This world hides me from the darkness I feel so numb
I'm falling down
Turn the lights on to torch the path we walk
I don't forget you're not alone
So hear me there's nothing and we care
To make it better, we're here
Do you believe in the bonds of the family will never be apart 'cuz
we meet again
Your faith won't change
What do you think where we stand now This is what we get over
We do believe in the bonds of the family will never be apart
I've throw everything away once
The past days won't be back but we can step forward Find out to fight
against the vice
I've throw everything away once The past days won't be back
Mistaking what you believe in Turn the lights on
We must be forgiven
What I said is broken by the entity is all wasted Stay my side
All I want is your voice
Do you believe in the bonds of the family will never be apart 'cuz
we meet again
Your faith won't change
What do you think where we stand now This is what we get over
We do believe in the bonds of the family will never be apart
I'm falling down
Turn the lights on to torch the path we walk
I don't forget you're not alone
So hear me there's nothing and we care
To make it better, we're here
Do you believe in the bonds of the family will never be apart 'cuz
we meet again
Your faith won't change
What do you think where we stand now This is what we get over
We do believe in the bonds of the family will never be apart
I've throw everything away once
The past days won't be back but we can step forward Find out to fight
against the vice
I've throw everything away once The past days won't be back
Mistaking what you believe in Turn the lights on
We must be forgiven
What I said is broken by the entity is all wasted Stay my side
All I want is your voice
Do you believe in the bonds of the family will never be apart 'cuz
we meet again
Your faith won't change
What do you think where we stand now This is what we get over
We do believe in the bonds of the family will never be apart
- 片想い
/ 藤田麻衣子
- 弾丸ライナー / 鶴
- ボビーに首ったけ / 伊東ゆかり
- タイピスト / チューリップ
- 百万本のバラ / 伊東ゆかり
- Stranger / 安室奈美恵
- 雪降る2番線のホーム / カラーボトル
- 少女の裏側 / 推定少女
- 自画像 / 門あさ美
- 美姫伝説 / 門あさ美
- あなたのギター / みうら晶朗
- 愛証 / 倖田來未
- 花のささやき / 伊東ゆかり
- Show Me What You've Got / 安室奈美恵
- 鮭川旅情 / 須賀ゆう子
- つれづれ酒 / 渥美二郎
- Deep Black / 上原あずみ
- なりたい / 逢川まさき
- 18きっぷを持って / ほぼ日P
- ひまわりの旅 / LEGEND
- ふうらい / harha
- 月光 / 鬼束ちひろ
- 禁断の妖精 / おかげ様ブラザーズ
- Recall me / THE PREDATORS
- 別れ煙草 / 森田公一とトップギャラン
- ワインレッドの心 / 伊東ゆかり
- I wanna let you know~愛の道順~ / 中澤真由