Wild Cherry must live wild restless child in you
Wild Cherry light of life no nine lives for you
Still words are unspoken
leavin' me broken open in two
Why I lie when I cry
I do it for you
Wild Cherry locked in chain I feel the pain in you
Wild Cherry comes & goes cold wind blows in you
Secrets knows what you've been through
Heaven will see to make it all new
Why I lie when I cry
I do it for you
Still words are unspoken
leavin' me broken open in two
Why I lie when I cry
I do it for you
Secrets knows what you've been through
Heaven will see to make it all new
Why I lie when I cry
I do it for you
Wild Cherry light of life no nine lives for you
Still words are unspoken
leavin' me broken open in two
Why I lie when I cry
I do it for you
Wild Cherry locked in chain I feel the pain in you
Wild Cherry comes & goes cold wind blows in you
Secrets knows what you've been through
Heaven will see to make it all new
Why I lie when I cry
I do it for you
Still words are unspoken
leavin' me broken open in two
Why I lie when I cry
I do it for you
Secrets knows what you've been through
Heaven will see to make it all new
Why I lie when I cry
I do it for you
- ハッカ / きのこ帝国
- ロックンロール / 秀吉
- 5.5.5st / The Mirraz
- Ex-Boyfriend / the telephones
- 花になれ / flumpool
- スモーキーヒロイン / yama
- 愛がモットー / 柿原徹也
- せーのっ! / 情報処理部
- 人生 / 清木場俊介
- アイノウタ / Mics!!
- 夏陰~なつかげ~ / スガシカオ
- バンドマンきらいかも / 輪廻
- Goodbye Happiness / 宇多田ヒカル
- “inpei” / UNCHAIN
- Super Loud / HER NAME IN BLOOD
- 満月一夜 / 藤あや子
- 思いでが降る夜 / 上田正樹
- サヨナラ バイバイ マルチーズ / 東京カランコロン
- My Foolish Heart / JUJU
- ハードロック / ザ・クロマニヨンズ
- Weather Report(Demo 1997) / フィッシュマンズ
- あやふわアスタリスク(for 夏林花火) / 夏林花火(前川涼子)
- ワタタリカ / C&K
- 17の恋 / 平井美優
- 世界 / 椎名純平
- Lonely Girl / 杉真理
- ミラーボール / ALPACAS
- TOMORROW / 近藤孝行