10 or 11
without thinking of anything
just chased by the first light
1 or 2 more
3 or 4 more
too late to start
but too early to end
slovenly sitting & gazing at the door never opens
talking with my friend who is inside of me
you let me take your time to make you closer to me
don't know who you are
you don't know who I am
so let me take your time to make you closer to me
please don't hurt me
if you could treat & feed & love me kindly
see you again
please fill the glasses
and make me forget the bad, the fault & the lie
don't you let me go
my world could be busted up
build another one with steeled heart
steel the heart
should leave here to get ready
so see you again
don't wanna hurt you
so don't hurt me
just let me go
let me go
don't you let me go
1 or 2 more
I want more
too late to start
but too early to end
without thinking of anything
just chased by the first light
1 or 2 more
3 or 4 more
too late to start
but too early to end
slovenly sitting & gazing at the door never opens
talking with my friend who is inside of me
you let me take your time to make you closer to me
don't know who you are
you don't know who I am
so let me take your time to make you closer to me
please don't hurt me
if you could treat & feed & love me kindly
see you again
please fill the glasses
and make me forget the bad, the fault & the lie
don't you let me go
my world could be busted up
build another one with steeled heart
steel the heart
should leave here to get ready
so see you again
don't wanna hurt you
so don't hurt me
just let me go
let me go
don't you let me go
1 or 2 more
I want more
too late to start
but too early to end
- メグルオト / 野崎有真
- 幸せを願えてたら / Karin.
- if / 京太朗と晴彦
- 七色リアル / JK21
- STAND UP / コブシ
- キミの世界にまざりたい / ナミ(岩井映美里)&レナ(大西亜玖璃)&ユア(園山ひかり)
- Nidoto / Leonald
- Endless Travel / .BPM
- アルプス一万尺 / 西村ヒロチョ
- センチメンタルちゃん / ヒロネちゃん
- デストロイヤー / The Dahlia
- HOAX / w.o.d.
- 愛なんて嘘は置いといて / Laughing Hick
- Guilty Bwoy feat. PUSHIM / RUDEBWOY FACE
- Sybil / BIN
- おやすみ またね / ecolu
- My Flag feat. LAST PASS / K-YO
- Ghost Town / moeki
- Starry / MANAKO
- これは小さな一歩だが韓流にとっては大きな一歩だ / 韓流セレブレイト
- 青春ど真ん中 / モーニング娘。天気組
- アリガトウのウタ / キジ☆ムナ
- あのね、 / RIKU
- ことはじめ~私の武器 / 梵天丸・伊達政宗・鶴丸国永・大倶利伽羅
- サンカラのテーマ / 3K-RAT
- 異邦人 / TAK MATSUMOTO featuring ZARD
- 東京震災 / THE 抱きしめるズ
- あの声 / 坂口恭平
- crazy cat / チャーリーニーシオ
- カフェ・モカ / SORTITA