ならば、、ここにHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ・平林一哉 | HUSKING BEE | あの飛行機に乗っていたならば、、ここにいた時よりも だんだん遠くなるさ かなり違ってくるさ いっそ乗ったつもりで GO GO GO あのトンネルを抜けていたならば、、まわり道するよりも 全然近くなるさ かなり違ってくるさ 時をかけ抜けたつもりで GO GO GO あの戦いは何だ この宿命が何だ なにがあってもどんどん行け 全然広くなるさ かなり違ってくるさ あのてっぺんに登っていたならば、、ここに吹く風よりも だんだん強くなるさ かなり違ってくるさ いっそ登ったつもりで GO GO GO あの戦いは何だ この宿命が何だ なにがあってもどんどん行け 全然広くなるさ かなり違ってくるさ あの飛行機に乗っていたならば、、ここにいた時よりも だんだん遠くなるさ かなり違ってくるさ いっそ乗ったつもりで いっそ乗ったつもりで GO GO GO いっそ乗ったつもりで俺はまた GO GO GO |
掌に花片HUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ・平林一哉 | HUSKING BEE | やあアレキサンダー ギリシャを制しエジプト侵攻したらしいが アレキサンダー 融合を望んだ為って本当なんだろうか やあアフロディテ 裸で立って 美と愛を司って アフロディテ こぼれる涙 真っ赤なバラの花となった ねえエレノーラ 束の間の夢は香りを失った? エレノーラ コルクの取れたボトルの中のワインのように ねえカタリーナ その名のとおりに語りなよ 目を閉じて パンドラの壺の物語 憂(うれ)い愁(うれ)い抱きしめる 希望だけがひとつ残る 机の上に花を飾る 掌で眠る一片 やあプレイオネ オリオンの恋 逃れ逃れて飛び立って プレイオネ 忍び泣いて潤んだ星の雲となった ねえエレノーラ 束の間の花の香りに誘われた エレノーラ 語り継がれた神話の中の女神のように 掌に花片をそっと包んで微笑んだ |
新旧ダイナミズムHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ・平林一哉 | HUSKING BEE | 僕らはスイッチ 音楽を鳴らします 横に並んだ 本能が動き出す もっともっと奥だ 催眠にかかります 進んでは休んでは 風景が流れます 弾けるスイート 混雑に混じります 人 眠りし 太陽は燃えてます もっともっと奥だ 細胞が踊りだす 結んでは開いては 空想にふけります 宵越しの明星を 見習ってしまえば 有明の明星も こだわってしまえば 有耶無耶(うやむや)な表情一変(いっぺん)世界 トランポリン宙返り反転 どうぞ新ダイナミズム リズミカルな地響き 森のふくろうの導き ぐらぐらつく気分 日常が揺れてます バランスとって楽勝 手拍子も合わせましょう 侃々諤々(かんかんがくがく)な夜分 おつまみ出します ちょっとだけストップ 信号が変わります 宵越しの明星を 見習ってしまえば 有明の明星も こだわってしまえば アルプスの頂上一列渋滞 以心伝心甦り伝存(でんぞん) どうぞ旧ダイナミズム リズミカルな地響き 森のふくろうの導き ぐらぐらつく気分 日常が揺れてます バランスとって楽勝 手拍子も合わせましょう 侃々諤々(かんかんがくがく)な夜分 おつまみ出します |
煙で奴論HUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ・平林一哉 | HUSKING BEE | 空気読み外伝 気配消し参上 天井裏の盗聴法を研修中 水蜘蛛(みずぐも)で川を渡ろう 欺(あざむ)け木に化けよう 手裏剣底尽きすぐさまオーダー 呼ばれて飛び出て参る 今日の気分はハイヒール 女ですものくの一任侠(にんきょう) あらゆる依頼に添えそうな 幻惑メイク 艶姿雨あられ 煙でドロン 轟音 GO ON 風船上げ下げ 風雲急お告げ しどろもどろ くねる暗号 どんでん返しローリング からくり絵巻 たまらずカンニング 呼ばれて飛び出て参る モードチェンジポニーテール 女ですものくの一任侠 所謂(いわゆる)声変わりと 幻惑スマイル 艶姿雨あられ 煙でドロン 轟音 GO ON 葉隠れのまま夕暮れ 雲隠れた月おぼろ ムササビだ風呂敷を広げ夜空を飛び移れ 疾風怒濤の泣き寝入り 暗中飛躍の考究感(こうきゅうかん) 火水木金土と五遁(ごとん)ずら ひた遊ぶ ひた忍ぶ 風雲急 お告げで 轟音 GO ON |
雲のいびきHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文 | HUSKING BEE | 数える間もないフライト みるみる離れてく 海行くフネ おもちゃの家 網の目なぞる すい付くミニカー 割り込んだ雲 負けるな翼 まだかコックピット 揺れるのはちょっと こぼれるコロナ散らばって いたずら星流れてく メリーポピンズの子守唄 境い目越える ナビゲーター 眠り込む雲 のんきないびき うつらこっくりと あくび出てちょっと アンダンテ 早すぎずゆるすぎずに そう 着陸態勢 促す感性 もういいかい もういいよ 独り言 雲の寝言 突っ込んだ雲 負けるな翼 またかコックピット 揺れるのはちょっと 巻き込んだ雲 おどけた仕草 さすがコックピット 着陸はそっと |
カナリアHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ・平林一哉 | HUSKING BEE | 遠く向こうは暗いです かごはもう嫌いです 扉開いて壊して ほしいです 通り抜ける風さえも痛いです 雨もやみそうにないです 沈みそな 廻(めぐ)る囀(さえず)り 思い出す カナリア ここの朝を送ります ここの夜を送ります 記憶辿って盗んで ほしいです 森の敬語の使い手に渡します 送り先が見たいです 砕けそな 過(よ)ぎる囀(さえず)り 思い出す カナリア 一粒 オード詳(つまび)らかに 一滴(ひとしずく) プレパラート封じ込めて 赤裸々なエレジー 混沌(カオス)ごきげんよう 空っ風望んで揺れる 梢絡み合った 羽根畳みかけ 振り仰ぎ見れば 返る囀(さえず)り トビラヒラキナサイ カゴヲコワシナサイ トチュウカラ ジツハハジメカラ 思い出す 飛べカナリア |
アドバイスHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ・平林一哉 | HUSKING BEE | 工が工(こう)じゃなくて 夕が夕(ゆう)じゃない 八(はち)が八じゃなくて 口(くち)が口じゃない 二は二(に)か 屁でもない そんな目じゃない 腰が抜けない 気が気じゃない この上もない 下らない 当たり障りない 無から何も生じない また 工が工(こう)じゃなくて 夕が夕(ゆう)じゃない 八(はち)が八じゃなくて 口(くち)が口じゃない 力は力(ちから)か みっともない姿が素敵だ みっともなくて最高だ かっこ悪い姿は無敵だ 乾いたら潤わすまで 気付いたら溢れ出すまで へこんだら不思議な言葉で 屁でもない そんな目じゃない 運が良くない 不埒じゃない ぶっ飛んでない 譲らない 当たり障りない 無から何も生じない 力は力(ちから)か あどけない素顔が素敵だ ほかならない性能だ かまわない姿は不敵だ みっともない姿が素敵だ みっともなくて最高だ かっこ悪い姿は無敵だ |
Day of the SunHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・平林哉・工藤哲也・平本レオナ | | The town gets brighter. It's silent tonight But I still keep my eyes on the news. The Sun was born, a long time ago In the name of justice, Christ was born How do they know, how they were born? And I'm trying to bring back my lost memories People celebrate, and they don't know How do they know, how they were born? The town gets sweeter. It's a holly night And I work alone in my barn again Saint Nicolas, who's the Santa Clouse Where the children's laughter, he'll be there How do they know, how they were born? I think about the day, I heard it on the radio In the songs, she was crying No, she needs no more tears, no, no, no “Let us be”, should have said it. Is it too late? Everywhere around, red, gold and green And I still keep my eyes on the news The sky is grey, but the Sun will shine And the world keeps changing. So are we How do we know? I sing a song How we were born? I ring a bell Do you know? Day of the Sun is…… A Merry Christmas |
The steady-state theoryHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・平林一哉・工藤哲也・平本レオナ | | 疾風(はやて)のように現れて 胸にともる綺羅星(きらぼし)を散りばめて 流星 飛び交って 想像限りなく 漂って 縷々(るる)‥ルリラララ キミと正にかみ合った転じ様 ジグゾーパズルキーワードはめこめ 素知らぬ顔でケロリ言い当てる そしてアクセント 強まって 発想歯切れよく 出し合って 縷々(るる)‥ルリラ またキミと離れた瞬間 幕開けるオペレッタ演じよう 一味違う 感化移入に ぁぁ こんなにまで くすぐられるなんて ひとつ残らず 形象夢遊(けいしょうむゆう) そう広げてくれるよ 膨らんで宇宙 二味も違う 感化移入に ぁぁ こんな今でも 甦(よみがえ)るなんて ひとつ残らず 形象夢遊(けいしょうむゆう) そう広げてくれるよ 膨らんで宇宙 the steady-state theory 鮮やかな この世界は色とりどりのカラー 飛びきりな キミとは繋がっていたいから ひた歩く 流星飛び交って胸に 密やかなこの世界にままならないキミは 胸に綺羅星(きらぼし)散りばめて 疾風(はやて)のように去っていく |
これ、からだHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・平本レオナ・工藤哲也・平林一哉 | | ちょっと耳を貸して へそ曲げてないで 骨折り背中で泣いて そう これ、からだ ちょっと手を貸して ひざ笑ってないで 肘つき指折り数えて そう これ、からだ どれが胴だか 違うかな赤らんでる頬 これは甲かな そりゃそうかなんて 腹割って かまいません 無いものねだるよな 損な風な思いなら では 変わりましょう 何ものでないよな そんな風な君ならではに ちょっと目を向けて 口を滑らせて 胸張り肩で風きって そう これ、からだ どれが胴だか 違うかな赤らんでる頬 これは甲かな そりゃそうかなんて 腹割って かないません 侘しさつのるよな 損な風な思いなら では 習いましょう 脇目も振らぬよな そんな風な君ならではを 僕なら ではと ああ 時には 歯を食いしばり ああ 爪先立って 背伸びして ああ 時には 髪かきむしり ああ 涙や声や嗄らして 爪切って傷買って あとは腰をすえ 掛け変え泣いたからだ あとは目をつむれ 休んで脳 休んで脳 |
Cosmic RaysHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・平本レオナ・工藤哲也・平林一哉 | | A flash of light from the sun, we all see, we all feel Down to Earth, a mighty beam, it was born a long ago A ray of light that follows, we can't see, we can't feel It's so fast, and it's so quick. it's been called, a neutrino A unique four power, One is strong, one is weak, gravity, electro A unique four power Jet speed, and that's how the universe was made You can't go against. What you feel is what you get Gravity,electro…… you just go, where they go One is strong, one is weak What you see is what you get Standing still, let it be, you can catch what is weak A strong, big power When you meet someone strong, you know what it all means A strong big power Jet speed, and that's how the history was made A flash of light from the sun, we all see, we all feel Down to Earth, a mighty beam, it was born a long ago A ray of light that follows, we can't see, we can't feel It's so fast, and it's so quick. it's been called, a neutrino A unique four power, One is strong, one is weak, gravity electro A unique four power Jet speed, and that's how the universe was made Someday, there'll be no air to breath Spinning stars create the heat we can't stop Someday, there'll be no sound to hear Rolling stars speed up, and we don't even know Feel the earth. She can't breath Feel the earth. She is dying |
オーバーラップワルツHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・平本レオナ・工藤哲也・平林一哉 | | 時折 ふっと 思い出すあの人 ほんのり動いては 見えているけれど たたなずく問いを さらけ出したら ほんのり答えては 消えてしまうんだ 一頻り せわしさに 塞がったら ほうら 吹き払ってくれた あの人のディテール 息詰り 小さやかに 痞えたドア ほうら 解き放ってくれた あの音と音のディテール つなぎ足したい あの一コマが ぼんやりぼやけては 見えているけれど たたなずく僕を さらけ出せたら 杜切れやすく 交わりあうね オーバーラップ ああ重なってつなげたい人となり 暮れやすく 交わりあうね オーバーラップ ああ重なって続けたい日々となり ちょっとまた ぶらり 時折 ふっと 思い出すあの人 あの色のディテール 焼き付けた場所 言葉が ずっと 溢れ出すあの人 あの音のディテール 照り返すでしょ つなぎ足したい あの一コマが 焼き付け残るような場所へ ちょっとまたぶらり歩くのさ |
一道のイデアHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・平本レオナ・工藤哲也・平林一哉 | | You are different with different soul One idea for everyone of you I know a girl who fears all the time I know a girl,she's a heartache You met a girl who drowns in her dreams You met a girl,she's an ocean Somewhere over the hill,over the rainbow High above in the clouds,in the clouds In the distance so far away Go ahead and run away Search for your idea,your own idea Find your idea in your own soul! (You are different with different soul) One idea for everyone of you (We are different with different soul) One idea for everyone of you I know a boy who sees everything I met a boy, a believer You know a boy, a burning ambition You met a boy,he's a fire (Can you feel it?) It doesn't matter what you do (Can you get it?) It doesn't matter where you belong (Can you hear it?) Oh, you can do it if you what to. Do you hear it? A girl and the brightest pearl who will share it? A boy and the purest soul. who will share it? And so the man sings his idea Who's the winner? Who's the loser? Just find that idea! (You are different with different soul) One idea for everyone of you (We are different with different soul) One idea for everyone of you |
新利の風HUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | HUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | さらり 波に攫われる もうあぶくとなって 縺れ合う subliminal(潜在意識) 目覚めてく 問いがきらめかせる飛沫(しぶき) 変わり次に浮かぶのは 当意即妙な超短波 subsistent(存在する) アイディア受け止めて 試そうって響くよ 押し黙る テトラポッド 絶え間なく dance step モノクロの flesh and blood 光 射し込んできて ひらり 風に煽られる また宵っ張りに 誘われる subdivision(一部分) 目覚めてく 風致 色を染めてゆく 変わり次に浮かぶのは 灯心蜻蛉(とうすみとんぼ)のアイコンタクト subjugation(服従、従属) インサイダー脱け出して 変えようって招くよ 押し黙る road side trees ジグザグに free flight モノクロの flesh and blood 手に入れて影も 光も 裸足で歩かなくなって 独りで歩くようになって プロセスと知り合ってから 時間(とき)が経って 忘れるようになって on all sides 高まる波にアプローチしよう from all sides 新利の風が吹き込んでくるのさ さらり さらり 波が洗う ひらり ひらり 風が煽る 縺れ 縺れて 目覚めて 変わり次に浮かぶのは さらり さらり 波が洗う ひらり ひらり 風が煽る 縺れ 縺れて 目覚めて 変わり次に浮かぶのは |
A SMALL POTATO'S MINDHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | HUSKING BEE | | A small potato that can't make a choice A very unbalanced mind Even so, from the bottom of his heart, comes his want to begin He knows it all come true but can't paint the vision well Have both desire and inability Wrong to know it do this and that and get in trouble Want to feel it be stopped and cry to get and laugh Sometimes he didn't want The strange balance of what he feels Wanting to stay that way Sometimes he wants This empty time that we don't feel Just a little while Wrong to know it do this and that and get in trouble Want to feel it be stopped and cry to get and laugh Break apart even time it's felt stain the hope to come with fears Learned to smoke cooled his head Learned to drink speak the truth Take drugs get out of the dark and so on... Then after saving lot's of starch And the potato learned the difference Started growing buds started stretching roots Learned how to, learned what to, make up a small potato's mind Learned the road, learned the view, then start drawing ...Then the potatoes who decided the differences Grew sprouts Stretches roots |
SKETCHHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | HUSKING BEE | Husking Bee | That day, I sketched to make you laugh Want to draw your joyful face Want to try and save your smile Said to move as you please You seemed lost Somehow it looked like you wanted me to choose Seems like you're use to it Asked you to laugh, and you laughed Not to move, and you didn't move To hold this, and you held it Not to look away, you didn't look away Asked if you want to stop, and you stopped My painting was good but on the canvas there were only dark colors We spent time together We learned we can't understand each other That day, I sketched to make you laugh Wanting to draw your joyful face Wanting to try and save your smile You laugh happily when I said You look good in the gray sweater I didn't think such words would make you happy Asked you to laugh, you didn't seem to like it Not to move, you seemed sad To hold this, you threw it away Not to look away, you got mad Asked if you want to stop, and you sigh My painting was no good, but on the canvas there were only bright colors But we spent time facing each other We learned to understand each other Dark pictures, bright pictures kept in the corner Are there more dark pictures? After all, the ones I put up After all, the bright ones To be able to put them up, after all |
STILL IN THE SAME PLACEHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | HUSKING BEE | Husking Bee | Is there still a tomorrow? Is it still yesterday? What do you want to say? What can't you say? Won't your hands get dirty? Don't you get thirsty? Would it be ok to go easy? Is a lie alright? What do you want to do? What can you not do? Would you do it again? Will you never do it again? Do you want to go back? Don't you want to go back? Is it somebody's fault? Is it just your luck? What you've smelled sometime, will it carry it away? Will the wind that blows through carry it away? Is there still a tomorrow? Is it still yesterday? What do you want to eat? What have you eaten? Are you gonna do it anyway? Are you gonna just give it up? Do you love yourself? Do you not like yourself? What is easy? What is hard? Still at the same time? Still in the same place? What you've smelled sometime, will it carry it away? Will the wind that blows through carry it away? Have you been blessed with good things? Are you gazing on wet ground, now? Is it pouring in your fragile mind? Will the hard rain wash it away? Have you met good people? Are you gazing on dry ground, now? What you've drawn sometime, will it wash away? Has it stopped raining? Can you walk holding your head high? Have you been blessed with good things? Are you gazing on wet ground, now? Is it pouring in your fragile mind? Will the hard rain wash it away? Have you met good people? Are you gazing on dry ground, now? What you've drawn sometime, will it wash away? Will it wash away? |
I'M A TREEHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | HUSKING BEE | Husking Bee | The tree speaks You choose it's your choice To take it inside To push aside The tree speaks You choose it's your choice To take it easy at times To be crazy at times When you narrow your heart I can't help but hurt you Leaves dropped to forget New buds grown to remember How many times shall I repeat this? For me to grow thick, please open your heart Times when branches are broken with spite Times when we'll be felled Let branches be cut and moved to the next course Times when rain overflows When the sun shines, and we dry out When you test me with strong wind And I say to you, it's up to you The tree spwaks You choose it's your choice Because I will wither with you The tree speaks You choose it's your choice To bear fruit or to flower When you narrow your heart I can't help but hurt you Leaves dropped to forget New buds grown to temember How many times shall I repeat this? For me to grow thick, please open your heart Times when branches are broken with spite Times when we'll be felled Let branches be cut and moved to the next course Times when rain overflows When the sun shines, and we dry out When you test me with strong wind And I say to you, it's up to you Lean against a great tree and hear it's many words Always in the places of your heart I'm a tree You are me |
DAY BREAKHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文 | Husking Bee | My universe is very natural This universe is attracted to emotions To passionate emotions My thoughts are“Yes” Many stars Will someday disappear It is very natural There's many stars |
ANCHORHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ | | I've got too many hang ups tho'not all about myself Too many people just don't care about anything My feet are swept off in the crowd to faraway My mind moving from place to place,looking for an emotional anchor The memory sometimes intrude my mind Oh,How you deserted me It was too much to bear Nowadays I think differently I may have been in the wrong My mind moving from place to place, looking for an emotional anchor I go out at daybreak dark as yet I plod my way Each morning is different Everything so vague I'm lost in the crowd Lost in direction Where did the end of the day? From whence did the day at first? I'm back and fill |
DON'T GIVE A SHITHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ | | I don't give a shit about what people think We ought to decide for ourselves You're all right? Hurry up! C'mon already! If it were not for action now,you're sure to regret it Clarify it Are you awake now? Did you say“morning'mom”? Eat like a horse and fight the day! |
SHARE THE JOY OF OUR TOURHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ | | We're been together a long time Riding on a car heading the same way Strange scenery in the morning light A distant grow in familar night We're live together,and go thru the same thing If only this could just go on And so,now let's go Let's be going And birth a new encounter We're been free for a little while The air looks transparent We don't care what the world thinks And forget our usual routine Let's head on and share the joy of our tour If only this could just go on Speeding the highway in the dead of night Cruising along the distant glow Will my voice reach at glimmer of the foot of a mountain? And we must come back at once We must come back to the restless city Let's be singing Uh ah la la la la.... |
BEAR UPHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ | | Bear up You're sure to overcome You have to rest up now We're looking forward to seeing you You'll be able to begin to run again when you get well We're looking forword to seeing you How long will you need to suffer? Left on your own,you must take a roundabout way How lonly you must be? How hurting your heart must be? You're going thru great sufferings now You're spending uneasy days Somebody will help you out Somebody will pray for you |
DON'T CARE AT ALLHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ | | Don't care at all till find my way to somewhere till find your way to delight till you strike something meaningful till find my way to mental food I'm walking step on dirt I'm running fall to the ground And sing when you think you're losing |
GO IT ALONEHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ | | Don't pull any punches with me I don't mind you speaking bad about me Things are better clarified Don't tell me you're going to chiken out I know things are tough for you now but try to keep a stiff upper lip You talks big,but I never see any action Even if I helped,it's gonna be had for you Please don't take me wrong I'm not for saking you,but it's the same for me We all have a hard night Did you think enough for yourself? Time will solve the problem Why are you farting around? You just have to go it alone Do you feel relieved? I don't like your miserable shape Why are you farting around? You just have to go it alone |
MY OWN COURSEHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ | | My aim was to leave for the city I came at once,but lost my aim I lost all my precious things Lost in thought all day long All I did was just repeat Time flowed slowly at that time Time passes with astonishing speed a few days ago Let me cling on to it as long as possible It all began in its my own course Got a feeling of it from many a people Now I've finally got it |
BEAT ITHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ | | All things tend to wrap up nicely Plastering on faked smile to each other All things come at ease in a safety zone One another make comeplaints You'll come to know your limitations one day It's anything but no fearful Beat it,Beat it,in case you insincerity Even if you did,there's nothing to lose It's a beginning of something new Look around, Look around,I'm not forcing you? But can you see the season of time? All things find a way to the same place No one escapes from there |
ALL YOUR LIFEHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ | | Get sick,get well,take pains,try forget Get wrong,learn the truth,get along,get there Get born,get memory,looking for yourself Over and,over again You will understand after you get wet in the rain In that place a gale must be blowing You will understand after you're exposed to the sun When you get nothing,you'll have nothing to lose Try hard,get barred,get glad,get sad |
後に跡HUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ | HUSKING BEE | 足踏み ああ渋み無くて 安泰 あんた居なくて 居眠り いい眠りだった そよ風 そう夜風だった うそつき 嘘尽きなくて 言い訳 いいわけなくて 真似事 まあ寝言だった 弱虫 世は無視だった よろよろ 喜び 媚びなくて くるくる 苦しみ 染みまして そうかい? そうそう 甲斐なくて ボタボタ ボタ雪 行きまして 海が生み 天に点 神が噛み 日々に罅 彼は涸れ 水を見ず 石は意思 後に跡 意思は石 後に跡 |
ONE DAYHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ | HUSKING BEE | I was born and bred in this town There are some rivers, some bridges, and some islands I was afraid of little things I was quilty of theft And I told a white lie Now I live in the city There are some railroads, some roads, and some lights Some people have simple lives and high throughts others, living death I had a hunger for tenderness Deceive by money And I wanted to cry We live and grow up, each other Long distance, constant destiny The wind caresses my mind We live and grow up, each other Long distance, canstant destiny The wind caresses my mind Times are changing rapidly Do I still have the same eye's as the old days At times my own world lingers on We live and grow up, each other Long distance, constant destiny The wind caresses my mind We live and grow up, each other Long distance, canstant destiny The wind caresses my mind Whitish and hazy days Deep and wide days Whitish and hazy days Deep and wide days |
PUT ON FRESH PAINTHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ | HUSKING BEE | All of a sudden,the days changing I thought I must go on All of a sudden I felt myself growing It was already light outside the window We lost track of time We got the same feelings My heart was high with hope But at the same time,I felt a little uneasy Words overflowed one after another We can speak just as we feel Life overflowed one after anotner We can meke progress slowly but surely We lost track of mine We got the same feelings My heart was high with hope But at the same time,I felt a little uneasy(uneasy) It's the great power of your being It's a great influence on me I want to be so,How I want to be so for you It's the great power of your being It's a great influence on me I want to be so,How I want to be so for you All of a sudden,the days changing I thoughit I must go on All of sudden I felt myself growing It was already light outside the window We're always going to have to choose The right things we want to do Put on fresh paint,don't let it fade Put on fresh paint,don't let it fade Put on fresh paint,don't let it fade |
PEOPLE AROUND MEHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ | HUSKING BEE | Some are fond of now, and otheres hate it Some are fond of past, and otheres hate it Some are young, some are old We lives our life the way we want There is something awkward about them There is something lacking in balance about them It seems they dislike a quiet life They got something on their mind At times I picture their lives It seems they struggle on their way It pierces my heart, it pierces my heart, and it stirs my blood At times I picture their words I sense solice within their hearts It pierces my heart, it pierces my heart, and I step forward As the sky clears up and coulds over, so we find and lose our way As many things change, so they learn on the way There is something awkward about them There is something lacking in balance about them It seems they dislike a quiet life They got something on their mind At times I picture their lives It seems they struggle on their way It pierces my heart, it pierces my heart, and it stirs my blood At times I picture their words I sense solice within their hearts It pierces my heart, it pierces my heart, and I step forward Oh, Will I part from them, someday Oh, Will they part from me, someday At times I picture their lives It seems they struggle on their way It pierces my heart, it pierces my heart, and it stirs my blood At times I picture their words I sense solice within their hearts It pierces my heart, it pierces my heart, and I step forward Every time I see them, I feel encouraged Something inside me is moved by the people around me At times I picture their lives I see them struggle on their way It pierces my heart It pierces my heart |
NATURAL COURSEHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ | HUSKING BEE | One, two, three, the more one has, the more one wants Articles satisfy our hearts Articles charm us It's a natural course We always have desire in various ways for thing A heart overflowing with want We have wants to build up ourselves Pull our minds to what we want Before we know it we've a great many useless things Our waste is polluting our minds So many men, so many minds |
SING TO MEHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ | HUSKING BEE | Many's the time I've sung with you Many's the time I've read your words Something told me I could see you Needless to say you and me differ as to country and language But it's my feeling that some things are the same as you Your voice reminds me of my childhood Many's the time I've sung with you Many's the time I was touched by your cry You're heard singing in the distance Needless to say, you and me differ as to place and knowledge of life But it's my feeling that something's congenial to you I was sick for your zest of making I can hear you singing in the distance now I wish it could last Your melody straightens me up I'm sick for your zest of making Many's the time I've sung with you Many's the time I've read your words Something told me I could see you Needless to say, you and me differ as to country and language Needless to say, you and me differ as to place and knowledge of life But it's my feeling that some things are the same as you Your voice reminds me of my childhood I can hear you singing in the distance now I wish it could last Your melody straightens me up I'm sick for your zest of making It's wonderful how many songs you make I throught how and why The thing is, you really need a sound You'll really need a melody for someone For yourself I can hear you singing in the distance now I wish it could last Your melody straightens me up I'm sick for your zest of making Many's the time I've sung with you Many's the time I've sung with you |
ON THE SURFACEHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ | HUSKING BEE | On the surface It's not as serious as you think Look at yourself in a mirror On the surface You see you ain't much of anything You'll wonder what you can do it the future On the surface You see the more in another mans eye But you can't see the beam in your own eye If you aim high you've got to chase after it Sometimes you look in the mirror Even if you're trying to make a point Even if you're doing something now Even if you're doing nothing The beginning passes by in a twinking The sorrow has caught hold of you The doubt binds you down It many be just the surface It's only your force, that makes you do it It's only your force, that makes you do it It's only your force, that makes you do it It's only your force, that makes you do it On the surface You see the more in another mans eye But you can't see the beam in your own eye If you aim high you've got to chase after it Sometimes you look in the mirror Even if you're trying to make a point Even if you're doing something now Even if you're doing nothing The beginning passes by in a twinking The sorrow has caught hold of you The doubt binds you down It many be just the surface It's only your force, that makes you do it It's only your force, that makes you do it It's only your force, that makes you do it It's only your force, that makes you do it It's only your force, that makes you do it It's only your force, that makes you do it It's only your force, that makes you do it It's only your force, that makes you do it The sorrow passes by you The doubt passes by you The sorrow passes by you |
AMBITIOUS MENHUSKING BEE | HUSKING BEE | 磯部正文 | 磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ | HUSKING BEE | He asked me what I feared He sleeps when he wants to sleep Laugh a lot and cries out without cause That looks like trouble to me, but it's stimulus to me He is not so ignorant as it seems He say's“That's the sea, because it's cold” He say's“That's the sky, because it's immense” “I'm impatient for my hearts desire” Now he's gone somewhere again but like his actions She asked me why I'm ashamed Begins to dance when she wants to dance Thinks a lot with little make up on Because she narrows the mind in the narrow colors She seeks for other colors She say's“The sea makes me relax” She say's“The earth leads lives” “I'm impatient for my hearts desire” Now she's gone somewhere again but I like her actions Whenever they meet, they brings me some new surprise Push away the loneliness Push away the could They are made to be ambitious men They have instincts for lack of common sense Push away the loneliness Push away the could They are made to be ambitious men He asked me what I like Begings to move when he wants to move Talk a lot and laughs a loud laugh He doesn't lose wonderful feeling for everything He's not so ignorant as it seems He say's“I don't need border line” He say's“That's rock of truth” “I'm impatient for my hearts desire” Now he's gone somewhere again but I like his actions Whenever they meet, they brings me some new surprise Push away the loneliness Push away the could They are made to be ambitious men They have instincts for lack of common sense Push away the loneliness Push away the could They are made to be ambitious men You go along as you wish You're walking around the world I wonder where you're walking now I wonder what you're feeling now You go along as you wish You're walking around the world I wonder where you're walking now I wonder what you're feeling now |