apple tree -りんごの木 english ver.-
作詞:英訳:鹿野洋平・THE CHARM PARK
I have something to tell you
About the apples in the tree
And how sweet they all could be,
Oh won't you have a bite?
Why don't we lay down right here,
Just until the sun goes down
Wouldn't that be nice?
if you're ever feeling lost
And you don't know where to go,
Just tilt your head up to the sky
You never ever need to cry.
Stars will show you the way back
And no matter where you are
You'll always have a home.
One day, one sunny day,
You'll call this world your own
And jump into the wilderness all by yourself
Just remember, even if you're no longer by my side,
Always laugh, and let me know you're alright.
I have something to tell you,
There will be some stormy days
You'll find someone who'll break your heart,
Remember them from time to time
But don't worry, be happy,
Everything will be just fine
Everything will be fine.
I know one day when you're older,
You'll leave this home to fly
To find a way, a dream, and a life of your own
Just remember, even if I'm no longer by your side,
I'll be here underneath the apple tree.
One day, one sunny day,
You'll call this world your own
And jump into the wilderness all by yourself
Just remember, even if you're no longer by my side,
Always laugh, and let me know you're alright.
About the apples in the tree
And how sweet they all could be,
Oh won't you have a bite?
Why don't we lay down right here,
Just until the sun goes down
Wouldn't that be nice?
if you're ever feeling lost
And you don't know where to go,
Just tilt your head up to the sky
You never ever need to cry.
Stars will show you the way back
And no matter where you are
You'll always have a home.
One day, one sunny day,
You'll call this world your own
And jump into the wilderness all by yourself
Just remember, even if you're no longer by my side,
Always laugh, and let me know you're alright.
I have something to tell you,
There will be some stormy days
You'll find someone who'll break your heart,
Remember them from time to time
But don't worry, be happy,
Everything will be just fine
Everything will be fine.
I know one day when you're older,
You'll leave this home to fly
To find a way, a dream, and a life of your own
Just remember, even if I'm no longer by your side,
I'll be here underneath the apple tree.
One day, one sunny day,
You'll call this world your own
And jump into the wilderness all by yourself
Just remember, even if you're no longer by my side,
Always laugh, and let me know you're alright.
- 4U / Alice Nine
- とけました / ドミコ
- 海へ行く約束 / 大西ユカリと新世界
- しずく海峡 / 興梠照代
- クロワッサン / 駒形友梨
- メロディライン / Lucky Kilimanjaro
- カタツムリ / May'n
- 竹 / 黒木渚
- Free produced by STUDIO APARTMENT(Japanese Version) / Baby M
- この世の終り / drug store cowboy
- Stay Gold / THREE1989
- ミラクル・ガイ / 謝花義哲
- Don't Go to Heaven / オカモトショウ
- Oh My God / 戸松遥
- 月の道しるべ / THE イナズマ戦隊
- 過ぎてゆくすべてに / 矢沢永吉
- I Won't Cry / NOT WONK
- 赤い橋の伝説 / 山根万理奈
- Open The Doors / Aimer
- 一番星 / 一ノ瀬さゆり(岩田陽葵)
- ハイヒール脱ぎ捨てて / SARD UNDERGROUND
- ...Baby one more time / 竹井詩織里
- 未完成な / 亀梨和也(KAT-TUN)
- それでも貴方に逢いたくて / 犬神サアカス團
- 切腹 -life is beautiful- / cali≠gari
- ソリストの休日 / 真璃子
- デジャヴの夜 / 松尾太陽