When you find a shooting star in the sky
You better make a wish upon a star
Wish upon a star
When you find something like a star
You better make a wish upon the star
Wish upon the star
Wish upon the
Upon a star
Upon a star
Upon a star
Upon a star
Upon a star
Upon a star
Upon a star
Upon a star
Upon a star
Upon a star
One small footballfish lights up the floor
You dance on the floor
You dance on the floor
You dance on the floor
You can handle the weight of water
You can handle that
You can handle that
You can handle that
Footballfish lights up the floor
You dance on the floor
You dance on the floor
You dance on the floor
You can handle the weight of water
You can handle that
You can handle that
You can handle that
We lost light of footballfish
Light of footballfish
Light of footballfish
Light of footballfish
Stop dancing and let's get ashore
And let's get ashore
And let's get ashore
Let's get in my car, baby
You drive my car
You drive my car
You drive my car
You drive my car
You drive my car
You drive my car
You drive my car
You drive my car
You drive my car
You drive my car
You hop on the highway
Many lights of the highway passing by
Lights passing by
Lights passing by
lights passing by
Tall lights lower their head
Tall lights passing by
Tall lights passing by
Tall lights passing by
Many lights shine like the stars
Shine like the stars
Shine like the stars
Shine like the stars
One of the stare lights stares me
Shine like a star
Shine like a star
Shine like a star
When you find a shooting star in the sky
You better make a wish upon a star
Wish upon a star
When you find something like a star
You better make a wish upon the star
Wish upon the star
You better make a wish upon a star
Wish upon a star
When you find something like a star
You better make a wish upon the star
Wish upon the star
Wish upon the
Upon a star
Upon a star
Upon a star
Upon a star
Upon a star
Upon a star
Upon a star
Upon a star
Upon a star
Upon a star
One small footballfish lights up the floor
You dance on the floor
You dance on the floor
You dance on the floor
You can handle the weight of water
You can handle that
You can handle that
You can handle that
Footballfish lights up the floor
You dance on the floor
You dance on the floor
You dance on the floor
You can handle the weight of water
You can handle that
You can handle that
You can handle that
We lost light of footballfish
Light of footballfish
Light of footballfish
Light of footballfish
Stop dancing and let's get ashore
And let's get ashore
And let's get ashore
Let's get in my car, baby
You drive my car
You drive my car
You drive my car
You drive my car
You drive my car
You drive my car
You drive my car
You drive my car
You drive my car
You drive my car
You hop on the highway
Many lights of the highway passing by
Lights passing by
Lights passing by
lights passing by
Tall lights lower their head
Tall lights passing by
Tall lights passing by
Tall lights passing by
Many lights shine like the stars
Shine like the stars
Shine like the stars
Shine like the stars
One of the stare lights stares me
Shine like a star
Shine like a star
Shine like a star
When you find a shooting star in the sky
You better make a wish upon a star
Wish upon a star
When you find something like a star
You better make a wish upon the star
Wish upon the star
- Memory 青春の光 / つんく♂
- DAYs OF THE FIGHT / 世良公則
- 江差追分−前唄− / 杜このみ
- Knight's Soul / マツリ(下田麻美)、クリスティーナ(たかはし智秋)
- 黄昏のSolitude / やしきたかじん
- NEVER / 世良公則
- 夜空 / 角川博
- ミクロック / しまじろうのわお!(チャラン・ポ・ランタン)
- Lost my pieces(Melancholic guitar version) / Tommy heavenly6
- いつもの風景 / 斉藤和義
- 卒アル / ズカイ
- 樹形図 / 小比類巻かほる
- Girls Shopping / 藤田麻衣子
- Eel / BAUKHA
- 幸せは罪の匂い / 高橋洋子
- グッド・バイ・マイ・ラブ / 麻丘めぐみ
- 恋がうまくいかない私 / CHIHIRO
- グッド・ゴーリー・ミス・モーリー / 安西マリア
- 月の雫 / 神山みさ
- New bright stars (M@STER VERSION) / 小日向美穂(津田美波)、浅利七海(井上ほの花)、桐生つかさ(河瀬茉希)、城ヶ崎美嘉(佳村はるか)、向井拓海(原優子)
- Your Song(“D”Mix) / TM NETWORK
- リル・リル・トリップ / わーすた
- 赤い糸 / CHIHIRO
- べちょべちょパンケーキ? feat. そこの君。a.k.a. ヲタ / わーすた
- あの日に帰ろう / 小比類巻かほる
- 君に恋したあの日から / 藤田麻衣子
- Couple goals / CHIHIRO
- 暁の星 / 今剣(山下大輝)、岩融(宮下栄治)
- 流れ星が好き / 松本伊代
- 春恋 / 加藤和樹