cord name 【JUSTICE】
法を犯した奴等に告ぐ My name is a“JUSTICE”
罪人はすべて排除する 祟高なるこの権力で
強姦 売春 薬物 偽装 詐欺 賭博 公然猥褻
傷害 収賄 恐喝 窃盗 賄賂 次第で目を閉じよう…I'm not a“FAKE”!
拘束した容疑者に告ぐ My name is a“JUSTICE”
捕らえた以上は裁きを下す それがこの私の使命
真実だけをここに誓え 法は何人にも平等
証言 証明 すべて却下 証拠不十分“有罪”に処す…I'm not a“FAKE”!
Fake! 手間取らせるんじゃねぇ!
Break! ほら早く吐いてしまえ!
Crash! 「僕が犯りました」そう言って楽になれ!
Fake! You did it? Hey! You did it!
Break! I don't want to hear your excuse!
Crash! The truth means nothing.
Don't complain about it!
Welcome! Let the party begin!
Yay let's do it right! Right now!
Shout & Pull the trigger! You just bleed.
Hey you count down! 3 2 1 Ban!
Welcome! Let the party begin!
Yay let's do it right! Right now!
Break down the trouble. Hide the truth
My name is a“JUSTICE”! My work is dan!
か弱き“善”の民よ My name is a“JUSTICE”
現在の“平和”は私のお陰 Kiss me! Kill you! Kick justice!
I'm not a“FAKE”!
Fake! 「“罪”だけを憎んで
Break! “人”は憎まない」
Crash! なんて建て前さ 死んだっていい奴くらい居る
Fake! You did it? Hey! You did it!
Break! I don't want to hear your excuse!
Crash! The truth means nothing.
Don't complain about it!
Welcome! Let the party begin!
Yay let's do it right! Right now!
Shout & Pull the trigger! You just bleed.
Hey you count down! 3 2 1 Ban!
Welcome! Let the party begin!
Yay let's do it right! Right now!
Break down the trouble. Hide the truth
My name is a“JUSTICE”! My work is dan!
Fake! 手間取らせるんじゃねぇ!
Break! ほら早く吐いてしまえ!
Crash! 「僕が犯りました」そう言って楽になれ!
Fake! You did it? Hey! You did it!
Break! I don't want to hear your excuse!
Crash! The truth means nothing.
Don't complain about it!
Welcome! Let the party begin!
Yay let's do it right! Right now!
Shout & Pull the trigger! You just bleed.
Hey you count down! 3 2 1 Ban!
Welcome! Let the party begin!
Yay let's do it right! Right now!
Break down the trouble. Hide the truth
My name is a“JUSTICE”! My work is dan!
罪人はすべて排除する 祟高なるこの権力で
強姦 売春 薬物 偽装 詐欺 賭博 公然猥褻
傷害 収賄 恐喝 窃盗 賄賂 次第で目を閉じよう…I'm not a“FAKE”!
拘束した容疑者に告ぐ My name is a“JUSTICE”
捕らえた以上は裁きを下す それがこの私の使命
真実だけをここに誓え 法は何人にも平等
証言 証明 すべて却下 証拠不十分“有罪”に処す…I'm not a“FAKE”!
Fake! 手間取らせるんじゃねぇ!
Break! ほら早く吐いてしまえ!
Crash! 「僕が犯りました」そう言って楽になれ!
Fake! You did it? Hey! You did it!
Break! I don't want to hear your excuse!
Crash! The truth means nothing.
Don't complain about it!
Welcome! Let the party begin!
Yay let's do it right! Right now!
Shout & Pull the trigger! You just bleed.
Hey you count down! 3 2 1 Ban!
Welcome! Let the party begin!
Yay let's do it right! Right now!
Break down the trouble. Hide the truth
My name is a“JUSTICE”! My work is dan!
か弱き“善”の民よ My name is a“JUSTICE”
現在の“平和”は私のお陰 Kiss me! Kill you! Kick justice!
I'm not a“FAKE”!
Fake! 「“罪”だけを憎んで
Break! “人”は憎まない」
Crash! なんて建て前さ 死んだっていい奴くらい居る
Fake! You did it? Hey! You did it!
Break! I don't want to hear your excuse!
Crash! The truth means nothing.
Don't complain about it!
Welcome! Let the party begin!
Yay let's do it right! Right now!
Shout & Pull the trigger! You just bleed.
Hey you count down! 3 2 1 Ban!
Welcome! Let the party begin!
Yay let's do it right! Right now!
Break down the trouble. Hide the truth
My name is a“JUSTICE”! My work is dan!
Fake! 手間取らせるんじゃねぇ!
Break! ほら早く吐いてしまえ!
Crash! 「僕が犯りました」そう言って楽になれ!
Fake! You did it? Hey! You did it!
Break! I don't want to hear your excuse!
Crash! The truth means nothing.
Don't complain about it!
Welcome! Let the party begin!
Yay let's do it right! Right now!
Shout & Pull the trigger! You just bleed.
Hey you count down! 3 2 1 Ban!
Welcome! Let the party begin!
Yay let's do it right! Right now!
Break down the trouble. Hide the truth
My name is a“JUSTICE”! My work is dan!
Acid Black Cherryの人気動画歌詞ランキング