Not again, Don't make excuses.
Maybe I don't want to hear them.
In your arms, hold me NORA,
like a stray that you find in the rain.
If only I were stronger I could tell myself I didn't mind.
But you're all I've got, and I can't bear the thought of a world
where you're not a part of mine.
So it goes, because I love you.
My love's a game of make believe.
I suppose I shouldn't worry, though I'm an older woman.
After all, you're with me NORA, till the dawn.
Then you're gone once again.
I'm so tired of crying.
I vow to stop playing your fool.
But there's no surprise, looking into your eyes,
that my heart gladly breaks every rule.
So it goes, because I love you.
My love's game of make believe.
My hopes are all forgotten.
My dreams have all faded in time.
Inspite of the pain, in the end, I surrender.
Perhaps you're the best I'll ever find.
So it goes, because I love you.
My love's a game of make believe.
My love's a game of make believe.
Maybe I don't want to hear them.
In your arms, hold me NORA,
like a stray that you find in the rain.
If only I were stronger I could tell myself I didn't mind.
But you're all I've got, and I can't bear the thought of a world
where you're not a part of mine.
So it goes, because I love you.
My love's a game of make believe.
I suppose I shouldn't worry, though I'm an older woman.
After all, you're with me NORA, till the dawn.
Then you're gone once again.
I'm so tired of crying.
I vow to stop playing your fool.
But there's no surprise, looking into your eyes,
that my heart gladly breaks every rule.
So it goes, because I love you.
My love's game of make believe.
My hopes are all forgotten.
My dreams have all faded in time.
Inspite of the pain, in the end, I surrender.
Perhaps you're the best I'll ever find.
So it goes, because I love you.
My love's a game of make believe.
My love's a game of make believe.
- 愛、どうじゃ。恋、どうじゃ。 / 研ナオコ
- 異邦人 / さだまさし
- 誓い / 平原綾香
- ルーザー / 吉井和哉
- 冷いキッス / フランク永井
- 嘆きの乙女旅 / 渡辺はま子
- つながり / ジェームス西田
- ビコーズ・オブ・ユー / 稲垣潤一
- 雪・月・花 / 工藤静香
- 桜桃(さくらんぼ) / さだまさし
- 夏、血祭り。 / BABOO
- 死んだ魚の目 / モノブライト
- Explorer / noodles
- P.S. / Omoinotake
- Lucky & Happy / FURIL
- 窓から逃げたラブソング / MERRY
- ウソツキ種 / misono
- 桜月夜 / さだまさし
- ZANZA / 鳥羽一郎
- LOVE JETS のエンディング・テーマ / LOVE JETS
- Hello! タフネス / 勝誠二&石動拳三
- 果てしないこの宇宙(SORA)へ / 勝誠二&石動拳三
- The Flare / the HIATUS
- おもいで酒 / 歌恋
- Invincible Fighter / RAISE A SUILEN
- そよ風のピルエット / ユーリヤ・ヴャルコワ(上坂すみれ)
- 流れ星キラリ(ゆずバージョン) / ゆず
- きっとツナガル(英語ヴァージョン)“(we're not alone) Tsunagaru” / クミコ