You're Not Special
Mori Calliope
作詞:Mori Calliope
In this wicked world
There's a million others just like you.
You talk too much
You're all out of touch
You talk too much
You're all out of touch
It's anything goes
When you're forced to create while advancing on tip-toes
Actually worthless
Got no purpose
They'll replace you, deface all your work
It's the point of “you'll never return from this”
Learn from us
No rebuilding the bridges that burned for us
Getting superfluous, smiles and waves
The praise in abundance to make sure you stay
The story goes “you're the one”
They'll remember
Lie, call it “labors of love…”
Why put in the effort?
Cuz you're not special
None of us are
Even those plagued by stardom
Fade into dust
Nothing matters
Who the hell else should I be?
A puppet, a pawn, if I fail I'm gone
So everyone else can be happy
With no question, I fall in line
Believing promises every time
Soldier onward, spare me your honesty
Cuz I know my place now
A washed out prophecy
Out of sight
Out of mind
We'll never see the same view
Got so lost,
So exhausted, but you can't give in
Catch on fire
You're admired
Forget the ones who saved you
There's no bias, the noblest never win
We close our eyes and pretend
That this might mend
Right, just a means to an end
Why put up a fight, then?
Cuz you're not special
None of us are
Even those plagued by stardom
Fade into dust
Nothing matters
How much more love can I spend?
A puppet, a pawn, if I fail I'm gone
So everyone fallen can ascend?
With no question, I fall in line
And play my part so the chosen shine
Persona non grata, better left out of the sun
Cuz I know my place now
Those watching raise a glass
To the bad news come to pass
A million eyes demand an encore 'till the very last
Reach out to find my whereabouts, my own way
Each moment passing is a debt I gotta pay
Just look me in the eyes
It's time they realize
The mountaintop means nothing 'f you don't gotta climb
Want me on your front lines
So you can have what's mine
So you can take and when it's over, leave nothing behind
The story goes “you're the one”
They'll remember
Lie, call it “labor of love…”
Why put in the effort?
Cuz you're not special
None of us are
Even those plagued by stardom
Fade into dust
Nothing matters
Who the hell else should I be?
A puppet, a pawn, if I fail I'm gone
So everyone else can be happy
With no question, I fall in line
Believing promises every time
Soldier onward, spare me your honesty
Cuz I know my place now
A washed out prophecy
Mori Calliopeの人気歌詞ランキング
Mori Calliopeの新着歌詞
- フライデー ナイト レビュー / 原田真二
- 昭和・平成・令和を生きる / 森進一
- すばらしいおじいちゃんまる子心のうた / まる子(TARAKO)
- 片想い / 伊藤かな恵
- 碧落に月 / Maki
- 君は何かができる / 99Harmony
- あまりりす / 和楽器バンド
- 肩越しの風景に / DRM
- ノニサクウタ / Mrs. GREEN APPLE
- WANTED / 超ときめき宣伝部
- トパーズの丘 / 河村隆一
- ダ・カーポ ~第2ボタンの誓い~ / yozuca*
- ウッホウッホホ / AKB48
- あなた / 山根万理奈
- エンドロールロール / ツチヤカレン
- 小さな勇気 / 中西圭三
- Aoi / サカナクション
- Just Be Friends / ROOT FIVE
- Yours / 鈴木康博
- June Bride / RCサクセション
- サーカスの唄 / 細川たかし
- 寄り道 / The Floor
- アカシアの雨がやむとき / 坂本冬美
- 美女と野獣 / 藤田麻衣子
- サムライブルース / SUPER EIGHT
- キューティ・ブレイキン / すず(徳井青空)
- THe WeekeND / 鈴木亜美 joins CAPTAIN FUNK
- あなた雨 / 大木あつし
- 三丁目の路地を抜けて / 三田明