Magic, Drums & Loveの歌詞一覧リスト  8曲中 1-8曲を表示

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8曲中 1-8曲を表示
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Kiss Kiss「ねぇ、待ち合わせしようよ東京タワーで、雪が降ったらさ」 留守電のはずかしそうなキミの声が耳元refrain 早朝すでにromanticもぅ止らないDoki Doki 深呼吸せいいっぱいのボクの恋は走り出したLove Train!  地下鉄のダイヤ指でなぞったら高鳴りだす鼓動に Illuminationが弾けて混ざれば2人だけのstage 明かりが灯れば今すぐに会いに行くよ  今世紀最大のLove story!2人の幸せの未来に 気づいたら何十回もSkip Skipしてんだ 神様ずっとこのままで...  鳴り響けFanfare!素晴らしい世界の真ん中で! そのあとに何十回もKiss kissしたいんだ 降り積もる雪も溶けちゃうようなKiss kiss...  なれそうにないな冷静に、もぅ隠せないよ気持ち このままじゃ爆発しそうだ!ボクの恋は説明できない 夕暮れはやっぱfantastic街も華やぐその頃に ベランダに飛び出したんだ雨が雪に変わったような気がして  駅までの道 独りきりじゃlonelyけど今宵はHoly 脇目もふれずに駆け出したボクにささやく声はdreaming 見上げた空には舞い踊る天使が、ほら!  今世紀最大のLove story! 2人の幸せの未来に 気づいたら何百回もSkip Skipしてんだ 神様ずっとこのままで…  鳴り響けFanfare!素晴らしい世界の真ん中で! そのあとに何千回もKiss kissしたいんだ 降り積もる雪も溶けちゃうようなKiss kiss...Magic, Drums & Loveyurina・zon.cothe zombies co「ねぇ、待ち合わせしようよ東京タワーで、雪が降ったらさ」 留守電のはずかしそうなキミの声が耳元refrain 早朝すでにromanticもぅ止らないDoki Doki 深呼吸せいいっぱいのボクの恋は走り出したLove Train!  地下鉄のダイヤ指でなぞったら高鳴りだす鼓動に Illuminationが弾けて混ざれば2人だけのstage 明かりが灯れば今すぐに会いに行くよ  今世紀最大のLove story!2人の幸せの未来に 気づいたら何十回もSkip Skipしてんだ 神様ずっとこのままで...  鳴り響けFanfare!素晴らしい世界の真ん中で! そのあとに何十回もKiss kissしたいんだ 降り積もる雪も溶けちゃうようなKiss kiss...  なれそうにないな冷静に、もぅ隠せないよ気持ち このままじゃ爆発しそうだ!ボクの恋は説明できない 夕暮れはやっぱfantastic街も華やぐその頃に ベランダに飛び出したんだ雨が雪に変わったような気がして  駅までの道 独りきりじゃlonelyけど今宵はHoly 脇目もふれずに駆け出したボクにささやく声はdreaming 見上げた空には舞い踊る天使が、ほら!  今世紀最大のLove story! 2人の幸せの未来に 気づいたら何百回もSkip Skipしてんだ 神様ずっとこのままで…  鳴り響けFanfare!素晴らしい世界の真ん中で! そのあとに何千回もKiss kissしたいんだ 降り積もる雪も溶けちゃうようなKiss kiss...
“Fushigi” TonightStand! all you need is ”Fushigi ” Tonight 罠にハマる様な Dancing all night long and you make it 気まぐれなfall in love When you feeling 不確かなlight 明かり照らすくらい Carry on...  I just wanna beat it so high Shout! 誕生 standard who shake it tonight 何故に惑う your love 写真の dance sceneも単純 make it 気がつけば melt in love what you thinkにフタしたらbright 手当たりし dance to die Carry on! I just wanna beat it so high 星のかけらあつめ billion dollar I can't explain な夜 don't think feel so high Sometimes I sing sweet sweet song 不思議に近づきたいね 愛ゆえにlove ただそこにある add sugar and make me feel so free There is no other way without clapping and move your feet!Magic, Drums & LoveM,D&LFasta Money talkStand! all you need is ”Fushigi ” Tonight 罠にハマる様な Dancing all night long and you make it 気まぐれなfall in love When you feeling 不確かなlight 明かり照らすくらい Carry on...  I just wanna beat it so high Shout! 誕生 standard who shake it tonight 何故に惑う your love 写真の dance sceneも単純 make it 気がつけば melt in love what you thinkにフタしたらbright 手当たりし dance to die Carry on! I just wanna beat it so high 星のかけらあつめ billion dollar I can't explain な夜 don't think feel so high Sometimes I sing sweet sweet song 不思議に近づきたいね 愛ゆえにlove ただそこにある add sugar and make me feel so free There is no other way without clapping and move your feet!
Fly me to da moon,You make me tender, you know, I'm crazy about you September 月が満ちれば clap and do the stomp. Everything gonna be alright な言葉口にしてみたいだけ なのに play back 出来ない can't stop the moving 見つけた You can see むかしばなしの中 do the stop Do you feel your music? なんて言葉空に描きたい Friday We see sunrise 月明かり fade away Waiting highlight 逆光に dreaming (give me) 注意 Odyssey, make it last forever 降り注ぐ romance I want you back and need you baby,you'd better stay up, super lady 急に揺らぐ story にボクら金縛り Take me higher You've got your ticket to ride 今夜星が降るような予感の flight You've got your ticket to ride エメラルド散りばめて明けるよ sky You've got your ticket to ride 連れて行って どこまで?まだまだ続いてくよdream You've got your ticket to ride このまま光る方へ you saw light  Why don't you step out 光る Empire State で let's throw down ダイアモンド跳ね返り to the top Loving' you is easy なんて台詞で恋に落ちる夢 come true Take me higher You've got your ticket to ride 時計の針を止めて駆けるよ twice You've got your ticket to ride サファイアの銀河から落ちるよ try You've got your ticket to ride 連れて行ってどこまで?まだまだ続いてくよdream You've got your ticket to ride このまま光る方へ you saw light  I can feel You're my dear I can't sleep Shiny forever...Magic, Drums & LoveM,D&LFasta Money talkYou make me tender, you know, I'm crazy about you September 月が満ちれば clap and do the stomp. Everything gonna be alright な言葉口にしてみたいだけ なのに play back 出来ない can't stop the moving 見つけた You can see むかしばなしの中 do the stop Do you feel your music? なんて言葉空に描きたい Friday We see sunrise 月明かり fade away Waiting highlight 逆光に dreaming (give me) 注意 Odyssey, make it last forever 降り注ぐ romance I want you back and need you baby,you'd better stay up, super lady 急に揺らぐ story にボクら金縛り Take me higher You've got your ticket to ride 今夜星が降るような予感の flight You've got your ticket to ride エメラルド散りばめて明けるよ sky You've got your ticket to ride 連れて行って どこまで?まだまだ続いてくよdream You've got your ticket to ride このまま光る方へ you saw light  Why don't you step out 光る Empire State で let's throw down ダイアモンド跳ね返り to the top Loving' you is easy なんて台詞で恋に落ちる夢 come true Take me higher You've got your ticket to ride 時計の針を止めて駆けるよ twice You've got your ticket to ride サファイアの銀河から落ちるよ try You've got your ticket to ride 連れて行ってどこまで?まだまだ続いてくよdream You've got your ticket to ride このまま光る方へ you saw light  I can feel You're my dear I can't sleep Shiny forever...
Miami触れない 例のブルーのまま今夜どうなんの? 国際線の夜 搭乗ゲート 飛び込むのまだ 我慢してるよ  Breaking away Juxtaposed with breeze Breaking away Juxtaposed with me  はしゃぐ風に手を 電話はしないから Oh Baby!  戻らない例のスプートニク 滑走路 予定通りの favorite song Miamiはまだ 12時間前  Breaking away Juxtaposed with breeze Breaking away Juxtaposed with me  躍る胸と羽 行かなきゃI will be there for you  I'm at the airport. because I listen to this song. LETTERS, LIGHTS, TRAVELS ON THE STREETS So sweet so lonly heart  止まらない例のブルーと傘 羽田から 時計通りの 搭乗ゲート 旅に出るのさ キミは手を振り  Breaking away Juxtaposed with breeze Breaking away Juxtaposed with me  ルージュで窓にキスマーク 描いて So sweet so lonly traveler  Over the ocean 雲を突き抜けて So sweet so happy heart...Magic, Drums & LoveFasta Money talkFasta Money talk触れない 例のブルーのまま今夜どうなんの? 国際線の夜 搭乗ゲート 飛び込むのまだ 我慢してるよ  Breaking away Juxtaposed with breeze Breaking away Juxtaposed with me  はしゃぐ風に手を 電話はしないから Oh Baby!  戻らない例のスプートニク 滑走路 予定通りの favorite song Miamiはまだ 12時間前  Breaking away Juxtaposed with breeze Breaking away Juxtaposed with me  躍る胸と羽 行かなきゃI will be there for you  I'm at the airport. because I listen to this song. LETTERS, LIGHTS, TRAVELS ON THE STREETS So sweet so lonly heart  止まらない例のブルーと傘 羽田から 時計通りの 搭乗ゲート 旅に出るのさ キミは手を振り  Breaking away Juxtaposed with breeze Breaking away Juxtaposed with me  ルージュで窓にキスマーク 描いて So sweet so lonly traveler  Over the ocean 雲を突き抜けて So sweet so happy heart...
MagicMagic,magic,magic,it's so magic…  Let's click your heels in the shadow Snap fingers under the moonlight I know you gotta magic to fly You know there's gonna party tonight Don't have to talk to the mirror You're so in'fuckin'credible I know you gotta magic to fly You know there's gonna party tonight  Now is the time when you change on the floor Counting down slowly from ten to da dawn Spelling and putting your wish in the air Then you have only to cast with a tongue If you're free let's get together The moon is rising  I want you to say Just one single word can change the world And your troubles then turn to sugar  Magic! Magic! Whatever you feel like, make it with the magic! Oh! It's so magic! Magic! Magic! Wherever you feel like, make it with the magic! Oh! It's so magic! I only wanna know... what makes you smile  Let's dare to eat strange apples You can't start your story if you not I know you gotta magic to fly You know there's gonna party tonight Who's falling love with the beast Hey there's no tale from the east I know you gotta magic to fly You know there's gonna party tonight  Now is the time when you change on the floor Counting down slowly from ten to da dawn Spelling and putting your wish in the air Then you have only to cast with a tongue The moon is shining  I want you to stay Let me know what a magic you have And my trouble then goes away with your  Magic! Magic! Whatever you feel like, make it with the magic! Oh! It's so magic! Magic! Magic! Wherever you feel like, make it with the magic! Oh! It's so magic! I only wanna know... what makes you smileMagic, Drums & LoveWhite Fire ShirohiFasta Money talkMagic,magic,magic,it's so magic…  Let's click your heels in the shadow Snap fingers under the moonlight I know you gotta magic to fly You know there's gonna party tonight Don't have to talk to the mirror You're so in'fuckin'credible I know you gotta magic to fly You know there's gonna party tonight  Now is the time when you change on the floor Counting down slowly from ten to da dawn Spelling and putting your wish in the air Then you have only to cast with a tongue If you're free let's get together The moon is rising  I want you to say Just one single word can change the world And your troubles then turn to sugar  Magic! Magic! Whatever you feel like, make it with the magic! Oh! It's so magic! Magic! Magic! Wherever you feel like, make it with the magic! Oh! It's so magic! I only wanna know... what makes you smile  Let's dare to eat strange apples You can't start your story if you not I know you gotta magic to fly You know there's gonna party tonight Who's falling love with the beast Hey there's no tale from the east I know you gotta magic to fly You know there's gonna party tonight  Now is the time when you change on the floor Counting down slowly from ten to da dawn Spelling and putting your wish in the air Then you have only to cast with a tongue The moon is shining  I want you to stay Let me know what a magic you have And my trouble then goes away with your  Magic! Magic! Whatever you feel like, make it with the magic! Oh! It's so magic! Magic! Magic! Wherever you feel like, make it with the magic! Oh! It's so magic! I only wanna know... what makes you smile
Magic of LoveFeeling! nothing but 2人の距離かなり最短な Big coming Just fall in な降臨とめどなくlonely出会えなきゃ素通り…  Sweet な mazeの予感で 戸惑ってたんだ 彷徨ってstand up  遊覧船から上をみて地上へあなたの到来を待ち焦がれているのに はじまりは dance classic から きっとnothing to add じゃ退屈なの 悲しみもきっとさよなら 靴を壊してUP&DOWN もっと遠めに飛ばして...  Put your hands up, dance, to da break of dawn Move your body to da beat, it's alright Baby show me what you got, let's get down you & me keep on turning up  Wow wow wanna DANCE! キミはLOVE MAGIC!  Wanna DANCE! Give me your LOVE MAGIC! wannna DANCE!  幾つもの夜を偶然溶かした…  DANCE! キミのLOVE TRICK! Wanna DANCE! Give me your LOVE TRIP! wanna DANCE! She's gonna make it sweet  Stringはbringな斜面で 絡まっていたんだ 転がってfade out 防波堤からクレーン車で9階へ あなたはしゃがんで 待ち焦がれているフリ  どうしたってスコアレス・ノーゲーム... 迷ってないでDIY  やっぱ運命なんか無いんだって... あきらめたらそこでEND  はにかんでるうちにsay good bye... 見つめ合えればいい... 靴を履き替えUP&DOWN 完全に時を止めて!  Put your hands up, dance, to da break of dawn Move your body to da beat, it's alright Baby show me what you got, let's get down you & me keep on Shining  Wow wow wanna DANCE! キミはLOVE MAGIC!  Wanna DANCE! Give me your LOVE MAGIC! wannna DANCE!  裏腹なkissの偶然に懸けた…  DANCE! キミのLOVE TRICK! Wanna DANCE! Give me your LOVE TRIP! wanna DANCE! She's gonna make it sweet  夕方からは sleazy な街を抜け出した2人 Traping な会話繰り返し跳ねる backsheet 越しのup town bounce Tonight is the night unite and we can't live without your love... 指の先までBEAT来ちゃう様な 2人はDance Dance Dance...Magic, Drums & LoveM,D&LFasta Money talkFeeling! nothing but 2人の距離かなり最短な Big coming Just fall in な降臨とめどなくlonely出会えなきゃ素通り…  Sweet な mazeの予感で 戸惑ってたんだ 彷徨ってstand up  遊覧船から上をみて地上へあなたの到来を待ち焦がれているのに はじまりは dance classic から きっとnothing to add じゃ退屈なの 悲しみもきっとさよなら 靴を壊してUP&DOWN もっと遠めに飛ばして...  Put your hands up, dance, to da break of dawn Move your body to da beat, it's alright Baby show me what you got, let's get down you & me keep on turning up  Wow wow wanna DANCE! キミはLOVE MAGIC!  Wanna DANCE! Give me your LOVE MAGIC! wannna DANCE!  幾つもの夜を偶然溶かした…  DANCE! キミのLOVE TRICK! Wanna DANCE! Give me your LOVE TRIP! wanna DANCE! She's gonna make it sweet  Stringはbringな斜面で 絡まっていたんだ 転がってfade out 防波堤からクレーン車で9階へ あなたはしゃがんで 待ち焦がれているフリ  どうしたってスコアレス・ノーゲーム... 迷ってないでDIY  やっぱ運命なんか無いんだって... あきらめたらそこでEND  はにかんでるうちにsay good bye... 見つめ合えればいい... 靴を履き替えUP&DOWN 完全に時を止めて!  Put your hands up, dance, to da break of dawn Move your body to da beat, it's alright Baby show me what you got, let's get down you & me keep on Shining  Wow wow wanna DANCE! キミはLOVE MAGIC!  Wanna DANCE! Give me your LOVE MAGIC! wannna DANCE!  裏腹なkissの偶然に懸けた…  DANCE! キミのLOVE TRICK! Wanna DANCE! Give me your LOVE TRIP! wanna DANCE! She's gonna make it sweet  夕方からは sleazy な街を抜け出した2人 Traping な会話繰り返し跳ねる backsheet 越しのup town bounce Tonight is the night unite and we can't live without your love... 指の先までBEAT来ちゃう様な 2人はDance Dance Dance...
Moonlight WhispersDance to the music (don't stop music) I wanna hold you lady (don't stop music) I got you baby (don't stop music) Dance to the music (don't stop music) I wanna hold you lady (don't stop music) I got you baby (don't stop music)  Home alone ひとり泣きはらしたstarry tonight Trying to know だけどすれ違いのbreaking my heart Will go on 瞼をギュッと閉じるたびにremember Once more 一度踊りたいの2人unite I'm still in love それでも forget させてあなたの flavor  When the sky ,breaking over You saw light ,moonlight whispers You know that  Dance to the music (don't stop music) I wanna hold you lady (don't stop music) I got you baby (don't stop music) Dance to the music (don't stop music) I wanna hold you lady (don't stop music) I got you baby (don't stop music)  I wanna stay 朝まで (love somebody tonight) When your routine tumbling down (love somebody tonight) 涙降る but miracle (love somebody tonight) 解りはじめた (Don't stop to the dawn Don't stop to the ,music forever…)  I wanna change in summer day (love somebody tonight) When my sadness tumbling down (love somebody tonight) 涙降る it's miracle (love somebody tonight) 手を叩きほら (Don't stop to the dawn Don't stop to the ,music forever…let me go)  とまどう hurry love 待ち合わせは far side of the moon Dress code やけに はりきりすぎてるかな Used to love さよなら 始まりの夜にはnocturne  When the sky ,breaking over You saw light ,moonlight whispers When the night falling over It's the time light my fire  Dance to the music (don't stop music) I wanna hold you lady (don't stop music) I got you baby (don't stop music) Dance to the music (don't stop music) I wanna hold you lady (don't stop music) I got you baby (don't stop music)  I wanna stay 朝まで (love somebody tonight) When your routine tumbling down (love somebody tonight) 涙降る but miracle (love somebody tonight) 解りはじめた (Don't stop to the dawn Don't stop to the ,music forever…)  I wanna change in summer day (love somebody tonight) When my sadness tumbling down (love somebody tonight) 涙降る it's miracle (love somebody tonight) 手を叩きほら (Don't stop to the dawn Don't stop to the ,music forever…let me go)  Dance to the music (don't stop music) I wanna hold you lady (don't stop music) I got you baby (don't stop music) Dance to the music (don't stop music) I wanna hold you lady (don't stop music) I got you baby (don't stop music)Magic, Drums & LoveM,D&LFasta Money talkDance to the music (don't stop music) I wanna hold you lady (don't stop music) I got you baby (don't stop music) Dance to the music (don't stop music) I wanna hold you lady (don't stop music) I got you baby (don't stop music)  Home alone ひとり泣きはらしたstarry tonight Trying to know だけどすれ違いのbreaking my heart Will go on 瞼をギュッと閉じるたびにremember Once more 一度踊りたいの2人unite I'm still in love それでも forget させてあなたの flavor  When the sky ,breaking over You saw light ,moonlight whispers You know that  Dance to the music (don't stop music) I wanna hold you lady (don't stop music) I got you baby (don't stop music) Dance to the music (don't stop music) I wanna hold you lady (don't stop music) I got you baby (don't stop music)  I wanna stay 朝まで (love somebody tonight) When your routine tumbling down (love somebody tonight) 涙降る but miracle (love somebody tonight) 解りはじめた (Don't stop to the dawn Don't stop to the ,music forever…)  I wanna change in summer day (love somebody tonight) When my sadness tumbling down (love somebody tonight) 涙降る it's miracle (love somebody tonight) 手を叩きほら (Don't stop to the dawn Don't stop to the ,music forever…let me go)  とまどう hurry love 待ち合わせは far side of the moon Dress code やけに はりきりすぎてるかな Used to love さよなら 始まりの夜にはnocturne  When the sky ,breaking over You saw light ,moonlight whispers When the night falling over It's the time light my fire  Dance to the music (don't stop music) I wanna hold you lady (don't stop music) I got you baby (don't stop music) Dance to the music (don't stop music) I wanna hold you lady (don't stop music) I got you baby (don't stop music)  I wanna stay 朝まで (love somebody tonight) When your routine tumbling down (love somebody tonight) 涙降る but miracle (love somebody tonight) 解りはじめた (Don't stop to the dawn Don't stop to the ,music forever…)  I wanna change in summer day (love somebody tonight) When my sadness tumbling down (love somebody tonight) 涙降る it's miracle (love somebody tonight) 手を叩きほら (Don't stop to the dawn Don't stop to the ,music forever…let me go)  Dance to the music (don't stop music) I wanna hold you lady (don't stop music) I got you baby (don't stop music) Dance to the music (don't stop music) I wanna hold you lady (don't stop music) I got you baby (don't stop music)
Love(1993 to 1983)All you gotta do is check this show 子供じゃないって言ったでしょう I don't wanna be your destination 親に内緒のconversation Cause I'm ready to go alone for sure 高まりすぎてhighなtension I'm gonna beat your imagination 諦めるの今じゃねぇっしょ  Show me what you got you know it's my way but Kids outside gloomy inside and rock & roll born to love it right It's on, I'm gonna make you cry Say more! (What?) Oh oh from 83 to 93 If you treat me like kid, your ass (off) We gonna tell you how to get down to da dawn  Don't you know? 運命じゃないの When my life is coming back なBLAND NEW DAY Oh! And you know 降り出したmelody めっちゃTwinkly Freaky な2人なら Looking for just one love! (Can I make some clear blue noise?)  音にまかせ rhythm抱きしめたら to die! 新しくなりたい ありきたりな言葉なんかいらないよ Tonight! わたしbeatになりたい beatにRide on time Looking for my love(let's go)  Tonight do the magic…..  What the hell they do is always driving me crazy And I tell you something about her, she's a hell-raiser If you need some hell and you can give me funky mayday Money is the key that opens all doors  All you gotta do is check this show 子供じゃないって言ったでしょう I don't wanna be your destination 親に内緒のconversation Cause I'm ready to go alone for sure 高まりすぎてhighなtension I'm gonna beat your imagination 諦めるの今じゃねぇっしょ  What do you know? 偶然じゃないの? When the night has coming backなlonely days And you know? 回り出したleslie めっちゃbluesy sillyな2人ならLooking for this love  音を鳴らせ 雷を落とせよ to die! こんなんじゃ全然足りない 始まりから 急に泣き出しそうなくらい わたしbeatになりたい beatになりたい Looking for my Love to die!Magic, Drums & LoveM,D&LFasta Money talkAll you gotta do is check this show 子供じゃないって言ったでしょう I don't wanna be your destination 親に内緒のconversation Cause I'm ready to go alone for sure 高まりすぎてhighなtension I'm gonna beat your imagination 諦めるの今じゃねぇっしょ  Show me what you got you know it's my way but Kids outside gloomy inside and rock & roll born to love it right It's on, I'm gonna make you cry Say more! (What?) Oh oh from 83 to 93 If you treat me like kid, your ass (off) We gonna tell you how to get down to da dawn  Don't you know? 運命じゃないの When my life is coming back なBLAND NEW DAY Oh! And you know 降り出したmelody めっちゃTwinkly Freaky な2人なら Looking for just one love! (Can I make some clear blue noise?)  音にまかせ rhythm抱きしめたら to die! 新しくなりたい ありきたりな言葉なんかいらないよ Tonight! わたしbeatになりたい beatにRide on time Looking for my love(let's go)  Tonight do the magic…..  What the hell they do is always driving me crazy And I tell you something about her, she's a hell-raiser If you need some hell and you can give me funky mayday Money is the key that opens all doors  All you gotta do is check this show 子供じゃないって言ったでしょう I don't wanna be your destination 親に内緒のconversation Cause I'm ready to go alone for sure 高まりすぎてhighなtension I'm gonna beat your imagination 諦めるの今じゃねぇっしょ  What do you know? 偶然じゃないの? When the night has coming backなlonely days And you know? 回り出したleslie めっちゃbluesy sillyな2人ならLooking for this love  音を鳴らせ 雷を落とせよ to die! こんなんじゃ全然足りない 始まりから 急に泣き出しそうなくらい わたしbeatになりたい beatになりたい Looking for my Love to die!
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  2. ダーリン
  3. 怪獣
  4. 旅立ちの日に
  5. きょういくばんぐみのテーマ



  1. 無限大(INFINITY) 2025
  2. あたしを選ばなかった君へ
  3. ちゅだい
  4. 琥珀
  5. はらぺこあおむし

