I've got too many hang ups tho'not all about myself
Too many people just don't care about anything
My feet are swept off in the crowd to faraway
My mind moving from place to place,looking for an emotional anchor
The memory sometimes intrude my mind
Oh,How you deserted me It was too much to bear
Nowadays I think differently I may have been in the wrong
My mind moving from place to place, looking for an emotional anchor
I go out at daybreak dark as yet I plod my way
Each morning is different Everything so vague
I'm lost in the crowd Lost in direction
Where did the end of the day? From whence did the day at first?
I'm back and fill
Too many people just don't care about anything
My feet are swept off in the crowd to faraway
My mind moving from place to place,looking for an emotional anchor
The memory sometimes intrude my mind
Oh,How you deserted me It was too much to bear
Nowadays I think differently I may have been in the wrong
My mind moving from place to place, looking for an emotional anchor
I go out at daybreak dark as yet I plod my way
Each morning is different Everything so vague
I'm lost in the crowd Lost in direction
Where did the end of the day? From whence did the day at first?
I'm back and fill
HUSKING BEEの人気歌詞ランキング
- フローズン・ネバーランド / 新津由衣
- 今日もどこかでデビルマン / 緒方恵美
- 優しくって少しバカ / 嵐
- 私は丘の上から花瓶を投げる / 坂本真綾
- ブルー・トランペット / 舟木一夫
- strain / UNCHAIN
- 春和景明 / 新津由衣
- メロンの気持 / 森山加代子
- せかいはパラダイス(フルバージョン) / しまじろう・みみりん・とりっぴい・にゃっきい
- Prayers & Melodies / Rie fu
- 今にきっと…In My LIFE / 後藤真希
- リトル・メアリーと美しき憎しみのドナウ / exist†trace
- Lift / トクマルシューゴ
- 雨の日が好きって思ってみたい / Rie fu
- 最終手段 / ピコ太郎
- 約束のクロスロード / 先導アイチ(代永翼)
- 泣きそうな顔して / PHONES
- Forbidden Love / U-KISS
- Sweet magic melody / Cloque.
- シグナル / エレファントカシマシ
- 三陸祝い唄 / 大泉逸郎
- ARROWS / 氷室京介
- you&me / YOSHIKA
- 穢れ無き月の毒 / 妖精帝國
- スイム・イン・ザ・ワンダー / 新津由衣
- 新・会話 / 嘉門タツオ
- いつか誰か / ザ・ジャガーズ
- いつも君の味方 / さだまさし
- a veantin / BREIMEN
- 青春ガールズ / AKB48