I wanna commit suicide
He will make a nice kite
You are enjoying your life
Well it's a sin to tell a lie
I want to live on the seaside
She enjoys the primetime
So I'm sinking in my life
I wanna be wrapped in sunshine
(Sky-high)届かぬ壁 (Loser)手に目に雨
(Crying drive)出口のない堂々巡りのMind is crying You know?
I want to live on the seaside
She enjoys the primetime
So I'm sinking in mylife
I wanna be wrapped in sunshine
(Sky-high)届かぬ壁 (Loser)手に目に雨
(Crying drive)出口のない堂々巡りのMind is crying You know?
There is nothing to it. Don't stop until we give it up.
Baby don't cry until we give it up.
There is nothing to it. Don't stop until we give it up.
Baby don't cry until we give it up.
Until we can go. Until we can go.
He will make a nice kite
You are enjoying your life
Well it's a sin to tell a lie
I want to live on the seaside
She enjoys the primetime
So I'm sinking in my life
I wanna be wrapped in sunshine
(Sky-high)届かぬ壁 (Loser)手に目に雨
(Crying drive)出口のない堂々巡りのMind is crying You know?
I want to live on the seaside
She enjoys the primetime
So I'm sinking in mylife
I wanna be wrapped in sunshine
(Sky-high)届かぬ壁 (Loser)手に目に雨
(Crying drive)出口のない堂々巡りのMind is crying You know?
There is nothing to it. Don't stop until we give it up.
Baby don't cry until we give it up.
There is nothing to it. Don't stop until we give it up.
Baby don't cry until we give it up.
Until we can go. Until we can go.
- week / mahina
- 池袋でウンザウンザを踊る / バックドロップシンデレラ
- 亜麻色 / ギルド
- マリンタワー・ゴーゴー / クレイジーケンバンド
- FUN FUN CHANT / 久保田利伸
- とまどいルージュ / すぎもとまさと
- ワールドワイドWah! / FES☆TIVE
- PRIDE / ベアトリクス(平野綾)
- フンコロガシは、忙しい。 / 伊武雅刀
- 深海プリズナー / Baby's breath
- ONLY YOU / 安室奈美恵
- I Stand Kitchen / 浅井健一
- アツギのうた (ハイステップ アツギ) / ダーク・ダックス
- 見えないHURRICANE / 当山ひとみ
- 夜明けの孤独 / 平手友梨奈(欅坂46)
- マダム・ノワール−Madame Noir / ALI PROJECT
- 盗作 / ヨルシカ
- Caramel Popcorn / 風男塾
- 未来予想図II / 川嶋あい
- やさしいメロディ ~ケ・セラ・セラ~ / 高岡早紀
- RPG / 堀江美都子
- STILL Anime Ver. / いとうかなこ
- ドライブイン鳥 (フランシュシュ ver.) / フランシュシュ
- サマータイムブルースが聴こえる / 吉田拓郎
- ただいま / 手嶌葵
- Baritone / 手嶌葵
- 青い眼の人形 / cero
- 東京が好き / 水越けいこ
- マーメン / __(アンダーバー)