We live on a mountain
Right at the top
There's a beautiful view
From the top of the mountain
Every morning I walk towards the edge
And throw little things off
Like: Car parts, bottles and cutlery
Or whatever I find lying around
It's become a habit
A way to start the day
I go through all this
Before you wake up
So I can feel happier
To be safe up here with you
It's early morning
No one is awake
I'm back at my cliff
Still throwing things off
I listen to the sounds they make
On their way down
I follow with my eyes 'til they crash
Imagine what my body would sound like
Slamming against those rocks
When it lands
Will my eyes
Be closed or open?
I go through all this
Before you wake up
So I can feel happier
To be safe up here with you
Right at the top
There's a beautiful view
From the top of the mountain
Every morning I walk towards the edge
And throw little things off
Like: Car parts, bottles and cutlery
Or whatever I find lying around
It's become a habit
A way to start the day
I go through all this
Before you wake up
So I can feel happier
To be safe up here with you
It's early morning
No one is awake
I'm back at my cliff
Still throwing things off
I listen to the sounds they make
On their way down
I follow with my eyes 'til they crash
Imagine what my body would sound like
Slamming against those rocks
When it lands
Will my eyes
Be closed or open?
I go through all this
Before you wake up
So I can feel happier
To be safe up here with you
- これからも夫婦道 / 水沢明美
- ふたり宿 / 水沢明美
- 真紅なHERO / 遠近孝一
- ―夜の街― / バービーボーイズ
- グッバイ・アイザック / 秦基博
- Believe in you / Tiara
- Happy Wedding / カズン
- 世界を白くぬれ! / 斉藤和義
- Dancing now / 木村カエラ
- 君がいればいい / つじあやの
- 桜の木の下で / つじあやの
- カワイイだけ / キュウソネコカミ
- Circle / Cwondo
- 君は大丈夫! / スターダスト☆レビュー
- 魔女っ子メグちゃん / 松本梨香
- Just believe in love / Faylan
- Peggy Jean / Crispy Camera Club
- 三十路坂 / 小神あきら(今野宏美)
- ノスタルジックレインフォール / CHiCO with HoneyWorks
- sweets parade / 髏々宮カルタ(花澤香菜)
- やっぱり会いたいよ / スターダスト☆レビュー
- サンクチュアリ / 笹川美和
- Waving Flags / 坂本美雨
- no one / Hilcrhyme
- カントリー・ロード / 笹川美和
- RAINBOW / 黒崎一護(森田成一)・斬月(菅生隆之)
- Divine love / 奥井雅美
- 突撃ラブハート / 福山芳樹
- 世界は恋に落ちている -アカペラアレンジver.- / うたごえはミルフィーユ
- 純情パンチ!!! / 吉井明久(下野紘)×島田葉月(平田真菜)