YOSUKE作曲の歌詞一覧リスト  6曲中 1-6曲を表示

全1ページ中 1ページを表示
6曲中 1-6曲を表示
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
コトノハLAST FIRSTLAST FIRSTYOSUKEYOSUKECHOKKAKUこれからの人生を 共に生きていきたい 決して楽じゃないけど そう君と二人 歳を重ね病む時も 言葉にして愛を歌うよ 頼れる男になるから 俺の側に居て欲しい  隣でいつも笑ってた何も言わず居てくれた 本当は泣きたいくせに強がってみせる姿に いつも心苦しくてそれ以上に嬉しくて 横には君が居るって 心からそう思えた  いつも見てた 何気ない君の表情 永遠さえも 今ここに感じてる  これからの人生を 共に生きていきたい 決して楽じゃないけど そう君と二人 歳を重ね病む時も 言葉にして愛を歌うよ 頼れる男になるから 俺の側に居て欲しい  ケンカばかりの毎日 きつく言った一言も 愛があるからこそで 決して軽はずみじゃないんだよ  夢に見てた 暮らしにはほど遠いけど 二人で築こう 本当に大切なもの  春の日差し 夏の夕立 秋の空 冬の夜も 夢の中でさえも 強く強く手を握り 君が迷わないように 愛を誓い守るから  振り返る日々の中 アルバムをめくるように 沢山の喜びがそう溢れるように いつまでも君の笑顔 誰よりも強く願うよ 改めて気持ち伝えたい 君に出会えて良かった  これからの人生を共に生きていきたい 決して楽じゃないけどそう君と二人 歳を重ね病む時も言葉にして愛を歌うよ 頼れる男になるから俺の側に居て欲しい  俺の側に居て欲しい
Nobody KnowsLAST FIRSTLAST FIRSTYOSUKEYOSUKE栗林悟出会った頃に時を戻せば 色鮮やかなフィルムが巡る 二人出かけた海やあの街 笑顔の君はそこに居たのに… ホコリかぶった恋もその素顔も 取り戻せないでいる  Nobody knows 輝くのはあんなに好きだった君 知らない君が増えてゆく 知りたくもない君が増えてゆく 今更だけど君に会いたい  時が全てを変えてしまうから 想い出すのは愛に触れた日々 やっぱり君を離したくない こんな僕で情けなくて 先の見えないミライ 距離は遠ざかるばかり 隙間からこぼれるメロディー 風に消えた  気持ちとは裏腹なコトバがひとつ 本当の自分失ってく  どんな時も君だった ひとつひとつの想い出が 当たり前の日常が 今じゃこんなにも愛おしい それがなによりも悲しい  君の名前を呼ぶ 波がさらってく もう交わる事のない恋  Nobody knows 輝くのはあんなに好きだった君 知らない君が増えてゆく 知りたくもない君が増えてゆく 今更だけど君に会いたい  どんな時も君だった ひとつひとつの想い出が 当たり前の日常が 今じゃこんなにも愛おしい それがなによりも悲しい
HAPPY&SONGMissile Girl ScootMissile Girl ScootJUNNYOSUKELet's sing FUNKING! Was-Ing-Will 音児宴 Wish you happy & song Let's sing FUNKING!  Woo yeah 君がよく口ずさんでたあの曲 Woo yeah Tea の香りと共に漂ってた Woo yeah あの日君がこの部屋を去って Woo yeah Happy song が歌えなくなつた  24-7 リズム流れる そんな事すら忘れ悲しみの day 浸る 来たる未来に背を向け いつまでずっとそこでふてくされてるの? Get out of here! 耳ほら澄まして Try to feel the rhythm Yes? Will be fun? さあもう一歩勇気出して!  Let's sing FUNKING! Was-Ing-Will 音児宴 Wish you happy & song Let's sing FUNKING!  Let's sing FUNKING! Was-Ing-Will 音児宴 Wish you happy & song Let's sing FUNKING!  Let's sing FUNKING!  Woo yeah いくつもの星が流れた長い冬 Woo yeah バラードすら歌えなくなった Woo yeah 楽しく歌う仲間羨んで Woo yeah 大好きな Music 心から消えた  24-7 you can sing a song そんな事すら忘れ悲しみの day 浸る 廻る In a bad cycle いつまでそこでふさぎ込んでるの? Get out of here! 耳ほら澄まして Try to feel the rhythm Yes? Wanna be sing? 迷ってないで輪の中飛び込め!  Let's sing FUNKING! Was-Ing-Will 音児宴 Wish you happy & song Let's sing FUNKING!  Let's sing FUNKING! Was-Ing-Will 音児宴 Wish you happy & song Let's sing FUNKING!  Let's sing FUNKING!  Off the top of your head, do you try to just for a change? ×2  Woo yeah 耐え難い現実と向き合って Woo yeah 落ちた闇 そして這い出してゆく Woo yeah 今ここで出逢った自分の為に Woo yeah ただ歌いたい 歌い続けていたい Was-Ing-Will 音児宴 Wish you happy & song  Let's sing FUNKING! Was-Ing-Will 音児宴 Wish you happy & song Let's sing FUNKING!  Let's sing FUNKING! Was-Ing-Will 音児宴 Wish you happy & song Let's sing FUNKING!  Let's sing FUNKING! Was-Ing-Will 音児宴 Wish you happy & song Let's sing FUNKING!  Let's sing FUNKING! Was-Ing-Will 音児宴 Wish you happy & song Let's sing FUNKING!  Let's sing FUNKING! Was-Ing-Will 音児宴 Wish you happy & song Let's sing FUNKING!  Let's sing FUNKING!
GAZE INTO SPACEMissile Girl ScootMissile Girl ScootJUNNYOSUKEYosukeWhat can I do? What can I say? In our life, that's so short I wanna to know. I am looking for the answer. So, please tell me. What shall I do?  ”The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” I know! I did everything I could. It's out of my hands now, oh, can't you see. I have been practicing what I say. I have been practicing what I say. But I know it means nothing. I can't break away, break away, break away, No!  There's nothing in this world. You may call it”perfect” But don't you worry, it means nothing. So, Let'…let's enjoy our life. There are more dreams to come. Are you 0.K?  ”The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” I know! I did everything I could. It's out of my hands now, oh, can't you see. I have been practicing what I say. I have been practicing what I say. But I know it means nothing. I can't break away, break away, break away, No!  I gaze into space. Does anybody know the answer? I gaze into space. Only time will tell the answer?  Listen! When I lose the sight of my future. I gaze at the scene. I gaze into the sky. I gaza all the stars above. I gaze into your eyes. But, I know something is missing. I'm not satisfied. I'm not fulfilled. I don't get around. I have many friends. I'm never alone. Hand in hand. Don't break away. No, we don't break away. No, we don't never break away.  What can I do? What can I say? In our life, that's so short I wanna to know. I am looking for the answer. So, please tell me. What shall I do?  ”The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” I know! I did everything I could. It's out of my hands now, oh, can't you see. I have been practicing what I say. I have been practicing what I say. But I know it means nothing. I can't break away, break away, break away, No!  I gaze into space. Does anybody know the answer? I gaze Into space. Only time will tell the answer?
BIG MOUTHMissile Girl ScootMissile Girl ScootJUNNYOSUKEYosuke(GO!) He really fuck up this time. He'll get this someday. just wait and see. That frickin' idiot told everbody something I kept a secret. Why is he a fuckin' big mouth? What a jerk! How can you believe every world he says. You love him but the other people hate him, Look, he is kissing ass again.  Open his mouth too big, and likely to put his foot in it. He is a pest. Fuckin' go away! Open his mouth too big, and likely to put his foot in it. Don't spread gossips around, you nerd!  Has he been pretty cocky? That's not even funny. One more say, that's not even funny. Who does he think I am? Is he trying to pick a fight with me. Enough is enough! Enjoy it, while it lasts. He has nothing to do with my life. He has it coming. Flattry will get him nowhere He's heading out for a trouble.  Open his mouth too big, and likely to put his foot in it. He is a pest. Fuckin' go away! Open his mouth too big, and likely to put his foot in it. Don't spread gossips around, you nerd!  Why is he a fuckin' big mouth? I think, it's a small world!  Open his mouth too big, and likely to put his foot in it. He is a pest. Fuckin' go away! Open his mouth too big, and likely to put his foot in it. Don't spread gossips around, you nerd!
ONE TRACK MINDMissile Girl ScootMissile Girl ScootJUNNYOSUKEMissile Girl Scoot久し振りにツボに入った Hit! 出来る事ならすかさず Get! 迷わずオカズにしてみたら Good 空想だけじゃ足りない もっと近つきたいなグッときっと分かりあえるはすだよ そっともっらたテレホンナンバー感動 ちょっと Cute なふりしたら成功  How such one trak maind, I am! Yes, I love my life in a simple way. Yes, I know I'm not too fast. But I am full of energy.  再会のシュツエーションは悪く無いでもやばくない? マジはまりそうな予感 身がもたん でも No return 相変わらず超極端 気分次第これがまた問題 振り回すだけ振り回し放題 見てりゃ分かるアホくさい そう冷めて行くのは時間の問題  How such one trak maind, I am! Yes, I love my life in a simple way. Yes, I know I'm not too fast. But I am full of energy.  One trak mind, Yo!
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. Swish
  2. 交感神経優位
  3. Memorial
  4. Show Me Your Height
  5. 大阪ボレロ



  2. 無限大(INFINITY) 2025
  3. タイムリミット片想い
  4. Swish
  5. MUSE

