Let's show my strength It's not only Have more
Don't trust anything Shadow impedes progress
Throw away and break the place of shade
I know how to fall It's show time
I'll become bigger, no matter what happens
I have no time fall on the ground yet
But many times to fight are in my life
So, I'm a mighty person Come on yeah
Truth ……
Right now, wake up to find it Make up by myself
So, I'm gonna defeat you Go as I like
My fist of victory says Oh Oh
Get up ! Never end! Screamer! Can you here?
My voice breaks the wall I have
And I win in the show down Oh Oh
Who is the top? Who is the bottom? Nobody is here!
Which is the white? Which is the black? Nobody is here!
Who is the light? Who is the shade? Nobody is here!
I'm alive We are alive on the daily road
Right now, wake up to find it Make up by myself
So, I'm gonna defeat you Go as I like
My fist of victory says Oh Oh
Get up! Never end! Screamer! Can you here?
My voice breaks the wall I have
And I win in the show down
Oh … Oh … Oh …
Right now, wake up to find it Make up by myself
So, I'm gonna defeat you Go as I like
My fist of victory says Oh Oh
Get up! Never end! Screamer! Can you here?
My voice breaks the wall I have
And I win in the show down Oh Oh
Don't trust anything Shadow impedes progress
Throw away and break the place of shade
I know how to fall It's show time
I'll become bigger, no matter what happens
I have no time fall on the ground yet
But many times to fight are in my life
So, I'm a mighty person Come on yeah
Truth ……
Right now, wake up to find it Make up by myself
So, I'm gonna defeat you Go as I like
My fist of victory says Oh Oh
Get up ! Never end! Screamer! Can you here?
My voice breaks the wall I have
And I win in the show down Oh Oh
Who is the top? Who is the bottom? Nobody is here!
Which is the white? Which is the black? Nobody is here!
Who is the light? Who is the shade? Nobody is here!
I'm alive We are alive on the daily road
Right now, wake up to find it Make up by myself
So, I'm gonna defeat you Go as I like
My fist of victory says Oh Oh
Get up! Never end! Screamer! Can you here?
My voice breaks the wall I have
And I win in the show down
Oh … Oh … Oh …
Right now, wake up to find it Make up by myself
So, I'm gonna defeat you Go as I like
My fist of victory says Oh Oh
Get up! Never end! Screamer! Can you here?
My voice breaks the wall I have
And I win in the show down Oh Oh
- 絶彩 feat. 京 / SUGIZO
- 初心をKEEP ON! / T-Pistonz+KMC
- One with One (Switch ver.) / Switch
- 童神 / 上間綾乃
- イミテーションラブ / 山口リサ
- 野に咲く乙女 / コトリ with ステッチバード
- スキップ・スキップ・スキップ / つばきファクトリー
- The moment I saw you with Sowelu / SOFFet
- Love Again ~永遠の世界~ feat. shela / Sweet Licious
- 日傘をさして / サニーデイ・サービス
- ともだち / 大野真澄
- 野暮天ブギ / フラワーカンパニーズ
- イカイカ イルカ / 茂森あゆみ・速水けんたろう
- コタエアワセ / 井澤巧麻
- 忘れもの / やなわらばー
- Meaning / ユナイト
- 少年の見た夢は / TWEEDEES
- Sacrifice / 摩天楼オペラ
- 0時5分の最終列車 / キャロル
- ゲラメキユ Club Venere ver. / Venere 5
- 音も光も無い場所で動くことをやめた心 / BUGY CRAXONE
- MILK / 中嶋イッキュウ
- 声を聴かせて / 具島直子
- つぶやき☆えぶりわん / MinxZone
- 起死回生Forever / Gacharic Spin
- インカメラ / wacci
- タイム・トラベル / 丸本莉子
- Fendi Freg (feat. P!O) / Young Yujiro