I'm learning new words everyday
They touch me in a special way
I reach out through images
That gather deep inside
But words can get the best of me
I search for meaning endlessly
All answers lie beyond the shadows
Bitterness is part of a goodbye
It's hard to let you go
When love is a fragrance oh so rare
Emotions I cannot define
They linger in my mind
I am scared and terrified
Yet sweet are the memories I'm feeling
Why am I crying? My tears fall silently
And what does my heart say? I listen carefully
Sincerity speaks to me, a language of its own
I'm counting every blessing as I dream of you tonight
I long to see you once again, I mean it Sincerely
I search for beauty everyday
It greets me in a special way
Sometimes I don't realize
This emptiness inside
But words can mean so many things
I want to face the truth they bring
All answers lie beyond the shadows
Sadness ushers in a biting cold
The warmth of gratitude
Harbors a color oh so rare
A shape that I cannot describe
Becomes immortalized
And your voice will be my guide
Echoing deeper with each step I take
Putting down my pen, I'll write no more
Of a letter to the one I'm waiting for
It flutters in the wind
Borne into the sky
Carried to my true love's hand
It will tell him it's the ending of
A brand new beginning
I will not falter, I vow to carry on
I hope you can see me now, I hope I make you proud
Why am I crying? My tears fall silently
And what does my heart say? I listen carefully
Sincerity speaks to me, a language of its own
I'm counting every blessing as I dream of you tonight
I long to see you once again, I mean it Sincerely
They touch me in a special way
I reach out through images
That gather deep inside
But words can get the best of me
I search for meaning endlessly
All answers lie beyond the shadows
Bitterness is part of a goodbye
It's hard to let you go
When love is a fragrance oh so rare
Emotions I cannot define
They linger in my mind
I am scared and terrified
Yet sweet are the memories I'm feeling
Why am I crying? My tears fall silently
And what does my heart say? I listen carefully
Sincerity speaks to me, a language of its own
I'm counting every blessing as I dream of you tonight
I long to see you once again, I mean it Sincerely
I search for beauty everyday
It greets me in a special way
Sometimes I don't realize
This emptiness inside
But words can mean so many things
I want to face the truth they bring
All answers lie beyond the shadows
Sadness ushers in a biting cold
The warmth of gratitude
Harbors a color oh so rare
A shape that I cannot describe
Becomes immortalized
And your voice will be my guide
Echoing deeper with each step I take
Putting down my pen, I'll write no more
Of a letter to the one I'm waiting for
It flutters in the wind
Borne into the sky
Carried to my true love's hand
It will tell him it's the ending of
A brand new beginning
I will not falter, I vow to carry on
I hope you can see me now, I hope I make you proud
Why am I crying? My tears fall silently
And what does my heart say? I listen carefully
Sincerity speaks to me, a language of its own
I'm counting every blessing as I dream of you tonight
I long to see you once again, I mean it Sincerely
- ルネッサンス / 辺見マリ
- Always be here for you / 叶
- NO CURRY NO LIFE / カプリコーン
- まやかし横丁 / 奥村愛子
- カーネーション・リインカネーション / 筋肉少女帯
- この道 / NOKKO
- 檄!帝国華撃団 <新章> / 天宮さくら(佐倉綾音)、東雲初穂(内田真礼)、望月あざみ(山村響)、アナスタシア・パルマ(福原綾香)、クラリス(早見沙織)
- 涙そうそう / 新垣勉
- Saves The Day / UNCHAIN
- Feelin' Go(o)d / 藤井風
- お酒の歌 / 山口瑠美
- ちゃんと大人になってしまった / RIRIKO
- サヨナラなんか言いたくない / みぎてやじるし ひだりてはーと
- 裏町酒場 / 西田佐知子
- LONELY / 尾崎裕哉
- Shut up!! Shut up!! Shut up!! / EXILE THE SECOND
- Mr. Satisfaction / SCREEN mode
- バンドマン / 黒猫チェルシー
- エジソン / 水曜日のカンパネラ
- Attitude / Crystal Kay
- コンタクト / Sound Schedule
- Charming bird / 住岡梨奈
- Love Letter / 薬師丸ひろ子
- G.N.S / tricot
- 何とか言えよ / 石原裕次郎
- せいぜい星1つか2つ / 町あかり