Don't play around who killed my voice?
Don't play around who killed my voice?
Don't play around who killed my voice?
Don't play around who killed my voice?
I'm too sad to be mad
Repeated murders
so god became a reason for wars
I'm too sad
Keep dreaming of the day when I find the many questions.
All for the lost days
Keep dreaming of the day when I find the many questions.
All for the lost days
What a rotten world
Am I mad than you?
No time for bullshit
Go back the way you came
And ask him about it
“Hey, who killed my voice?”
Keep dreaming of the day when I find the many questions.
All for the lost days
Keep dreaming of the day when I find the many questions.
All for the lost days
Don't play around who killed my voice?
Don't play around who killed my voice?
Don't play around who killed my voice?
I'm too sad to be mad
Repeated murders
so god became a reason for wars
I'm too sad
Keep dreaming of the day when I find the many questions.
All for the lost days
Keep dreaming of the day when I find the many questions.
All for the lost days
What a rotten world
Am I mad than you?
No time for bullshit
Go back the way you came
And ask him about it
“Hey, who killed my voice?”
Keep dreaming of the day when I find the many questions.
All for the lost days
Keep dreaming of the day when I find the many questions.
All for the lost days
- Terra / Aoi
- RUMIKO / 降幡愛
- 猫だまし / 渡り廊下走り隊
- Party Tune / Lead
- ラッキーDAY / 椎名へきる
- 空に星があるように / 鳥羽一郎
- CRY (For Africa) / 佐藤竹善
- 逃げのびるだけでいいだろう / 西川大貴
- 恋は燃えている / 欧陽菲菲
- Decision / f*f
- ワンダーランド / タイナカ彩智
- 幸せのなかで / 番匠谷紗衣
- 恋人よ、夢も嘘もすべて / DEEN
- 本物の恋 / 果山サキ
- Black Lion / チェッカーズ
- ランデブータンデム / レミオロメン
- Flowers / OKAMOTO'S
- まちぶせ / 上白石萌音
- ラフレシア / SEKAI NO OWARI
- ひとひらの風 / 刀剣男士 team新撰組 with蜂須賀虎徹
- インターナショナル・プレイガール / クレイジーケンバンド
- 愛を知る季節 / 朝倉音夢(野川さくら)・白河ことり(堀江由衣)
- サイハテソング / オワリカラ
- 恋は仮病中 / Charming Trip(STU48)
- 昭和火の玉ボーイ / 横浜銀蝿40th
- JUST MY ジンセイ / ネコプラpixx.
- カラのなか / Annabel
- HOME / Beverly
- Silver hide and seek / 愛内里菜
- 私の彼は日本一 / SECRET GUYZ