曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
REALITY SAYS TO MELINKLINK柳井良太柳井良太LINK・猪股洋輔Ooohhhh I wanna do many things also today But I can make only pocket money  Ooohhhh f××kin' commercialists are laughing loudly They live quite well But I'm not lured by them  But the reality is standing in front of me all the time The reality says to me, “You must change something”  I've fallen into heavy gravity again I wanna see nothing now I can't get out of my bed I wanna see nothing now  Ooohhhh nobody can stop now I trust only my own mind To boys keep their heats shut  But the reality is standing in front of me all the time The reality says to me, “You must change something”
HONEYLINKLINKヤナイリョウタヤナイリョウタLINK・猪股洋輔If your lover is feeling sad, go near your lover and comfort her If your lover is crying, go near your lover and wipe her tears  All the encounter and all the parting is necessary Don't worry You will be somewhere, my dear honey Time will solve it You have a person waiting for you You will be somewhere, my dear honey  Do you go for walk with me, because it is lovely day today? Or laugh as watching the TV in the house with me Or give a party with many friends It will surely different from getting away, I think so  If your lover is feeling sad, go near your lover and comfort her If your lover is crying, go near your lover and wipe her tears  There are many bright things Please teach me your hope You will be somewhere, my dear honey What do you need? It's not necessary you have a problem alone You will be somewhere, my dear honey
月面砂漠ローリングロックLINKLINK柳井良太柳井良太LINK・猪股洋輔歪んだ視線で示された 狭い時代かと知らされた 太陽の風は窓辺に 囁いてるはずなのに  ベランダから歴史覗けば 愛や夢はいつも遠くさ 世界と君は今何処に 僕はまだここにいるよ  間に合うか 間に合うか 間に合うか 間に合うか 間に合うのか とりあえず迎えに行くよ 間に合うか 間に合うか 間に合うのか 手遅れか とりあえず迎えに行くよ  月面の砂漠独り出歩く 君の涙でできたオアシス 愛に溢れた道標 点々とつながってる  最高速ブレーキは捨てて 辿るぜこの世の果てまで ローリングロック回り続け 千年先の夜まで  間に合うか 間に合うか 間に合うか 間に合うか 間に合うのか とりあえず迎えに行くよ 間に合うか 間に合うか 間に合うのか 手遅れか とりあえず迎えに行くよ  思い出したような時間 立ち止まりはしない時間 冷たい雨 涙雨 全部無駄にならない軌跡  幻さ よう、トワイライト 聞こえるか なあ、トワイライト 叫ぶのさ 境界線も踏み越えて 彼方まで飛んでいくぜ
PUNK ROCKLINKLINK柳井良太柳井良太LINK・猪股洋輔We would rather not catch a cold in our life So put on a quilt before we sleep We would rather not have a cavity of tooth So brush your teeth before we sleep  We have solution steps We have solution steps  We would rather not get bald in our life So take a bath before we sleep We would rather not cut a wrist in our life So listen to the punk rock before we sleep  We have solution steps We have solution steps  If your everyday is uninteresting, listen to the punk rock If you want a beating heart, listen to the punk rock  Listen to the punk rock before you kill people Listen to the punk rock before you kill yourself
20th CENTURYLINKLINK柳井良太柳井良太LINK・猪股洋輔A big mass fell down from the sky Stitched wound opened again Time does not heal my pain I know it's easy to put the blame on something else  I can't move my arm, it's gone to sleep And nuclear arms were found I have not energy to cry But its not gonna rain today in the desert  I have a bad hangover and I'm gonna puke New germs are spreading around World war has begun And I'm having a heart attack  It's the 20th century He got hooked on booze and cigarettes When he's drunk he looses the time His brain cells are dull and gone It's the 20th century He knows both sweet and bitter It's Saturday night, time to party Time for rebellion He won't hear your calls The earth is 20 years old  His appendix is about to explode If you don't need it, rip it out Unknown powers are held in an appendix It's like dinosaur extinction all over again  The river is full of factory waste I'm a druggy and feeling dizzy Deforestation My skins all f××ked up A murder case The scab has peeled off Ozone is getting thinner I'm losing my will to live The discrimination Such a shame
SENSE OF JUSTICELINKLINKLINKLINKLINK・猪股洋輔Time was pressing little by little We were on the verge of bankruptcy Danger threatened him This is the last chance for me to help you  So take my word for it So trust my word So take my word for it There is no time to lose So take my word for it You have nothing to fear This is the only way left open to us  Time was pressing little by little We were on the verge of bankruptcy Danger threatened him Death started him in the face You can not start your life over again  So take my word for it You have nothing to fear This is the only way left open to us  Hang in there. Resignation. Frustration. A show of courage. Sense of justice.
EARTHSICKLINKLINK柳井良太柳井良太LINK・猪股洋輔They take a pessimistic view this times They are getting earthsick because it turns too much They say, “There is no place to work” But they don't only want to work What do they want do  Where are they going Where are they going Where are their impressions throwing away  They are imitative artists this times They have no will and it goes on increasing They say, “I want to enjoy now” But they don't enjoy it with all their might What do they want to do?  Where are they going Where are they going Where are their impressions throwing away  I can see only misunderstanding people around me I can see only people not having self confidence Their faces seem to know everything This world is polluted and sad But there are not only hard things  Where are they going Where are they going Where are their impressions throwing away
LAVENDER GIRLLINKLINK小森誠小森誠LINK・猪股洋輔I want to hear your voice, So I can't sleep I want embrace you, So I can't sleep I want touch your hair, So I can't sleep I want embrace you, So I can't sleep I wish I could go into your heart, I telephone her My call don't go though again Who is talking with you  Lavender girl, You are flawless Lavender girl, You are always tight Lavender girl, Please be crazy about me Lavender girl, I'll soon go mad  I want you to ride on my car I'll keep the next open for you While driving the sea-shore line, We listen to the favorite tape Needless to say, it includes “Surrender” I want make you boring I'll keep your smile all the time  Lavender girl, You are strange Lavender girl, You enslave me Lavender girl, Never think anything but you Lavender girl, I'll soon go mad  I'll take you my best place There is the precious place for me nobody knows We'll talk until morning there I wish tonight would last eternity There are no obstacle and traitor All the things exist for us You know I don't want you to leave Lavender girl
DESTROY ROBOTS!!LINKLINK柳井良太柳井良太LINK・猪股洋輔The man hid himself behind a building goes nowhere The man holds his breath and he is waiting for me to go into action again The man will turn his gaze away from me if I turn around, because I'm seeing all the things  Destroy robots!! Destroy robots!! They aren't feeling ache Throw away the robots!! Throw away the robots!! They're no need to me  A psychiatrist tells me the world has a population 6 thousand million But you have only two eyes, only one brain, and only one heart You are merely afraid I know thoughts of the sky after all, because all the things are seeing me  Destroy robots!! Destroy robots!! They aren't feeling ache Throw away the robots!! Throw away the robots!! They're no need to me  I wanted to come back to my home
怠惰な日々LINKLINK柳井良太柳井良太LINK・猪股洋輔怠惰な日々を壊してくれた あなたの笑い言葉に 涙を拭いて心開いたのは 輝く世界見えたから  愛のスタート愛のゴールは何処 同じだけのファンタジー 生まれた日からあなたのことを 探して生きてきました  高い山でも登れば綺麗な景色見えるだろう あなたに会えるなら恐くはないよ  手を振ってるあなたは 本当の僕の心を知らない だけど愛してる それだけだよ 笑ってくれよ  臆病になれば何処にも行けず ただ黙っているだけ 子供のままでいられなかったのは 嘘の世界のせいでした  怠惰な日々を壊してくれた あなたの笑い言葉と 温もりの愛の思い出が 溢れる自信になりました  手を振ってるあなたは 本当の僕の心を知らない だけど愛してる それだけだよ 笑ってくれよ  怠惰な日々を壊してくれた あなたの笑い言葉に 終わりのベルが鳴り響いたのは 朝がやって来たから  さよなら君よ さよなら夢よ さよなら思い出の日々よ 二人の1つのシャボン玉は もう割れて消えた  手を振ってるあなたは 本当の僕の心を知らない だけど愛してる それだけだよ 笑ってくれよ
I FOUGHT THE LAW (covered the CLASH)LINKLINKSONNY CURTISSONNY CURTISLINK・猪股洋輔Breaking rocks in the hot sun I fought the law an the law won I needed money 'cos I had none I fought the law an the law won  I left my baby an it feels so bad I guess my race is run She was the best girl that I ever had I fought the law an the law won  Robbing people with a six gun I fought the law an the law won  I lost my girl and all of her fun I fought the law an the law won  I left my baby an it feels so bad I guess my race is run She was the best girl that I ever had I fought the law an the law won  I fought the law an the law won


  1. 点描の唄(feat.井上苑子)
  2. 元彼女のみなさまへ
  3. Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
  4. Blissful
  5. がらくた



  2. 結言
  3. Lonely cocoa
  4. Just The Way We Are
  5. ラズリ

