山田健人作曲の歌詞一覧リスト  10曲中 1-10曲を表示

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10曲中 1-10曲を表示
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HELLO ASIAラニーノーズ×アジア住みます芸人ラニーノーズ×アジア住みます芸人ラニーノーズ・ダブルウィッシュ・Tの極み・そこらへん元気山田健人Make Hits BeatsHELLO ASIA・HELLO ASIA HELLO ASIA・HELLO ASIA HELLO ASIA・HELLO ASIA HELLO ASIA・HELLO ASIA  日本 笑いの聖地 大阪 万博 たこ焼き お好み焼き 通天閣 食い倒れ 海遊館 USJ  HELLO ASIA・HELLO ASIA HELLO ASIA・HELLO ASIA HELLO ASIA・HELLO ASIA HELLO ASIA・HELLO ASIA  タイ ホアヒンビーチ トゥトゥク プーケット アユタヤ パタヤピーチ チェンマイスコータイ ワットプラケオワットアルンワットパクナムワットポー  HELLO ASIA・HELLO ASIA HELLO ASIA・HELLO ASIA HELLO ASIA・HELLO ASIA HELLO ASIA・HELLO ASIA  ベトナム ハノイ ホーチミン ダナン バインミー ブンチャー アオザイ グエン  HELLO ASIA・HELLO ASIA HELLO ASIA・HELLO ASIA HELLO ASIA・HELLO ASIA HELLO ASIA・HELLO ASIA  インドネシア ジャカルタ バリ ジャワ スマトラ ナシゴレン サテ ルンダン ミーゴレン コモドドラゴン オラウータン ボロブドゥール ルアクコーヒー キンタマーニ  HELLO ASIA・HELLO ASIA HELLO ASIA・HELLO ASIA HELLO ASIA・HELLO ASIA HELLO ASIA・HELLO ASIA
I fell in love with a ZOMBIE~俺はゾンビに恋をした~Runny NoizeRunny Noize山田健人山田健人Runny Noize「Emergency」 If you are hearing me Do not step out of your house Wait for the announcement from the government  Is this due to something like bad drugs or unknow virus? The town overflows so much with a lot of horror  People has been in a panic and panic. It's like a stupid film  Somebody screaming, shooting and bleeding Army incoming here  It's Survival  But I'm staying here I can't leave that girl  She is a Zombie Staring straight into my eyes Too much physical affection Stop! I'm virgin  I fell in love I don't know when you were alive It was a love at first sight But why don't you be interested in me?  If I see you bitting someone, it makes me a little jealous If you are in a trouble I'll be your super hero  Who are those Walkers around and around you I can walk by your side  Watching your profile and I'm making a smile I'm happy being with you  Everybody said “Psycho”  Leave me alone I found my true self  She is a Zombie Staring straight into my eyes Too much physical affection Stop! I'm virgin  I fell in love I don't know when you were alive It was a love at first sight But why don't you be interested in me?  She is a Zombie I know you never sleep again So I sing a song for you This is a Zombie lullaby  I fell in love I don't know when you were alive It was a love at first sight But why don't you be interested in me?  Forever love Not cheesy lines Cause she's already dead  Rotten hands and Popped out brain I need it all Love will never ever die  Finally you kissed me Then I became a ZOMBIE
Drunken BumRunny NoizeRunny Noize山田健人 supported by 笠谷(ポートワシントン)山田健人Runny NoizeOh boy , it's already afternoon I have a terrible hangover I don't remember anything from last night.I was drunk Event though I'm heading to a bar to sober up I haven't had anything. Nothing special same face, as all the time I gotta feeling  Friday night Are you guys having good time? Party time Everybody got a smile I don't mind Drinking anywhere anytime Because I'm jobless  The bright morning sunlight is blinding my eyes I felt sick and threw up, but now I feel better  When we are drunk nobody understands us Drinking in one gulp Drinking till morning Drinking pee makes somebody laugh  Friday night Are you guys having good time? Party time Everybody got a smile I don't mind Drinking anywhere anytime Because I'm jobless  I don't wanna to think about anything To your health Cheers! Cheers! Cheers!  Somebody sleeping on the floor, vomiting from somewhere I don't care One more Please Please Please  We all have complain with relations, future ,society I want liberation from this shit I wonder why you don't drink  You said its alcoholic Im fine so far so good You don't understand It makes me stop hand tremble  Friday night Are you guys having good time? Party time Everybody got a smile I don't mind Drinking anywhere anytime Because I'm jobless  Friday night Not all right Too young to die It's like suicide I wonder why I drink so much I wanna be social drinker
Cut Cheese Cut CheeseRunny NoizeRunny Noize山田健人山田健人Let's start and try again Just release the pain Singing in the rain  Let's start and try again Don't you ever give up  Choose the harder route Don't be afraid Take the first step Don't be afraid Change the world Don't be afraid Throw away past glory Don't be afraid  Cut Cheese Cut Cheese Cut Cheese Cut Cheese Cut Cheese Cut Cheese Cut Cheese Cut Cheese  こっちこっち~  Let's start and try again Just release the pain Singing in the rain  Oi! Oi! Oi!  Let's start and try again Good to rest your brain Don't you ever give up  Oi! Oi! Oi!  Let's start and try again Just release the pain Singing in the rain  Oi! Oi! Oi!  Let's start and try again Good to rest your brain Don't you ever give up
だらだらRunny NoizeRunny Noize山田健人山田健人だらだら だらだら  気分上昇、急にテンションあがったって また周りに引かれて あぁ 身分相応、堂々とする自信がない また嫌気がさして あぁ  疎外感で うつむいて いつも置いていかれて、ただ  未だに 無様に その狭い視界で 全てを見ようとして  ゆらいで ゆらいで ゆらいで 頭の先からつま先 ビリビリ電気が走るような 感動体験が したくて したくて したくて 吉と出るか凶と出るかは やってみなきゃわからないから 今日も部屋で1人  だらだら だらだら  期待感に 侵されて 逃げてしまいそうで、ただ  未だに 無様に 間違った価値観で 全てを見落として  ゆらいで ゆらいで ゆらいで 頭の先からつま先 ビリビリ電気が走るような 感動体験が したくて したくて したくて 吉と出るか凶と出るかは やってみなきゃわからないから 今日も部屋で1人  ゆらいで ゆらいで ゆらいで  今はただ、頭に浮かべて その姿、肯定してみて この声を、そこに届かせてみて  つかんで つかんで つかんで その手で 笑って、笑って 自分の居場所を見つけた  笑って 笑って  だらだら だらだら
光へRunny NoizeRunny Noize山田健人山田健人妄想の片隅にでも 僕がいればいいのになって思うから 頭の中では 上手く描けても 結局自信がなくて 胸を痛めた  歌う、鳴らす、走る、騒ぐ 登る、滑る、落とす、眠る 巡り巡る記憶、辿る 2人で過ごした  光へ 夢の中で 光へ 夢の中で 光へ 夢の中で いつだって  光へ 夢の中で 光へ 夢の中で 光へ 夢の中で いつまでも  やり方も わからなくても テキトーでもいいから  もうどうしよ 想像しよ バレないように時計を隠した 白紙のままでも その場しのぎでも 気付けば本音で僕は 言葉を伝えた  歌った、鳴らした、走った、騒いだ 登った、滑った、落とした、眠った 巡り巡る記憶、辿る 2人でふざけた  光へ 夢の中で 光へ 夢の中で 光へ 夢の中で いつだって  光へ 夢の中で 光へ 夢の中で 光へ 夢の中で いつまでも  やり方も わからなくても テキトーでもいいから  青空に向かって 飛び立つ前に涙が溢れる 理由もわからず  このスピードのまま 見下ろす雲に飛びのれ ただただ 身を任せて さぁ扉をあけて  光へ 夢の中へ 光へ 夢の中へ 光へ 夢の中へ いつだって  光へ 夢の中へ 光へ 夢の中へ 光へ 夢の中へ いつまでも  白も黒も根拠も何もなくてもいいから いつだって、いつまでも 夢は続くから
eRunny NoizeRunny Noize山田健人山田健人Runny Noize絶望の中で 見える光へ 自分信じて 道化演じて  ジッとしてたら時間経って それはそれでまた悩ましくて 怒りの矛先がなくて  ぶっとんだ思想だって 理解不能な言葉だって 前人未到の過程  ゆがんだ絵 見つめる目 吸い込まれて 定まらなくて  目覚ませ 自分騙せ さぁ立ち上がれ 僕らの明るい未来  ふとした 瞬間に 全て悟ったような 奇跡が今 目の前に 広がっているから  ゆがんだ絵 見つめる目 吸い込まれて 定まらなくて  目覚ませ 自分騙せ さぁ立ち上がれ 僕らの明るい未来  迷って 回って 悔やんで 羨んで  それでも まだまだ 負けてはないから  ゆがんだ絵 見つめる目 吸い込まれて 定まらなくて  目覚ませ 鼻垂らせ さぁ立ち上がれ 僕らの明るい 未来だけ 考えて 不安とか もう吹き飛ばして  好きにしたら 突き抜けたら さぁ、見えてくる僕らの明るい未来  俺たちがそうポップパンクバンド いまこそ狙うんだピンポンザスマッシュ さぁ響かすこれがトップパンクサウンド ほら無心に戻れピンポン&ダッシュ
Runny NoseRunny NoizeRunny Noize山田健人山田健人Runny NoizeOne day I dream that I'm on a date We think of each other everyday She got a new beautiful glow Don't stare me with that cute eyes  What time do you wanna meet wanna walk or not? What kind of movie do you wanna see, a horror or not? She sometime spoiles to me You're my type That's ok Let's go  My buddy worries about me Open your eyes! Hey hurry she wanna go out on a date for real (Out of mind) Oh my darlin I didn't know that You're waiting for me  I asked her out I need outfits I'm madly in love with you  I know the miracle I'm hanging out with a girl shopping mall Take me anywhere Brand new days  I know I misfit I'm barking mad cause a girl held my hand She's staring at me with a smile “You got a Runny Nose” “You got a Runny Nose” “You got a Runny Nose”  Gunshot I felt the wind knocked out of me This is not the date I had in mind It's more than I can stand Damn I also got a toothache  Everytime I like someone, Things go wrong In those cases I'm deciding to sing a song So I'm back in dream again It's my life That's Ok Let's go  My buddy worries about me Don't mind about it Hey hurry she wanna go on a date with you again (Out of mind) Oh god I thought you hate me This isn't a dream  I asked her out I need tissue I'm crazy in love with you  I know the miracle I'm hanging out with a girl shopping mall Take me anywhere Brand new days  I know I misfit I'm barking mad cause a girl held my hand She's staring at me with a smile  I know the miserable I'm hanging out with a girl in my head That word is stuck to my brain “You got a Runny Nose” “You got a Runny Nose”  “You got a Runny Nose” “You got a Runny Nose” “You got a Runny Nose”  Who's got a Runny Nose “You got a Runny Nose” Who's got a Runny Nose “You got a Runny Nose” I got a fxxkin Runny Nose
Nine Deadly SinsRunny NoizeRunny Noize山田健人山田健人Runny NoizeBullshit I got a problem Because I have so many things to do.  “Pride” (Don't say that) “Greed” (Don't say that) “Wrath” (Don't say that) “Envy” (Please don't say that)  I'm too embarrassed to see myself  I don't wanna be somebody's pets (Stuck to my guns) What's the point of playing this ridiculous game? Everyday everytime everybody says “You're cool. Hey don't hang up anymore”  No misunderstand Spinning my head Who's gonna change my mind Dissatisfied Going to burst Fxxkin my nine  OK Im back from hell Because I have no time to suffer  “Lust” (It's over) “Sloth” (It's over) “Gluttony” (It's over) “Gloom” (What a bother)  I just want people to appreciate  Never say never put off till tomorrow (Give me a break) I wanna lay down and eat many cakes Everyday everytime everybody says “You're a fool. Hey don't hang out anymore”  No misunderstand Spinning my head Who's gonna change my mind Dissatisfied Going to burst Fxxkin my nine  Turn round and round like merry go round Troubles flying around my head Turn round and round like merry go round Troubles from Nine Deadly Sins  No misunderstand Spinning my head Who's gonna change my mind Dissatisfied Going to burst Fxxkin my nine  No misunderstand Spinning my head Who's gonna change my mind Dissatisfied Going to burst Fxxkin my nine  “SLEEP”
Bunny <Album version>Runny NoizeRunny Noize山田健人山田健人Yeah Thank you for everything that you have done for me I've never be happier  Oh yeah What the hell he tells good jokes Cracks me up That's funny I forgot to laugh  My bro Bright happy faces I'm excited about seeing him Oh no Don't tell me you don't remember anything  Thanks got I'll never forget that day Go ahead laugh it up Why not Let me remind you about high school life  Everybody jump Upside down I got something else on my mind I had just about enough of you Fly again  Everybody jump Upside down I got something else on my mind I had just about enough of you  Yeah fxxk you for everything that you have done for me Don't let it go to your head  Oh yeah Go to hell if you don't lend back thing Drive me mad Give me back my uniform  I know it's all my fault Why did I believe in you Oh no Why do you keep making excuse?  Don't you know the stress I'm under feeling sucks back my home Why not I don't think I should see you anymore  Everybody sucks Up your ass I was deceived by bullshit asshole I had just about enough of you Fly again  Everybody sucks Up your ass I was deceived by bullshit asshole I had just about enough of you  Everybody sucks Up your ass I was deceived by bullshit asshole I had just about enough of you  Everybody sucks Up your ass I was deceived by bullshit asshole I had just about enough of you You are bastard  Everybody jump Upside down I got something else on my mind I had just about enough of you You are bastard  Everybody says “There he goes again You'd better ignore such a stupid He has a nervous fxxkin break down”
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. うれしいひなまつり
  2. ダーリン
  3. 怪獣
  4. ゆき
  5. 旅立ちの日に



  1. スケッチ
  2. イイじゃん
  3. あたしを選ばなかった君へ
  4. ReawakeR (feat. Felix of Stray Kids)
  5. Vermillion

