When I sing. When I decorate flowers in my room.
It's when I feel happiness.
When I sleep. When I sleep with you.
When I drink sweet milk. When I eat sweet cake.
When I sing. When I fall in love. When you smile at me.
It' when I feel happiness.
When I give freedom to you. When you touch my voice.
When I find the pleasure to live.
I pray for this happiness to stay. And be with me forever.
We're saved by wishing our happiness.
'Cause so much sadness is filled in the world.
Sadness is just too painful.
It's when I feel happiness.
When I sleep. When I sleep with you.
When I drink sweet milk. When I eat sweet cake.
When I sing. When I fall in love. When you smile at me.
It' when I feel happiness.
When I give freedom to you. When you touch my voice.
When I find the pleasure to live.
I pray for this happiness to stay. And be with me forever.
We're saved by wishing our happiness.
'Cause so much sadness is filled in the world.
Sadness is just too painful.
- お前と俺 / 加川良
- Swing a シカタナイ! / 間々田優
- TOP SPEED / Wienners
- Everytime / TARO SOUL
- 駅 / 松崎しげる
- 寝ても覚めてもブギウギ / 石川さゆり
- YOU / 丹下桜
- 永遠にいつか / イルカ
- Anchor / 犬塚ヒカリ
- カナデアイ / イトヲカシ
- 美しき人生 / 蘭華
- Libertango / AKANE LIV
- TATTOO / 星屑スキャット
- Alright / GRAPEVINE
- 分解能 / eufonius
- シオン / 沢田聖子
- Don't Let Go / BENI
- structure / 岸田教団&THE明星ロケッツ
- お酒は楽しく二人酒 / 藤和也
- りんご / 須澤紀信
- エンドルフィン / Czecho No Republic
- 光のシルエット / 保志総一朗
- 夏の日も、冬の日も with URATA NAOYA from AAA / 傳田真央
- 夫婦詩 / 杉良太郎
- Everynight / 石川秀美
- ゴー・ザ・ディスタンス / Shout it Out
- Night Parade / vistlip
- 父娘坂 / 福田こうへい
- 瞳にカンジル愛の意図(2016 Version) / Mystery Girls Project