絶え間なくあふれ出す 欲望とfrastration
Sick of that shit, my past is a prison
pain like a needle, sore in my eyes

歪んだ醜い過去に固執して くたばっていく
this world is made of Bullshit so I'll make it worth livin'
No more,,,Fate has no deadline

No taking any steps back
Going forward
まやかしを断ち切るまで 叫べ

変わりたいのなら 全てを捨てろ
望むがままに 壊してるよ
No more... Face to your fate or die

No taking any steps back
Going forward

No taking any steps back
Going forward
哀しみも枯れ果てて 最期は孤独と共に

絶え間なくあふれ出す 欲望とfrastration
Sick of that shit, my past is a prison
pain like a needle, sore in my eyes

歪んだ醜い過去に固執して くたばっていく
this world is made of Bullshit so I'll make it worth livin'