Although humans can fight
for good, give it all they've got.
Men are weak as their flesh
and blood, Mazinger is not.
Without power,
men are lost in this world
where fighting never stops.
He fights evil and works for
happiness, our Mazinger Z.
When men's minds yield
to evil and their spirits are
in chains, Mazinger Z.
Mazinger Z guard the future
of our people.
You are our hope.

We know this world
may someday end, lands fall into seas.
Forth is subject to evil powers,
not Mazinger Z.
Without power,
men are lost in this world
where darkness threatens all.
He fights evil
and helps keep peace on earth,
our Mazinger Z.
When men's heart yield to evil
and their souls can not
be free, Mazinger Z.
Mazinger Z give us courage to
fight darkness.
You are our hope.