Kenta Ochi作詞の歌詞一覧リスト  9曲中 1-9曲を表示

全1ページ中 1ページを表示
9曲中 1-9曲を表示
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
カラフルBUZZ THE BEARSBUZZ THE BEARSKenta OchiSatoshi KuwabaraPaint Paint with many colors. Although we feel much pain. We can surely overcome sadness. Blue Yellow Green Red Orange. What color is the scene that has been pitch-black until a while ago?  I don't know why. It's vivid outside. Because the tears cleansed my eyes last night. We are always charmed by marine blue. Because we looked at deep and dark despair before.  Brush Brush in your heart. It sometimes stops moving. You can surely overcome that time. Colors Colors too many colors. We may choose wrong one. We still don't stop drawing.  Paint Paint with many colors. Although we feel much pain. We can surely overcome sadness. Blue Yellow Green Red Orange. What color is the scene that has been pitch-black until a while ago?
ロンリーナイトBUZZ THE BEARSBUZZ THE BEARSKenta OchiSatoshi KuwabaraSmoke wavers and fades away leaving only the faint scent. The cigarette with a light waits to be ashes. “I will go home after I finish smoking this cigar.” Words which came out with smoke.  I can't tell you this feelings. “Be here” Heart is shouting. I gaze at the ashtray with the drifting scent today. After all… it's a lonely night.  Smoke wavers and fades away leaving only the faint scent. The cigarette with a light waits to be ashes. “I will go home after I finish smoking this cigar.” Words which came out with smoke.  I can't tell you this feelings. “Be here” Heart is shouting. I gaze at the ashtray…  Time to become ashes. I am always in the sheet. My heart will not burn out. It is crushed with a cigarette. After all… it's a lonely night.
ホームグラウンドBUZZ THE BEARSBUZZ THE BEARSKenta OchiSatoshi KuwabaraNow プレイボール!! 今日も始まりを 告げた 目覚し WATCH NO LOOKでSTOP IT またとない 晴れた日に GOOD MORNING 慣れた手つきで ユニフォームを着て  擦り減らしたは スパイクじゃなく BOOTS OUTSIDE さあ ROUND AND ROUND ここが 営業グラウンド  いつもスライディングセーフ ぎりぎりで間に合わせる プレイスタイル I see for a long time ずっと 変わってないかな  “What are you doing” 上司からレーザービーム うっかり甘い自分を タッチアウト! 挽回 CHANCE フルカウントBIG 契約 放たれた チェンジアップ 当てて タイムリー  こんなはずでは…肩 フォーク気味 TOUCH THE グラブ 栄光 グラブ 缶BEER 空け just now  気持ちホースアウト そんなFEELING 訪れる SOMETIMES TAKE OUT LAST JOB TRY HARD 今日も 延長ゲーム START いつもスライディングセーフ ぎりぎりで間に合わせる プレイスタイル I see for a long time ずっと 変わってないかな 今日も眠気でゲームセット
鳴りやまぬ歌BUZZ THE BEARSBUZZ THE BEARSKenta OchiKenta Ochiあなたに送る 鳴りやまぬ歌 心に響き続けるように  遠く 雲を見つめて 歩み止めたまま 一人きり  最近笑ったのはいつ 空の青さは まぶしすぎて  あなたに送る 鳴りやまぬ歌 心に響き続けるように  あなたのそばに 鳴り止まぬ歌 また立ち上がれる日まで ずっと  雨で流した 涙の数 暗い夜 見上げた星空 別れ惜しんだ人の多さも 刻み続け そう これからも  あなたに送る 鳴りやまぬ歌 心に響き続けるように  あなたのそばに 鳴りやまぬ歌 また立ち上がれる日まで  ずっと
ブラッディクロスBUZZ THE BEARSBUZZ THE BEARSKenta OchiSatoshi KuwabaraHis back full of cracks was surrounded by the enemies. The light of the crescent illuminated the street calmly. There was no character of regret in the shot back. He thought while losing his consciousness.  “I fall to hell at last tonight.” He closed his eyes with faint smile.  “Bloody cross” Hang up over this breast. It's just time. I'm sick of this world. Don't escape. The king of this dark hell. Now. Let's start final battle. I will get the status.
Mr.DBUZZ THE BEARSBUZZ THE BEARSKenta OchiKenta OchiHe goes to your town taking our dream. His endless adventure continues today.  Hey! Where is the next destination? From Osaka to Tokyo? It is so far. Call the fellow's name in a loud voice toward the sky at such time. He should surely fly to your place.  Mr.D please teach me how to drive a car. Nobody can operates so long time. Mr.D Sing a song in your usual style. “GENTLE SONG” Everybody love. Are you ready?  He goes to your town taking our dream. His endless adventure continues today.  Hey! What would you like to drink after drinking beer? Red or White? Can't you choose which wine? Call the fellow's name in a loud voice toward the sky at such time. He should surely fly to your place.  Mr.D please teach me how to drink a toast. My shyness always interferes. Mr.D Sing a song in your usual style. “GENTLE SONG” Everybody love. Are you ready?  He goes to your town taking our dream. His endless adventure continues today.  He goes to your town taking our dream. Shout this name when you are troubled. Like this Mr.D.
ルームBUZZ THE BEARSBUZZ THE BEARSKenta OchiSatoshi KuwabaraHow many time did I see you off? rainy days. fine days. I have waited until you came back. How many time did I hear the sound which you went up stairs? I was glad when I heard the step.  Don't you come back any longer? After you looked the empty me. You murmured. “It was a good room. bye.” I murmured a prayer. You'll be fine.  The profile which you clean me. I liked seeing it. You wiped the floor while shedding sweat. Although I was ticklish in fact. I bored. Don't go. please. I hold back my tears.  Don't you come back any longer? After you looked the empty me. You murmured. “It was a good room. bye.” I murmured a prayer. You'll be fine.  You finally go down stairs…Bye!
バラードBUZZ THE BEARSBUZZ THE BEARSKenta OchiKenta Ochi生まれつきよと笑う 痛む足をかばい 台所に立つ背中は いつも傾いてた 泣くんじゃないと言われ 昔の 遠い 記憶 涙もろくなった あなた 見て ふと思い出す  悩んだ日々を 乗り越えられたのは あなたの言葉聞いて 歩いてきたから  毎朝 早起きして 作ってくれたのに 学校サボり 食べた弁当 人の気も知らずに  「おかえり」今日も 聞こえた言葉には 思いやる心が 詰まっていました  道外さずに ここに立ててるのは あなたと同じ血が 流れていたから  これまでずっと 笑ってられたのは あなたの優しさに 包まれてたから  ありがとう 母に  捧げる バラード
裸の王様BUZZ THE BEARSBUZZ THE BEARSKenta OchiKenta Ochi周りの目は気にしない そんな人いるの 年功序列 経歴優先 まぁそんな毎日  いつのまにか 誰もいない Ha Ha Ha  ブランドに身を固めて 大きくなった気して 見栄と言い訳ばかりで 塗り固められて  呼びかけても 振り返らず Hey Hey Hey 評価ばかり求めて 自分を見失ってた過去  あるがまま その服脱ぎ捨て 大きく息を吸ったなら 一から始めよう  優しさに触れた夜は 涙がこぼれて 信頼された夜には 笑みがあふれ出す  昔 読んだ おとぎ話 Sha La La 裸になり笑われた王様 一緒に来ませんか?  飾られた その服脱いだら 踏み出せ 寒空の下も 口笛吹きながら  あるがまま その服脱ぎ捨て 大きく息を吸ったなら 一から始めよう  裸の王様 口笛吹きながら
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. うれしいひなまつり
  2. ダーリン
  3. ゆき
  4. 怪獣
  5. ヒロイン



  1. スケッチ
  2. イイじゃん
  3. あたしを選ばなかった君へ
  4. ReawakeR (feat. Felix of Stray Kids)
  5. Vermillion

