[[Set it! Fight the game! Set it! Find a way...
Set it! Fight the game! Set it! Fight now...]]

Are you ready? この創造 連鎖まき散らす
第三のフィールド 吐き出す Big blow shot!!
その Distortion and Cross over, by the real.
いま Back up!! The New creation.
Beat 奏でるこの最大の衝動 抑圧と社会 その偶像 世界に
Why? Why? そう 巻き起こる Storm!!
Blast of the sound!

Ride on the way, Sound loud, Next field...

Now! Fight the game, Sound loud, To the Next field.
Ride on the way so... You got! Fight the game,
Sound loud, To the Next field. Set it! Fight the game.

Go!! It's the“RADICAL GAME”Next その細胞 突き刺すレベル
目覚める Big Blow いま超えろレッドライン
抑圧と社会 その虚無の世界に Society oppression,
I'm Crushing out, also, Giving you pressure,
今この連鎖 Got this, Brand new card.
巻き起こる Storm!!
Blast of the sound!