさぁ Falling out yeah ギリギリで Runs out of time I can't believe in you I'd see you another day another way Nobody's standing near There are something you can't see or feel, baby 自己のエゴ虚しく 行く末 Yeah I'm sorry 履き違えはなはだしくてもう doubt 行き違い out there? I keep trying to reach you with my broken legs How many times have you seen me when I fall? But now I know you're not the only thing like before Not the one I need to share くだらない 意味もない くそ食らえ それぐらい 分かるよ バカじゃない I never give myself to you any more I can't believe in you I'd see you another day another way Nobody's standing near There are something you can't see or feel, baby 自己暗示虚しく 気付けば Oh when I'm me 履き違えはなはだしくてもう doubt 行き違い out there? I can't believe in you I'd see you another day another way Nobody's standing near There are something you can't see or feel, baby 自己暗示虚しく 気付けば Oh when I'm me 履き違えはなはだしくてもう doubt 行き違い out there? I can't believe in you 羅列した無数の選択はNo!! 勝ち誇りバカばかりでじゃもう doubt 行き違い out there | ONE OK ROCK | Taka | Taka | 是永巧一 | You take me back and show me you're the only one Reveal the way you got me, I've got to run You're still alive I'm never gonna take your feeling which is complicated 踏まれてねじられここまで 歩んだこの道の先は 誰にも踏み込まれたくはない 未開拓地領域 触れられてしまえば Break me up 整えりゃ Wait for a moment ここらでさぁ Falling out yeah ギリギリで Runs out of time I can't believe in you I'd see you another day another way Nobody's standing near There are something you can't see or feel, baby 自己のエゴ虚しく 行く末 Yeah I'm sorry 履き違えはなはだしくてもう doubt 行き違い out there? I keep trying to reach you with my broken legs How many times have you seen me when I fall? But now I know you're not the only thing like before Not the one I need to share くだらない 意味もない くそ食らえ それぐらい 分かるよ バカじゃない I never give myself to you any more I can't believe in you I'd see you another day another way Nobody's standing near There are something you can't see or feel, baby 自己暗示虚しく 気付けば Oh when I'm me 履き違えはなはだしくてもう doubt 行き違い out there? I can't believe in you I'd see you another day another way Nobody's standing near There are something you can't see or feel, baby 自己暗示虚しく 気付けば Oh when I'm me 履き違えはなはだしくてもう doubt 行き違い out there? I can't believe in you 羅列した無数の選択はNo!! 勝ち誇りバカばかりでじゃもう doubt 行き違い out there |
リングワンデルング 僕らは今日もそう、丸いホシの上に立ち ホラ!地に足つけ立ってんだ! けど、なんだって!不思議だ! 宇宙の方、放り出されやしないの? そういや昔それについてはさ ムヅカシイ言葉で淡々と 先生さん達が説明してくれたっけな! それを証明した人の名はもう忘れたけど… もう難しいことに興味はないし持つ気もないけど、、、 とりあえずはみんな必要とされてるってことにしよーよ! そう 例えどんだけアホでもバカでドジで間抜けでも ほらキミはちゃんと呼吸してこの瞬間を生きてるよ!!!! 遠くから見れば綺麗な真ん丸! 近くに寄って見りゃ放物線! 僕はまだこの地平線見るのが精一杯だけど、、、 ユメはでかく広く浅くって これもまたどこかのオッサンが話してたっけな! 偉そうに上から目線で ちなみに僕はそう思わないし 思いたくもないよ ‘cause nobody else is going to be like you And nobody wants to live one more time そりゃそうさ!!もし生まれ変わろうと!!また君になれる確率は 神様以外に知る由ないし もう一度人間として この世に生まれてくること自体僕らには分かりゃしないよ ひとつだけ尋ねたいことを尋ねていいですか? 今何を君は思って 何を感じていますか? そして今自分に何が出来ているか答えられますか? Nobody else is going to be like you ‘cause nobody else is going to be like you And nobody wants to live one more time そりゃそうさ!!もし生まれ変わろうと!!また君になれる確率は 神様以外に知る由ないし もう一度人間として この世に生まれてくること自体僕らには分かりゃしないよ | ONE OK ROCK | Taka | Toru・Taka | Satoru Hiraide・ONE OK ROCK | 僕らは今日もそう、丸いホシの上に立ち ホラ!地に足つけ立ってんだ! けど、なんだって!不思議だ! 宇宙の方、放り出されやしないの? そういや昔それについてはさ ムヅカシイ言葉で淡々と 先生さん達が説明してくれたっけな! それを証明した人の名はもう忘れたけど… もう難しいことに興味はないし持つ気もないけど、、、 とりあえずはみんな必要とされてるってことにしよーよ! そう 例えどんだけアホでもバカでドジで間抜けでも ほらキミはちゃんと呼吸してこの瞬間を生きてるよ!!!! 遠くから見れば綺麗な真ん丸! 近くに寄って見りゃ放物線! 僕はまだこの地平線見るのが精一杯だけど、、、 ユメはでかく広く浅くって これもまたどこかのオッサンが話してたっけな! 偉そうに上から目線で ちなみに僕はそう思わないし 思いたくもないよ ‘cause nobody else is going to be like you And nobody wants to live one more time そりゃそうさ!!もし生まれ変わろうと!!また君になれる確率は 神様以外に知る由ないし もう一度人間として この世に生まれてくること自体僕らには分かりゃしないよ ひとつだけ尋ねたいことを尋ねていいですか? 今何を君は思って 何を感じていますか? そして今自分に何が出来ているか答えられますか? Nobody else is going to be like you ‘cause nobody else is going to be like you And nobody wants to live one more time そりゃそうさ!!もし生まれ変わろうと!!また君になれる確率は 神様以外に知る由ないし もう一度人間として この世に生まれてくること自体僕らには分かりゃしないよ |
Lujo Cry扉カギ閉め暗い部屋で奥歯噛みしめ 辛い皆心は正直Slyな都会ドクされ病気に Fly快感と好奇心My Past's gone, Memory's gone 脳内崩壊将来no light 空前絶後最強贅沢病 腐った人間尖ったナイフ 刺さって無神経Life is a nightmare 同者集い汚れて黒さ増す細胞分裂 脳内崩壊将来no light 叫んでは病んで強い雨打たれ 行き場ないすでに眠らない街で 目の前モノクロにしか見えねぇ 時間の問題世界の終わり 空前絶後最強贅沢病 | ONE OK ROCK | Toru・Taka | Alex・Ryota・Tomoya | INA・ONE OK ROCK | Cry扉カギ閉め暗い部屋で奥歯噛みしめ 辛い皆心は正直Slyな都会ドクされ病気に Fly快感と好奇心My Past's gone, Memory's gone 脳内崩壊将来no light 空前絶後最強贅沢病 腐った人間尖ったナイフ 刺さって無神経Life is a nightmare 同者集い汚れて黒さ増す細胞分裂 脳内崩壊将来no light 叫んでは病んで強い雨打たれ 行き場ないすでに眠らない街で 目の前モノクロにしか見えねぇ 時間の問題世界の終わり 空前絶後最強贅沢病 |
Let's take it someday いつだっていつの時代だって 何が真実で どれがニセモノなんて 分かりゃしないから僕は音楽で大事な何かを 今日も守ってんだ!!! So what's your treasure? pleasure?? You know what you are??? 君だけの かけがえのない もの手に握りしめ Let's take it someday 捕らわれそうになる日々の中で Let's make it someday 暗闇をも照らすような強い意志で It's all up to you さぁ行こう!!目指す先を決めて Let's take it someday Let's make it someday 君が想う世界は広い世界かい? 実は思った以上に狭っ苦しくない?? 君が思い描いているスケール次第で この世界も手のひらサイズじゃんか!! So what's your treasure? pleasure?? You show what you are! 君だけが知っている道標に沿って wow Let's take it someday 捕らわれそうになる日々の中で Let's make it someday 暗闇をも照らすような強い意志で It's all up to you さぁ行こう!!目指す先を決めて Let's take it someday Let's make it someday And I take every moment to reach for another day I always want to be in the world Won't someone tell me about what is not today? Let's take it someday wow 改革の旗を揚げて Let's make it someday wow 自分だけの未来図へ It's all up to you wow 怖がってちゃ始まんないさ Day by day Make my day Let's take it someday | ONE OK ROCK | Taka | Taka | | いつだっていつの時代だって 何が真実で どれがニセモノなんて 分かりゃしないから僕は音楽で大事な何かを 今日も守ってんだ!!! So what's your treasure? pleasure?? You know what you are??? 君だけの かけがえのない もの手に握りしめ Let's take it someday 捕らわれそうになる日々の中で Let's make it someday 暗闇をも照らすような強い意志で It's all up to you さぁ行こう!!目指す先を決めて Let's take it someday Let's make it someday 君が想う世界は広い世界かい? 実は思った以上に狭っ苦しくない?? 君が思い描いているスケール次第で この世界も手のひらサイズじゃんか!! So what's your treasure? pleasure?? You show what you are! 君だけが知っている道標に沿って wow Let's take it someday 捕らわれそうになる日々の中で Let's make it someday 暗闇をも照らすような強い意志で It's all up to you さぁ行こう!!目指す先を決めて Let's take it someday Let's make it someday And I take every moment to reach for another day I always want to be in the world Won't someone tell me about what is not today? Let's take it someday wow 改革の旗を揚げて Let's make it someday wow 自分だけの未来図へ It's all up to you wow 怖がってちゃ始まんないさ Day by day Make my day Let's take it someday |
Letting GoI remember getting fucked up on the long nights I remember how we made up after long fights I remember when we stayed up till the daylight I remember when you told me you were all mine Let the past be the past 'cause I know nothing lasts Yeah we had what we had But I'm moving on I hope you know That it wasn't easy Letting go Of the life I knew I just had to get it out Move to the city Didn't feel right Taking you with me Hope you know That it wasn't easy Letting go I tell myself that I don't need you, that I'm okay Tell myself I'm on my own now, go my own way I see your pictures of your new life, you look happy Tell myself moving on should be easy Let the past be the past 'cause I know nothing lasts Yeah we had what we had But I'm moving on I hope you know That it wasn't easy Letting go Of the life I knew I just had to get it out Move to the city Didn't feel right Taking you with me Hope you know That it wasn't easy Letting go 激しくぶつかり合う恋 優しくて深い愛 その二つを持ち合わすも 若すぎた僕ら I remember when we stayed up till the daylight I remember when you told me you were all mine I hope you know That it wasn't easy Letting go Of the life I knew I just had to get it out Move to the city Didn't feel right Taking you with me Hope you know That it wasn't easy Letting go Letting go Letting go Letting go | ONE OK ROCK | Taka・Kyle Moorman・Nick Long | Taka・Kyle Moorman・Nick Long | Taka | I remember getting fucked up on the long nights I remember how we made up after long fights I remember when we stayed up till the daylight I remember when you told me you were all mine Let the past be the past 'cause I know nothing lasts Yeah we had what we had But I'm moving on I hope you know That it wasn't easy Letting go Of the life I knew I just had to get it out Move to the city Didn't feel right Taking you with me Hope you know That it wasn't easy Letting go I tell myself that I don't need you, that I'm okay Tell myself I'm on my own now, go my own way I see your pictures of your new life, you look happy Tell myself moving on should be easy Let the past be the past 'cause I know nothing lasts Yeah we had what we had But I'm moving on I hope you know That it wasn't easy Letting go Of the life I knew I just had to get it out Move to the city Didn't feel right Taking you with me Hope you know That it wasn't easy Letting go 激しくぶつかり合う恋 優しくて深い愛 その二つを持ち合わすも 若すぎた僕ら I remember when we stayed up till the daylight I remember when you told me you were all mine I hope you know That it wasn't easy Letting go Of the life I knew I just had to get it out Move to the city Didn't feel right Taking you with me Hope you know That it wasn't easy Letting go Letting go Letting go Letting go |
Let Me Let You GoWhy'd you let me let you go? Bullets in the dark Shooting through my hesitating heart We were never gonna go far Cause I'm no good at loving Someone as good as you Look what I put you through I know I can't undo this I'm black and blue to tell the truth It's breaking me I'm not just losing you I'm losing what you saw in me Why'd you let me let you go? I can't breathe without you here I wish you'd never watch me leave Why'd you let me let you go? Why'd you let me let you go? 強がって 一言も言えなくて 何も伝えれなくて 君はもういない けど今なら言える 気付くのが遅すぎる こんな僕を許して I'm black and blue to tell the truth It's breaking me I'm not just losing you I'm losing what you saw in me Why'd you let me let you go? I can't breathe without you here I wish you'd never watch me leave Why'd you let me let you go? Why'd you let me let you go? I tried I tried to love you I swear I tried But how can I love you if you're not here? I tried I tried to love you I swear I tried I tried I tried to love It's breaking me 君を失った僕は どうしたらいい? Why'd you let me let you go I can't breathe 他は何もいらない 君だけでいい Why'd you let me let you go Why'd you let me let you go Why'd you let me let you go | ONE OK ROCK | Taka・Colin Brittian・Madison Simmen・Ashton Irwin and Elisha Noll | Taka・Colin Brittian・Madison Simmen・Ashton Irwin and Elisha Noll | | Why'd you let me let you go? Bullets in the dark Shooting through my hesitating heart We were never gonna go far Cause I'm no good at loving Someone as good as you Look what I put you through I know I can't undo this I'm black and blue to tell the truth It's breaking me I'm not just losing you I'm losing what you saw in me Why'd you let me let you go? I can't breathe without you here I wish you'd never watch me leave Why'd you let me let you go? Why'd you let me let you go? 強がって 一言も言えなくて 何も伝えれなくて 君はもういない けど今なら言える 気付くのが遅すぎる こんな僕を許して I'm black and blue to tell the truth It's breaking me I'm not just losing you I'm losing what you saw in me Why'd you let me let you go? I can't breathe without you here I wish you'd never watch me leave Why'd you let me let you go? Why'd you let me let you go? I tried I tried to love you I swear I tried But how can I love you if you're not here? I tried I tried to love you I swear I tried I tried I tried to love It's breaking me 君を失った僕は どうしたらいい? Why'd you let me let you go I can't breathe 他は何もいらない 君だけでいい Why'd you let me let you go Why'd you let me let you go Why'd you let me let you go |
Renegades Got a fire in my soul I've lost my faith in this broken system Got love for my home But if we cry is there anyone listening We're the forgotten generation We want an open conversation Follow me on this road You know we gotta let go For all of the times That they said it's impossible They built the hurdles The walls and the obstacles When we're together you know we're unstoppable now I'm not afraid To tear it down and build it up again It's not our fate We could be the renegades I'm here for you Are you here for me too? Let's start again We could be the renegades They've been holding us down They've been telling us to change our voices But we're not part of that crowd We made our bed and we'll make our own choices We may be underestimated But I know one day we will make it Time to say it out loud We are young and we're proud すり込まれ塗り重ねられた 嘘は僕等を飲み込んだ We gotta fight for our rights and the things we love now I'm not afraid To tear it down and build it up again It's not our fate We could be the renegades I'm here for you Are you here for me too? Let's start again We could be the renegades We could be the renegades Take a deep breath close your eyes and get ready Take a deep breath close your eyes and get ready Take a deep breath close your eyes and get ready to fly I'm not afraid To tear it down and build it up again It's not our fate We could be the renegades I'm here for you Are you here for me too? Let's start again We could be the renegades We could be the renegades | ONE OK ROCK | Taka・Ed Sheeran・Janee“Jin Jin”Bennett・Masato Hayakawa・David Pramik | Taka・Ed Sheeran・Janee“Jin Jin”Bennett・Masato Hayakawa・David Pramik | | Got a fire in my soul I've lost my faith in this broken system Got love for my home But if we cry is there anyone listening We're the forgotten generation We want an open conversation Follow me on this road You know we gotta let go For all of the times That they said it's impossible They built the hurdles The walls and the obstacles When we're together you know we're unstoppable now I'm not afraid To tear it down and build it up again It's not our fate We could be the renegades I'm here for you Are you here for me too? Let's start again We could be the renegades They've been holding us down They've been telling us to change our voices But we're not part of that crowd We made our bed and we'll make our own choices We may be underestimated But I know one day we will make it Time to say it out loud We are young and we're proud すり込まれ塗り重ねられた 嘘は僕等を飲み込んだ We gotta fight for our rights and the things we love now I'm not afraid To tear it down and build it up again It's not our fate We could be the renegades I'm here for you Are you here for me too? Let's start again We could be the renegades We could be the renegades Take a deep breath close your eyes and get ready Take a deep breath close your eyes and get ready Take a deep breath close your eyes and get ready to fly I'm not afraid To tear it down and build it up again It's not our fate We could be the renegades I'm here for you Are you here for me too? Let's start again We could be the renegades We could be the renegades |
Renegades (International Version)Got a fire in my soul I've lost my faith in this broken system Got love for my home But if we cry is there anyone listening We're the forgotten generation We want an open conversation Follow me on this road You know we gotta let go For all of the times That they said it's impossible They built the hurdles The walls and the obstacles When we're together you know we're unstoppable now I'm not afraid To tear it down and build it up again It's not our fate We could be the renegades I'm here for you Are you here for me too? Let's start again We could be the renegades They've been holding us down They've been telling us to change our voices But we're not part of that crowd We made our bed and we'll make our own choices We may be underestimated But I know one day we will make it Time to say it out loud We are young and we're proud For all of the lies and the burden They put on us All of times that they told us to just because We got a fight for our rights and the things we love now I'm not afraid To tear it down and build it up again It's not our fate We could be the renegades I'm here for you Are you here for me too? Let's start again We could be the renegades We could be the renegades Take a deep breath close your eyes and get ready Take a deep breath close your eyes and get ready Take a deep breath close your eyes and get ready to fly I'm not afraid To tear it down and build it up again It's not our fate We could be the renegades I'm here for you Are you here for me too? Let's start again We could be the renegades We could be the renegades | ONE OK ROCK | Taka・Ed Sheeran・Janee“Jin Jin”Bennett・Masato Hayakawa・David Pramik | Taka・Ed Sheeran・Janee“Jin Jin”Bennett・Masato Hayakawa・David Pramik | | Got a fire in my soul I've lost my faith in this broken system Got love for my home But if we cry is there anyone listening We're the forgotten generation We want an open conversation Follow me on this road You know we gotta let go For all of the times That they said it's impossible They built the hurdles The walls and the obstacles When we're together you know we're unstoppable now I'm not afraid To tear it down and build it up again It's not our fate We could be the renegades I'm here for you Are you here for me too? Let's start again We could be the renegades They've been holding us down They've been telling us to change our voices But we're not part of that crowd We made our bed and we'll make our own choices We may be underestimated But I know one day we will make it Time to say it out loud We are young and we're proud For all of the lies and the burden They put on us All of times that they told us to just because We got a fight for our rights and the things we love now I'm not afraid To tear it down and build it up again It's not our fate We could be the renegades I'm here for you Are you here for me too? Let's start again We could be the renegades We could be the renegades Take a deep breath close your eyes and get ready Take a deep breath close your eyes and get ready Take a deep breath close your eyes and get ready to fly I'm not afraid To tear it down and build it up again It's not our fate We could be the renegades I'm here for you Are you here for me too? Let's start again We could be the renegades We could be the renegades |
LOST AND FOUND More expectation Instead of singing in the blue sky I was like a bird captured in a dungeon cage Spread my confession All of the good and bad deeds I have done There was just too much I lost Break the cage Though I'm still bare I'll fly for the new true When the beat beats my heartbeat I know that I am dead still standing Though my body's shaking sweating like Wooo I can almost taste the hate the rage the morn the longer I stare into the eyes of my own And feel my bloodstream gushing vividly inside Too many questions The paper thin relationship can be torn with a stroke Wanna trust no more Just wanna let you know Seems like yesterday When I was a little boy gazing in the sky But wake up game is up I am back for revenge When the beat beats my heartbeat I know that I am dead still standing Though my body's shaking sweating like Wooo I can almost taste the hate the rage the morn the longer I stare into the eyes of my own And feel my bloodstream gushing vividly inside I come to you again Here I got something new but I can't reach for your touch You must think you're losing all your mind Sometimes you're lost But you will be found I know that I am dead still standing Though my body's shaking sweating like Wooo I can almost taste the hate the rage the mourn the longer I stare into the eyes of my own And feel my bloodstream gushing vividly inside | ONE OK ROCK | Taka | Toru・Taka | | More expectation Instead of singing in the blue sky I was like a bird captured in a dungeon cage Spread my confession All of the good and bad deeds I have done There was just too much I lost Break the cage Though I'm still bare I'll fly for the new true When the beat beats my heartbeat I know that I am dead still standing Though my body's shaking sweating like Wooo I can almost taste the hate the rage the morn the longer I stare into the eyes of my own And feel my bloodstream gushing vividly inside Too many questions The paper thin relationship can be torn with a stroke Wanna trust no more Just wanna let you know Seems like yesterday When I was a little boy gazing in the sky But wake up game is up I am back for revenge When the beat beats my heartbeat I know that I am dead still standing Though my body's shaking sweating like Wooo I can almost taste the hate the rage the morn the longer I stare into the eyes of my own And feel my bloodstream gushing vividly inside I come to you again Here I got something new but I can't reach for your touch You must think you're losing all your mind Sometimes you're lost But you will be found I know that I am dead still standing Though my body's shaking sweating like Wooo I can almost taste the hate the rage the mourn the longer I stare into the eyes of my own And feel my bloodstream gushing vividly inside |
Lost in Tonight Perfect timing It could be the start of anything It's our dream We're writing Paint the town red We'll do what we want It's our life It should be exciting Let's get lost in tonight (Forget about today) Let's get lost in tonight (No there's no other way) The night is young and we've Got everything that we could ever need Don't give up on tonight 溶けていった あの蒼い日々の しなやかな 曲線をなぞっていった 砕け散った その奥に見えた 光が暗闇を 殺していった Let's get lost in tonight (Forget about today) Let's get lost in tonight (No there's no other way) The night is young and we've Got everything that we could ever need Don't give up on tonight You'll never hear me say It's too late Do you feel the same? I won't say goodnight Let's get lost in tonight Don't give up on tonight Let's get lost in tonight (Forget about today) Let's get lost in tonight (No there's no other way) The night is young and we've Got everything that we could ever need Don't give up on tonight | ONE OK ROCK | Taka・Churko Kane | Taka・Churko Kane | Kane Churko・Taka | Perfect timing It could be the start of anything It's our dream We're writing Paint the town red We'll do what we want It's our life It should be exciting Let's get lost in tonight (Forget about today) Let's get lost in tonight (No there's no other way) The night is young and we've Got everything that we could ever need Don't give up on tonight 溶けていった あの蒼い日々の しなやかな 曲線をなぞっていった 砕け散った その奥に見えた 光が暗闇を 殺していった Let's get lost in tonight (Forget about today) Let's get lost in tonight (No there's no other way) The night is young and we've Got everything that we could ever need Don't give up on tonight You'll never hear me say It's too late Do you feel the same? I won't say goodnight Let's get lost in tonight Don't give up on tonight Let's get lost in tonight (Forget about today) Let's get lost in tonight (No there's no other way) The night is young and we've Got everything that we could ever need Don't give up on tonight |
69 このあまりにも短すぎる人生の中で何かを変える事は そんな簡単なことじゃないけどでもこの時代に生まれる事が出来たからこそ 何かをぶっ壊す必要があって新しい何かを築いて その何かを今度は誰かがまたぶっ壊して前に進んで行く必要がある気がする 俺ははっきりいって勉強も出来ないし社会的知識もあるわけじゃない ただ一つ言えるのは誰よりも自分を信じて ここまでやってきた結果支えてくれるメンバーや大事な友達 求められる喜びその他諸々お金じゃ買えないものをこれまでに手に入れてきた でもまだ満足はしてないし叶えなきゃいけない夢もたくさんある おまけにこの世の中には腐るほどの不満もあって 夢だけ見てりゃ生きていけるようなそんな時代でもなくなってきた だからこそもっと強くたくましく夢を現実にするために 人生かけて俺らは何かひとつやり遂げる必要がある You can't take your time, there's just 3 minutes So here's another Wo Wo Don't wanna pass the baton I'm gonna take it and then I'm gonna Please you please me Please you please me You can't take your time, can't waste a minute So here's another Wo Wo I'm gonna take what I can and then give it Then I'm gonna Please you please me Please you please me That's the 69 バンドって言うのは時に激しく中指を立てたり そして時にもう一本足して世界の平和を願ったり 自分の言葉をメロディーに乗せて真っ直ぐでバカで青臭い生き物だから 干からびて臭いもしなくなれば死んだも同然だし 存在してる意味すらなくなってしまうそして自分自身も迷うのに 誰かを救ったりもできる繊細でめんどくさい みんなのヒーローってわけだからこそ 今のこの世の中そしてこれから先も絶対必要なんだと俺は確信してる そんな職業に就けたこと俺は心から誇りに思ってるし これからもこの素晴らしさを伝えていきたいと思ってる バンドは仮面ライダーやウルトラマンみたいにたくさんの数と歴史があって そしていつの時代も必ず誰かの心に残ってる | ONE OK ROCK | Taka | ONE OK ROCK | akkin・ONE OK ROCK | このあまりにも短すぎる人生の中で何かを変える事は そんな簡単なことじゃないけどでもこの時代に生まれる事が出来たからこそ 何かをぶっ壊す必要があって新しい何かを築いて その何かを今度は誰かがまたぶっ壊して前に進んで行く必要がある気がする 俺ははっきりいって勉強も出来ないし社会的知識もあるわけじゃない ただ一つ言えるのは誰よりも自分を信じて ここまでやってきた結果支えてくれるメンバーや大事な友達 求められる喜びその他諸々お金じゃ買えないものをこれまでに手に入れてきた でもまだ満足はしてないし叶えなきゃいけない夢もたくさんある おまけにこの世の中には腐るほどの不満もあって 夢だけ見てりゃ生きていけるようなそんな時代でもなくなってきた だからこそもっと強くたくましく夢を現実にするために 人生かけて俺らは何かひとつやり遂げる必要がある You can't take your time, there's just 3 minutes So here's another Wo Wo Don't wanna pass the baton I'm gonna take it and then I'm gonna Please you please me Please you please me You can't take your time, can't waste a minute So here's another Wo Wo I'm gonna take what I can and then give it Then I'm gonna Please you please me Please you please me That's the 69 バンドって言うのは時に激しく中指を立てたり そして時にもう一本足して世界の平和を願ったり 自分の言葉をメロディーに乗せて真っ直ぐでバカで青臭い生き物だから 干からびて臭いもしなくなれば死んだも同然だし 存在してる意味すらなくなってしまうそして自分自身も迷うのに 誰かを救ったりもできる繊細でめんどくさい みんなのヒーローってわけだからこそ 今のこの世の中そしてこれから先も絶対必要なんだと俺は確信してる そんな職業に就けたこと俺は心から誇りに思ってるし これからもこの素晴らしさを伝えていきたいと思ってる バンドは仮面ライダーやウルトラマンみたいにたくさんの数と歴史があって そしていつの時代も必ず誰かの心に残ってる |
Rock, Scissors, Paper Let's do our Rock, Scissors, and Paper Make your hands and let anything out now You get ready to go!! You know somebody to share? I wonder if you can bear What is the one you take care? Bring them back!! Let's do our Rock, Scissors, and Paper Make your hands, Don't blink your eyes アイコなら振り出しで負けたらそれまでのゲーム そうさ僕らはそれにも似たような世界で生きてる 後だしは反則!! この瞬間 一瞬make 君のもち手3つは喜び、欲望、そして怒り かたや僕の方は愛と嫉妬、悲しみを比喩した 文字通り君の欲は僕の悲しみにも勝る ところがその欲望には僕のグーの愛でねじ伏せる You know it's how it works 成り立った方程式 どれが外れたってぇ Let's do our Rock, Scissors, and Paper Make your hands, Don't blink your eyes アイコなら振り出しで負けたらそれまでのゲーム そうさ僕らはそれにも似たような世界で生きてる 後だしは反則!! この瞬間 一瞬make Let's make our hands Don't cheat on it Let's make some blends Don't blink your eyes Let's do our Rock, Scissors, and Paper 与えられたこの手で作る勝ち負けに 僕はいつもどっか戸惑う少年!! Let's do our Rock, Scissors, and Paper Make your hands, Don't blink your eyes アイコなら振り出しで負けたらそれまでのゲーム そうさ僕らはそれにも似たような世界で生きてる 後だしは反則!! この瞬間 一瞬make | ONE OK ROCK | Taka | ONE OK ROCK | akkin・ONE OK ROCK | Let's do our Rock, Scissors, and Paper Make your hands and let anything out now You get ready to go!! You know somebody to share? I wonder if you can bear What is the one you take care? Bring them back!! Let's do our Rock, Scissors, and Paper Make your hands, Don't blink your eyes アイコなら振り出しで負けたらそれまでのゲーム そうさ僕らはそれにも似たような世界で生きてる 後だしは反則!! この瞬間 一瞬make 君のもち手3つは喜び、欲望、そして怒り かたや僕の方は愛と嫉妬、悲しみを比喩した 文字通り君の欲は僕の悲しみにも勝る ところがその欲望には僕のグーの愛でねじ伏せる You know it's how it works 成り立った方程式 どれが外れたってぇ Let's do our Rock, Scissors, and Paper Make your hands, Don't blink your eyes アイコなら振り出しで負けたらそれまでのゲーム そうさ僕らはそれにも似たような世界で生きてる 後だしは反則!! この瞬間 一瞬make Let's make our hands Don't cheat on it Let's make some blends Don't blink your eyes Let's do our Rock, Scissors, and Paper 与えられたこの手で作る勝ち負けに 僕はいつもどっか戸惑う少年!! Let's do our Rock, Scissors, and Paper Make your hands, Don't blink your eyes アイコなら振り出しで負けたらそれまでのゲーム そうさ僕らはそれにも似たような世界で生きてる 後だしは反則!! この瞬間 一瞬make |
ROSE BLOODWhen your shadow remains me like a rose I would think to hold you tight Even your thorn stabs to my skin Won't let you leave yeah It is alright to me, the pain well become Luscious, agonizing, nectar to me yeah いつまでも これからも真っ白い薔薇を咲かせても 俺もろとも君を赤く染めるから So don't be afraid この世へと花咲かせ そして前へ前へ前へ How much white the blooming rose is, I don't care I guess, there would be only me and bees Addicted to your sweetness It's just like the honey of flowers It's your innocent smile I will be taking every bit of you With my heart, my soul, my stronger love I surely defeat the bumbling bee いつまでも これからも真っ白い薔薇を咲かせても 俺もろとも君を赤く染めるから So don't be afraid この世へと花咲かせ そして前へ前へ前へ How much white the blooming rose is, I don't care いつまでも これからも真っ白い薔薇を咲かせても 俺の真っ赤な血で赤く染めるから So don't be afraid この世へと花咲かせ そして前へ前へ前へ How much white the blooming rose is, I don't care | ONE OK ROCK | Taka | ONE OK ROCK | 岩見直明・ONE OK ROCK | When your shadow remains me like a rose I would think to hold you tight Even your thorn stabs to my skin Won't let you leave yeah It is alright to me, the pain well become Luscious, agonizing, nectar to me yeah いつまでも これからも真っ白い薔薇を咲かせても 俺もろとも君を赤く染めるから So don't be afraid この世へと花咲かせ そして前へ前へ前へ How much white the blooming rose is, I don't care I guess, there would be only me and bees Addicted to your sweetness It's just like the honey of flowers It's your innocent smile I will be taking every bit of you With my heart, my soul, my stronger love I surely defeat the bumbling bee いつまでも これからも真っ白い薔薇を咲かせても 俺もろとも君を赤く染めるから So don't be afraid この世へと花咲かせ そして前へ前へ前へ How much white the blooming rose is, I don't care いつまでも これからも真っ白い薔薇を咲かせても 俺の真っ赤な血で赤く染めるから So don't be afraid この世へと花咲かせ そして前へ前へ前へ How much white the blooming rose is, I don't care |
One Way Ticket Remember that night I had to leave you You said it's alright And I believed you You know I'm no good No good at goodbyes No good without you Better by your side Wish I could be there with you I'm feeling lost without you In this empty bed Where I'm all alone I've been such a mess Need a one way ticket Anywhere you are Is where I want to go You are my address I don't care how I get it I need a one way ticket Home When you're not with me These days are boring Wish it were easy Like Sunday morning When I'd be waking up with you Only doing those things we wanna do My heart is anywhere you go When I'm next to you I'm home Wish I could be there with you I'm feeling lost without you In this empty bed Where I'm all alone I've been such a mess Need a one way ticket Anywhere you are Is where I want to go You are my address I don't care how I get it I need a one way ticket Home In this empty bed Where I'm all alone I've been such a mess さよならを言えばきっと 君は僕を忘れてしまうから 失えば2度目はない 気づいたんだ I don't care how I get it I need a one way ticket Home | ONE OK ROCK | Taka・Baran CJ・Long Nick | Taka・Baran CJ・Long Nick | Taka | Remember that night I had to leave you You said it's alright And I believed you You know I'm no good No good at goodbyes No good without you Better by your side Wish I could be there with you I'm feeling lost without you In this empty bed Where I'm all alone I've been such a mess Need a one way ticket Anywhere you are Is where I want to go You are my address I don't care how I get it I need a one way ticket Home When you're not with me These days are boring Wish it were easy Like Sunday morning When I'd be waking up with you Only doing those things we wanna do My heart is anywhere you go When I'm next to you I'm home Wish I could be there with you I'm feeling lost without you In this empty bed Where I'm all alone I've been such a mess Need a one way ticket Anywhere you are Is where I want to go You are my address I don't care how I get it I need a one way ticket Home In this empty bed Where I'm all alone I've been such a mess さよならを言えばきっと 君は僕を忘れてしまうから 失えば2度目はない 気づいたんだ I don't care how I get it I need a one way ticket Home |
WonderTake take all the risk I don't wanna play Safe safe Gotta live bend the rules today Break break Got the world in the palm of my hands Runaway way On a path couple dreams I gotta Make make See me walk I don't talk just for the Sake sake Step aside because I'm making my plans Yeah home is home and where we go 'cause life is beautiful Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? Restart やり直してさ 前へ前へ 前進 ゆけ もっと先 遥か先 そうさ 見上げた空 7つ星 Yeah home is home and where we go 'cause life is beautiful Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? Sing it Wonder Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? | ONE OK ROCK | Taka・Masato Hayakawa・David Pramik・Janee“Jin Jin”Bennett | Taka・Masato Hayakawa・David Pramik・Janee“Jin Jin”Bennett | | Take take all the risk I don't wanna play Safe safe Gotta live bend the rules today Break break Got the world in the palm of my hands Runaway way On a path couple dreams I gotta Make make See me walk I don't talk just for the Sake sake Step aside because I'm making my plans Yeah home is home and where we go 'cause life is beautiful Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? Restart やり直してさ 前へ前へ 前進 ゆけ もっと先 遥か先 そうさ 見上げた空 7つ星 Yeah home is home and where we go 'cause life is beautiful Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? Sing it Wonder Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? |
Wonder (International Version)Take take all the risk I don't wanna play Safe safe Gotta live bend the rules today Break break Got the world in the palm of my hands Runaway way On a path couple dreams I gotta Make make See me walk I don't talk just for the Sake sake Step aside because I'm making my plans Yeah home is home and where we go 'cause life is beautiful Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? Restart go ahead go ahead And push me too far Looking up I'm a go and find my own star In my blood and you don't understand Yeah home is home and where we go 'cause life is beautiful Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? Sing it Wonder Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? | ONE OK ROCK | Taka・Masato Hayakawa・David Pramik・Janee“Jin Jin”Bennett | Taka・Masato Hayakawa・David Pramik・Janee“Jin Jin”Bennett | | Take take all the risk I don't wanna play Safe safe Gotta live bend the rules today Break break Got the world in the palm of my hands Runaway way On a path couple dreams I gotta Make make See me walk I don't talk just for the Sake sake Step aside because I'm making my plans Yeah home is home and where we go 'cause life is beautiful Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? Restart go ahead go ahead And push me too far Looking up I'm a go and find my own star In my blood and you don't understand Yeah home is home and where we go 'cause life is beautiful Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? Sing it Wonder Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? If you only had one breath Tell me would your one love Pull you out the deep end Don't you ever wonder? |
One by One Heaven is all gone Empty in my arms You wanna see us be nothing nothing Where do we belong? We have to stay strong We are an army of used up freaks Standing on the battleground Standing on the front Can't see my way out Standing on the pinnacle Standing on the sun Can't see my way out One by one we turn our hands to guns One by one they fall down Kept down so long Sick of living in the middle If you stand for nothing You'll fall for anything Our time is now We won't stand down Wake up scream out We are the chosen ones Standing on the battleground Standing on the front Can't see my way out Standing on the pinnacle Standing on the sun Can't see my way out One by one we turn our hands to guns One by one they fall down Standing on the battleground Standing on the front Can't see my way out Standing on the pinnacle Standing on the sun Can't see my way out One by one we turn our hands to guns One by one they fall down One by one they fall down One by one they fall down One by one they fall down One by one they fall down | ONE OK ROCK | Taka・John Feldmann | Taka・John Feldmann | | Heaven is all gone Empty in my arms You wanna see us be nothing nothing Where do we belong? We have to stay strong We are an army of used up freaks Standing on the battleground Standing on the front Can't see my way out Standing on the pinnacle Standing on the sun Can't see my way out One by one we turn our hands to guns One by one they fall down Kept down so long Sick of living in the middle If you stand for nothing You'll fall for anything Our time is now We won't stand down Wake up scream out We are the chosen ones Standing on the battleground Standing on the front Can't see my way out Standing on the pinnacle Standing on the sun Can't see my way out One by one we turn our hands to guns One by one they fall down Standing on the battleground Standing on the front Can't see my way out Standing on the pinnacle Standing on the sun Can't see my way out One by one we turn our hands to guns One by one they fall down One by one they fall down One by one they fall down One by one they fall down One by one they fall down |
Worst in MeI used to think that you were mine mine Now I know it's just a lie lie Guess I should've seen the signs signs Used to think that you were mine mine All you do is take take take But you're giving me nothing giving me nothing Why you such a fake fake fake Always asking for something asking for something Beautiful smile but you lie through your teeth Bright on the surface, dark underneath I try not to look but it's easy to see You are the worst in me You are the worst in me I always felt like something's wrong wrong I let this go on way too long long I won't miss you when you're gone gone Always felt like something's wrong wrong All you do is take take take But you're giving me nothing giving me nothing Why you such a fake fake fake Always asking for something asking for something Beautiful smile but you lie through your teeth Bright on the surface, dark underneath I try not to look but it's easy to see You are the worst in me Gotta let you know Gotta let you go for good You thought I never would But that's the old me Gotta let you go for good for good for good 奪われてtake take take 見返りは無し なんの話? 嘘つきの fake fake fake ほらこのパターンで 求めてばっか 引きつる頬が物語る 裏表の神業に 見えないように けどバレバレ You are the worst in me You are the worst in me You are the worst in me | ONE OK ROCK | Taka・Colin Brittain・Nick Long・Toru・Jamil Kazmi | Taka・Colin Brittain・Nick Long・Toru・Jamil Kazmi | | I used to think that you were mine mine Now I know it's just a lie lie Guess I should've seen the signs signs Used to think that you were mine mine All you do is take take take But you're giving me nothing giving me nothing Why you such a fake fake fake Always asking for something asking for something Beautiful smile but you lie through your teeth Bright on the surface, dark underneath I try not to look but it's easy to see You are the worst in me You are the worst in me I always felt like something's wrong wrong I let this go on way too long long I won't miss you when you're gone gone Always felt like something's wrong wrong All you do is take take take But you're giving me nothing giving me nothing Why you such a fake fake fake Always asking for something asking for something Beautiful smile but you lie through your teeth Bright on the surface, dark underneath I try not to look but it's easy to see You are the worst in me Gotta let you know Gotta let you go for good You thought I never would But that's the old me Gotta let you go for good for good for good 奪われてtake take take 見返りは無し なんの話? 嘘つきの fake fake fake ほらこのパターンで 求めてばっか 引きつる頬が物語る 裏表の神業に 見えないように けどバレバレ You are the worst in me You are the worst in me You are the worst in me |