I feel unhappy
I feel so sad
I've lost the best friend
that I ever had
she was my woman
I loved her so
but it's too late now
I've let her go
I'm going through changes
we shared the years
we shared each day
in love together
we found a way
but soon the world
had it's evil way
my heart was blinded
love went astray
I'm going through changes
it took so long
to realize
and I can still hear
her last good byes
now all my days
are filled with tears
wish I could go back
and change these years
I'm going through changes
I feel so sad
I've lost the best friend
that I ever had
she was my woman
I loved her so
but it's too late now
I've let her go
I'm going through changes
we shared the years
we shared each day
in love together
we found a way
but soon the world
had it's evil way
my heart was blinded
love went astray
I'm going through changes
it took so long
to realize
and I can still hear
her last good byes
now all my days
are filled with tears
wish I could go back
and change these years
I'm going through changes
- 河内遊侠伝 / 津田耕治
- ふれられない場所 / 森大輔
- Run Di Place (Another Wicked Mix) with KEN‐U & GIFTED CHILDS / MOOMIN
- Strawberry Pie / AZU
- Milky Way / w-inds.
- You Gotta Love / セカイイチ
- 太陽に手をのばせ / 橋本みゆき
- 4 Seasons / BENNIE K
- ひまわり / 水樹奈々
- Believe in Love / SS501
- happy'A' / ステレオポニー
- 眩しすぎる微笑みに / 佐藤学
- Fabulous Time 2010 / RYO the SKYWALKER
- BURN -フメツノフェイス- / B'z
- ひだまり / 山下真司
- シリウスの涙 / ザ・ランチャーズ
- RAINBOW~六月生まれ / 松田聖子
- NICE GUY / 鈴木聖美
- 肉をくれ / speena
- 愛の旅人 / 瀬口侑希
- シングルベッド / リュ・シウォン
- infinity / LOGiC
- バラード禅問答 / 筋肉少女帯
- ふたりのGraduation / THE ALFEE
- 東京ポラリス / LONG SHOT PARTY
- Forest / カコイミク
- コズミックピンク(THE LOWBROWS Remix) / immi
- オーバーラップワルツ / HUSKING BEE