Are you ready? From coast to coast all around the world
From the north from the south from the east west around the world
So ready or not ready or not here we come now
So ready or not ready or not here we come now
So why? Why don't you come along with me?
Let us go starting from America
We'll climb to the top of the mountain to see morning rise and
We'll ride through the desert under the moon and the stars
So I'll take you away all round the world round the world round the world
Are you ready? From coast to coast all around the world
From the north from the south from the east west around the world
So ready or not ready or not here we come now
So ready or not ready or not here we come now
So why? Why don't you come along with me?
Let us go starting from America
From the north from the south from the east west around the world
So ready or not ready or not here we come now
So ready or not ready or not here we come now
So why? Why don't you come along with me?
Let us go starting from America
We'll climb to the top of the mountain to see morning rise and
We'll ride through the desert under the moon and the stars
So I'll take you away all round the world round the world round the world
Are you ready? From coast to coast all around the world
From the north from the south from the east west around the world
So ready or not ready or not here we come now
So ready or not ready or not here we come now
So why? Why don't you come along with me?
Let us go starting from America
- 二三子の鉄砲節 / 歌川二三子
- candy gram / SHAKALABBITS
- Mosaic / 伴都美子
- マリーゴールド / SHAKALABBITS
- シャアが来る / 堀光一路
- Sunrise / 清木場俊介
- 素敵な空気 / モダンチョキチョキズ
- 伝説の草原 / CHEMISTRY
- 扉の向こう / PENICILLIN
- 春 / さだまさし
- 蚊取線香 / 大塚愛
- 明日の旅人 / 馬場俊英
- and i / MONKEY MAJIK
- Glory Glory / Folder
- journey(english version) / 阿部芙蓉美
- 虹を見たかい? / 馬場俊英
- Sunny Morning / フジファブリック
- 雨の日暮れ / 赤い鳥
- Brand new birthday / 多田葵
- Fly High / 月島唯(後藤沙緒里)
- ダンシング / 倉木麻衣
- Sincerely Yours / PENICILLIN
- ファミリー・改 ~vs ミルフィオーレ~ / 沢田綱吉 with ボンゴレファミリー
- BOY / 宮脇詩音
- ジュークボックス / かりゆし58
- OH OH OSAKA / doa
- GOOD! / ホフディラン