Yutaka Furukawa作詞の歌詞一覧リスト  53曲中 1-53曲を表示

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53曲中 1-53曲を表示
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goodbye to the old meDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaDOPING PANDAJust say goodbye, grant me the freedom to depart. Nothing lingers here, something more I need to start. Can you hear my voice? It must be your choice.  If we meet again, bring the sweetness of your heart. When our paths align, love's journey will start. Can you believe it now? It depends on your vow.  In my hands, nothing to unveil but mere useless treasure. Shed all my burdens. Can you understand? I believe that time will be my eternal measure. Now unfurl your curtain. Embark on the path uncertain.  Take me to sky high, don't regret your past anymore. Nothing begets fears, something more to adore. Can you touch your heart? It must be your chart.  If I lose again, dispel the darkness of my heart. Cuz within me, a brighter spark is yet to start. Can you believe it now? It depends on your vow.  あれっぽっちの コインとプライド握りしめていたせいで 掴み損なった 行こうオールドミー 俺たちがいるはずの明日の方へ いつかの少年の足音真似して  Just say goodbye, grant me the freedom to depart. Nothing lingers here, something more I need to start. Can you hear my voice? It must be your choice.  If I lose again, dispel the darkness of my heart. Cuz within me, a brighter spark is yet to start. Can you believe it now? It depends on your vow.
CarnivalDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawa街明かりはもっと向こうへ続いて あちらこちら愛をいだいて笑ってる また鳴り出したカーニバル みんな迷子のふりして飛び込んで 夢を語る自分を探してた  だけど君はずっと向こうを歩いた 汚れた手をそっとポケットに隠して 壁に書き出した愛の詩 素手で駄々っ子みたく消したんだ 巻き戻る時間のように  メリーゴー・メリーゴーランド  運命線につかまって 無限に続くこのカーニバル 君から僕が見えたなら その手を振ってみてくれないか  だから僕はずっと向こうへ歌った 丘の上に立って自由を気取って 七色の羽で踊り出すんだ 君が気づけるように踊るのさ 連れ出せる予感を抱いて  メリゴー・メリゴーランド  運命船に飛び乗って 無限に続けこのカーニバル 君から僕が見えたなら その手を振ってみてくれないか 僕らつながるのさカーニバル yeah  運命線につかまって 無限に続くこのカーニバル 君から僕が見えたなら その手を振ってみてくれないか  運命船に飛び乗って 僕にも君が見えたなら
I am a revolutionDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawa時代遅れでも時代が遅れててもいいんだ 格好悪くてもいい格好はしたくないさ  終わったなんて言われたって 始まってさえいないこと分かってよ  ほら今  一人で high になって イメージしてた合いの手と手 全て欲しがった自分を 思い出したくて瞑った oh yeah  世界はこんな英雄を待ってる  愛の全てでも愛が全てでもいいんだ 世代交代とか世代間格差とか何だい?  偉大なる I'm a revolution 賢明な monkey は最高な human Do it again  お願い high になって 繋いでおくれ愛の手と手 ここで落ち合った理由は 無理やり作って笑おう baby  世界がきっと僕らを待ってる  愛の全てでも愛が全てでもいいんだよ  一人で high になって イメージしてた合いの手と手 全て欲しがった自分を 愛おしくなって瞑った  今 high になって 繋いだままの愛の手と手 ここで落ち合った意味を 無理やり作って騒ごう baby  世界がきっと僕らを待ってる  世界はこんな物語を待ってた
too young to dieフルカワユタカフルカワユタカYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawa思うように走れないなら 倒れ込んでしまえばいい この指に触れたものを 握りしめて立ち上がる  I'm too young to die  あの丘の向こう側を 確かめてみたいのさ  I'm too young to die  見え透いたそんな言葉に この僕を混ぜないでよ いつまでもギザギザなのは 美しくいたいから  I'm too young to die  あの丘で君は何に 満たされて泣いたんだろう  I'm too young to die
BeastフルカワユタカフルカワユタカYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawa君とダンス 朝が来るまで ダンス 息を切らして 最高さ ケモノみたく くっついたらもう離れない  君は スウィート 僕を溶かして スウィート もっと奥まで 大胆に ケモノみたく 抱いちゃったらもう離さない  何千回も繰り返そう 今は 今は全て捨てて ねえもっと 怖くて逃げ出すくらいに  君と ダンス 朝が来るまで ダンス 息を切らして 最高さ ケモノみたく くっついたらもう離れない  ここで ダンス 闇をかきわけ ダンス 息が途絶える 瞬間も ケモノみたく 抱いちゃったらもう離さない  何干回も繰り返そう 今は 今は全て捨てて 愛してるなんて 言わなくても 今は 今は構わないから  ダンス ここで ダンス 君と ダンス エン ダンス  何千回も繰り返そう 何万回も繰り返そう 何億回も繰り返そう  抱いちゃったらもう離さない 君を
punish me,hold meフルカワユタカフルカワユタカYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawaねえ僕をこらしめて いつでもいつも想うのさ やたら満たされてても まだまだ欲しがるこの僕を  ねえ僕を抱きしめて なぜだろなぜか想うのさ やたら愛されてても これほど欲しがるこの僕を  放ったらかせばキリはないさ 君の前でだって始めちゃうんだ ねえ僕を抱きしめて 笑わないで抱きしめて  アア ア アアアア ア ア アア ア アアアア ア  ねえ僕をこらしめて いつでもいつも想うのさ やたら満たされてても まだまだ欲しがるこの僕を  放ったらかせばキリはないさ 君の前でだって始めちゃうんだ 今僕を抱きしめて 笑わないで抱きしめて  アア ア アアアア ア ア アア ア アアアア ア
眠りたくない夜はフルカワユタカフルカワユタカYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawa午前0時 気だるいマナザシで 「騒がしいわ」と僕を怒るけど 気づいてたのさ 君はずっと起きていた 僕のそばで  悩ましいのは昔のことかい? それとも僕の行方のことかい? 触れてるだけで感じて欲しいよ今は 今だけは  眠りたくない夜は 遊びに行こう街ヘ 二人で滑り落ちた 愛の方へ 愛の方へ  だからさっきもケンカしたじゃない 今日はなんだか起きていたいよと 目を閉じると全てが覚めてしまいそうで 胸が騒ぐんだ  いつも二人は恐がり過ぎて 敵わないほど奪い合うけど 気づいてるのさ 君と僕は良く似てる 笑えるくらいに  眠れそうもない夜は 遊びに行こう街へ 二人で滑り落ちた 愛の方へ 愛の方へ  触れてるだけで感じて欲しいよ今は 朝が二人を包み込むまで求め合えば  眠りたくない夜は 遊びに行こう街へ 二人で滑り落ちた 愛の方へ 愛の方へ
fairy taleフルカワユタカフルカワユタカYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawa黒いビニール革のギターケース肩にさげて シャカシャカと街路樹の屋根をくぐる 柔らかく溶け合うアブラナと太陽と 退屈そうだね君の住む田舎町  取り寄せていたツェッペリンの海賊版 ウォークマンとか世紀の大発明 誰もいない教会のベンチに腰掛けて 目を閉じると君はもうロックスター  君の夢は少しは叶ったのかな 目を閉じても騒がしい窓の外 でも大丈夫だよきっとまだあのベンチには 目を細めて夢を見てる君がいる 柔らかく溶け合うアブラナと太陽と 遠い昔のおとぎ話みたいだ
set fire to meフルカワユタカフルカワユタカYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawa燃え尽きるまで僕に火をつけて 傷や嘘も残さずに全て マボロシさえ感じ取れるように  こんな風にしか君を求められない  燃え尽きるまで僕に火をつけて  燃え尽きるまで僕に火をつけて 乾いた部屋 白い指先で 爪先まで弄ぶように  燃え尽きるまで僕に火をつけて  燃え尽きるまで僕に火をつけて 弄ぶように僕に火をつけて 怖いのはただ君の弱さだけ 真っ白な指で僕に火をつけて
love emotionフルカワユタカフルカワユタカYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawa僕はきっと君に会うために生まれた だから絶対誰にも触れさせやしない ねえ 行かないで ここでずっと君は僕が壊れるまで 離さないで  love emotion  そうさちょっと 前にできた傷のせいで 古い僕の宝箱が開かないの ねえ 笑わないで いつかもっと僕は高く飛べるはずさ この背中で  love emotion  あの白い光で 包まれて君と 理想に触れたら 他にはいらないさ  love emotion  これは愛なんだよ
ボクは、少しズルくなるフルカワユタカフルカワユタカYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawaイカれた夜が続けばまたボクは弱くなる 抱きしめてた夢はいつかこんな小さくなってた 優しくするのはやめてよボクがおかしいのさ だけど今は電話きらないでボクの話聞いて  さみしい夜にはボクは、少しズルくなる 愛した後でもっと君を傷つけた  君の家へ向う森の中でボクは立ち止まる 流れ星よどうかこんなボクを撃ち抜いておくれ 優しくされればきっとまたボクは弱くなる だから今日は鍵をかけたままボクの話聞いて  さみしい夜にはボクは、少しズルくなる 愛した後もずっと側にいて  さみしい夜にはボクは、少しズルくなる 愛した後でもっと君を傷つけた  君を傷つけたボクのそばにいて
give me your loveフルカワユタカフルカワユタカYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawa愛が飛び出す前に夜が踊りだす 立ちこめる桃色の煙にまかれて僕は  始まりのような お終いのような 待ちわびたような くたびれたような  give me your love don't stop your love
farewellフルカワユタカフルカワユタカYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawaこれから何もかも忘れてしまうけど 分かってるんだ きっと僕は君を思い出す さよなら愛してる また会うその日まで 僕の体は赤く赤く燃えてる  止められないさ 誰にも僕の 胸の鼓動と体の火照りと だけど何故だろう君の前では 裸になって 少し迷って  これから何もかも忘れてしまうけど 分かってるんだ きっと僕は君を思い出す さよなら愛してる また会うその日まで 僕の体は赤く赤く燃えてる  お願いだから 泣かないでおくれ 君の笑顔と笑い声が好きなんだ だから今夜は少しふざけて 裸になって 自由になって  これから君さえも忘れてしまうけど 分かってるんだ 僕はまた君を思い出す 愛してる すごく君を愛してる だけど熱いこの魂に逆らいたくはないんだ  とめられないさ 誰にも僕を
the anthemDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawaあとほんのこれくらい大きくすれば君から愛されそうで ほらハートの中「ガン、ゴン」と打ち鳴らす 今だけでも交わりたくて  存在より未来触る快感 君から愛されそうで このモードのようなラインダンス踊ろう どれだけでも交われるだろう?  you said I shouldn't cry/泣いちゃ駄目だって I knew what you wanna say/そんなことは分かってる I can't stop me crying/でも涙が止まらないんだ  ただこぼれだす方に ただ溢れ出すように 手のひらをパッとやって魂の方へ  あの暗い夜を裂いたこの白い丸を抱いて 選ぶよりずっと前の魂の方へ  存在より未来触る快感 君から愛されそうで このハートの中を溢れる赤を 貴方はもう感じてるんだろ?  you said I shouldn't cry I knew what you wanna say I can't stop me crying  ただこぼれだす方に ただ溢れ出すように 手のひらをパッとやって魂の方へ  あの暗い夜を裂いたこの白い丸を抱いて 選ぶよりずっと前の魂の方へ  you said I shouldn't cry/泣いちゃ駄目だって I knew what you wanna say/そんなことは分かってる I can't stop me crying/でも涙が止まらないんだ  ただこぼれだす方に ただ溢れ出すように 手のひらをパッとやって魂の方へ  あの暗い夜を裂いたこの白い丸を抱いて 選ぶよりずっと前の魂の方へ  魂の方へ
I saidDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaI guess I said enough for one night I should understand what you want more,what you need now if I touch you,if I scratch you do you feel any pain? can you live without my sweet remedy? the remedy  everything you want is everything I want I think I found the proof to work out the truth everything you need is everything I need the cause is you  I think you will be mad if I leave this place I should understand what you want more,what you need now if I love you,if I want you can you stop cryin' in the rain the answer of this black comedy the comedy  everthing you want is everthing I want I think I found the proof to work out the truth everthing you need is everthing I need the cause is you  everything you want is everything I want I think I found the proof to work out the truth everything you need is everything I need the cause is you
You can change the worldDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawa凍てついた海の底で君はそれを待ち続けた 今が嘘であるならと凍えながら待ち続けた hello my girl 希望はもっと遠くだ yellow my world 行こうあそこへ  ほんの数秒の太陽の力で 溶け出して交わって いきそうになって you can change the world 万能のタブーを 逆らって生み出して はじかれたって  傷ついた羽のままで君は丘を駆け下りてく 夢じゃなくあの場所まで辿り着けるって信じただけ hello my girl 希望はもっと遠くだ yellow my world 行こうあそこへ  ほんの数秒の太陽の力で 溶け出して交わって いきそうになって you can change the world 万能のタブーを 逆らって生み出して はじかれたって  can I change the world instead of you?/君の代わりにできるかな? I wanna change the world for you and me/僕らの世界を変えたいんだ
because of the loveDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawanothing cut me loose like it the spot light always makes me higher I wanna let my hair down with you yet why do I feel so wrong tonight? where will you go? what will you do? you won't love me any more I knew I broke this love with all my love is this the end?  because of the beat you know the love that I broke was true  nothing cut me loose like it the spot light always makes me higher I wanna let my hair down with you yet why do I feel so wrong tonight? where will you go? what will you do? you won't love me any more I knew I broke this love with all my love is this the end?  because of the beat you know the love that I broke was true  I said I love you you said no please kiss me once again you said no  because of the beat you know the love that I broke was true
song for my harmonicsDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawaどれくらい どれくらいでいかせよう 素晴らしい危なっかしい指先で 怖がったふりなんてよして  それぐらい それぐらいやれるさ それらしいありふれた玩具でなら でもそんなもんに何があんの?  ねえ 本当の世界も君が知りたがったんだ だから倍音で満たされた僕の部屋で踊ろう  どれくらい どれくらいでいかせよう 新しい いやらしい道具で 欲しがった後には全部  ねえ 本当の世界も君が知りたがったんだ だから倍音で満たされた僕の  僕の部屋で踊れば 君はすぐに変わってく  ねえ 本当の世界も君が知りたがったんだ だから倍音で満たされた僕の  僕の部屋で踊れば 君はすぐに変わってく
catastropheDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawa全て落としてく 魂の在処に 汚すよりもっと際どい僕の色合いで 側で守ってあげるなんて嘘さ 見たいだけだろ 僕が僕を壊す姿を  飛ばない奴の背中にある羽の理由を ねえ 僕はなんてなじったの? ねえ 君はなんて笑ったの?  窓をたたく雨粒の音にですら やはりあげられて密かに笑ったり  知らないままですませれば二人は永遠 ねえ だけど僕は変わったの ねえ だから君が混ざったの  雨がやまないから町が止まる 今がチャンスだと僕は走り出す ずぶ濡れでただあの場所へ 君は怖いと嬉し悶えた 手に入れたなら光へ飛べ 心躍るよ このまま絶えたとしても  知らないままですませれば二人は永遠 だけど全て掘り出してみせた  ねえ そうさ僕は変わったの ねえ だから君が混ざったの
de la papaDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawanow I'm just feeling pain please tell me everything what you think but you just watching rain no one knows how to save now dry your eyes my girl you don't need to cry any more I try to kill your pain I'm gonna change your future well  let me be with you forever I can show you we are true lovers so never let me go you don't need to cry any more  I can kill your pain kill your stupid pain I swear I stand by you cuz it's my destiny and then I can help you now tell me everything let me trust your love can I kiss your broken heart  let me be with you forever I can show you we are true lovers so never let me go you don't need to cry any more  de la papa…  I can kill your pain kill your stupid pain I swear I stand by you cuz it's my destiny and then I can help you now tell me everything let me trust your love can I kiss your broken heart  let me be with you forever I can show you we are true lovers so never let me go you don't need to cry any more let me be with you forever
love songDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawaああ 僕は君が ああ 君は僕が ああ とても好きさ ああ とても好きさ それだけで それだけで ほかには何もいらない それだけで それだけで 心が満たされてゆくから  ほんとさ 僕は君の ああ その笑顔が ああ 君は僕の 「ララ」歌う歌が それだけで それだけで ほかには何もいらない 強がりや 嘘じゃなく ほかには何もいらなかった  あれから たまに君を 本当に たまに君を ああ 思い出せば ああ 思い出せば それだけで それだけで ほかには何もいらない 喜びや 悲しみで 心が満たされてゆくから
the miracleDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawahere are many ways to reach to the light which ever way you choose I lead you to there I know what to do and I know what I say it's not matter I am Jekyll or hyde I meet to all the way from your future I never loose you any more if you can't understand I know what to do and I know what I say walking on the future to across the real  I never stop the miracle  気づいてるんだよ もし力つきて倒れたって どっちみち英雄になれるってことを 今だってそう そしてこれからだってそう 奇跡をあげるから僕に触ってて  I cry for you I will cry for you I always cry for you I cry for you  I never stop the miracle  I love you hold me tight please touch me I love you  I never stop the miracle
transient happinessDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaDOPING PANDAYou are not a burden. Of course I'm not too. You didn't go with my town. That the way it goes. And we decided to meet in the secret wood only once a year.  I am not a burden because I understood your thought. I didn't go with your town. But we loved 80th music. Now a secret wood was found and we decided to go fairyland.  Turn at that corner to the right. Receive that wind in your body. And we run away.  I am not a burden because I understood your thought. I didn't go with your town. But we loved 80th music. Now a secret wood was found and we decided to go fairyland.  Turn at that corner to the right. Receive that wind in your body. And we run away.  Turn at that corner to the right. Receive that wind in your body. And we run away.  Turn at that corner to the right. Receive that wind in your body. And we run away.  Oh we love each other. Receive that wind in your body. And we run away.
The way to youDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaDOPING PANDANo one knows my wish, even he who had trusted me. It is useless to talk now. So, I'm very cowardice man. (Ah-) A long time ago, I said so. It is meaningless for me That I change the world by music or I change the ideology.  Now, I stand here and sing alone. So, I could't have everything. But I'm satisfied now. I found the way to you. By, this melody is better than others. I will run away to your place from now.  A long time ago, I said so. It is meaningless for me That I change the world by music or I change the ideology.  Now, I stand here and sing alone. So, I could't have everything.But I'm satisfied now. I found the way to you. By, this melody is better than others. I will run away to your place from now.  For example, the liar who lost a voice. In spite of losing an important voice, He was relieved that it didn't need to tell a lie any more. “I am born to meet you.”“I am born to protect you.” I wanted to sing such a song certainly from former times.  Now, I stand here and sing alone. So, I could't have everything. But I'm satisfied now. I found the way to you. By, this melody is better than others. I will run away to your place from now.
Lost & Found feat.Toru Hidaka(BEAT CRUSADERS)DOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawathey said I can't do anything but regret they said they won't go with me anymore as long as I stay here, I'm gonna be gone bad so I don't hesitate to leave from here alone  no one can rescue me but I can,  get away, now get away from here right now  may not get there however hard I run but I never let me down now, did I lost or found? it's not important whether I could do or not I know meaning of life I lost and found  they said I can't do anything but regret they said they won't go with me anymore as long as I stay here, I'm gonna be gone bad so I don't hesitate to leave from here alone  no one can rescue me but I can,  get away, now get away from here right now  may not get there however hard I run but I never let me down now, did I lost or found? it's not important whether I could do or not I know meaning of life I lost and found
the idiotDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawaそう願う 君のその声が これ以上、かすれてしまうならいっそ 解かったんだよこの世界は just you and me それだけさ イデアなんて語らないで、ねえ  うす紅いその入り口に 「在るはず無い神の代わり」と口をつけた 誰よりも深く遠く そこからはただ君の奴隷 知りながら愛の限りまで溺れるよ 誰よりも長く  そう願う 君のその声が ただ、欺かれてきたとして、ずっと 答えたいんだ、この世界は イデアなんて無い  うす紅いその入り口に 「在るはず無い神の代わり」と口をつけた 誰よりも深く遠く そこからはただ君の奴隷 知りながら愛の限りまで溺れるよ 誰よりも
beat addictionDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaDOPING PANDA溢れ出す欲望を逆らわずためそうよ この場所を知らないしいつからか忘れたし ここで、ここで、ここで、これからを 美しくよごすのよ、美しく ねえ  溢れ出す欲望を逆らわずためそうよ この場所を知らないしいつからか忘れたし ここで、ここで、ここで、これからを 美しくよごすのよ、美しく ねえ  だってそうだよ I'm beat addiction.  溢れ出す欲望を逆らわずためそうよ この場所を知らないしいつからか忘れたし ここで、ここで、ここで、これからを 美しくよごすのよ、美しく ねえ  だってそうだよ I'm beat addiction.  Can you hear me now? I guess you are mine. I feel what you do. I'm just feeling your love.  だってそうだよ I'm beat addiction.  ねえ だってそうでしょ I'm beat addiction. I could be perfect now. I'm bear addiction.  溢れ出す欲望を逆らわずためそうよ この場所を知らないしいつからか忘れたし ここで、ここで、ここで、これからを 美しくよごすのよ、美しく ねえ  だってそうだよ I'm beat addiction.
Hi-Fi (International version)DOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaDOPING PANDANow you try to give me a brain wash and I try to read the secret code. Don't tell me everything about your love. Dance, dance, dance the night away.  Now you try to give me a brain wash and I try to read the secret code. Don't tell me everything about your love.  Now you try to give me a brain wash and I try to read the secret code. Don't tell me everything about your love. Dance, dance, dance the night away.  (One step up) I can't stop loving you. (Two steps up) I can't stop loving you. (Three steps up) I can't stop loving you. (Four steps up) This is love.  I love you and hold me tight and please touch me and I love you. I love you and hold me tight and please touch me and I love you. Because I love you.  Now you try to give me a brain wash and I try to read the secret code. Don't tell me everything about your love. Dance, dance, dance the night away. (One step up) I can't stop loving you. (Two steps up) I can't stop loving you. (Three steps up) I can't stop loving you. (Four steps up) This is love.  I love you and hold me tight and please touch me and I love you. I love you and hold me tight and please touch me and I love you. I love you...  I love you and hold me tight and please touch me and I love you. I love you and hold me tight and please touch me and I love you. Because I love you.
chi chi pa paDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawa踊りたい 最後の夜踊りたい 溶けるまで踊りたい 二人きりで踊りたい 踊りたい 壊れたって踊りたい はぐれたって踊りたい 二人きりで踊りたい  chi chi pa pa pa さよなら君がくれたシンセサイザーで作ったラブソング chi chi pa pa pa ありふれた未来があればよかったねって君が笑った  踊りたい 最後の夜踊りたい 溶けるまで踊りたい 二人きりで踊りたい 踊りたい 壊れたって踊りたい はぐれたって踊りたい 二人きりで踊りたい  chi chi pa pa pa 幼い二人の全てが綺麗な嘘だったラブソング chi chi pa pa pa ありふれた世界があれば教えてよって君が笑った  そう、言葉より卑猥せ強いメロディーをあげたんだ だから今、浮かれながら悶え続けてろ  chi chi pa pa pa chi chi pa pa pa chi chi pa pa pa ありふれた未来があればよかったねって君が笑った chi chi pa pa pa さよなら君がくれたシンセサイザーで作ったラブソング chi chi pa pa pa
beautiful survivorDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaDOPING PANDA燃える未来見つけたなら連れてみせてそこへ ありのままに走り出すよ君はそうさ希望  本能で構わない 振りまわして混ぜ合わせて ここにわけはいらない  燃える世界待ちこがれてたどり着いた場所で 溶けた砂の上で踊る裸になる魔法  太陽さえも絶対恐れ出す why don't you let me high beautiful survivor  ride on time したい輝きあがく世界まとい beautiful survivor ya 見たい 誰にも止められない未来 beautiful survivor beautiful survivor ya したい 輝きあがく世界まとい 君は  燃える世界待ちこがれていつかみてた君を ありのままに走り出せば今始まる希望  本能で構わない 振りまわして混ぜ合わせて ここにわけはいらない  太陽さえも絶対恐れ出す why don't you let me high  ride on time したい輝きあがく世界まとい beautiful survivor ya 見たい 誰にも止められない未来 beautiful survivor ya したい 輝きあがく世界まとい beautiful survivor ya 見たい 誰にも止められない未来 beautiful survivor  最高、最大、沸点踊り出す 愛の前で絶対、君は survivor ride on time したい輝きあがく世界まとい beautiful survivor ya 見たい 誰にも止められない未来 beautiful survivor ya したい 輝きあがく世界まとい beautiful survivor ya 見たい 誰にも止められない未来 beautiful survivor beautiful survivor ya したい 輝きあがく世界まとい 君は survivor
We say we love each otherDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaDOPING PANDAbells are raining sounds of love let it take us where we wanna be can it show us what we wanna see? one step, two step, three step, four got us chasing anonymity got me wanting to melt with you till we go the blue neon building desire the power of the skyline's endless fantasy  the more i get it the more i gotta have but i could leave it to be with you, ya know  bells are talking words of love will it give us what we really need? can it take us where we wanna be? one step, two step, three steps more one the outside looking at all we know if we can laugh... darkness, become our hope red sun risin' puts out the fire reflections of the morning's bitter parody  the closer it comes feelin' so faraway just wanna keep it to be with you, ya know  say nothing can we just embrace the quiet fusion? and kiss each others wounds before we walk away  as we go red sun rising puts out the fire reflections of the morning's bitter parody  the closer it comes feelin' so faraway just wanna keep it to be with you, ya know  we say we love each other...
nothin'DOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawahey! why don't you come? we're gonna party all night long oil up and sing a song  drive a cadillac eat a lot of sushi too i'm jus' so ready , how 'bout you?  bring some russian girls to melt the sugar daddys down take the party underground  those who stay at home won't get anything from us cuz they'll be standin' all alone  we're so special don't you think? but why does my head hurt? let's keep dancin' anyway just doin' anything that we want  if you're so intent on using it up then there won't be nothing left for us kids if you do whatever you want then there won't be nothing left for us kids nothin'... yeah, we're gonna be here left with nothin'  start the fire up kung fu fightin' on the floor got enough, better get some more  let's dig a bigger hole to put the bigger troubles in or we can burn ''em as we go  if you're so intent on using it up then there won't be nothing left for us kids if you do whatever you want then there won't be nothing left for us kids nothin'... yeah, we're gonna be here left with nothin'  hey! don't you wanna come? we're gonna party all night long oil up and sing a song  let's take skinny's home beat him up, we'll kick him out then we can party 'till it's gone  we're so special don't you think? but why does my head hurt? let's keep dancin' anyway just doin' anything that we want  if you're so intent on using it up then there won't be nothing left for us kids if you do whatever you want then there won't be nothing left for us kids nothin'... yeah, we're gonna be here left with nothin'
We won't stopDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka Furukawawe got the music, we won't stop we let the feelin' take us higher uhuh thank you to the music, get on top thank you for the feeling, big forever uhuh everybody music, what cha got? everybody feelin' so much better uhuh party with the music, don't cha stop party with the feelin', now or never uhuh we got the music, we won't stop we let the feelin' take us higher uhuh everybody music, what cha got? everybody feelin' so much better uhuh  we love the music we won't stop  we got music we got the time and we can use it to make anything fine call it an amazing gift for the world we got music, music for life no complanin', the way we can feel everyday give or take, it's okay, even out in the rain we can say, we can say, we can say anyway “we love the music, we won't stop”  we got the music, we won't stop party with the feelin', now or never uhuh  we got music we got the time and we can use it to make anything fine call it an amazing gift for the world we got music, music for life no complanin' the way we can feel everyday give or take, it's okay, even out in the rain we can say, we can say, we can say anyway “we love the music, we won't stop” we got the music...
The New ShockDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaDemolition humanized Now is there any limit? Evolution simplified And livin' in minute  Germination hypnotized Now is there any limit? Evolution simplified And livin' in the minute  Fascination dignified Now is there any limit Information appetite And livin' in the minute  Lalalala...  It's all waiting to Show you The new shock Are you coming back again? Show you The new shock Are you coming back again?  Demolition symphony Now is there any limit? Evolution apathy And livin' in the minute  Lalalala...  It's all waiting to Show you The new shock Are you coming back again? Show you The new shock Are you coming back again?  Lalalala...  It's all waiting to Show you The new shock Are you coming back again? Show you The new shock Are you coming back again? Show you The new shock Are you coming back again? Show you The new shock Are you coming back again?
CrazyDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaDOPING PANDAI am sorry me ミラクル起こせなくてさ でもファイヤーは 赤く焦がれ続けてる 今話す声は 世にあわせ覚えた台詞と違うから だからもっと伝わるよリアルに そう誰に 捧げる歌じゃ無いんだ もうちょっと 高く飛びたいから 語っちゃうよ やたら駄目だって言ってた感じの だけどもっと ここで分かる合図で  今君が息を吐く世界をもっと自由に揺らしてみせた すごいだろ ねえギュッとしよう gonna be crazy  くだらない プライド、デバイスして 青すぎる軽薄着込んでた ここをもっと綺麗に知れば 早く気付いたかな この世界の一人じゃ寂しい理由に  今君が息を吸う意味さえ 嘘の魔法で答えて見せた 怖いのかい? もうちょっとだけ gonna be crazy  pardon me you would understand I was scard I was getting in the way better the I know to say it i mean it all that i got do wanna go higher going with or without you  It might really mean I need and I am ready to go guess I really wanna see I might ready to grow closer now but my eyes arent blue gonna be crazy ここで息を吐きながら君をもっと揺らしてみせるんだ
It's my lifeDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaDOPING PANDA「you just こわれたんだ」って君が出てった朝、 少しだけど分かってきてるよ nothing 何も無くたって、全然満たされてる Oh may be ずっとそうだったのかもね  やっとそんな風に気づいても 君にもってけなかったよ  うすく沈んでた夜、そこから始まった朝 ちょっとぐらいの不安を残しても 結局どうしたって、ずっとやってくんだ even if it's 少しよごれてても  もう、すぐ明るくなる そっち行けばいいんだろ? oh baby!!  今日はなんだか君に会えそうな気がしてるんだ 少し遠いその場所は知らないけど今、君に会いにいくよ 何もかもあったこの街だって抜け出せるんだ 目に映るもの全てが今、歌になってゆく  i still believe that i can get ticket to the haven's gate 誓って、君といれるなら もうずっとそうなら 持って行くから すぐに行くよ 映るもの全てを今、歌に変えてゆく
Always AwayDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaDOPING PANDAi can't face your eyes anymore i'm no good at tellin' you lies there's so much i should of done but nothing i could do when i saw her standin' there what a day, what a day, what a day, what a day... guess i just got carried away don't know what i could do so there you were knockin' on my door and under pretense not at home but i was there and i know you know i went away from you that day always away i don't know what to say  always away, always away, always away always away, always away, i went away from you  i can't see your eyes anymore i can't hear your voice anytime i wanna pet your kitty again what do i have to do if you gave me a second try what a day, what a day, what a day, what a day... think I've seen this movie before please tell me what to do so there i was knockin' on your door and you were in but not alone who's the guy sittin' on the floor so here i am and you're always so faraway now you're always away  always away, always away, always away always away, always away, so faraway from me, yeah so it's half past, HALF PAST TEN! and where are you? so it's half past ten and i'm thinkin' about you  always away, always away, always away always away, always away, so faraway always away, always away, always away always away, you've gone away, always away always away, so faraway from me now
shineDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaDOPING PANDAhere, standing far from all of the colors that always seem to block the way thinking of you a place where time and reason don't matter and everything i see is so clear if god is a smile i'm sure this is how it should feel i wish you could be here  shine alone but not lonely shine somewhere that hasn't a name shine you are my shine hey, shine on everyone  ここにいればずっと何もへりはしないさこれ以上 君が現れずに干涸びたとしても ここにきっと神様に感じた答えを知って  shine everyone loves you shine you are the reason i'm here shine you make me shine hey shine for everyone  shine oh shine won't you shine your shine you are my shine so shine don't chu mind come on and shine  shine you are my shine shine won't chu shine shine your shine shine shine for everyone  shine cuz everyone loves you shine you are the reason i'm here shine you make me shine shine oh shine shine alone but not lonely shine content without any answer shine you are my shine shine your shine, your shine, your shine shine you are my shine so shine
I'll be thereDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaDOPING PANDAif you ever call my name  if you sometimes fall down just like you're doing now so lost you can't be found and you want me you can say it, say it  if you sometimes fall down just like you're doing now so deep you can't get out and you want me you can say it  if you ever call my name i'll be there i'll be there if you ever call my name i'll be there i'll be there call my name call my name call my name jus' call and i'll be there call my name call my name call my name jus' call and i'll be there  if you sometimes fall down just like you're doing now so lost you can't be found and you want me you can say it, say it  if you sometimes fall down just like you're doing now so deep you can't get out and you want me you can say it  if you ever call my name i'll be there i'll be there if you ever call my name i'll be there i'll be there don't you wait don't you wait don't you wait jus' call and i'll be there call my name call my name call my name don't wait cuz i'll be there if you ever call my name  if you ever call my name i'll be there i'll be there if you ever call my name i'll be there i'll be there call my name call my name call my name jus' call and i'll be there call my name call my name call my name don't wait cuz i'll be there  if you ever call my name
Hybrid breederDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaDOPING PANDAknow you want it now you're gonna get it till you beg why not forget about the name, the place this open wide and wild dance floor  we can mix it up with all that we have been thinkin' of it can be done with anybody's body just one mind tonight gonna get there anyway there's nothin' left to do tease you just a little more then hit the beat and kick it to the limit  hybrid breeder spinnin' a cosmic rodeo doin' anythin' to benefit the cause hybrid feeder movin' around in stereo you don't have to stop till ya get what cha want, a better quality we can call it“love”anything we do without apology hybrid healer  come on and put it in do anything you really wanna do go right, the middle, left or anywhere forever never ending dance floor  gonna mix it up with all that we have been thinkin' of you can forget about your money, honey we put the system away don't be dumb or criticize we haven't begun, you know  i don't want you comin' down so hit the beat and kick it to the limit  hybrid breeder spinnin' a cosmic rodeo doin' anythin' to benefit the cause hybrid feeder movin' around in tokyo you don't have to stop till ya get what cha want, a better quality we can call it“love”anything we do without apology hybrid healer  sound and color, mix it up we just wanna mix it up minds and ideology we just wanna mix it up  欲しがってよ you're gonna get it till you beg why not forget about the name, the place ここは未開のダンスホール  we can mix it up 色や思想 常識が it can be done with anybody's body just one mind delight 期待通りさ 他には無いんだろ 少しじらして そう きっとビート混ざりまくって  hybrid breeder spinnin' a cosmic rodeo 満たされないから 欲しがってんだ hybrid feeder movin' around in tokyo 始まれば戻れない秘密の甘いクオリティー なんでも勝手に愛と2人で呼べばもういい  hybrid breeder
The fast soul got all (reason)DOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaI won't tell the reason why I got power and great soul. I fade away from here without reason. I fade away from here when I got meaning of rebirth forever reason reason. I got my reason.  I was watching you by the silence. and you made a pretense not to see me. the soul is used as method around me. so, I need to say nothing to you.  I slid down the image, and I tried run up to my soul. I grind down the cloudy sight. and I tried run up to my soul.  I won't tell the reason why I got power and great soul. I fade away from here without reason. I fade away from here when I get the reason what I need. The reason, reason. I got my reason.  I slid down the image, and I tried run up to my soul. I grind down the cloudy sight. and I tried run up to my soul.  I won't tell the reason why I got power and great soul. I fade away from here without reason. I fade away from here when I get the reason what I need. The reason, reason. I got my reason.  I won't tell the reason why I got power and great soul. I fade away from here without reason. I fade away from here when I get the reason. I'm reborn forever. The reason, reason. I got my reason.
Can't Stop MeDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaDOPING PANDAOpened up my eyes got no song left to sing I used to believe I could change myself anytime If not the world, but now when you laugh at me I'm okay but your tears can break my heart  So it's goodbye tonight  I ain't afraid that what I'm doing isn't right I got my reasons and I wanna a little time I won't miss ya when I am without you but I can't stop me lovin' you tonight  Falling from the sky letting go of all I need letting go of me another way of life, givin' me another world and now Playing a mind game with a devil coz I can't remember you I know it's getting cold tonight gonna do what I gotta do  I just wanna yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah I can't stop me lovin' you  I ain't afraid that what I'm doing isn't right I got my reasons and I wanna a little time I won't miss ya when I am without you but I can't stop me lovin' you tonight  I see a light it's slowly comin' down killing the night and spinnin' me around feelin' echos of my life, what is the meaning? then I remember you
Teenage DandyismDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaDOPING PANDAThe heavy bag shouldered on my back. I've left my home town with it. I paddle an old my bycycle. The driver who I met in my way.  ”Don't you get on my car?” No It's all right. ”Do if you throw that away?” I never done. ”What's in your bag?” It's a precious thing. ”You must throw that away.” I don't think so.  I know what I can get better if I throw this away but I take this. So it's my pride and courage. Even if I the way lasts endlessly.
tell me my speaker boxDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaDOPING PANDATell me, my speaker-box. When did I know the world is dark? Now, I can't get the answer by my self. Tell me, my speaker-box. I'm utterly losing my way now. Have you finished exciting my mind yet?  I know what I can't talk with you even if I plug into you. But I'm certain of day that you are coming soon to my place. I wanna get your answer now.  My dream was falling from my speaker-box every night. You never answer to me anymore. But I know your tone, I trust your voice, and I love your feeling even tonight.  Tell me, my speaker-box. Did I fall out of trust by myself? Now I've forgotten how to talk to you. Tell me, my speaker-box. Is it unchanged day and night? oh let me know. I wanna get your answer now.  My dream was falling from my speaker-box every night. You never answer to me anymore. But I know your tone, I trust your voice, and I love your feeling even tonight.  I know what I can't talk with you even if I plug into you. But I'm certain of day that you are coming soon to my place.  My dream was falling from my speaker-box every night. You never answer to me anymore. But I know your tone, I trust your voice, and I love your feeling even tonight.
Snow DanceDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaDOPING PANDAdance 今眠い目を開けて 窓にミステリアス描いた寒い空に dance 白い up step 指で踏んで call you about this snow dance(この雪の舞を君に伝えるよ)  dance 聞こえない 朝をたてる君の coffee sound 一人で my self dance and more dance 白い up step 指に溶かし so I close my eyes once again(それからまた目を閉じるんだ)  変わってゆく 消えてゆく 愛はただ暖かい記憶 だからもう少しだけ ねむりたい ここで つもるまで  あの日 出会い混ざり合って 夜の白い光それだけで舞っていたよ snow dance 少しだけ 秘密寄せ合った 意味を溶かす朝焼けをそっと待っていたよ ふたりで  dance いじけた首に声をそっとよせて 空想で 笑わせたくて だけど dance とけない秘密は現実で 笑いながら we cried all the time(僕らは泣き続けた)  変わってゆく 消えてゆく 愛はもう溶け出した記憶 だけどもう少しだけ ねむりたい ここで つもるまで  あの日 出会い混ざり合って 夜の白い光それだけで舞っていたよ snow dance 持ち寄った 孤独消し去った 意味を溶かす朝焼けをずっと待っていたよ ふたりで  We've got snow dance We loved each other
Blind FalconDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaDOPING PANDAI met doubtful light in the seaside the day. And I became blind when I knew the secret of the light Instead I got the wing fly to the sky. so I felt like becoming soldier chosen for god.  You said that it's lonely to lose me. You said that it's terrible that I changed. So I'm changing into the beast gradually. I'll have to say good-bey to you soon.  I keep flying in this endless sky forever. I don't care even if I don't reach at goal at last. I only wanna know reason why I be blind. And I wanna know myself.  In fact I'm scared forget you. So I know that you hold me if I say so. I'll leave here before I can't feel you anymore. Even if I can't see you again.  I keep flying in this endless sky forever. I don't care even if I don't reach at goal at last. I only wanna know reason why I be blind. And I wanna know myself. So I must prove what only I can do. No one know.  I keep flying in this endless sky forever. I don't care even if I don't reach at goal at last.
IntrockDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaDOPING PANDAHeavy sound from my body is going loud slowly. You can't know that. I breath deeply and lower my fever right now. Time hasn't come yet. I win the light over to my side. And you may be given the shock in this night.  My foot is beginning to lose my control now. But it's all right. And my temperature rise up, so I must wait for the time that I can wait. Now get the chance.Let me go now. I win the light over to my side.  And you may be given the shock in this night.
I'll give (this happy time for you)DOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaDOPING PANDAこのdelight持って行こうI hope you like my effort いま未来見せるnightいつの間にかyou'll stop crying show you cool tone,cool sound,cool drums,cool bass,cool voice and me this is a happy tune for you  その暗い君のface I hope you'll be happy now いませつない話ならso we don't need it anymore show you cool tone,cool sound,cool drums,cool bass,cool voice and me this is happy tune for you  you pretended you never hear me but I know you hear my brand new song いつの間にか踊れ世界はsoul 止まらないit's a happy time  どのくらいその部屋でhow long do you wait for whose coming? その世界抜け出そうI can change your world now show you cool tone,cool sound,cool drums,cool bass,cool voice and me this is happy tune for you  you pretended you never hear me but I know you hear my brand new song いつの間にか踊れ世界はsoul 止まらないit's a happy time  this is my gift song for you I hope you like it
Hi-FiDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaDOPING PANDAI love you and hold me tight and please touch me and I love you.  Now you try to give me a brain wash and I try to read the secret code. Don't tell me everything about your love. Dance,dance,dance the night away.  (One step up)Just now,I levy war against you. (Two steps up)I have no time any more (Three steps up)If you are electronic dictator (Four steps up)or love maker.  I love you and hold me tight and please touch me and I love you.
MoralistDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaDOPING PANDAThe end of most mystery is always the same. Only a moralist seems to be in the world. A criminal is surely caught. They fails in the mistake. It's inevitable even if you aren't satisfied.  You sat on the chair and told me. ”I don't think I do such a foolish mistake.” I told you in my heart ”your trick is used to no one” Please tell me if the time comes. I take on a perfect crime instead of you. I will win even against the moralist.  Listen to my story without turning on the television. I'll tell you the my story which I read yesterday night. And tell the same words after your wide reasoning to me. So I will win even against the moralist.  I never saw through your trick. It wasn't written by the moralist. where do you plot someone for the perfect crime now. I became living dead because you killed me. I have some story that you had heard yet.  I've been reading story without you when you leave here. I wanna tell you the story which I read yesterday night. And tell the same words after your wide reasoning to me. I have some story that you had heard yet.  The end of most mystery is always the same. Only a moralist seems to be in the world. A criminal is surely caught. They fails in the mistake. It's inevitable even if you aren't satisfied.
Get YouDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaDOPING PANDADOPING PANDANice to meet you,how are you? I think very fine today. Hey girl look at me.what do you think about me? Shall we talking about you now? I think you are my special girl. Hey girl look at me.what do you think about me?  Nice to meet you,How are you? I wanna just say it you. Hey girl do you know? But I fell in love to you. I think about you everyday and I forgot about closing eyes at every night. please smile at me.How to get you now?  Hey,how to get you now!!  My school friend ”fat-t-joe”always help and guide me. when I'm at loss what to do.So I'll meet him in a hurry now. So what will he think? Please tell me what I should do now.  So what will he think? Please tell me how I get her.  Hey,how to get you now!!
The Fire -Alarmix-DOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaThe fire,the fire from the glory tower and search my power now. The fire suck down the world.  The fire unchain me from money game. The music is money,it's failure joke. Look at my voice and my steps yeah!! Anybody act like me!! The power unbind complex world.I will cover your failure fear. Can you feel my hot beat yeah? Hey you were burned by my soul.  The fire,the fire from the glory tower and search my power now. The fire suck down the world.  The fire unchain,The fire unbind,The fire unbend such a crooked sense. I got it,I got it,I got a fire on my hands.I got a fire on my feet. I got a fire on my mouth. Shout of victory has burning fire.You wait for the my super fighting. It's quite right for you require changes.In this night,you might see the fire.  The fire,the fire from the glory tower and search my power now. The fire suck down the world.  Shout of victory has burning fire.You wait for the my super fighting. It's quite right for you require changes In this night you might see the fire. The fire fire,I got this fire.The fire fire,invincible burning. The fire fire,I got this fire.The fire burns you all.  The fire,the fire from the glory tower and search my power now. The fire suck down the world.
MiracleDOPING PANDADOPING PANDAYutaka FurukawaYutaka FurukawaDOPING PANDAThere are many way to reach to the right. But whichever way you choose, I lead you to there. So I know what to do, and I know what I say. It's not matter what I'm Jekyll or Hyde.  I meet you all the way from your future. I never lose you anymore. If you can't understand, But I know what to do, and I know what I say. Walking on the future to across the real.  You cried for you, cried for me, cried for the light because you know the dark.. Youcried for you, cried for me, cried for the light because you know the dark..  I never stop the miracle I never stop the miracle So this crazy love is difficult, I never stop the miracle. I never stop the miracle  So many time I want that I do it. I'm running downtown and I search for you. I steer you through the crowd. I must do before. Walking on the future to across the real.  You cried for you, cried for me, cried for the light because you know the dark.  I never stop. I never stop tie miracle. So this crazy love is difficult, I never stop the miracle. I never stop the miracle I never stop the miracle  There are many way to reach to the right. But whichever way you choose, I lead you to there. I know what I say…
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. きょういくばんぐみのテーマ
  2. ダーリン
  3. 怪獣
  5. ネーブルオレンジ



  1. HEART
  2. 無限大(INFINITY) 2025
  3. Swish
  4. 片想い
  5. 琥珀

