Ey ey ey eya
I'm hearing voices in the derelict silence
Like ghosts from a vast beyond howling out in song
Now turn my motor on
It's like no other place I know Now drive the snow
It's getting colder
It's getting colder
It's getting colder
It's getting colder
And the reindeer cry
How long must we suffer 'til we die
And the elders sing
How long 'til the ice will cover everything
It's getting colder Colder
The droning wind beats a rolling drum
Take shelter and wait for the winter to come
Right underneath the frost
I can hear the breathing of insect life
Like they're coming up for air
In a morning prayer for a world getting older
and an end drawing near
It's getting colder
It's getting colder
It's getting colder
And the sled dogs whine
How long must we suffer 'til the sunshine
And the keepers sing
How long 'til the ice will melt into spring
It's calling me from a world I cannot see
Inviting me to a place where spirits wander aimlessly
I'm hearing voices in the derelict silence
Like ghosts from a vast beyond howling out in song
Now turn my motor on
It's like no other place I know Now drive the snow
It's getting colder
It's getting colder
It's getting colder
It's getting colder
And the reindeer cry
How long must we suffer 'til we die
And the elders sing
How long 'til the ice will cover everything
It's getting colder Colder
The droning wind beats a rolling drum
Take shelter and wait for the winter to come
Right underneath the frost
I can hear the breathing of insect life
Like they're coming up for air
In a morning prayer for a world getting older
and an end drawing near
It's getting colder
It's getting colder
It's getting colder
And the sled dogs whine
How long must we suffer 'til the sunshine
And the keepers sing
How long 'til the ice will melt into spring
It's calling me from a world I cannot see
Inviting me to a place where spirits wander aimlessly
- ノートの中のテラリウム(M@STER VERSION) / 久川凪(立花日菜)、森久保乃々(高橋花林)
- on your way / indigo7
- 恋のマニア / GO-BANG'S
- 気づいてゾンビさま、私はクラスメイトです / 山口理恵 with manzo
- ブルースター / ゆるふわリムーブ
- ジンベエダーのテーマ / 真栄田賢(スリムクラブ)
- Behind the moon / 明星(田邊幸輔)&安曇(大野智敬)
- Apologize / BACK-ON
- 気合いでハリケーン / T-Pistonz+KMC
- 白いたまご / 神聖かまってちゃん
- How to be A Sun / 松崎ナオ
- 絶対在宅少女はセカイ系 / LYRIC YANKEE
- 未来へつなげ / A応P
- 色 / ハジメノヨンポ
- キライキライCЯY / 市杵島瑞葉&長谷川みい(KiRaRe)
- 弾けて / uami
- 花をおまえに / 真咲よう子
- I AM / 板野友美
- 闇明かし / Lucky Kilimanjaro
- 祝え!朝が来るまで / バックドロップシンデレラ
- Shake up / 井上実優
- うまぴょい伝説 (Game Size) / スペシャルウィーク、サイレンススズカ、トウカイテイオー、オグリキャップ、ゴールドシップ、ウオッカ、ダイワスカーレット、グラスワンダー、メジロマックイーン、エルコンドルパサー、シンボリルドルフ、エアグルーヴ、セイウンスカイ、スイープトウショウ、マチカネフクキタル、ミスターシービー、メジロドーベル、キングヘイロー、サトノダイヤモンド、キタサンブラック、ツルマルツヨシ、メジロブライト、メジロラモーヌ、アストンマーチャン、スティルインラブ、ジェンティルドンナ、ハッピーミーク
- Snug / 小袋成彬
- 最後の一口 / BIGMAMA
- ランタナ / SPARKS GO GO
- 最後の告白 / 見田村千晴
- SHOW THEM / BAND-MAID with The Warning
- 凍てついた街 / JAYWALK
- ラブタブー / JiLL-Decoy association
- Super Star / May J.