
I saw a pretty cowboy
I saw him ride along
Strumming his guitar with a song
He was a pretty cowboy he had a heart so true
He said “My dear I do love you”
My dear will you marry me merry me and settle down
We will cross the wide prairie
To Alabama town
I wed a pretty cowboy
I'll not forget the day
He sang and stole my heart away

Hi yippi yi
I'll love a cowboy till I will die
I wed a pretty cowboy
I'll not forget the day
He sang and stole my heart away......

わたしゃ十八 アラバマの
生れ故郷にゃ 牛ばかり
だから気が 荒い

若者たちは 口笛吹いて
今日も牧場に やって来る
だけどどなたの 投げ縄も
わたしにゃ かゝらない

アー空にゃ 三日月様さえ 揺れてる
ひろい牧場は 牛ばかり
みんな 気が荒い

Hi yippi yi
I'll love a cowboy till I will die
I wed a pretty cowboy
I'll not forget the day
He sang and stole my heart away......