dying buried in sweet dreams
sweet like a gift of the Valentine
lying on the pain got over
wanna die as back to mothers womb
take it
under the heat
a golden weapon
don't afraid it
it doesn't hurt you
try to tap your feet out of the precise rhythm
let's sing together like lovely lovers do
like lovely lovers do
try to resist to be killed by a needle like e-e-e-eels
try to stoop your head lower
hide from who gonna eat you
don't go with the flow without your truth
see the truth in you
tempt fate out of place within your reach
don't go with the flow without your rules
see the light in you
tempt fate out of place within your reach
believe in you
don't go with the flow without your truth
don't go with the flow without your rules
sweet like a gift of the Valentine
lying on the pain got over
wanna die as back to mothers womb
take it
under the heat
a golden weapon
don't afraid it
it doesn't hurt you
try to tap your feet out of the precise rhythm
let's sing together like lovely lovers do
like lovely lovers do
try to resist to be killed by a needle like e-e-e-eels
try to stoop your head lower
hide from who gonna eat you
don't go with the flow without your truth
see the truth in you
tempt fate out of place within your reach
don't go with the flow without your rules
see the light in you
tempt fate out of place within your reach
believe in you
don't go with the flow without your truth
don't go with the flow without your rules
- Lonely Rolling Days / 未成年
- Umineko / lovefilm
- 夢のしずく / 近田春夫&ビブラトーンズ
- まえだまえだのテーマ / まえだまえだX
- あるがまま / アリシア from BEST FRIENDS!
- Into The Sky / ずんだれ
- Romantic Puzzle / 高橋真梨子
- ゴージャス・マイ・ライフ / ニューロティカ
- Princess's dope [Vocal:ichigo] / ゆずひこ
- 新宿シンデレラ / 海援隊
- 私のしあわせパートII / 石野真子
- How Many Emceez? Remix (feat. Rockasen & Magasa & E.G.G. Man & Kge) / MIKRIS
- 恋のマホウ / ICHIKO
- BLACK BOX / vistlip
- 老若男女 / ザ・ルーズドッグス
- サマー・アンセム feat. 小野瀬雅生(CRAZY KEN BAND) / RHYMESTER
- 男子畢生危機一髪 / eastern youth
- 寂しさは秋の色 / 栗林誠一郎
- マーメイドストーリー [Vocal:yucat] / ゆずひこ
- オーレ! / はるちゃん、ワンワン、うーたん
- ラストワルツ / teto
- With You / Seraphilight
- あなたを好きだけど / 栗林誠一郎
- the silver shining / L'Arc~en~Ciel
- Diamond / GARNiDELiA
- 明日もあなたに恋するでしょう / 西脇唯
- 悲しきハートブレイカー / ニューロティカ
- KISSをさせてよ! / まさごろ
- Feliz / 高橋真梨子
- 郵便屋さんのうた / サクラメリーメン