Missile Girl Scoot作曲の歌詞一覧リスト  7曲中 1-7曲を表示

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7曲中 1-7曲を表示
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ROCK'N ROLL★HIGH SCOOLMissile Girl ScootMissile Girl ScootMissile Girl ScootMissile Girl ScootMakoto Oda・Missile Girl Scootあと15分って 二度寝かまして起きりゃ Afternoon またやっちまった 今日もお気楽 重役出勤 On the desk 開いたノート やべぇ宿題やってねぇ 怒る先公の顔が目に浮かぶ しょうがねぇ しぶしぶ着替えて GO!  ROCK'N ROLL★HIGH SCOOL 近所のババァの色眼鏡に Fuck!  学校着くなり やっぱかかった呼び出し放送 ちょっと英雄気取りで 向ける仲間にガッツポーズ Teacher's room 待ってたのは最大の天敵 英語の先公 さすがのオイラも The end! はい決定! 居残り花壇の手入れ  ROCK'N ROLL★HIGH SCOOL 勉強し過ぎの厚眼鏡に Fuck! ROCK'N ROLL★HIGH SCOOL 陰口たたくブス共に向け Fuck!  My level 確かに低過ぎる知能指数 ここじゃかなり異質 付きまとう お父お母の期待 痛い! 揺れる本心に問い掛ける 一体 学歴社会 何が偉い? スゴイ? 見栄えがイイ? 月極「ゲッキョク」銭湯「ゼニユ」 それでも今じや Rock Star!  ROCK'N ROLL★HIGH SCOOL  
FINISH THE WORRY DAYSMissile Girl ScootMissile Girl ScootMissile Girl ScootMissile Girl ScootMakoto Oda・Missile Girl ScootTell me, what do you wanna do? Tell me, what do you want? Nothing gonna change if you only keep staying.  I've been dreaming. Someday prince on a white horse apper and pick me up. But remember. He never pick me up, if I am lust wishing,  Tell me, what do you wanna do? Tell me, what do you want? There are many ways to creep out, if you never give up.  Yo! Your trouble won't be fixed up cause it's all about yourself.  Tell me, what do you wanna say? Tell me, what can I do? Show your own let your heart out. Get the perfect timing.  I think, I have to find him by myself and get my luck. No one is perfect. I'm not strong as you guys think.  Tell me, what do you wanna say? Tell me, what can I do? Please show your own, so dump out your stupid idea.  Don't be afraid. Please step forward, so let's first step. No more crappy things finish the worry days.  By the time, depends on someone else, so natural.  Shout up when your fucked up. Cry out when you're sad. Laugh out when you're happy and make marry when you're fun. I know, it's simple but it's hard that actual. Ask yourself. Don't escape from yourself. If you get over it, you can see who they are. Everyone has a chance, so everything turns to possible.
EVERYTIME IT RAINSMissile Girl ScootMissile Girl ScootMissile Girl ScootMissile Girl ScootMakoto Oda・Missile Girl Scoot雨上がり 雲の割れ目から注ぎ込む光 つい立ち止まり 手をかざし 目を閉じる 君の体温と同じ温もり 通り過ぎてく人の波の中 独りぼっち置いてきぼり 鼻をくすぐる緑の匂い 遠い記憶FEEDBACKそして止まるTIME  子供のように無邪気に笑い転げてた日々 先行き不安なんて 何一つ そう思う事すらなく よく朝まであれこれ夢 飽きもせず語り合ってたね 何故か雨の降る夜BLUEになる そんな時は決まって 振り返ればずっと側に君が居た  Can't we come back in those day? We kept secrets from each other. Tell me the Truth, don't give me a crap. Why did you go without me?  いつからか全てが当り前になりすぎて ささいな優しさすら忘れて 君からの最後のSOS見落としてた 雨が降る度思い出す日々 止まりそうもない そう痛み抱えて 抜けれない闇立ち尽くし 懐かしいメロディなんて口ずさんでみる  Every time it rains. I feel down. Why a so sad? Living like a maze.  
KKP CONNECTIONSMissile Girl ScootMissile Girl ScootMissile Girl ScootMissile Girl ScootMakoto Oda・Missile Girl Scoot冷たい大都会にはびこる 携帯電話依存症 灯台もと暗しYouもYouもYouもYouもそうか ぬかりない暇さえあれば 常に着信チェック 送るメール大事な会議中ですら鳴らすベルFuck! 確かに便利かなり重宝 けど移動に肌身はなさずはかなり異常 秘書ばりの通話料 依存症 きづかぬ君すでに重傷 こった着メロ 抜け目ないラブコール オールF使いこなす強者 “そろそろ買い換えモード”ってもう機種変更? ちょっとあきしょうにも限度あるでしょ それじゃ思うツボ 商売繁盛のもろナイスなカモ  Oh no! You just a sick. Shut your yap and listen to me. Watch out! I'm still cranky. How such a weak man,you are? I feel uneasy. You'v got a dumb head. Don't slack off!! You are selfish. Can't make out each other. You'v got a dumb head. Don't slack off!! You are selfish. Can't make out each other.  まだまだイライラ 終わりそうもない In the train 不愉快きわまりない あっちでは ダラダラダラ長電話 混雑かえりみず 目の前のKids  真剣な目線でメールの送信 交信のみでつながる cheepな人間関係 そろそろ気付け よく聞け! Real communication 知らず育った 情けない時代の落し子 1コならまだしも2コ3コも 所有ってどういうこと TPO使いわけって あんた一体どこの社長 膨張する 情報に操作され 暴走続ける携帯の流通に ミサイル一括 願う家電復活 人のふり見て我ふり直そう  Oh no! You just a sick. Shut your yap and listen to me. Watch out! I'm still cranky. How such a weak man,you are? I feel uneasy. You'v got a dumb head. Don't slack off!! You are selfish. Can't make out each other. You'v got a dumb head. Don't slack off!! You are selfish. Can't make out each other.  Oh no! You just a sick. Shut your yap and listen to me. Watch out! I'm still cranky. How such a weak man,you are? I feel uneasy. You'v got a dumb head. Don't slack off!! You are selfish. Can't make out each other. You'v got a dumb head. Don't slack off!! You are selfish. Can't make out each other. You'v got a dumb head. Don't slack off!! You are selfish. Can't make out each other. You'v got a dumb head. Don't slack off!! You are selfish. Can't make out each other.
NO SWEATMissile Girl ScootMissile Girl ScootMissile Girl ScootMissile Girl ScootMakoto Oda・Missile Girl Scootout of the frying pan into the fire!  NO SWEAT NO SWEAT NO SWEAT 転がり出したかと思えば 束の間  NO SWEAT NO SWEAT NO SWEAT 順風満帆 行かずがourパターン だいたい何が問題? 全て順調 っていった 試しがない だってたいがい あと一歩ってとこで ぽしゃるのが お決まりの自然体 もったいない後退 でも一発逆転の気配 応戦開始 いざ敗者復活!  NO SWEAT NO SWEAT NO SWEAT あ痛たた・・・・・・.またやった 最大の落とし穴 見落としたまま 繰り返すミス 後先省みず スルーパスTime loss! でもめげず前に進む そんな勇姿にうたれ集う 最強のメンツ 今度こそ抜け出せるはず 上昇一途 たどり一生常勝!  We don't need fake star. We'll walk the glory road. Stay with until the end. We will make this world in peace no fear, no regret, no enemy. We don't need fake star. We'll walk the glory road. Stay with until the end. We will make this world in peace no fear, no regret, no enemy.  なんでって 声を大にして言いたい ここんとこ トラブル続きでたまんない My life? 変わらず no time 恋愛してる 暇なんてあるわけない しょうがない 夢の中だけで hold me tight アホみたい 言ってる側から 問題発生のシグナル 点灯 しょうがねぇ きるよ先頭 今は面倒見るけど てめえの尻は てめえで叩け 最低今味わってけばOK! そしてその後はイケイケ! どうせ一度ぽっきりの人生 狙うはもち第一線 起死回生 決めて大成!  We don't need fake star. We'll walk the glory road. Stay with until the end. We will make this world in peace no fear, no regret, no enemy. We don't need fake star. We'll walk the glory road. Stay with until the end. We will make this world in peace no fear, no regret, no enemy.  NO SWEAT NO SWEAT NO SWEAT NO SWEAT NO SWEAT NO SWEAT
NAKED KINGMissile Girl ScootMissile Girl ScootMissile Girl ScootMissile Girl ScootMakoto Oda・Missile Girl ScootHow are you doing? オモチャのバスに乗って 今から向かう先はWONDERLAND 願い叶うKEY WORDは ”Everyone, Everything OK” のらりくらり過した日々解き放つ 言葉に出来ない気持ちだってちゃんと王様は何でも知ってるお見通しさ May be, May be tomorrow... 本当は待ってたんだ I wanna get out here!  I look in the telescope. Anything can be seen. There's another world you have never been seen.  何でもアリ 目に映るものだけじゃないよ IMAGINATION 膨らむ”Everyone, Everything OK” 宇宙へ飛ぶロケット 今じゃ当たり前 時計の針はぐるぐる逆回り 未知の時空を行くよ TIME MACHINE 心配しなくていいよ 変じゃないよ 君が始まりだ さあ飛び立とう  I look in the telescope. Anything can be seen. There's another world you have never been seen.  NAKED KING Let's make it real NAKED KING on a parade!  
TRIPMissile Girl ScootMissile Girl ScootJUNNMissile Girl ScootMissile Girl ScootI really feel like a fool. Trip!  そうあの時Miss Sにあおられ、気が付けば出遅れ、感情は気紛れ 残ったのはただの抜け殻 もういいから早く傷を癒しなよ 針のむしろでもがき苦しむ まるでこの世の終わりそうその通り 思考回路ショート寸前マジ まいった蘇る現実に呆然  ”Oh, no…I ain't gonna do that!” Alright! So you're the one with a heart of gold. But your pot's are calling the kettle black, and that's driving you against the wall. Hey! You gonna problem? Don't look me down, you fuckin' filthy fool. You don't have to remind me, bitch! I can…I can make my own bed.  さえわたる知覚せまりくる刺客 押し寄せる堕落結構ヤバイ幻覚 変わるがわる訪れる快楽の反動 容赦無い細胞達の暴動 耐えきれず狂い求め合う絶頂 なんてこった魔の洗脳記憶抹消 一体いくつになれば全てから開放? まだ続くの? この後遺症  (Hey, watch out! Here comes the cops)  ”Oh, no…I ain't gonna do that!” Alright! So you're the one with a heart of gold. But your pot's are calling the kettle black, and that's driving you against the wall. Hey! You gonna problem? Don't look me down, you fuckin' filthy fool. You don't have to remind me, bitch! I can…I can make my own bed.  I really feel like a fool. Trip! Can I have my calm life back again? I really feel like a fool. Trip! Can I be the way I used to be? Chicken! Let's go paint the town in red! Chicken! You'll have a really good time.  ”Oh, no…I ain't gonna do that!” Alright! So you're the one with a heart of gold. But your pot's are calling the kettle black, and that's driving you against the wall. Hey! You gonna problem? Don't look me down, you fuckin' filthy fool. You don't have to remind me, bitch! I can…I can make my own bed.  So, whatcha gonna do today? Just stick around the house again? I'll see you fuckin' down there Hey, let's go get some wild thang! Maybe I'm as natty as a fruit cake!
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  2. 無限大(INFINITY) 2025
  3. MUSE
  4. Swish
  5. フィラメント

