Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh…
Cotton Candy Clouds are floating in the sky
Pink and yellow clouds are floating very high
Let me take a ride on cloud
I want to see the beautiful view
The birds want to party, they get sticky
On the cloud of crystal sugar
You can heat crystal sugar
Let's make lots of candy floss
Everyone likes the sweet smell
Gather them with a big chopstick
Cotton Candy Clouds are floating in the sky
Green and purple clouds are floating very high
No one can eat them all
But sometimes I think try
I want to party, I get sticky
On the cloud of crystal sugar
You can heat crystal sugar
Let's make lots of candy floss
Everyone likes the sweet smell
Gather them with a big chopstick
Cotton Candy Clouds are floating in the sky
Pink and yellow clouds are floating very high
Cotton Candy Clouds are floating in the sky
Green and purple clouds are floating very high
Let me take a ride on cloud
I want to see the beautiful view
The birds want to party, they get sticky
On the cloud of crystal sugar
Cotton Candy Clouds are floating in the sky
Pink and yellow clouds are floating very high
Let me take a ride on cloud
I want to see the beautiful view
The birds want to party, they get sticky
On the cloud of crystal sugar
You can heat crystal sugar
Let's make lots of candy floss
Everyone likes the sweet smell
Gather them with a big chopstick
Cotton Candy Clouds are floating in the sky
Green and purple clouds are floating very high
No one can eat them all
But sometimes I think try
I want to party, I get sticky
On the cloud of crystal sugar
You can heat crystal sugar
Let's make lots of candy floss
Everyone likes the sweet smell
Gather them with a big chopstick
Cotton Candy Clouds are floating in the sky
Pink and yellow clouds are floating very high
Cotton Candy Clouds are floating in the sky
Green and purple clouds are floating very high
Let me take a ride on cloud
I want to see the beautiful view
The birds want to party, they get sticky
On the cloud of crystal sugar
- 太陽の5人 / ゴスペラーズ
- 私の好きなもの / 佐良直美
- 幸子の子守唄 / 鈴木聖子
- あの町この町 / さねよしいさ子
- キミノブブン / ザ・マスミサイル
- サヨナラ / キャプテンストライダム
- 灯影の兄妹 / 三船浩
- 童神~ヤマトグチ~ / AKI
- 海のLove Song / 村上波乃(立花理香)
- ペパーミント・ブルー / 大滝詠一
- SAHARAの風 / 竹本孝之
- 風をあつめて / はっぴいえんど
- Future Light / A.B.C-Z
- 産巣日の時 / 高垣彩陽
- じゃあねで指切りまたアシタ / ハレンチ☆パンチ
- ワン・モア・チャンス / 舘ひろし
- identity / sacra
- Dancing れにちゃん / 高城れに
- おもかげ-self cover- / Vaundy
- ヒカリ / ゴスペラーズ
- 青春タイムマシン / 岡本信彦
- 隣りの席の女 / 佐良直美
- 気球と通信 / moonriders
- 敵がいなけりゃ / B'z
- 九月 / 寺尾聰
- 海辺まで10マイル / 天地真理
- 冬が淋しい / ずうとるび
- 星空サンクチュアリ / 池田綾子
- それぞれ歩き出そう / 阿部真央