Let's start beginning to close a drawer of the knowledge
without thinking anything
It becomes hot like a hair dryer when switch is tumed on
It just gives you heat only using the electricity
Will you take me for the trip if I can make myself compact size?
I wanna go to the special place somewhere
Because this country is awful
This island which lost self-respect is to go straight to the hall
I want to get out of my body
I will give you my brain and heart
'Cause I don't need it any more
I have brain death, flat liner
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
However, payment must be in cash
I don't accept credit card
The rabbit missed timing to jump
cannot get away from the wonderland
Please tell me how to escape
from the unconscious mental weakness??
Where is the vision of the future?
I have brain death, flat liner
Only way thinking is to use the butt at the moment
Because no brain and heart left anymore
Back to the basic
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
without thinking anything
It becomes hot like a hair dryer when switch is tumed on
It just gives you heat only using the electricity
Will you take me for the trip if I can make myself compact size?
I wanna go to the special place somewhere
Because this country is awful
This island which lost self-respect is to go straight to the hall
I want to get out of my body
I will give you my brain and heart
'Cause I don't need it any more
I have brain death, flat liner
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
However, payment must be in cash
I don't accept credit card
The rabbit missed timing to jump
cannot get away from the wonderland
Please tell me how to escape
from the unconscious mental weakness??
Where is the vision of the future?
I have brain death, flat liner
Only way thinking is to use the butt at the moment
Because no brain and heart left anymore
Back to the basic
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
- M / Spontania
- 駆けていく少女 / 電波子
- 恋しましょねばりましょ / 奥井雅美
- STARDUST / 佐藤竹善
- はぐれ雲 / 原田ヒロシ
- 彼から手をひいて / 松任谷由実
- NON STOP LOVE / アイロウ&タカ
- 78 / 松任谷由実
- 写真(あるばむ) / 天童よしみ
- Mellow Parade / 安良城紅
- 情熱大陸紀行 feat.ヨノヨハ / 餓鬼レンジャー
- カサノバ / 古内東子
- 新・新・新・ショートソング / 嘉門タツオ
- もやもやしちゃうの / 九重佑三子
- Surrender / 安良城紅
- ボギーボビーの赤いバラ / 中島みゆき
- 空に星があるように / 井上芳雄
- ただ・愛のためにだけ / 中島みゆき
- 愛の草原 / 林寛子
- 東京タワー / THE BOOM
- 大漁唄い込み(遠島甚句入り) / 宮城県民謡
- さまよいの果て波は寄せる / 松任谷由実
- 駅前の大ハプニング / 藤本美貴
- ムーンライト・レター / 中森明菜
- 美少年~森蘭丸 / 三善英史
- No pain, No gain(English Version) / 安良城紅
- ジミーちゃん / 餓鬼レンジャー
- Goalstart / 陽ノ下光(野田順子)
- 蜩 / 谷村新司