The Sun Also Rises
Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas
作詞:Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas
作曲:Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas
We are made from the decisions we make
Ourselves right now are at the top of the road we have come through
The road that you chose has lead you to yourself ;what you are ah
Though the road of decision, may be a tough one
Don't you have an ideal self? ideal self?
Hang tight and pick it out
Now the road you have made with courage will surely be a valuable one
Yeah There are lots of decisions we have to make as we live ah ah
We are made from the decisions we make
Ourselves right now are at the top of the road we have come through
The steps have made you what you are
Ah Pick it out with guts
The road may be steep but oh oh
Ah the one you got to be choosing the one you need guts
Oh You'll see change from what you were before
You might be running away at last
Making excuses
You might just be acting as if you've made the best decision
There are days when you get lost ah
Always being confronted with the questions
“How do you wanna proceed?” “What do you wanna do?”
Can YOU do it? To walk this uneasy road
Show it to me now
Do it right now
Go over this tough steep road
Because the future you hope for is there
Have the strong heart, the strong will to choose
the road that you will need
courage to
Ah Pick it out with courage The road may be steep but… oh oh
[We're made from the decisions we make
Ourselves right now are at the top of the road we have come through
You might just be acting as if you've made
the best and right decision]
Though it may seem like a steep and tough road oh
I believe there will be another new dawn in front of me
I want to witness the awesome morning glow in which
we can say everything was worth it
There are lots of decisions we have to make as we live
Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegasの人気歌詞ランキング
Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegasの新着歌詞
- Love Your Love / 竹内アンナ
- 猫に海を見せてあげたい / 1000% SKY
- 守りたい笑顔 / 津田朱里
- HIROSHIMA / 井上陽水奥田民生
- おんな捨てるなよ / 小林啓子
- Je t'aime★Je t'aime / Tommy february6
- 今はもうだれも / ウッディ・ウー
- 「そばにいるから」 / LUV
- P.A.R.T.Y / BUDDiiS
- darling / CLEEM MIKU
- 青空のシンフォニー / ときのそら
- 蛇はスネーク(HEAVY IS SNAKE) / モダンチョキチョキズ
- ジョーシキなんてNA★I☆SA / 影山ヒロノブ&BROADWAY
- ドラえもん数えうた / 大山のぶ代・こおろぎ'73
- ひとりぼっちの旅 / 石川さゆり
- With -友よ共に- / 谷本憲彦
- 漂流者へ / 高橋真梨子
- 純愛 / 伊達悠太
- Ark / ELISA
- イ・ナ・ズ・マ・ンの歌 / コロムビアゆりかご会
- Moonlight / 米津玄師
- 人魚の恋 / キノコホテル
- 次会う日まで / 黒子テツヤ(小野賢章)・黄瀬涼太(木村良平)
- On My Mind / 赤西仁
- 青い涙 / Metis
- ヒステリカ / DaizyStripper
- かあちゃん / 島津亜矢
- 惑星タントラ / やくしまるえつこ