over. she says“it's over”
over. she says“it's over”
but she's forced to do the same thing over and over.
but she's forced to do the some thing over and over.
diffusion. her diffusion.
and I saw it spread beyond national borders and borders.
What's going on? what makes you feel despair?
i have no idea. What's going on?
i have no idea. want to know.
try to figure out. want to know.
What's going on? What's going on? What's going on?
What's going on? what makes you feel despair?
over. she says“it's over”
but she's forced to do the same thing over and over.
but she's forced to do the some thing over and over.
diffusion. her diffusion.
and I saw it spread beyond national borders and borders.
What's going on? what makes you feel despair?
i have no idea. What's going on?
i have no idea. want to know.
try to figure out. want to know.
What's going on? What's going on? What's going on?
What's going on? what makes you feel despair?
- 罰と罰 / 鹿乃
- 君を束縛したいのです / YUKI
- Hi5でピースサイン! / サニーピース
- 旅の宿 / さだまさし
- 悲しみよこんにちは / 末光篤
- 黄昏といわず日暮れといって下さい / 大竹しのぶ
- MAP / 井上陽水
- もしも、手を繋いでいたら / Not yet
- Heaven / いとうかなこ
- 行こうよ洸 / 堀江美都子・水木一郎
- 愛染橋 / 竹山逸郎・平野愛子
- しあわせ一歩 / 半田浩二
- さあ話そう faet. 藤巻亮太 / 冨田ラボ
- 通りゃんせ帰りゃんせ / 小柳ルミ子
- Born to be Free / 倉木麻衣
- 東京ブギウギ / 石原詢子
- 雨の魔法が解けるまで / polly
- 太陽の唄 / スパークリング☆ポイント
- Pretty Please / 王雨嘉(遠野ひかる)
- 個室 / 中原理恵
- 青春日記 / リュックと添い寝ごはん
- Next Gate / アキシブproject
- Dune / avengers in sci-fi
- 恋問海岸 / 山口ひろみ
- Grateful Love / SOLIDEMO
- 矢切の渡し / 美空ひばり
- summer day / 柴咲コウ
- NEW STAR / n.SSign
- ROCK STAR / モデルガールズ
- バカボンのパパ / 敏トシ