We'll carouse all night!
You're so so beautiful and hot!
We'll carouse all night!
Ready Ready Ready Ready to Boom-Boom!
In this corner of the world.
You're so so Fashionable and cool!
In this corner of the world.
Ready Ready Ready Ready to Boom-Boom!
Here you are, darling, darling, Cheer for you.
I'm wakeful tonight, Ah, Ah, Ah!
Just one more time, Say YES!
I'll take you for a swim, and so pray without ceasing.
I'm wakeful tonight, Ah, Ah, Ah!
Just one more time, Say YES!
Hi-NRG BOY is a greedy BOY!
We'll carouse all night!
You're so so beautiful and hot!
We'll carouse all night!
Ready Ready Ready Ready to Boom-Boom!
Here you are, darling, darling, Cheer for you.
I'm wakeful tonight, Ah, Ah, Ah!
Just one more time, Say YES!
I'll take you for a swim, and so pray without ceasing.
I'm wakeful tonight, Ah, Ah, Ah!
Just one more time, Say YES!
Hi-NRG BOY is a greedy BOY!
You're so so beautiful and hot!
We'll carouse all night!
Ready Ready Ready Ready to Boom-Boom!
In this corner of the world.
You're so so Fashionable and cool!
In this corner of the world.
Ready Ready Ready Ready to Boom-Boom!
Here you are, darling, darling, Cheer for you.
I'm wakeful tonight, Ah, Ah, Ah!
Just one more time, Say YES!
I'll take you for a swim, and so pray without ceasing.
I'm wakeful tonight, Ah, Ah, Ah!
Just one more time, Say YES!
Hi-NRG BOY is a greedy BOY!
We'll carouse all night!
You're so so beautiful and hot!
We'll carouse all night!
Ready Ready Ready Ready to Boom-Boom!
Here you are, darling, darling, Cheer for you.
I'm wakeful tonight, Ah, Ah, Ah!
Just one more time, Say YES!
I'll take you for a swim, and so pray without ceasing.
I'm wakeful tonight, Ah, Ah, Ah!
Just one more time, Say YES!
Hi-NRG BOY is a greedy BOY!
Migimimi sleep tightの人気歌詞ランキング
Migimimi sleep tightの新着歌詞
- Dearest You / 2HEARTS
- Girlfriend / I Don't Like Mondays.
- 手紙 / 北山たけし
- My Last love / 山口岩男
- Happy Birthday feat.初音ミク / 八王子P
- MACHINE / lynch.
- 正夢 / KIDS
- けんけんぱ / 美元智衣
- パラリルラ♪ / Dream5
- Get Back / LUCKY TAPES
- 誰か教えて / LUNKHEAD
- Restart / Jewel☆Neige
- 目覚め / ともさかりえ
- スナフキンのうた / 西本裕行
- フレ!フレ!エルフレ! / 不知火フレア
- Hello, Jewelry Smile / 阿部真央
- BODY TO BODY / 亜蘭知子
- 我らが阪神タイガース~阪神タイガース応援歌~ / 流石乃佐助
- My Everything / 天上智喜
- まさか僕らが / 高野寛
- On the Street / 火神大我(小野友樹)
- 太陽のSmile / 光司陽太(保志総一朗)
- いつかの風を待ってる / MAPLEZ
- Near to You / 宮本フレデリカ(高野麻美)、一ノ瀬志希(藍原ことみ)、櫻井桃華(照井春佳)、中野有香(下地紫野)、五十嵐響子(種崎敦美)
- 咎人のレクイエム / 寿嶺二(森久保祥太郎)、黒崎蘭丸(鈴木達央)、美風藍(蒼井翔太)、カミュ(前野智昭)
- TRUE COLORS (M@STER VERSION) / 城ヶ崎美嘉(佳村はるか)、高森藍子(金子有希)、アナスタシア(上坂すみれ)、藤原肇(鈴木みのり)、乙倉悠貴(中島由貴)、黒埼ちとせ(佐倉薫)、白雪千夜(関口理咲)、久川颯(長江里加)、久川凪(立花日菜)
- SPiCa / うさ
- Girlfriend / なにわ男子
- でっかい夏を連れてきたのです / UNIONE