baker baker paradox

What the hell was it? I can't remember. Is this baker baker paradox?
It's on the tip of my tongue. Is this baker baker paradox?

I saw it on TV last night. Is this baker baker paradox?
It's about to pop up pop up. Is this baker baker paradox?

What the hell was it? I can't remember. Is this baker baker paradox?
It's on the tip of my tongue. Is this baker baker paradox?

I saw it on TV last night. Is this baker baker paradox?
It's about to pop up pop up. Is this baker baker paradox?

溺れた記憶 闇を彷徨う ah--------

アタマガ鬱鬱葱葱 Is this baker baker paradox?
モドレズ臥薪嘗胆 Is this baker baker paradox?
キヅケバ櫛風沐雨 Is this baker baker paradox?
ガユエニ磨穿鉄硯 Is this baker baker paradox?

縺れた時間 悶える脳 ah---------

アワテナイ アワテナイデネ

溺れた記憶 闇を彷徨う ah--------

What the hell was it? I can't remember. Is this baker baker paradox?
It's on the tip of my tongue. Is this baker baker paradox?

I saw it on TV last night. Is this baker baker paradox?
It's about to pop up pop up. Is this baker baker paradox?