Come pick me up right at quarter past four
For an afternoon adventure right to the core
I got you covered from ear to ear
Making your worries just disappear now
Don't let it slip from the tip of your lip
Hold on to that next thought don't let it disappear
Concentrate on what you gotta do
But feel free to float right on through
To the next minute, we in it feeling real good,
We winning, we spinning, just because we could
And now you know how I wanna be
Laying on a cloud won't you come and see
Oh, I can take you anywhere that I wanna go
Take a second think now here we role
Over the falls down into the light of what's real
Sitting in front of a stereo with a great light headed feel
Come pick me up right at quarter past four
For an afternoon adventure right to the core
I got you covered from ear to ear
Making your worries just disappear now
It's no matter if you've never adventured before
The corners of your minds will be made round for sure
So put the words right on your lip
And breath in and then out and don't a let it slip now
Slipping past are the seconds no return
Flowing with the music, the music and words
Disappearing to be never seen again
Pretend it doesn't matter cuz it only matters when
You think too much doing such and such
Turn your hearing with that flipside touch
And then you just come back on in
Relax and let it, let it begin
To the biginning of our adventure here
Floating right through with the right feel right on your ear
So now you now, you now know
How to relax and take it slow
Take it slow, take it slow
Feel it floating slow
Don't you know how to go
You can feel the falling snow
You can come to the, to the other side
Mind open right wide
Come and fly to HI, yeah
Cuz I'll be waiting for you to
Come pick me up right at quarter past four
For an afternoon adventure right to the core
I got you covered from ear to ear
Making your worries just disappear now
It's no matter if you've never adventured before
The corners of your minds will be made round for sure
So put the words right on your lip
And breath in and then out and don't a let it slip now
For an afternoon adventure right to the core
I got you covered from ear to ear
Making your worries just disappear now
Don't let it slip from the tip of your lip
Hold on to that next thought don't let it disappear
Concentrate on what you gotta do
But feel free to float right on through
To the next minute, we in it feeling real good,
We winning, we spinning, just because we could
And now you know how I wanna be
Laying on a cloud won't you come and see
Oh, I can take you anywhere that I wanna go
Take a second think now here we role
Over the falls down into the light of what's real
Sitting in front of a stereo with a great light headed feel
Come pick me up right at quarter past four
For an afternoon adventure right to the core
I got you covered from ear to ear
Making your worries just disappear now
It's no matter if you've never adventured before
The corners of your minds will be made round for sure
So put the words right on your lip
And breath in and then out and don't a let it slip now
Slipping past are the seconds no return
Flowing with the music, the music and words
Disappearing to be never seen again
Pretend it doesn't matter cuz it only matters when
You think too much doing such and such
Turn your hearing with that flipside touch
And then you just come back on in
Relax and let it, let it begin
To the biginning of our adventure here
Floating right through with the right feel right on your ear
So now you now, you now know
How to relax and take it slow
Take it slow, take it slow
Feel it floating slow
Don't you know how to go
You can feel the falling snow
You can come to the, to the other side
Mind open right wide
Come and fly to HI, yeah
Cuz I'll be waiting for you to
Come pick me up right at quarter past four
For an afternoon adventure right to the core
I got you covered from ear to ear
Making your worries just disappear now
It's no matter if you've never adventured before
The corners of your minds will be made round for sure
So put the words right on your lip
And breath in and then out and don't a let it slip now
- Something Blue ~きっといいこと / 馬場俊英
- 雨あがり / 大石まどか
- わたしの彼は左きき / 麻丘めぐみ
- 勝利の風 / 馬場俊英
- 六本木あたり / あい&優
- ロンドン急行 / 井上陽水
- アン・ドゥ・トロワ / キャンディーズ
- ラブミーギミー / Tia
- ねんねこねんね / ももすももす
- いびつなワルツ / KONTA
- 帰りたくなったよ / 鈴木雅之
- hetapi / The Wisely Brothers
- らびゅ~ / おかべしょう
- SAKURAドロップス / かの香織
- It's a beautiful day / 米倉千尋
- 人生が二度あれば / 井上陽水
- 幸せの探し方 / 竹内まりや
- 水の星座 / 辛島美登里
- あれから一年たちました / 小林幸子
- 愛があれば大丈夫 / 広瀬香美
- 夜明けのタンゴ / 松坂慶子
- 男は浪漫 / 鳥羽一郎
- 花すみれ / 森進一
- サウンド・オブ・サイレンス / クミコ
- 未来系ストライカーズ / 菜森まな(小倉唯)
- 月待ちの恋 / 伊東みゆき
- シロ / 佐竹惇
- Flash / the MARCY BAND
- 聖なる泉~モスラの旅立ち / 井上誠
- 心のキャッチボール / VOI SQUARE CAT