You'd better not see what's gonna happen here tonight.
Unless you wouldn't want to stained with filthy blood.
The full moon are speaking And the moon are speaking to my soul
tale of demon bird
It is beautiful even when it's full of blood
the story of the tale of a impundulu
Just enjoy the thrill of the victory
the story of the tale of a demon bird
It is so beautiful even when it's full of massive blood
the story of the tale of a demon bird
Just Feel the extasy of wining.
we are strong! we're gonna win! we're gonna destroy you! and win!
Garuda's tenacity!
Garuda's soul is gonna put you into death!
tale oa demon bird
beautiful even when it's full of blood
the story of the tale of a demon bird
Enjoy the thrill of the victory
The story of thd tale of a demon bird
It is so beautiful even when it's full of massive blood
the story of the tale of a demon bird
Just Feel the extasy of victory.