桑原智作曲の歌詞一覧リスト 43曲中 1-43曲を表示
曲名 | 歌手名 | 作詞者名 | 作曲者名 | 編曲者名 | 歌い出し |
FAR AWAYBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | The setback told me“You are wrong” 変わらずこのままでは The mistake told me“You can do” 超えて越えてけ The peak will be great if I suffer no matter how long it takes now I know from the beginning, so I don't climb the low mountains. right? Step by step Case by case Go way to reach the top The setback told me “You are wrong” 変わらずこのままでは The mistake told me “You can do” 超えて越えてけ the way to far away success | |
CRAZY MISSIONBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | I'm trying hard. But the result is bad. The guys who gave up and they gone away. Insistent I'm still here. Laugh if you want to laugh. Loss or gain? I never thought. This is my mission. I'll walk with many many scratches. Do you think that you are“crazy”about me? It is the best compliment for me. This is my crazy crazy mission. | |
ロメオとジュリエットBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | 張り切って身だしなみCHECK OK! なりきった いつか見たあのMOVIE STAR 待ってろ 今すぐ行くよ ジュリエット カッペもマジで卒業済みだから 妄想重なって その衝動高ぶって I fell in love Dance tonight! Keep on moving! Bang! All right! I shot my heart to you いわばこれが初めての晴れ舞台 頭のなかでは全部予習済み 高揚してるのか この紅潮止められない I fell in love Dance tonight! Keep on moving! Bang! All right! I shot my heart to you どれだけ描いた?どんなに待ち望んだ? きっとうまくいく Surely I will be fine It's a fateful day Kiss me now! I love you, baby! NO! NO! NO! 嫌ぁぁぁ! It is HEART BREAK SHOT Dance tonight! Keep on moving! Bang! All right! YES! My name is ロメオ | |
ふぇすてぃばるまんBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | Let's make FANTASTIC BASEMENT CRANKY で CRANKY でOK! Let's make FANTASTIC BASEMENT FUNKY で FUNKY でOK! (DREAM) 待ちに待ったこの瞬間は (DREAM) 誰にも譲れない心は (DREAM) ただdancing now (DREAM) ただdancing now (Say!) YEAH! (Say!) YEAH! (DREAM) はやる胸 今押さえながら (DREAM) 集まった雑踏かき分け (DREAM) 登場か (DREAM) 登場だ (Say!) YEAH! (Say!) YEAH! 今日はやるしかない このロケーション 隠してたけど 今 ハイテンション WOW FESTIVAL MAN WOW 声あげて 夢御輿かきあげたら 始まりのホイッスル 吹いて YEAH! WOW FESTIVAL MAN WOW 今日だけは 祭囃子に合わせて 何もかも忘れさせて YEAH! Let's make FANTASTIC BASEMENT CRANKY で CRANKY でOK! Let's make FANTASTIC BASEMENT FUNKY で FUNKY でOK! (DREAM) 溜まりたまった憂鬱まで (DREAM) 抱え込んだ悲しい色まで (DREAM) 君となら (DREAM) 君となら (Say!) YEAH! (Say!) YEAH! 今日やれなければ ただのマスターベーション ついてこれるなら やろうセッション WOW FESTIVAL MAN WOW 声あげて 夢御輿かきあげたら 始まりのホイッスル 吹いて YEAH! WOW FESTIVAL MAN WOW 今日だけは 祭囃子に合わせて 何もかも忘れさせて YEAH! Let's make FANTASTIC BASEMENT CRANKY で CRANKY でOK! Let's make FANTASTIC BASEMENT FUNKY で FUNKY でOK! | |
IRA IRABUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | たいして今日は眠ってないって 充血を目に いつものコース my way エントリー No.1 What time is it? まだ来てないって? 何しとんねん いつもの奴を wait エントリーNo.2 IRAIRA にKICK IRAIRA にカマせ “Cry for”Is this normal? 欠陥しすぎ世の中のために “Mind on”on the verge of collapse 血管切れそうだ “Pride on”Am I wrong? 足りないのはカルシウムぐらいか “Try to”But I don't have courage. 「さーせん…」態度なってないって 思い始めて 心の中で scream エントリー No.3 IRAIRA にKICK IRAIRA にカマせ “Cry for”Is this normal? 欠陥しすぎ世の中のために “Mind on”on the verge of collapse 血管切れそうだ “Pride on”Am I wrong? 足りないのはカルシウムぐらいか “Try to”But I don't have courage. | |
GOOD LUCKBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | While rubbing my sleepy eyes The morning TV program told me. Your fortune is at the bottom. The dark clouds rose on this day. 「But never give up! But it's okay!」That's a remedy. 「Your lucky color is dark gray.」 (OH!) What is that! What shall I do today? It will be a better day than the last few days. (OH!) Let's take a deep breath. Whether it is a good day is up to us. | |
ホームBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | 踏み出せ 君の一歩へ いつも帰れる場所はここに 一人でもがいてた あきらめかけの現実で どこまで行けばたどり着く? 涙雲の下で 今日も これでもういいのか ここで終わるのか 叶えられないのか 向かい風でまだ 今 ここで止まって 泣いてても 前へは進めないだろう 涙ぬぐって 今 踏み出せ君の一歩へ いつも帰れる場所をここに はかなく散ってく夢のかけらの 輝き集めて また 今 So I stand on the stage それぞれの そのFIELD へ 戻ってく明日へ そっと寄り添う 小さな希望 灯せたなら 泣いてても 前へは進めないだろう 涙ぬぐって 今 踏み出せ君の一歩へ いつも帰れる場所をここに さあ 行ってらっしゃい! | |
タイムマシーンBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | Wait! Just a moment,please! Hey! Late! She goes away. The worst language released toward you now. The tear which rolled down weted her red cheek. Ride on! Ride on! Hurry up! Ride on time machine! To the day when you and I met. Throw away regret there. Let's hit the road. Ride on! Ride on! Hurry up! Ride on time machine! It's time to change my way. I start to walk the way. Ride on! Ride on! Hurry up! Ride on time machine! While thinking of you alone It's time to change my way. I start to walk the way. | |
シェアタイムBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | 青く光っていた 日々を覆う空色 急いでDIVE 夏がARRIVE 指おり 数えて 迎えた季節 仲間で数えた まぶしいevery day いつかは 必ず 終わるとわかっている 儚い楽園へ さぁ飛び込め3、2、1 騒げ 騒げ 輪の中で Summer Day Summer Day 朝まで この風に身をゆだねて 踊れ 踊れ 今はただ ここで ここで 笑って 鮮やかに そんなTHIS NIGHT 飛ばした車内に 飛び交う期待 いつものヤツらで 迎えるSUNSET 眺めた ぼやけた夕日は 何も言わず 暮れゆく寂しさを トランクに押し込め 騒げ 騒げ 声あげて Summer Day Summer Day これまで うつむいた日に 手振って まわれ まわれ 肩組んで 混ざって 混ざって 歌って 高らかに そんなTHIS NIGHT 騒げ 騒げ 輪の中で Summer Day Summer Day 朝まで この風に身をゆだねて 踊れ 踊れ 今はただ ここで ここで 笑って 鮮やかに そんなTHIS NIGHT | |
グローリーデイズBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | I raise my hands I take my hope I just walk alone Glowly Glowly Days Crying Crying Days かすれてく言葉に 今 Glowly Glowly Days Crying Crying Voice 思いひと粒だけのせ to the sky この響いてくビートに かき消されないように ROCK says me ROCK teach me Don't give up. Don't worry いつでも Glowly Glowly Days Crying Crying Days 錆び付いた夜とともに Glowly Glowly Days Trying Trying Voice 傷ついた夢を抱いて いつかこの声出なくなって 見上げた明日 霞んできても ずっとこのままで その時まで ここに 立って Glowly Glowly Days Crying Crying Days かすれてく言葉に 今 Glowly Glowly Days Crying Crying Voice 思いひと粒だけのせ あてのない夜空をこえ | |
ピエロBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | いつかの赤鼻 舞い降りたSHOWは まわりをCLAPに 渦巻いてく 華麗なるTURN決めたならば 手を振ってGO fade out REMEMBER速くこだました この鼓動 FASTER BEAT 君だけのピエロ野郎 今宵も始めまSHOW TIME 夢の国じゃなくても I get back your smile うつむき ため息 It is cloud顔の 沈んだ肩に 手を差し伸べて It is fineだって聞こえるまで ALWAYS ただ STAND BY YOU 下手なTURN決めてみるよ さぁ NOW Show me your smile 君だけのピエロ野郎 空気変えてみせるSHOW ベタなネタを武器にして I get back your smile 君だけのピエロ野郎 今宵も始めまSHOW TIME 夢の国じゃなくても I get back your smile without RED NOSE TRY and TRY ベタなネタを武器にして I get back your smile さあ NOW Show me your smile | |
ハングオーバーBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | I woke up with disheveled hair and hangover. Thirst of a throat also followed. It's too dazzling ,to dazzling a day. Jump in at messy party. 'Where is my place?' I search for an eating house with a light steps. 'Where is my place?' I search for… I found chair called me at last. I got drunk thoroughly. Memory…it fade away. The worst morning will come. I got it. I woke up with disheveled hair and hangover. Thirst of a throat also followed. It's too dazzling ,to dazzling a day. Let’s go out now. Just now go away. I will also take a sigh. | |
声BUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | BUZZ THE BEARS | 汗は はじけて 星みたく散ってく Tシャツの宇宙が 広がっていく いつかは大人になって 君のこと この景色 夢 全てなくなっても 飛んでけ どこまでも 青空走る 風にのり 大声あげ 叫び続けるから 想いよ 届け 肩で息して 泥だらけになって 土曜日昼下がりからの勲章 憧れに震え 続いた道のり これまで 重ねた日々 報われなくても 伸ばした 手の向こう 揺れてる 陽炎追い越して あるがまま嘘のない言葉 想いよ 届け 伸ばした 手の向こうへ その向こうへ 飛んでけ どこまでも 青空走る 風にのり 大声あげ 叫び続けるから 想いよ 届け |
シグナルBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | BUZZ THE BEARS | A day starts with a morning glow. I sat up all night alone. I never say “Take care around.”, but I guard this town. The cars which gathered speed is approaching. Kids raise their hands and cross the road. I would like to give you a usual day. I shine blue, If I have a hand, I can protect the very small life. I can reduce useless tears from this town. Shine red in everybody's hearts. “You do not live alone. Please notice early” The signal is shining for your life now. A day starts with a morning glow. I sat up all night alone. I never say “Take care around.”, but I guard this town. The cars which gathered speed is approaching. Kids raise their hands and cross the road. I would like to give you a usual day. I shine red, I shine blue, If I have a hand, I can protect the very small life. I can reduce useless tears from this town. Shine red in everybody's hearts. “You do not live alone. Please notice early” The signal is shining for your life now. [対訳] 朝焼けと共に1日が始まっていく またぼくは1人きりで徹夜だ 「気をつけて」なんて言えない…けど この街を守るんだ スピードを上げた車が近づいてくる中 こども達は手を挙げ その道を渡る 君達にいつもの1日を与えたいだけ 青く光る私 もし僕に手があれば 小さな命も守れるのに 無駄な涙をこの街から減らせるのに みんなの心に赤く光れ 一人で生きていないことに早く気づいて シグナルは光り続ける |
シンデレラキッズBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | BUZZ THE BEARS | This is your basement Shut down the sound ドア開ければ 『LIVECAGE』 weekend Ready steady? すでに時計の中 針 Hurry up 進んで Just make it. 0時 pumpkin までに excellent stage 土曜なのに 今日もschool 少し ゆううつ 響いたチャイム 終わりの合図 輝いた eyes “It is fine day!” いつもDickiesで Moving style そう シンデレラキッズ Let's get in pumpkin and… Sing dance and shout! あのステージへ Destiny 手に取ったバンドタオル 上に上に掲げて 今日も友と共に過ごす 『LIVECAGE』 weekend SE鳴る前のmistake うっかりしたcase これぐらいならとmake 自分的にsafe Don't cry いつも大目玉くらい めげない 強力 シンデレラキッズ Let's get in pumpkin and… Sing dance and shout! あのステージへ Ready steady? すでに時計の中 針 Hurry up 進んで Just make it. 0時 pumpkin までに excellent stage Destiny 手に取ったバンドタオル 上に上に掲げて 今日も友と共に過ごす 『LIVECAGE』 weekend Just make it. 0時 pumpkin までに excellent stage |
ダーリンBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | ため息まじる 乾いた風の中 今日も何の成果もなくて 何も言わずついて来てくれたのは そう お前一人だけ 大丈夫と いつもと同じように 笑った ダーリン ダーリン マイ ダーリン 泣かせてばかり ダメな俺だけれど これからずっと お前とずっと 続く日々 夢見て 理想 現実 どちらも捨てきれず 悩みは増えるばかり 目を閉じ 今を思い返してみて 諦め続きでも この手握る 細い指先は 放さない ダーリン ダーリン マイ ダーリン 何も出来ない ダメな俺だけれど 冷たく震え 暗い夜でも 一人にしないから もうここで限界なんて 勝手に決めないで 変われ 変われ 一歩ずつまた 前を向いて ダーリン ダーリン マイ ダーリン 泣かせてばかり ダメな俺だけれど これからずっと お前とずっと 続く日々に 昔 そんなこともあったと 笑おう きっと ダーリン | |
サウンドBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | Can you hear now? Can you hear my voice now? I sound your favorite sounds. Listen to this music. I play for your good smile. You will get tired if you walk for a long time. Fall over…Get damaged…No! Don't worry! Sad thing. Bad news. Looking down. Turn to a front. Can you hear now? Can you hear my voice now? I sound your favorite sounds. Listen to this music. I play for your good smile. You have the feeling of believing. Stand up! You are not a weakling. Sad thing. Bad news. Looking down. No No No. Turn to a front. Can you hear now? Can you hear my voice now? I sound your favorite sounds. Listen to this music. I play for your good smile. | |
ふたりBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | La La La La…… La La La La…… 負けるな 二人で いつもかけ合った言葉は あなたにもう届かなくなるけれど ずっと We are crew 1人で進んでいくって まっすぐなその瞳は 力強く 希望あふれ 少しさびしく思った 同じゴール目指し走り 転び泣いて笑って そんな日思い出して どれだけ遠くに離れても 同じ空の下 二人の選んだ道は違っても ずっと We are crew 落ち込んでいた隣で だまっていてくれたこと 意見違ってぶつかって 傷つけてしまったこと 風のように過ぎ去った 共に過ごした日々 ずっとずっと忘れない La La La La…… La La La La…… 負けるな 二人で いつもかけ合った言葉は あなたにもう届かなくなるけれど ずっと We are crew 桜のつぼみが見え始めた頃 涙を浮かべて僕ら別れました 大きく振った手 見えなくなるまで ずっと We are crew | |
ブルースカイBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | It is blue sky outside. Straight, slender and long. I look up at the sky, riding on a bike. It is white cloud outside. It is just like white smoke. The sky in a town is narrow and very high. Two shadows in a line, the tire spinning round, and round fast, and the bell ringing out. I pedal a bike in front and you take a back seat. This is a usual style. It seems that everything is shining only at this moment. It is blue sky outside. Straight, slender and long. I look up at the sky, riding on a bike. It is white cloud outside. It is just like white smoke. The sky in a town is narrow and very high. It is wind cool to skin. I put power into my leg. While wishing“This time could last for a long time.” It is blue sky outside. Straight, slender and long. The sky in a town is narrow and it is very high. | |
アイスクリームBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | Honey! I'm ice cream eaten by you. I am your ice cream which melts. My life is limited! Lick my body. You may attack any part. I leave my body to you. Heart is beating fast with joy. I can't stop myself. After eating me, you laughed contentedly. Did you grow fat? Your face is bursting. Forget? The shock when we met on that day? I know. My sweet makes you captive. My life is limited! Lick my body. Your lips are comfortable and melt me slowly and slowly. At the night when the moon is nice, I dance on your tongue. I will tempt you by my sweet smell. How about my taste? The time of pleasure goes on with the night. You may attack any part. I leave my body to you. Heart is beating fast with joy. I can't stop myself. After eating me, you laughed contentedly. Did you grow fat? Your lips are comfortable and melt me slowly and slowly. At the night when the moon is nice, I dance on your tongue. I will tempt you by my sweet smell. How about my taste? The time of pleasure goes on with the night. | |
光りBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | このままで終われない only one life 作り上げられる my story in the time どこにいて 何をしてる 思い描いたもの確認 stay ここに全部捨ててしまおうか いらないもの 嫌な事 this case もう二度と逃げない Decide by myself 誰かに笑われても It's all right It's all right It's OK これ以上迷わない straight road いつか止まりそうになっても You can do うずくまり 目をつぶって そこから光は生まれない one day 明日へとまた 踏み出せる気持ち 心の中 引き出せる that day 新しく見える景色 目の前 広がっているから このままで終われない only one life 作り上げられる my story in the time もう二度と逃げないと Decide by myself 誰かに笑われても It's all right It's all right It's OK これ以上迷わない straight road いつか止まりそうになっても You can do It's all right It's all right It's OK | |
晴れのち終わりBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | もしも明日の天気予報が 晴れのち終わりなら… 足りないものだらけの 自分を思い返してみる ただがむしゃらに不器用に 過ぎていった時間(とき) ゆるがないもの一つを この胸の中 持てただけで あなたと出会えた それだけで僕は幸せでした 明日 世界が終わるとしても 今まで過ごしてきたような いつもと変わらない一日を あなたとの一日を 夢でまた会えるのなら 眠るのも悪くはないかな 今日はどこへとでかけようか 大空をとんで もしも明日の天気予報が 晴れのち終わりだったとしたら 最後の瞬間まで その手をずっとつないで 明日 世界が終わるとしても 今まで過ごしてきたような いつもと変わらない一日を 最後まで二人で笑いたいだけ | |
ハイヒールBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | Shoes glittering in the light. I found! The shoes of the glass arranged in a small red store. My face reflected in the show window was the worst for some reason. Look good to me? Stop buying it… Give me a chance I can change. Air became lighter. My height became taller. Oh…I will make up once in a while. Sneakers are in a paper bag. Sounding the heel...It's my heel! Look good to me? Stop buying it... Give me a chance I can change. Air became lighter. My height became taller. Oh…I will make up once in a while. Sneakers are in a paper bag. Sounding the heel...It's my heel. | |
虹BUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | 雨があがった道を 傘を手に持って歩く 水たまりからのぞいた 自分飛び越え 立ちはだかった壁は 思ったよりずっと高く あきらめるしかなかった ぼやけて見えた夏の虹 沈む夕日を背に飲みこんだ 涙でかかる七色のアーチ 赤く染まった目をこすり歩く このくやしさ全部消えるまで がんばり過ぎた今日も 評価されることはなく 早く時が過ぎればと つぶやいた日々 耐えられず ゆがんだ その顔を 記憶に残して いつまででも 映る影を見ながら飲みこんだ 涙でかかる七色のアーチ きっといつか彩り鮮やかに あなたにも輝き続ける | |
エンドレスBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | I will start on a trip, swaying in a train again just began moving. Though I want to be there, there are many things for me to do. I feel lonesome. For now just say good bye. What I have are feet I can walk with, eyes I can look ahead with, both hands which are awkward and weak, will that I have to do something. I will go across a lot of stations, it comes into view at last. I am going to live alone in a town which nobody knows. I will start on a trip, swaying in a train again just began moving. Though I want to be there, there are many things for me to do. I feel lonesome. For now just say good bye. I will go across a lot of stations, it comes into view at last. I am going to live alone in a town which nobody knows. I will start on a trip, swaying in a train again just began moving. Though I want to be there, there are many things for me to do. I feel lonesome. For now just say good bye. | |
マジック スパイスBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | Kindness with which you can keep protecting someone. The heart which sympathizes with someone. You should have been keeping for a long time,right? If you are losing that now… Magic spice. Thank you so much. You have to say without being shy. I hope you and I continue to be connected. If the spice of magic is sprinkled all over a town, dark gloomy town will turn to shiny bright gradually. Meekness with which you can listen to others' view. Strength which you can say wrong is wrong. You should have been keeping for a long time,right? If you are losing that now… Magic spice. I'm sorry.You have to say looking into their eyes. I hope you and I continue to be connected. The world will be covered with black clouds rapidly, if you do nothing but make cutting remarks. No matter how far or close you are,I believe it carries to you. I believe strong feelings must carry to you riding on words and sounds. Magic spice. Thank you so much. You have to say without being shy. I hope you and I continue to be connected. If the spice of magic is sprinkled all over a town, dark gloomy town will turn to shiny bright gradually. | |
ねがいBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | ビルに囲まれた街は 敵味方分からない人の群れ 冷えたすきま風 心ない言葉 飛び交う中には 入れない 言い表せない 孤独感を背負い 全て捨ててかまわない あなたさえ隣にいれば また今夜も 寒空の星 一人見上げて 少し個性を出したら いつの間にか輪からはじき出され 積み重ねてきたものも音をたて 儚くたやすく崩れゆく 小さく光った 星にねがいこめて 憎まれてもかまわない あなたさえ隣にいれば 立ち止まった帰り道 吐く息は白くて 二人で見た オリオン座は 今日も輝く 遠くから僕を呼ぶ 声が聞こえて 全て捨ててかまわない あなたさえ隣にいれば また今夜も寒空の 星一人見上げて | |
ボックスBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | Where was I and what did I do at that time? I close my eyes and ask my heart. We grow up with losing and meeting. Oh!Oh! I wish there were a box in which I can carry out anything. The scenary of someday and my memory. I can take out at anytime. I forget various things one after another. oh!no! Where was I and what did I do at that time? I close my eyes and ask my heart. We grow up with losing and meeting. Oh!Oh! | |
スイング リングBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | She is a witch. I'm a black cat. We fly about all over the world riding on the broom given by her grandma. We become residents in the town we don't even know the name. I see the scenery I've not seen. A bell on my red collar swings and rings high whenever I take a step. I bask in the corner of the town because I have been tired a little. Shall we go slowly? She is a witch. I'm a black cat. We fly about all over the world riding on the broom given by her grandma. We become residents in the town we don't even know the name. I see the scenery I've not seen. Shall we go slowly? She is a witch. I'm a black cat. We fly about all over the world riding on the broom given by her grandma. We become residents in the town we don't even know the name. I see the scenery I've not seen. Let's fly above the cloud when it rains. Let's fly to the south when it is cold. It is all right. You, broom and I. The wide world. The long trip still goes on and on to the next town. A bell on my red collar swings and rings high whenever I take a step. There is a town under our eyes. Shall we go down there today? The bell on my neck rings today. | |
羽根BUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | 飛ぶことを 忘れた鳥 その両腕のつばさを いつか広げる日は来ますか? 大空を高く舞えず この悔しさ胸にひめ 体におさめた青く長い羽は もう一歩踏み出せずに ため息今日も宙を舞う 少しの勇気をください 期待多く応えよう 裏切らぬよう この思いは またからまわる 心の闇にさす一筋の光なく 愚痴はこぼれ 何がそこから見えるの 響かない声を上げて 青くきれいな羽の鳥は一羽 少しずつでもいいから 短い距離でもいいと 自分に言い聞かせながら 変わりたいと願う気持ちは変わらない 時はまた過ぎていく中で また明日が来ればとくり返しつぶやいた 過去 そして 今 大空を高く舞えず この悔しさ胸にひめ 体におさめた青く長い羽は もう一歩踏み出せずに ため息今日も宙を舞う 少しの勇気、力、僕に下さい 見上げた空の一羽の鳥は… あなたが向かうその先には 幸せありますか? | |
まわり道BUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | You know the truth. バッグ揺らして Even if I am wrong. 今日も1人きり Believe in my heart. 信じた道を I just go my way. You say いつも間違いはなく 言うとおりにしておけば困らなくて Maybe そうじゃないと言いかけ 飲みこんだ うまく言葉にならなくて いつか思い描いた 自分目指して Heavy luggage 流れる景色 Hay fever 漂う空気 I fail sometime 季節感じて I just walk my way. Suddenly 低くうなる雷鳴 走りながら左手で隠したへそ I decide たくさんの別れ道 どれだけ遠くなろうと苦にはならず 近道選ぶだけが いいと限らない Stop on the way 固まってきた Stop over 頭の中は Round about やわらかくして You just go your way. You know the truth. バッグ揺らして Even if I am wrong. 今日も1人きり Believe in my heart. 信じた道を I just go my way. Heavy luggage 流れる景色 Hay fever 漂う空気 I fail sometime 季節感じて I just walk my way. Stop on the way 固まってきた Stop over 頭の中は Round about やわらかくして You just go your way. You know the truth. バッグ揺らして Even if I am wrong. 今日も1人きり Believe in my heart. 信じた道を I just go my way. | |
リアライズBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | If I were a white cloud, I carry you far away. Will you have dinner at the place you don't know? If I were wind, I dry your wet hair. Because I don't want to see your face seems to be cold. The god said to me in that night, “I will realize your wish. Decide it by the following night with a full moon.” He has disappeared when I notice. I prepared a note and a pen in a hurry, and wrote down my wish came into my mind. I am not interested in a luxury car. I wrote only about her through the night. If I were a white cloud, I carry you far away. Will you have dinner at the place you don't know? If I were wind, I dry your wet hair. Because I don't want to see your face seems... The night with a full moon comes in several months. I don't hit on any idea. I could learn my feeling. And it might be enough. I hurried to the meeting place with her. If I were a white cloud, I carry you far away. Will you have dinner at the place you don't know? If I were wind, I dry your wet hair. Because I don't want to see your face seems to be cold. | |
サンライズBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | Wake up!! It's time for departure, hey boy!! Stand up while rubbing your sleepy eyes. My hairstyle at the morning is parfect today. When you wash your face and brush teeth, a bell of the daybreak resounds. After stretching myself, you begin to change your clothes. I may have stayed up late last night. The goldfish in the water tank cries.“I am starving, too.” And“Do your best all day long.”too. Look forward and walk ahead. Don't mind the heavy load. | |
クライマーBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | I climbed last slope which leads to your house. This heart was drifting like cloud. And I lost my breath and called her name. “How's it going?” “I'm pretty good.”She smiled. Cars which passed just by my side. Plastic greenhouse which standing on the field. The bar with the same name as the character of the animation. Do you remember the feeling at that time. I don't know why, the landscape looks different of me. I was wrapped in soft air. | |
花火BUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | 波は聞いた 風に乗って 何故空を目指し走るのって? 刹那の光放つだけで 二人だけの思い出になればいい I am a nice supporting actor. 二人の炎になって You are leading role. 今夜も笑ってよ See you next year. きっと会いにくるよ 一年に一度だけのCo-starring 青く色付いた木々の葉 何故空を目指して走るのって? 刹那の音 響いた後 見上げた横顔 照らすために I am a nice supporting actor. 二人の炎になって You are leading role. 今夜も笑ってよ See you next year. きっと会いにくるよ 一年に一度だけのCo-starring I'm a supporting actor. You are leading role. I go up to the sky, to light up. I'm a supporting actor. You are leading role. Do you clap your hands? I am a nice supporting actor. 二人の炎になって You are leading role. 今夜も笑ってよ See you next year. きっと会いにくるよ 一年に一度だけのCo-starring I'm a supporting actor. You are leading role. Do you clap your hands? きっと会いにくるよ 一年に一度の夏Co-starring | |
パズルBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | We're destined to meet sometime. That isn't my ordinary wrong impression. Whoever will say anything to me, I don't mind. What kind of piece will come? It's my own joy. I don't know way all pieces will fall apart? I was disturbed by deserted feeling many times. I am already disgusted with such hard hard days. Someone fine me early. and please take me out right now. A hand and a hand just touch, and we understand everything. It is you. | |
夢の続きBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | 真っ白いキャンパスに 色を並べた 少しだけ 休んで また明日へ向かう 行く駅など分からない 地図も 意味なく ひたすら 前へ あふれたのは 夢の続き 家飛び出した十八歳 つまずいたり遠回りしながら 描いた空 まだ届かない 手を伸ばし いくら走った? すりへった靴 隠れた空 辺り暗く ひと雨きそうな雲行き? あなたの名を呼ぼうかな いや 今日はやめとくよ。 あふれたのは 夢の続き 家飛び出した十八歳 つまずいたり遠回りしながら 描いた空 強くなって胸張って あなたに会いに行くから | |
スタイルBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | I'm good at putting it away. I have no impossible things. I'm also good at throwing it away. Shall I tell you a method? I'd like to finish the feeling that a chest pounds. But I can't throw this heart away. I woke up in the morning and drank a glass of water I bought last night. I'll make this room scattered for a while. A smiling face of the boyfriend I met last night, I can not forget it at all. | |
レターBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | Even though you are not gone away, I was lonely for some reason, and I wrote to you. I can't be here withouot you. Do I speak much highly? I think so. Something is over and something new begins again. Your thought keeps remaining in me. As same as before. These days it became warm. How are you getting along? Don't you remember the bottom of the bridge at that too hot day? I hope you can cure bathphobia and disease early. I am looking forward to seeing you next time. | |
メリーBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 越智健太 | 桑原智 | Mountain Path Along a sea A concrete jungle You always show us the nice scenery. This car full of people's expectation carries many delight. When we have just finished tightening a belt of a jet bag, well, shall we go out. Go advance and put a lot of baggage. The next destination seems a little far. I turn the key and raise the engine. And I step on the accelerator slowly slowly. When it's hot, I'll open the window and feel a wind. That number of the heart infliction has flowed from the radio. | |
爽奏唄BUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 桑原智 | 桑原智 | BUZZ THE BEARS | The shadow of us two equal dusk reflects is being jolted in a wind and is extending. The quiet way where I sneake from a crowd and walked. Something more certain than a word was found. Even if I age on a day in sometime,I'd think back. Your voice which is being heard when it's an ears. It isn't also bad to figure,but. I'd like to feel now a little more. The song which was lost,quarrded and asked by two people silently. We were laughing when noticing the song which flows from the car radio. The smell of the grass in after the rain is very pleasant. I think that it's flalse and the clean air showed. Since taking hand quietly freely,I think of you. While sometimes saying a bluff thing. The song which was lost,quarrded and asked by two people silently. We were laughing when noticing the song which flows from the car radio. Please join a hand to you. Something the shape is disappears sometime. But these feelings don't go off. |
サクラBUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 桑原智 | 桑原智 | BUZZ THE BEARS | In mind「サクラ」 It is the great form,It is beautiful form,It's fine form. 「サクラ」Some limited time spring fascinates. I fear something which isn't also seen and run away. A person admonishes to indicate by the shape. It was inconsistent each other, many things surround me. Such mysterious world is being wrapped and watched. In mind「サクラ」 It is the great form,It is beautiful form,It's fine form. 「サクラ」Some limited time spring fascinates. |
沫雪BUZZ THE BEARS | BUZZ THE BEARS | 桑原智 | 桑原智 | BUZZ THE BEARS | 鮮やかな色を浮かべた どこまでも白い景色に 乾いた足音が 響き渡り雪がまたひらり 繰り返す日々にそっと目を閉じる うつむき目を閉じたまま 小さく肩震わせる君は 曖昧な言葉にただ うなずくばかりで そして僕の手を掴み 霞む声が雪に溶ける 空は皮肉にこんなにも 綺麗な姿を魅せた 鮮やかな色を浮かべた どこまでも白い景色に 乾いた足音が 響き渡り雪がまたひらり 繰り返す日々にそっと目を閉じる 胸に残るあの日の唄は この場所に置いてゆく 霞む記憶の中 今君は何を想うだろう 共に過ごした日々だけは 色褪せないだろう また唄うだろう 空がやがて晴れ渡るまで 揺らぐ事ない想いの灯が 僕等を照らすだろう いつか見た華やかな灯の様に 振り返り描く 鮮やかな色を浮かべた どこまでも白い景色に 乾いた足音が 響き渡り雪がまたひらり 繰り返す日々にそっと目を閉じる 白く染まりまた舞い上がる その度に想うだろう |
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