When did the fucking world
come in to being.
Man is by nature a fucking social animal.
No one is free from faults.
What matters is whether you do your best
or so I do my best at any rate.
Never put off till tomorrow what you can
do today.
Lonely world.
I just keeping go my way.
Keep your hope alive.
All I want is love and peace.
For our life.
come in to being.
Man is by nature a fucking social animal.
No one is free from faults.
What matters is whether you do your best
or so I do my best at any rate.
Never put off till tomorrow what you can
do today.
Lonely world.
I just keeping go my way.
Keep your hope alive.
All I want is love and peace.
For our life.
- FRENZY / ゴスペラーズ
- 永遠 / 木山裕策
- 菜の花情歌 / 永井裕子
- Close to you / 浜崎あゆみ
- 世捨人唄 / 吉田拓郎
- おでこにキッス / 福山雅治
- You Can Dance / 福山雅治
- 天国の扉を開けて欲しい夜 / 福山雅治
- ただいま! / 野川さくら
- For Life / MONGOL800
- 雪國 / 永井裕子
- 哀 戦士 / JAM Project
- 君と私と想いの先へ / 野川さくら
- 飢餓海峡 / 石川さゆり
- 風紋 / 八代亜紀
- 月のしずく / 松田聖子
- Deep Blue / Def Tech
- TABOO / 平井堅
- 終着駅 / 五木ひろし
- 虹色の心 / 山川豊
- 揚子江 / 山本譲二
- Walking Like A Man / the HIATUS
- 祈り / 柴咲コウ
- THE VENUS / Original Love
- とまり木舟 / 香田晋
- すっかりマシュマロ / 甲斐智枝美
- お料理行進曲 / YUKA
- Namidairo / YUI
- How crazy / YUI