Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas

作詞:Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas
作曲:Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas

A number of words
Packed with feelings everywhere
Maybe the world is made from premises and confusion all (the) way
Premises and mistakes (all) over
sticky or smooth,
bitter or sweet; good and bad When you find what you can believe
You will be a part of the taste
Taking things on faith Believing everything
It is like letting the world taking a bite of your honesty
Don't fear the premises and confusion all (the) way
Don't leave your feelings behind let (it) out
Think like a human
Compare it with your true feelings
Making mistakes
and trying again
Not this. Not that
Monkey see, monkey
do You want it You want it
What will be the pillar of yourself
Find what you can truly believe in
Taking things on faith Believing everything
[It is like letting the world
and all take a bite of your]
Don't fear the premises and
[confusion all (the) way]
[Just don't leave your feelings behind]
Just repaint all the premises in the world
You will find You will find what is missing
as you keep trying and to seek yah
[Trusting feelings]
that keeps ringing
[inside you]
The path will open if you persist
[That is the way]
it has been done
[It's alright]
You'll find it someday
Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegasの人気歌詞ランキング
Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegasの新着歌詞
- シニシズム / CYNTIA
- テネシー・ワルツ / フランク永井
- 温度 / UA
- エターナルサンシャイン / GOOD ON THE REEL
- Amor ~とある男の物語~ / JAM Project
- 葛飾にバッタを見た / なぎら健壱
- Love Chronicle / Changin' My Life
- 檸檬タージュ / Base Ball Bear
- Natural / Noa
- 間もなくフィクション / プルモライト
- Culmination / 柏木ひなた
- パパ泣いちゃった / アルカラ
- いかさま師のサンバ / 牧野正人と仲間たち
- grief / IA
- ブルーライト・ヨコハマ / 小野リサ
- てく、てく。 / Darjeeling
- 舞台 / 田村芽実
- Going Underground / the brilliant green
- 沈黙の合図 / 高橋優
- sky without a cloud / KEMURI
- Where you are / Tacitly
- ニシジマ / ザ・マスミサイル
- Betises / Gutevolk
- 名月赤城山 / 松山恵子
- 隣の席のプリンセス / 放課後プリンセス
- アジテーター / クラムボン
- 全開マジカルパワー / 内山夕実 from Rhodanthe*
- タマシイレボリューション / Superfly
- 氷雨 / 箱崎晋一郎
- Mess Up My Body / 壱岐尾彩花