OMG! That's Halloween Smiling jack-o'-Lantern
Let's Party! That's amazing We have fun
OMG! That's Halloween Smiling jack-o'-Lantern
Let's Party! That's amazing We have fun
さあどうぞ 召し上がれ 狂気のメインディッシュ
Here you are! Bitter or sweet? Enjoy and crazy
Trick or treat, Trick or treat 近しいの
今夜は誰もが Who are you?
Oh my pumpkin, You say trick or treat
OMG! That's Halloween Smiling jack-o'-Lantern
Let's Party! That's amazing We have fun
OMG! That's Halloween Smiling jack-o'-Lantern
Let's Party! That's amazing We have fun
さあどうぞ 召し上がれ Juicy bloody party
Here you are! Bitter or sweet? Enjoy and crazy
Trick or treat, Trick or treat 親しいの
今夜はあなたと How are you?
Oh my pumpkin, You say trick or treat
Halloween is.. Halloween is.. Halloween is fun!
Have a nice Halloween! Have a good time!
Rat-a-tat Open the door Welcome to my home
集え We have晩餐
OMG! That's Halloween Smiling jack-o'-Lantern
Let's Party! That's amazing We have fun
OMG! That's Halloween Smiling jack-o'-Lantern
Let's Party! That's amazing We have fun
Trick or treat, Trick or treat 近しいの
今夜は誰もが Who are you?
Oh my pumpkin, You say trick or treat
Halloween is.. Halloween is.. Halloween is fun!
Have a nice Halloween! Have a good time!
Rat-a-tat Open the door Welcome to my home
集え We have晩餐
Halloween is.. Halloween is.. Halloween is fun!
Have a nice Halloween! Have a good time!
Rat-a-tat Open the door Welcome to my home
集え We have晩餐
OMG! That's Halloween Smiling jack-o'-Lantern
Let's Party! That's amazing We have fun
OMG! That's Halloween Smiling jack-o'-Lantern
Let's Party! That's amazing We have fun
Let's Party! That's amazing We have fun
OMG! That's Halloween Smiling jack-o'-Lantern
Let's Party! That's amazing We have fun
さあどうぞ 召し上がれ 狂気のメインディッシュ
Here you are! Bitter or sweet? Enjoy and crazy
Trick or treat, Trick or treat 近しいの
今夜は誰もが Who are you?
Oh my pumpkin, You say trick or treat
OMG! That's Halloween Smiling jack-o'-Lantern
Let's Party! That's amazing We have fun
OMG! That's Halloween Smiling jack-o'-Lantern
Let's Party! That's amazing We have fun
さあどうぞ 召し上がれ Juicy bloody party
Here you are! Bitter or sweet? Enjoy and crazy
Trick or treat, Trick or treat 親しいの
今夜はあなたと How are you?
Oh my pumpkin, You say trick or treat
Halloween is.. Halloween is.. Halloween is fun!
Have a nice Halloween! Have a good time!
Rat-a-tat Open the door Welcome to my home
集え We have晩餐
OMG! That's Halloween Smiling jack-o'-Lantern
Let's Party! That's amazing We have fun
OMG! That's Halloween Smiling jack-o'-Lantern
Let's Party! That's amazing We have fun
Trick or treat, Trick or treat 近しいの
今夜は誰もが Who are you?
Oh my pumpkin, You say trick or treat
Halloween is.. Halloween is.. Halloween is fun!
Have a nice Halloween! Have a good time!
Rat-a-tat Open the door Welcome to my home
集え We have晩餐
Halloween is.. Halloween is.. Halloween is fun!
Have a nice Halloween! Have a good time!
Rat-a-tat Open the door Welcome to my home
集え We have晩餐
OMG! That's Halloween Smiling jack-o'-Lantern
Let's Party! That's amazing We have fun
OMG! That's Halloween Smiling jack-o'-Lantern
Let's Party! That's amazing We have fun
- あいのたね / yozuca*
- 本音なんだ。 / Scott & Rivers
- ガラスの言葉 / 吉田拓郎
- 禁断Burning Heart / マルゼンスキー(Lynn)
- こいこいこい / きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ
- 夢色パレード / Rhodanthe*
- 可愛い人 / 槇原敬之
- じゃぱにーずTOKYOガール / ハコニワリリィ
- coffee (feat. YNG JOE$) / seep minutes
- ウルトラマンダイナ / 遠藤正明
- 夏夢花火 / 大西亜玖璃
- 昇降口で会えたら / 僕が見たかった青空
- せめて未来だけは… / SOPHIA
- LOVE or GAME / Crystal Kay
- 桜の木になろう / AKB48
- 大切なもの / SOPHIA
- Promise in a kiss feat. ユナク from 超新星 / AZU
- The World Standard Dancing Club / わーすた
- ヒトイロ / Equalman
- くもりのち雨ときどき晴レ
/ 小山文彦
- わたしのはなし / kinoshita