IRySの歌詞一覧リスト  23曲中 1-23曲を表示

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23曲中 1-23曲を表示
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DIAMOND GIRLFRIEND feat.MOTSU 新曲Save me, I think I'm freezing up, so cold inside舞台はQuiet room ふたり Save me, I need a guiding touch in these dark times 恋人たちのシーン  Inside the maze of your heart, I'm the soul that strays That's right But baby look at me, you're not blind, Oh, can't you see that I can be refined Your heart is super hot right now, it's time To be your DIAMOND GIRLFRIEND  Overheating love machine, burning hot! hot! hot! Untouchable Silver flames consuming me, let them light the way So precious girlfriend go go go Overheating love machine, burning hot! hot! hot! On the rock machine Nothing stops this awakened soul, break it all, break it all, break it all  The Diamond Girlfriend しとやかなキャラ豹変 ビートまとい まき散らすのはブリンブリンのSparkleだ Just heat it and wheel it, make the sword バッチリ まぶしさで目が眩むGem  Trust me, your weary eyes betray what you've tried to hide 言葉無しで伝わり Trust me, I'll never shy away from your dark side 空気が変わるフェイズ  Under the pressure and fire, see these ashes reborn Your rebirth Let me show you who I really am, Oh yeah In the name of love, I'll be a gem Ah Your heart is super hot right now, it's time I'll be your DIAMOND GIRLFRIEND  Overheating love machine, burning hot! hot! hot! Untouchable Silver flames consuming me, let them light the way So precious girlfriend go go go Overheating love machine, burning hot! hot! hot! On the rock machine Nothing stops this awakened soul, break it all, break it all, break it all  No one can dull my shine tonight, No one can dull my shine x2  Now “C” is your atomic symbol ぐるぐる回せ真っ赤っ赤になるまでWimble 愛が足りないとか闇が深いほど価値ふえるGemあつかう I'm a jeweler さあ踊リナサイ  Shine on, shine bright, light my flame, until it all melts away… (Are you ready?)  Overheating love machine, burning hot! hot! hot! Untouchable Silver flames consuming me, let them light the way So precious girlfriend go go go Overheating love machine, burning hot! hot! hot! On the rock machine Nothing stops this awakened soul, break it all, break it all, break it all  No one can dull my shine tonight, No one can dull my shine 新曲IRySMOTSUMOTSU賀佐泰洋(SUPA LOVE)Save me, I think I'm freezing up, so cold inside舞台はQuiet room ふたり Save me, I need a guiding touch in these dark times 恋人たちのシーン  Inside the maze of your heart, I'm the soul that strays That's right But baby look at me, you're not blind, Oh, can't you see that I can be refined Your heart is super hot right now, it's time To be your DIAMOND GIRLFRIEND  Overheating love machine, burning hot! hot! hot! Untouchable Silver flames consuming me, let them light the way So precious girlfriend go go go Overheating love machine, burning hot! hot! hot! On the rock machine Nothing stops this awakened soul, break it all, break it all, break it all  The Diamond Girlfriend しとやかなキャラ豹変 ビートまとい まき散らすのはブリンブリンのSparkleだ Just heat it and wheel it, make the sword バッチリ まぶしさで目が眩むGem  Trust me, your weary eyes betray what you've tried to hide 言葉無しで伝わり Trust me, I'll never shy away from your dark side 空気が変わるフェイズ  Under the pressure and fire, see these ashes reborn Your rebirth Let me show you who I really am, Oh yeah In the name of love, I'll be a gem Ah Your heart is super hot right now, it's time I'll be your DIAMOND GIRLFRIEND  Overheating love machine, burning hot! hot! hot! Untouchable Silver flames consuming me, let them light the way So precious girlfriend go go go Overheating love machine, burning hot! hot! hot! On the rock machine Nothing stops this awakened soul, break it all, break it all, break it all  No one can dull my shine tonight, No one can dull my shine x2  Now “C” is your atomic symbol ぐるぐる回せ真っ赤っ赤になるまでWimble 愛が足りないとか闇が深いほど価値ふえるGemあつかう I'm a jeweler さあ踊リナサイ  Shine on, shine bright, light my flame, until it all melts away… (Are you ready?)  Overheating love machine, burning hot! hot! hot! Untouchable Silver flames consuming me, let them light the way So precious girlfriend go go go Overheating love machine, burning hot! hot! hot! On the rock machine Nothing stops this awakened soul, break it all, break it all, break it all  No one can dull my shine tonight, No one can dull my shine
哀の十界塞ぎ込むように眠って 心も躰も屈折して 夜明け前に閉ざす夢想から 飛び出した逃亡者のよう 抗って 踏み合って 空っぽに嘆いた 鬼哭の相  どうか捕まえて お願い マニュアル通りの傷痕さえ 初めから何も無かったと 慣れた口ぶり吐く偽善者 虚空 悲痛 苦痛 何度 繰り返すのか 生み零すなら 掬って 哀しみまで Ah 「ねえ、このまま支配されていくくらいなら ここから出るしかない…でも、どうすれば…」  縦横無尽 名もなき輪廻 せめて 憂いの鎖解いて  無力さを集めて 溢れた涙は 答え探す 抜け出したい 抜け出せない これは神の悪戯? 逆らった心の軌道 どうして どうして 失意消して 泡沫の花束を… 瞳(すべてにオモイを継ぐ) 閉じ(すべてにココロを捧ぐ) 祓う(すべてにネガイを捧ぐ) 砕け散る光 行方は幻と化す  浄化して葬られてく 命の重さ儚さ纏う 洗練されてく始まりも 悲劇の幕開けに堕ちてく 無情 同情 感傷 何度 繰り返したって 生み列べては 辿って 縁を彷徨う  Ah 希望の待つ 世界取り戻そう 許す覚悟 背負う覚悟 きっと ずっと 全部 全部…  鎮静する 物語には きっと 微笑む結末を呼ぶ  リスクを背負う程 抜け出したい 抜け出せない それなら…  無力でも声上げ 溢れた涙が 変えて行ける 抜け出したい 声揃えて 神を味方につけて 逆らった心の軌道 愛して 愛して 失意消して 最愛の花束を… 瞳(すべてにオモイを継ぐ) 閉じ(すべてにココロを捧ぐ) 謳う(すべてにネガイを捧ぐ) 連なった絆-ヒカリ- 未来は闇覆すIRySSpirit Garden藤田淳平(Elements Garden)Seonoo Kim(Elements Garden)塞ぎ込むように眠って 心も躰も屈折して 夜明け前に閉ざす夢想から 飛び出した逃亡者のよう 抗って 踏み合って 空っぽに嘆いた 鬼哭の相  どうか捕まえて お願い マニュアル通りの傷痕さえ 初めから何も無かったと 慣れた口ぶり吐く偽善者 虚空 悲痛 苦痛 何度 繰り返すのか 生み零すなら 掬って 哀しみまで Ah 「ねえ、このまま支配されていくくらいなら ここから出るしかない…でも、どうすれば…」  縦横無尽 名もなき輪廻 せめて 憂いの鎖解いて  無力さを集めて 溢れた涙は 答え探す 抜け出したい 抜け出せない これは神の悪戯? 逆らった心の軌道 どうして どうして 失意消して 泡沫の花束を… 瞳(すべてにオモイを継ぐ) 閉じ(すべてにココロを捧ぐ) 祓う(すべてにネガイを捧ぐ) 砕け散る光 行方は幻と化す  浄化して葬られてく 命の重さ儚さ纏う 洗練されてく始まりも 悲劇の幕開けに堕ちてく 無情 同情 感傷 何度 繰り返したって 生み列べては 辿って 縁を彷徨う  Ah 希望の待つ 世界取り戻そう 許す覚悟 背負う覚悟 きっと ずっと 全部 全部…  鎮静する 物語には きっと 微笑む結末を呼ぶ  リスクを背負う程 抜け出したい 抜け出せない それなら…  無力でも声上げ 溢れた涙が 変えて行ける 抜け出したい 声揃えて 神を味方につけて 逆らった心の軌道 愛して 愛して 失意消して 最愛の花束を… 瞳(すべてにオモイを継ぐ) 閉じ(すべてにココロを捧ぐ) 謳う(すべてにネガイを捧ぐ) 連なった絆-ヒカリ- 未来は闇覆す
あかつきと花咲こう、夢のまにまに  ほら薄明かりが 微睡みから目を覚まして そっと世界中が 光帯びてゆく さあ始まるのは 新しい日 でもそれだけじゃない筈で 不思議と弾む気持ちと ドアを開いた  (ah)いつもよりも ちょいと楽しげに (ha ah)通りを 歩いたなら (ah)小鳥さえもが 囀りながら 晴れ空飛んでゆくの 春は来た  (嗚呼)花ひらく日々は今 きらりきらり ここにある (嗚呼)あこがれも高鳴りも すべてすべて 叶えましょう そう、ひしめく希望 一つずつ 心並べ 手に取るから ただあなたに見てほしい (Flowers are blooming at dawn) 咲こう、夢のまにまに  La 微笑むように風が靡いて 通り抜けてった La 初めまして 誰にともなくそっとつぶやいた  ほら行き交う顔 みんなどこか嬉しそうで きっと名付けるなら 幸せというんでしょう さあ芽吹いたのは どんな未来? まだ分からなくてもいいの もののあはれを感じ 生きてゆきましょう  (The world is full of beautiful things)  (ah)街も人も ちょいとはなやいで (ha ah)なんだか 浮かれている (ah)なんでも出来そう そんなムードに 包まれたら私も 春模様 春は来た  (嗚呼)花ひらく日々は今 きらりきらり ここにある (嗚呼)あこがれも高鳴りも すべてすべて 叶えましょう そう、ひしめく希望 一つずつ 心並べ 手に取るから ただあなたに見てほしい (Flowers are blooming at dawn) 咲こう、夢のまにまに 咲こう、夢のまにまにIRyS真崎エリカ山本恭平(Arte Refact)山本恭平(Arte Refact)咲こう、夢のまにまに  ほら薄明かりが 微睡みから目を覚まして そっと世界中が 光帯びてゆく さあ始まるのは 新しい日 でもそれだけじゃない筈で 不思議と弾む気持ちと ドアを開いた  (ah)いつもよりも ちょいと楽しげに (ha ah)通りを 歩いたなら (ah)小鳥さえもが 囀りながら 晴れ空飛んでゆくの 春は来た  (嗚呼)花ひらく日々は今 きらりきらり ここにある (嗚呼)あこがれも高鳴りも すべてすべて 叶えましょう そう、ひしめく希望 一つずつ 心並べ 手に取るから ただあなたに見てほしい (Flowers are blooming at dawn) 咲こう、夢のまにまに  La 微笑むように風が靡いて 通り抜けてった La 初めまして 誰にともなくそっとつぶやいた  ほら行き交う顔 みんなどこか嬉しそうで きっと名付けるなら 幸せというんでしょう さあ芽吹いたのは どんな未来? まだ分からなくてもいいの もののあはれを感じ 生きてゆきましょう  (The world is full of beautiful things)  (ah)街も人も ちょいとはなやいで (ha ah)なんだか 浮かれている (ah)なんでも出来そう そんなムードに 包まれたら私も 春模様 春は来た  (嗚呼)花ひらく日々は今 きらりきらり ここにある (嗚呼)あこがれも高鳴りも すべてすべて 叶えましょう そう、ひしめく希望 一つずつ 心並べ 手に取るから ただあなたに見てほしい (Flowers are blooming at dawn) 咲こう、夢のまにまに 咲こう、夢のまにまに
ENJOY! JOY!! JOYFUL!!!Open your eyes! 【ta ri ra ta ta ra ta ri ra, ta ri ra ta ta ri ra】 Are you ready? 【ta ri ra ta ta ra ta ri ra, ta ri ra ta ta ri ra】 【1, 2, 3, 4, Let's jump!!】 《1, 2, 3, 4, Let's jump!!》  [Hey, guys! ご機嫌いかが? Welcome to my world! ほらJust the way you are マイペースにShout out now カウチポテトで ダラダラ 好きと好きで ウハウハ セロトニンは ドバドバ 満足するまで] 【Here we go!!】《Here we go!!》  したいこと全部 あれもこれもどれも遠慮なく 【Check it out, check it out】 反射神経で Love, love, love マンガ、ゲームに「推しが尊い」 ハマり、語り、騒いで 【Check it out, check it out】 反射神経で Love, love, love, love 画面の向こう側へ 【ta ra ta ra, ta ri ra ta ta ra】《Oh, yes!》 Ah! パーティーは終わらない! 【ta ra ta ra, ta ri ra ta ta ra】  気の向くままに 自分次第に ガマンするなんてナンセンス 【You only live once! You only live once!】 人生は楽しんだもん勝ち♪  お気に召すまま 私のシャングリラ ストレスはGood bye, bye! 好きな人たちと さあ、All over the world 繋がり ハグし合おう 【la la la】 誰も私たちを止められはしない 【la la la】 今日も明日もずっと一緒にLet's enjoy!!  【ta ri ra ta ta ra ta ri ra, ta ri ra ta ta ri ra】 Unstoppable!! 【ta ri ra ta ta ra ta ri ra, ta ri ra ta ta ri ra】 【Here we go!!】《Here we go!!》  五感フル回転 お腹空けばいつでもデリバリー 【I don't care, I don't care】 本能のまま Tap, tap, tap ベッドでゴロり 眠くなれば そのまま夢へと 【I don't care, I don't care】 本能のまま Tap, tap, tap, tap 時間が足りないよ! 【ta ra ta ra, ta ri ra ta ta ra】《Oh, no!》 Ah! パーティーは終われない! 【ta ra ta ra, ta ri ra ta ta ra】  羽を伸ばして 可愛がって 自分を褒めてあげちゃって 【You only live once! You only live once!】 人生は楽しんだもん勝ち♪  [とっておき達とデート キラキラとミラーボール 妄想の大暴走 心拍数 Knock knock knock ずっと抱腹絶倒 半狂乱 Oh, my god! 罪悪感ノンノンノン Let this go!!] 年中無休 好きなことで生きていこう All right, all right 東西南北 自由自在に 【You only live once! You only live once!】 人生一度きり 後悔しないように  今日も幸せと 【Du wa~】 愛に包まれ 【Du wa~】 無敵 素敵なる 【Du wa~】 感謝感激アメアラレ~! 【Du wa~】  【これまでも これからも どこまでも】 ワクワクは続いてくよ Let's enjoy now!! 歌おう! 遊ぼう! 笑おう! いつまでも 永遠に 【la la la】 誰も私たちを止められはしない 【la la la】 今日も明日もずっと一緒に さあ!《Hu, hu》 楽しもう!《Hu, hu》 朝・昼・夜 パーティーは終わらない!《Hu, hu》 【ta ri ra ta ta ra ta ri ra, ta ri ra ta ta ri ra】 Unstoppable!! 【ta ri ra ta ta ra ta ri ra, ta ri ra ta ta ri ra】 【ENJOY! JOY!! JOYFUL!!! Yeah!!!!】 《ENJOY! JOY!! JOYFUL!!! Yeah!!!!》IRySSpirit Garden近藤世真(Elements Garden)近藤世真(Elements Garden)Open your eyes! 【ta ri ra ta ta ra ta ri ra, ta ri ra ta ta ri ra】 Are you ready? 【ta ri ra ta ta ra ta ri ra, ta ri ra ta ta ri ra】 【1, 2, 3, 4, Let's jump!!】 《1, 2, 3, 4, Let's jump!!》  [Hey, guys! ご機嫌いかが? Welcome to my world! ほらJust the way you are マイペースにShout out now カウチポテトで ダラダラ 好きと好きで ウハウハ セロトニンは ドバドバ 満足するまで] 【Here we go!!】《Here we go!!》  したいこと全部 あれもこれもどれも遠慮なく 【Check it out, check it out】 反射神経で Love, love, love マンガ、ゲームに「推しが尊い」 ハマり、語り、騒いで 【Check it out, check it out】 反射神経で Love, love, love, love 画面の向こう側へ 【ta ra ta ra, ta ri ra ta ta ra】《Oh, yes!》 Ah! パーティーは終わらない! 【ta ra ta ra, ta ri ra ta ta ra】  気の向くままに 自分次第に ガマンするなんてナンセンス 【You only live once! You only live once!】 人生は楽しんだもん勝ち♪  お気に召すまま 私のシャングリラ ストレスはGood bye, bye! 好きな人たちと さあ、All over the world 繋がり ハグし合おう 【la la la】 誰も私たちを止められはしない 【la la la】 今日も明日もずっと一緒にLet's enjoy!!  【ta ri ra ta ta ra ta ri ra, ta ri ra ta ta ri ra】 Unstoppable!! 【ta ri ra ta ta ra ta ri ra, ta ri ra ta ta ri ra】 【Here we go!!】《Here we go!!》  五感フル回転 お腹空けばいつでもデリバリー 【I don't care, I don't care】 本能のまま Tap, tap, tap ベッドでゴロり 眠くなれば そのまま夢へと 【I don't care, I don't care】 本能のまま Tap, tap, tap, tap 時間が足りないよ! 【ta ra ta ra, ta ri ra ta ta ra】《Oh, no!》 Ah! パーティーは終われない! 【ta ra ta ra, ta ri ra ta ta ra】  羽を伸ばして 可愛がって 自分を褒めてあげちゃって 【You only live once! You only live once!】 人生は楽しんだもん勝ち♪  [とっておき達とデート キラキラとミラーボール 妄想の大暴走 心拍数 Knock knock knock ずっと抱腹絶倒 半狂乱 Oh, my god! 罪悪感ノンノンノン Let this go!!] 年中無休 好きなことで生きていこう All right, all right 東西南北 自由自在に 【You only live once! You only live once!】 人生一度きり 後悔しないように  今日も幸せと 【Du wa~】 愛に包まれ 【Du wa~】 無敵 素敵なる 【Du wa~】 感謝感激アメアラレ~! 【Du wa~】  【これまでも これからも どこまでも】 ワクワクは続いてくよ Let's enjoy now!! 歌おう! 遊ぼう! 笑おう! いつまでも 永遠に 【la la la】 誰も私たちを止められはしない 【la la la】 今日も明日もずっと一緒に さあ!《Hu, hu》 楽しもう!《Hu, hu》 朝・昼・夜 パーティーは終わらない!《Hu, hu》 【ta ri ra ta ta ra ta ri ra, ta ri ra ta ta ri ra】 Unstoppable!! 【ta ri ra ta ta ra ta ri ra, ta ri ra ta ta ri ra】 【ENJOY! JOY!! JOYFUL!!! Yeah!!!!】 《ENJOY! JOY!! JOYFUL!!! Yeah!!!!》
Only in HopeOnly in hope lies salvation. Do you hear my voice calling? Then you'll find hope is coming to this world in the light  Like a stray sheep or a lost child, everybody seems to lose their way My god says that throughout history some things just always remain unchanged  No one knows what tomorrow may bring But if you want something you can rely on... (yeah)  Only in hope lies salvation. Do you hear my voice calling? Like a bell ringing out to mark the day your fate has come Only in hope lies salvation. Can you see these two colored eyes? Then you'll find hope is coming to this world in the light  People always seem so down, as if troubled by endless rainy days My god says it's always like this, no one ever sees the wealth they have  No one else can set you free But if you have the will to struggle alone… (yeah)  Only with hope you'll find a way. Can you open up your eyes? See the light, let it guide you towards your future Only with hope you'll find a way. Are you ready to beat fear? It's up to you, if you want to break free from the night  This world continues on its path. No one can ever stop it now Only you have the power to make change for yourself  Only in hope lies salvation. Do you hear my voice calling? Like a bell ringing out to mark the day your fate has come Only in hope lies salvation. Can you see these two colored eyes? Then you'll find hope is coming to this world in the lightIRyShotaruTom-H@ckKanadeYUKOnly in hope lies salvation. Do you hear my voice calling? Then you'll find hope is coming to this world in the light  Like a stray sheep or a lost child, everybody seems to lose their way My god says that throughout history some things just always remain unchanged  No one knows what tomorrow may bring But if you want something you can rely on... (yeah)  Only in hope lies salvation. Do you hear my voice calling? Like a bell ringing out to mark the day your fate has come Only in hope lies salvation. Can you see these two colored eyes? Then you'll find hope is coming to this world in the light  People always seem so down, as if troubled by endless rainy days My god says it's always like this, no one ever sees the wealth they have  No one else can set you free But if you have the will to struggle alone… (yeah)  Only with hope you'll find a way. Can you open up your eyes? See the light, let it guide you towards your future Only with hope you'll find a way. Are you ready to beat fear? It's up to you, if you want to break free from the night  This world continues on its path. No one can ever stop it now Only you have the power to make change for yourself  Only in hope lies salvation. Do you hear my voice calling? Like a bell ringing out to mark the day your fate has come Only in hope lies salvation. Can you see these two colored eyes? Then you'll find hope is coming to this world in the light
Caesura of DespairDarkness will fade away, light will guide your way Hope has descended and you are not alone  虹と雨が織り成すコントラスト 絶望の終わりを願うように ここにいるよ 歌っているよ 夜明けの果てを  零れ落ちた黄昏のエレジーコール 凍えた過去と涙にさよなら  きっとDespair 晴れるように歌うから そしてMake a wish 艶やかに飾るから Darkness will fade away, hope will lead your way I'm here to chant the melodies for you-  月と星が彩るサテライト 暗闇も君となら飛べるよ 夜だからこそ輝ける光もあるでしょう  忘れないで 君のためのセレナーデ 壊れかけた夢の続きをここで見よう  'Cause I found your story Time is running too fast and I'm left behind in solitude 駆け足でいこう 黒い海に沈む君の手に届け  奏でよう 未来の足音でオーケストラ 懐かしくも碧い歌で 鼓動で 夜明けが聴こえる  Believe in destiny 約束を果たすから いつかReunion 語りきれない時代で 嘆きも後悔も笑い飛ばそうよ そんな轍に希望と名付けよう  きっとDespair 晴れるように歌うから そしてMake a wish 艶やかに飾るから 君だけの声と重ねるように こんな世界だってそばにいるよ Darkness will fade away, iris will light your way Our journey has only just begun right nowIRySbuzzGbuzzGCochDarkness will fade away, light will guide your way Hope has descended and you are not alone  虹と雨が織り成すコントラスト 絶望の終わりを願うように ここにいるよ 歌っているよ 夜明けの果てを  零れ落ちた黄昏のエレジーコール 凍えた過去と涙にさよなら  きっとDespair 晴れるように歌うから そしてMake a wish 艶やかに飾るから Darkness will fade away, hope will lead your way I'm here to chant the melodies for you-  月と星が彩るサテライト 暗闇も君となら飛べるよ 夜だからこそ輝ける光もあるでしょう  忘れないで 君のためのセレナーデ 壊れかけた夢の続きをここで見よう  'Cause I found your story Time is running too fast and I'm left behind in solitude 駆け足でいこう 黒い海に沈む君の手に届け  奏でよう 未来の足音でオーケストラ 懐かしくも碧い歌で 鼓動で 夜明けが聴こえる  Believe in destiny 約束を果たすから いつかReunion 語りきれない時代で 嘆きも後悔も笑い飛ばそうよ そんな轍に希望と名付けよう  きっとDespair 晴れるように歌うから そしてMake a wish 艶やかに飾るから 君だけの声と重ねるように こんな世界だってそばにいるよ Darkness will fade away, iris will light your way Our journey has only just begun right now
Carbonated LoveLost hope in love, I thought I'd never understand Couldn't help it when you took my hand  Roads I ignored before You left me wanting more Destroyed everything just to get a bit ahead  Neon lights fly by, is it fake or reality?  Not sure of much but know I'm ready  Soaring these streets Make me complete Full throttle, come give me your all  Engine's not Keeping up With the beat of my heart, just can't get enough  Revving up, make it fast Only us, make it last Till the sun's up  Nother' shot in the dark, take me away Fizzing up in my heart, It's all ok Accelerate me until I'm there You and I reach the line, mark the end but we'll  Keep on goin' until the bubbles fade I don't care if I don't see another day Shocking in my heart  Give me all that you got Windows down, don't hesitate a minute more Time is up, Not enough, Fill it up and don't look back again Carbonated love  Took a bet on love, it's better than I coulda' dreamed Look at what we've done, we're too extreme  Pour me your favorite drink So much until we sink Down to the bottom, don't wanna miss a thing  The track we're on might crash oh what am I to do? Rushing in, ignoring old avenues  Race through the night My guiding light Sparkling, I'm right here with you  Engine's not Keeping up With the beat of my heart, just can't get enough  Revving up, make it fast Only us, make it last Till the sun's up  Nother' shot in the dark, take me away Fizzing up in my heart, It's all ok Accelerate me until I'm there You and I reach the line, mark the end but we'll  Keep on goin' until the bubbles fade I don't care if I don't see another day Shocking in my heart  Give me all that you got Windows down, don't hesitate a minute more Time is up, Not enough, Fill it up and don't look back again Carbonated love  Come overflow my cup I'm empty without you Make such a mess of me Don't care if I'm the fool  Another night of bliss, speed up, let's make it new Love me despite the way I'm crazy just for you  Nother' shot in the dark, take me away Fizzing up in my heart, It's all ok Accelerate me until I'm there You and I reach the line, mark the end but we'll  Keep on going until the bubbles fade I don't care if I don't see another day Shocking in my heart Give me all that you got Windows down, don't hesitate a minute more Love the rush, we shouldn't, Don't give up, Fire it up again Our time is up, Not enough, Fill it up and begin Carbonated loveIRySmonii賀佐泰洋(SUPA LOVE)賀佐泰洋(SUPA LOVE)Lost hope in love, I thought I'd never understand Couldn't help it when you took my hand  Roads I ignored before You left me wanting more Destroyed everything just to get a bit ahead  Neon lights fly by, is it fake or reality?  Not sure of much but know I'm ready  Soaring these streets Make me complete Full throttle, come give me your all  Engine's not Keeping up With the beat of my heart, just can't get enough  Revving up, make it fast Only us, make it last Till the sun's up  Nother' shot in the dark, take me away Fizzing up in my heart, It's all ok Accelerate me until I'm there You and I reach the line, mark the end but we'll  Keep on goin' until the bubbles fade I don't care if I don't see another day Shocking in my heart  Give me all that you got Windows down, don't hesitate a minute more Time is up, Not enough, Fill it up and don't look back again Carbonated love  Took a bet on love, it's better than I coulda' dreamed Look at what we've done, we're too extreme  Pour me your favorite drink So much until we sink Down to the bottom, don't wanna miss a thing  The track we're on might crash oh what am I to do? Rushing in, ignoring old avenues  Race through the night My guiding light Sparkling, I'm right here with you  Engine's not Keeping up With the beat of my heart, just can't get enough  Revving up, make it fast Only us, make it last Till the sun's up  Nother' shot in the dark, take me away Fizzing up in my heart, It's all ok Accelerate me until I'm there You and I reach the line, mark the end but we'll  Keep on goin' until the bubbles fade I don't care if I don't see another day Shocking in my heart  Give me all that you got Windows down, don't hesitate a minute more Time is up, Not enough, Fill it up and don't look back again Carbonated love  Come overflow my cup I'm empty without you Make such a mess of me Don't care if I'm the fool  Another night of bliss, speed up, let's make it new Love me despite the way I'm crazy just for you  Nother' shot in the dark, take me away Fizzing up in my heart, It's all ok Accelerate me until I'm there You and I reach the line, mark the end but we'll  Keep on going until the bubbles fade I don't care if I don't see another day Shocking in my heart Give me all that you got Windows down, don't hesitate a minute more Love the rush, we shouldn't, Don't give up, Fire it up again Our time is up, Not enough, Fill it up and begin Carbonated love
GravityFalling, I've been down here before Almost like I'm back home  Fade, slowly it all begins to fade I got no power left today I don't know, I don't know if things would ever change I think I'll just be stuck here anyway  Those nights, when your energy is nowhere to be, Nowhere to be found Do you see the light? Or does it feel like abyss, oh, it's bottomless I'm tryna figure out  How to stay afloat in this world and all of its gravity When everyday the pull is grabbing me And it's easy thinking “Nobody here's understanding me” Maybe I'm not alone Maybe I'm not alone  Aim, somewhere along, I lost my aim thoughtlessly counting up my days I don't know, I don't know, it's really tough to say I'll probably be stuck here anyway  Those nights, when your energy is to nowhere to be, Nowhere to be found Do you see the light? Or does it Feel like abyss, oh, it's bottomless I'm tryna figure out  How to stay afloat in this world and all of its gravity When everyday the pull is grabbing me And it's easy thinking “Nobody here's understanding me” Maybe I'm not alone Maybe I'm not alone  And I know I'm Not alone, not alone All these faces with the same frustrations Not alone, not alone Part of me, part of you, we're not alone  Bet somebody's out there, just like me Feeling all the same things I don't know what I should do At least, though, you're like this too I've found a bit of comfort Ah Ahh  How to stay afloat in this world and all of its gravity When everyday the pull is grabbing me And it's easy thinking “Nobody here's understanding me” Maybe I'm not alone Maybe I'm not alone  And I know I'm Not alone, not alone All these faces with the same frustrations Not alone, not alone Part of me, part of you, we're not aloneIRySsaltaKyota.佐藤カズキFalling, I've been down here before Almost like I'm back home  Fade, slowly it all begins to fade I got no power left today I don't know, I don't know if things would ever change I think I'll just be stuck here anyway  Those nights, when your energy is nowhere to be, Nowhere to be found Do you see the light? Or does it feel like abyss, oh, it's bottomless I'm tryna figure out  How to stay afloat in this world and all of its gravity When everyday the pull is grabbing me And it's easy thinking “Nobody here's understanding me” Maybe I'm not alone Maybe I'm not alone  Aim, somewhere along, I lost my aim thoughtlessly counting up my days I don't know, I don't know, it's really tough to say I'll probably be stuck here anyway  Those nights, when your energy is to nowhere to be, Nowhere to be found Do you see the light? Or does it Feel like abyss, oh, it's bottomless I'm tryna figure out  How to stay afloat in this world and all of its gravity When everyday the pull is grabbing me And it's easy thinking “Nobody here's understanding me” Maybe I'm not alone Maybe I'm not alone  And I know I'm Not alone, not alone All these faces with the same frustrations Not alone, not alone Part of me, part of you, we're not alone  Bet somebody's out there, just like me Feeling all the same things I don't know what I should do At least, though, you're like this too I've found a bit of comfort Ah Ahh  How to stay afloat in this world and all of its gravity When everyday the pull is grabbing me And it's easy thinking “Nobody here's understanding me” Maybe I'm not alone Maybe I'm not alone  And I know I'm Not alone, not alone All these faces with the same frustrations Not alone, not alone Part of me, part of you, we're not alone
Sink again, Rise againThe drops of my blood sink down to the depths of the sea and no one knows The poetry that I wrote, all the cries of my heart Were masked by someone else's laughter, lost and never heard  間違ってるのが私だと皆が言う ありのままのこの感情 否定して  How many scars did I make on myself unconsciously? But I can't stop noticing this world's malicious ways I keep my mouth shut because I know we will never agree You could never understand my feelings  And if everybody says this is how a pansy looks, Well, I won't argue anymore. I will just let it go  名もなき花の種さえ踏み歩こう 行くあてもなく彷徨う 旅の中  How many scars did I make on myself unconsciously? But I can't stop noticing this world's malicious ways I keep my mouth shut because I know we can't see eye to eye You could never understand my feelings  一度沈んだ太陽は なぜまた昇るの 何度でも新しく 明日が来るのなら 今日と違う明日さえあるの?  How many scars did I make on myself unconsciously? But I can't stop noticing this world's possibilities I kept my mouth shut, but could we agree to disagree? Can you understand my true feelings…?IRyShotaruRINZORINZOThe drops of my blood sink down to the depths of the sea and no one knows The poetry that I wrote, all the cries of my heart Were masked by someone else's laughter, lost and never heard  間違ってるのが私だと皆が言う ありのままのこの感情 否定して  How many scars did I make on myself unconsciously? But I can't stop noticing this world's malicious ways I keep my mouth shut because I know we will never agree You could never understand my feelings  And if everybody says this is how a pansy looks, Well, I won't argue anymore. I will just let it go  名もなき花の種さえ踏み歩こう 行くあてもなく彷徨う 旅の中  How many scars did I make on myself unconsciously? But I can't stop noticing this world's malicious ways I keep my mouth shut because I know we can't see eye to eye You could never understand my feelings  一度沈んだ太陽は なぜまた昇るの 何度でも新しく 明日が来るのなら 今日と違う明日さえあるの?  How many scars did I make on myself unconsciously? But I can't stop noticing this world's possibilities I kept my mouth shut, but could we agree to disagree? Can you understand my true feelings…?
心臓が止まるまでまだこの脚は歩ける まだこの両手は明日を掴む  夢でさえ涙が消えないなら 僕はまだ行ける  足を踏み鳴らせ 幻想を貫いて(思いのまま) 壁を踏み均せ 限界を知らない 愚かな僕のまま (何回でも何回でも間違っても) 確かに先へ (何回でも何回でも進むだけ) 心臓が止まるまで  まだこの声は枯れない まだこの両目は光を映す  このままじゃ何にもなれない 今、与えられた全部賭けてもいいでしょ? そうでしょ?  傷だらけの道を歩き続けてきたんだ 二度とない人生を この胸の空白さえ満たされる瞬間のため  足を踏み鳴らせ 幻想を貫いて(思いのまま) 壁を踏み均せ 限界を知らない 愚かな僕のまま (何回でも何回でも間違っても) 確かに先へ (何回でも何回でも進むだけ) 心臓が止まるまでIRyS新田目駿(HANO)HaTo佐藤カズキまだこの脚は歩ける まだこの両手は明日を掴む  夢でさえ涙が消えないなら 僕はまだ行ける  足を踏み鳴らせ 幻想を貫いて(思いのまま) 壁を踏み均せ 限界を知らない 愚かな僕のまま (何回でも何回でも間違っても) 確かに先へ (何回でも何回でも進むだけ) 心臓が止まるまで  まだこの声は枯れない まだこの両目は光を映す  このままじゃ何にもなれない 今、与えられた全部賭けてもいいでしょ? そうでしょ?  傷だらけの道を歩き続けてきたんだ 二度とない人生を この胸の空白さえ満たされる瞬間のため  足を踏み鳴らせ 幻想を貫いて(思いのまま) 壁を踏み均せ 限界を知らない 愚かな僕のまま (何回でも何回でも間違っても) 確かに先へ (何回でも何回でも進むだけ) 心臓が止まるまで
See the worldLet's see the world, searching for the reason why I am myself With fear, and with joy I've never felt before, I'll sing out towards the sky  夜明けの紫に自分を重ねて 期待と不安を交互に踏む 二つの感情で一つの世界を (映し出した)(私は今) 誰だろう  I could be kind or coldhearted, but I don't know which choice to make I know my heart is wishing for hope さあまぶしい未来の方へと  Let's see the world, searching for the reason why I am myself With fear, and with joy I've never felt before, I will start to walk How many things will I learn? How many times will I say goodbye? Over the years, oh what will await? I can not foresee I pray it will be a hope that is never fading  But what is my true hope?  (過ぎゆく すべてに意味があるなら…) いくつもの正義が一つの世界に (あるのならば)(いったい何を) 選べよう  I could be kind or coldhearted, but can I choose the right answer? I know my heart is wishing for hope この世界が求めるものはなに?  Why me? (For what?) Who am I? (For whom?) If I was one or the other, it would be so easy Can I believe myself? Can I believe my two hearts? I want to make the right choice for myself, for people, for this world, all of life  Let's see the world, searching for the reason why I am myself Embracing fear, together with joy like I've never known, I will carry on I am hope, now I'm sure. I'm more than just an angel or a demon I was born as the only hope to save this world A world so kind, (but sometimes cruel), a world so loving, (at times lonely), always beautiful And I will not ever give it upIRyShotaru酒井拓也(Arte Refact)・河合泰志(Arte Refact)酒井拓也(Arte Refact)・河合泰志(Arte Refact)Let's see the world, searching for the reason why I am myself With fear, and with joy I've never felt before, I'll sing out towards the sky  夜明けの紫に自分を重ねて 期待と不安を交互に踏む 二つの感情で一つの世界を (映し出した)(私は今) 誰だろう  I could be kind or coldhearted, but I don't know which choice to make I know my heart is wishing for hope さあまぶしい未来の方へと  Let's see the world, searching for the reason why I am myself With fear, and with joy I've never felt before, I will start to walk How many things will I learn? How many times will I say goodbye? Over the years, oh what will await? I can not foresee I pray it will be a hope that is never fading  But what is my true hope?  (過ぎゆく すべてに意味があるなら…) いくつもの正義が一つの世界に (あるのならば)(いったい何を) 選べよう  I could be kind or coldhearted, but can I choose the right answer? I know my heart is wishing for hope この世界が求めるものはなに?  Why me? (For what?) Who am I? (For whom?) If I was one or the other, it would be so easy Can I believe myself? Can I believe my two hearts? I want to make the right choice for myself, for people, for this world, all of life  Let's see the world, searching for the reason why I am myself Embracing fear, together with joy like I've never known, I will carry on I am hope, now I'm sure. I'm more than just an angel or a demon I was born as the only hope to save this world A world so kind, (but sometimes cruel), a world so loving, (at times lonely), always beautiful And I will not ever give it up
diorama夕日より赤く 朝日より白く 藍よりも青く 染まってく 昨日より遠い 今日の朝 まるで溶けてゆくように煌めいて  目を細めて覗きこんでみても その世界はまるで影法師 手を伸ばしても 触れられるのは中空(なかぞら)の霞 きっとまだ見えない  届きそうな地平線の彼方まで 追いかけた 明日の背中を どこまでも続く不完全なパノラマ 瞬く時は戻せないけど それでも翔ぶよ永遠(とわ)に  色彩は淡く 足取りは軽く 透明な空を見つめてる 昨日より近い 今日の夢 まるで憧憬(しょうけい)のように融けてゆく  目を覚まして振り返ってみても その世界は伽藍堂(がらんどう)のSilence 今選ぶのは ただモノクロの思い  繰り返し描く未来のその先へ 道標 走り続けても 今はまだまだ未完成なジオラマ 孤独な空を羽ばたいて  傷も痛みも迷いも私のモノじゃない? いつだってどうしたって切り離せないんだ  臆病な心の在り処を (繊細な翼で) 吐き出して 絡まって (壊れぬよう守って) それでも光は (かざした手の光は) まだ消えない (まだ消えない)  繰り返し描く未来のその先へ 灰色に染まるこの夜を超えて その手を伸ばせ  届きそうな地平線の彼方まで 追いかけた 明日を目指して 今はまだまだ未完成なジオラマ 瞬く時は戻せないけど それでも翔ぶよ永遠(とわ)に 孤独な空を羽ばたいて  Lalalala… (いつもの場所で いつもの顔 それだけの祝福を) Lalalala… (変わらないもの 変わることも 続いてくほら) どこまでも (どこまでも)IRyS森本貴大森本貴大森本貴大夕日より赤く 朝日より白く 藍よりも青く 染まってく 昨日より遠い 今日の朝 まるで溶けてゆくように煌めいて  目を細めて覗きこんでみても その世界はまるで影法師 手を伸ばしても 触れられるのは中空(なかぞら)の霞 きっとまだ見えない  届きそうな地平線の彼方まで 追いかけた 明日の背中を どこまでも続く不完全なパノラマ 瞬く時は戻せないけど それでも翔ぶよ永遠(とわ)に  色彩は淡く 足取りは軽く 透明な空を見つめてる 昨日より近い 今日の夢 まるで憧憬(しょうけい)のように融けてゆく  目を覚まして振り返ってみても その世界は伽藍堂(がらんどう)のSilence 今選ぶのは ただモノクロの思い  繰り返し描く未来のその先へ 道標 走り続けても 今はまだまだ未完成なジオラマ 孤独な空を羽ばたいて  傷も痛みも迷いも私のモノじゃない? いつだってどうしたって切り離せないんだ  臆病な心の在り処を (繊細な翼で) 吐き出して 絡まって (壊れぬよう守って) それでも光は (かざした手の光は) まだ消えない (まだ消えない)  繰り返し描く未来のその先へ 灰色に染まるこの夜を超えて その手を伸ばせ  届きそうな地平線の彼方まで 追いかけた 明日を目指して 今はまだまだ未完成なジオラマ 瞬く時は戻せないけど それでも翔ぶよ永遠(とわ)に 孤独な空を羽ばたいて  Lalalala… (いつもの場所で いつもの顔 それだけの祝福を) Lalalala… (変わらないもの 変わることも 続いてくほら) どこまでも (どこまでも)
Joy with You夢で見たような光景に似てた こんなに賑やかな世界は Something I wanted to know; Why were they smiling so? It's so easy to see now that I found the key  They might clap their hands, sing a song, dancing to express the way they feel And I feel something start to come over me...  I feel I wanna join with you, join with you and share more joy with you, joy with you I really want to know my own true happiness I feel I wanna join with you, join with you and share more joy with everyone My heart won't stop racing thinking about How many kinds of love and joy must be waiting to be found I cannot wait to see the beauty of the world that lies ahead  So let's go and see  思い描いた光景はいつか こんなそばにあると知った Something I wanted to know; Why was I smiling so? It's so easy to see now that I found the key  I can not forget the way I felt, knowing our emotions were as one And I just want to chase that feeling again  そう、例えばどんなにどんなに 遠くへ行ってもひとりきりじゃ 心は震えないの ああ、それよりこんなにこんなに 近くにいる誰かに 感情は溢れる 手を取っていいかな このぬくもりは まるで君の心触れたみたいで  So let's go and see Can't stop this feeling Such a sweet emotion  I feel I wanna join with you, join with you and share more joy with you, joy with you I really want to know my own true happiness I feel I wanna join with you, join with you and share more joy with everyone My heart won't stop racing thinking about How many kinds of love and joy must be waiting to be found I cannot wait to see the beauty of the world that lies ahead  So let's go and see Can't stop this feelingIRyShotaru杉下トキヤ杉下トキヤ・KanadeYUK夢で見たような光景に似てた こんなに賑やかな世界は Something I wanted to know; Why were they smiling so? It's so easy to see now that I found the key  They might clap their hands, sing a song, dancing to express the way they feel And I feel something start to come over me...  I feel I wanna join with you, join with you and share more joy with you, joy with you I really want to know my own true happiness I feel I wanna join with you, join with you and share more joy with everyone My heart won't stop racing thinking about How many kinds of love and joy must be waiting to be found I cannot wait to see the beauty of the world that lies ahead  So let's go and see  思い描いた光景はいつか こんなそばにあると知った Something I wanted to know; Why was I smiling so? It's so easy to see now that I found the key  I can not forget the way I felt, knowing our emotions were as one And I just want to chase that feeling again  そう、例えばどんなにどんなに 遠くへ行ってもひとりきりじゃ 心は震えないの ああ、それよりこんなにこんなに 近くにいる誰かに 感情は溢れる 手を取っていいかな このぬくもりは まるで君の心触れたみたいで  So let's go and see Can't stop this feeling Such a sweet emotion  I feel I wanna join with you, join with you and share more joy with you, joy with you I really want to know my own true happiness I feel I wanna join with you, join with you and share more joy with everyone My heart won't stop racing thinking about How many kinds of love and joy must be waiting to be found I cannot wait to see the beauty of the world that lies ahead  So let's go and see Can't stop this feeling
Sparks of JoyMy brand new outfit, nails refined And going out to town, this day's mine From in between the buildings, peeking sky Somehow looks large and wide  My playlist sound in my headphones And when I start walking up on the long narrow slope A glimpse of you wavin' your hand My heart is racing loud and too fast, oh  Many things, encountered within But now we're here enjoying Days of solitude Makes treasures of times I'm with you  The city's shinin' in my eyes With each color glowing bright All of me <here with you> Can feel this hope inside the light <surrounded in these times> Put up your hands, reach out, reach out For new stories, here I vow, we will find They'll be waiting around, for you and I The joy will spread and make it right  My favorite store was down this street It's now shut down, and in construction The park we shared so many good memories Is now a brand new scene  This brand new city is forming, revealing We'll add on to the wonder, pleasures we're seeking I still remember everything Let's keep renewing and receive it, oh  Face to face, how long has it been? Now how are their lives going? Better days and views I know I can find it with you  The city's shinin' in my eyes With each color glowing bright All of me <here with you> Can feel this hope inside the light <surrounded in these times> Put up your hands, reach out, reach out For new stories, here I vow, we will find They'll be waiting around, for you and I, whoa  I couldn't find any meaning With information exceeding Gotta find a way for perceiving…sparks of joy <Now I've got a new feeling; past, present, heart is beating>  Now I can see the world so wide  The city's shinin' in my eyes With each color glowing bright All of me <here with you> Can feel this hope inside the light <surrounded in these times> Put up your hands, reach out, reach out For new stories, here I vow, we will find They'll be waiting around, for you and I <New stories are waiting> With the love that I found for all these times The joy will spread and make it rightIRySKonnie Aoki佐藤厚仁(Dream Monster)佐藤厚仁(Dream Monster)My brand new outfit, nails refined And going out to town, this day's mine From in between the buildings, peeking sky Somehow looks large and wide  My playlist sound in my headphones And when I start walking up on the long narrow slope A glimpse of you wavin' your hand My heart is racing loud and too fast, oh  Many things, encountered within But now we're here enjoying Days of solitude Makes treasures of times I'm with you  The city's shinin' in my eyes With each color glowing bright All of me <here with you> Can feel this hope inside the light <surrounded in these times> Put up your hands, reach out, reach out For new stories, here I vow, we will find They'll be waiting around, for you and I The joy will spread and make it right  My favorite store was down this street It's now shut down, and in construction The park we shared so many good memories Is now a brand new scene  This brand new city is forming, revealing We'll add on to the wonder, pleasures we're seeking I still remember everything Let's keep renewing and receive it, oh  Face to face, how long has it been? Now how are their lives going? Better days and views I know I can find it with you  The city's shinin' in my eyes With each color glowing bright All of me <here with you> Can feel this hope inside the light <surrounded in these times> Put up your hands, reach out, reach out For new stories, here I vow, we will find They'll be waiting around, for you and I, whoa  I couldn't find any meaning With information exceeding Gotta find a way for perceiving…sparks of joy <Now I've got a new feeling; past, present, heart is beating>  Now I can see the world so wide  The city's shinin' in my eyes With each color glowing bright All of me <here with you> Can feel this hope inside the light <surrounded in these times> Put up your hands, reach out, reach out For new stories, here I vow, we will find They'll be waiting around, for you and I <New stories are waiting> With the love that I found for all these times The joy will spread and make it right
Delight加速する息 弾みゆく創造に 助走は崩さない 自由自在 燦爛の星 この場所に集まって 希望の欠片拾えば 彩る世界  淡く蒼い 海原を越えて 余熱に火をつけた鼓動 期待値はもう すでに無限大  旅へ繰り出そう 空中飛行夢中で 五臓六腑から Ah,Ah メラメラ精神 疾風迅雷 全ては今の愛を守る為だと 止まらない 自分を越えて 冒険はDelight  地平線へと波を打つ探究心 自由を掲げた 不撓不屈 こびりついてた 常識は洗い流し 斬新型破りして 塗りつぶそう  蝶のように 羽ばたけるように 矛盾の空を 追い越し ただ心地いい 高い夢へ  来世果てまで 我武者羅に進むよ 肩肘張らずに Ah,Ah そろそろ本気で 気随気儘に まずは自分自身愛したら笑おう 奇跡は ほら、目の前に 新しいDelight  旅へ繰り出そう 空中飛行夢中で 五臓六腑から Ah,Ah メラメラ精神 疾風迅雷 全ての愛が 全てに届くように 変わらない 夢の続きへ ずっと傍にDelightIRySSpirit Garden藤田淳平(Elements Garden)笠井雄太(Elements Garden)加速する息 弾みゆく創造に 助走は崩さない 自由自在 燦爛の星 この場所に集まって 希望の欠片拾えば 彩る世界  淡く蒼い 海原を越えて 余熱に火をつけた鼓動 期待値はもう すでに無限大  旅へ繰り出そう 空中飛行夢中で 五臓六腑から Ah,Ah メラメラ精神 疾風迅雷 全ては今の愛を守る為だと 止まらない 自分を越えて 冒険はDelight  地平線へと波を打つ探究心 自由を掲げた 不撓不屈 こびりついてた 常識は洗い流し 斬新型破りして 塗りつぶそう  蝶のように 羽ばたけるように 矛盾の空を 追い越し ただ心地いい 高い夢へ  来世果てまで 我武者羅に進むよ 肩肘張らずに Ah,Ah そろそろ本気で 気随気儘に まずは自分自身愛したら笑おう 奇跡は ほら、目の前に 新しいDelight  旅へ繰り出そう 空中飛行夢中で 五臓六腑から Ah,Ah メラメラ精神 疾風迅雷 全ての愛が 全てに届くように 変わらない 夢の続きへ ずっと傍にDelight
TwiLightじゃあさ私は今 私である事実も 定められない定まらない 存在なんだと That's fine with me  平行線保つだけじゃ意味なく Heads or tails それだけじゃなく  Fallen Angel Ascended Devil あらゆる姿を  求めている矛盾する自由も ひとつの意志  求めている自分をただ 認めたい  Twilight 熱く広がる 刹那の黄昏よ  Try out 掛け違えても 全ての指標だから  深層の Back to back 奈落から高くまで 苦楽の声で羽ばたいた  大体の全体が 間違いで生まれる 存在じゃないの  関係性すでに無味も同然 High and low 無視の結論  Fallen Angel Ascended Devil 歪な形を  求めている浸した 布を捻じるように  宇宙以上地球未満の 定義なんて主張なだけで 白と黒が大切なのは 分かるだけど私は  私はどこ、私は誰 私は何者か  私は今、私は今 私へと混ざり合うの  背反的な翼で 高くへ飛び立てば  曖昧なのも小さく まとめて映るから  Twilight 両手に乗せた 綯い交ぜを説く  Try out 掛け違えても 訂正はいらない  Be oneself Be myself Revisit ふたつで Be oneself Be myself ひとつな Be oneself Be myself Revisit 心の  指標だからIRyS牛肉雄之助雄之助じゃあさ私は今 私である事実も 定められない定まらない 存在なんだと That's fine with me  平行線保つだけじゃ意味なく Heads or tails それだけじゃなく  Fallen Angel Ascended Devil あらゆる姿を  求めている矛盾する自由も ひとつの意志  求めている自分をただ 認めたい  Twilight 熱く広がる 刹那の黄昏よ  Try out 掛け違えても 全ての指標だから  深層の Back to back 奈落から高くまで 苦楽の声で羽ばたいた  大体の全体が 間違いで生まれる 存在じゃないの  関係性すでに無味も同然 High and low 無視の結論  Fallen Angel Ascended Devil 歪な形を  求めている浸した 布を捻じるように  宇宙以上地球未満の 定義なんて主張なだけで 白と黒が大切なのは 分かるだけど私は  私はどこ、私は誰 私は何者か  私は今、私は今 私へと混ざり合うの  背反的な翼で 高くへ飛び立てば  曖昧なのも小さく まとめて映るから  Twilight 両手に乗せた 綯い交ぜを説く  Try out 掛け違えても 訂正はいらない  Be oneself Be myself Revisit ふたつで Be oneself Be myself ひとつな Be oneself Be myself Revisit 心の  指標だから
Nameless SadnessI found out the truth of this cold and cruel world So why should I stay? And why don't I go?  I can't believe what's happening. Everywhere it's all the same Maybe I just can't see. I just can't understand their feelings 誰もきっと愛情を 欲し生きているはず 歪んだ世界で独り そうつぶやく  Should I have pretended not to see anything? But these feelings, anger, despair, still won't fade away  嘆くばかりじゃ何も変わらない なのに悲しみが止まない  I saw people turn and betray their own friends I saw people ignoring calls for help How can I stop this anger crying in my heart? Is it enough just to pray and hope for change?  They should have learned what might happen by looking back on their history But they can never see. They repeat the same mistakes again  誰も見てみぬふりをしている すぐそばにある悲劇を  I saw people cry, overcome with sadness I saw people give up their happiness Why can't I stop this feeling crying in my heart? Even though I know that people are cruel  Was what I saw all this world has to offer? 今はまだ不確かだって If it was so, there would be no hope left in this world それが真実と知ってしまっても  I found out the truth of this cold and cruel world So why should I stay? And why don't I go? I saw people turn and betray their own friends I saw people ignoring calls for help How can I stop this anger crying in my heart? Still, I can't stop wishing for better daysIRyShotaruRINZORINZOI found out the truth of this cold and cruel world So why should I stay? And why don't I go?  I can't believe what's happening. Everywhere it's all the same Maybe I just can't see. I just can't understand their feelings 誰もきっと愛情を 欲し生きているはず 歪んだ世界で独り そうつぶやく  Should I have pretended not to see anything? But these feelings, anger, despair, still won't fade away  嘆くばかりじゃ何も変わらない なのに悲しみが止まない  I saw people turn and betray their own friends I saw people ignoring calls for help How can I stop this anger crying in my heart? Is it enough just to pray and hope for change?  They should have learned what might happen by looking back on their history But they can never see. They repeat the same mistakes again  誰も見てみぬふりをしている すぐそばにある悲劇を  I saw people cry, overcome with sadness I saw people give up their happiness Why can't I stop this feeling crying in my heart? Even though I know that people are cruel  Was what I saw all this world has to offer? 今はまだ不確かだって If it was so, there would be no hope left in this world それが真実と知ってしまっても  I found out the truth of this cold and cruel world So why should I stay? And why don't I go? I saw people turn and betray their own friends I saw people ignoring calls for help How can I stop this anger crying in my heart? Still, I can't stop wishing for better days
BERSERKER蔓延る不協和音 混沌のShow 耳を塞いでも 搾取された日常 立ち上がれ 理不尽に喘いでも 何人たりとも此処は 奪わせないよ  私が私であることが 私自身の正義だから 【Never mind】 I know どんな結末になっても 後悔は一ミリもない  Burn up 怒髪天衝いて 燃え盛れ 想いを懸けてEverything 【I'm a Berserker】 塵と化せ 有象無象 私の世界は私のモノ 掲げるのは希望 【Absolute leader】 高らかに 【Absolute leader】 目覚めよ今 Wake up  並べ立てられたご都合主義 噛みつき剥ぎ取り 弱者は強者のPrey 立ち上がれ 不条理に泣いても 何人たりとも此処は 穢させないよ  私は私の言霊で 私自身と歩いてゆく 【Believe me】 I know どんなに嗤われたって 恥ずべきことはない  Don't stop 進み続け 何度も生まれ変わりながらFearless 【I'm a Berserker】 蹴散らして 有象無象 私の世界は私のモノ 揺るがない真実を 【Absolute leader】 燦々と 【Absolute leader】 目覚めよ今 Wake up  Burn up 怒髪天衝いて 燃え盛れ 想いを懸けてEverything 【I'm a Berserker】 塵と化せ 有象無象 私の世界は私のモノ 掲げるのは希望 【Absolute leader】 高らかに 【Absolute leader】 目覚めよ今 Wake upIRySSpirit Garden都丸椋太(Elements Garden)都丸椋太(Elements Garden)蔓延る不協和音 混沌のShow 耳を塞いでも 搾取された日常 立ち上がれ 理不尽に喘いでも 何人たりとも此処は 奪わせないよ  私が私であることが 私自身の正義だから 【Never mind】 I know どんな結末になっても 後悔は一ミリもない  Burn up 怒髪天衝いて 燃え盛れ 想いを懸けてEverything 【I'm a Berserker】 塵と化せ 有象無象 私の世界は私のモノ 掲げるのは希望 【Absolute leader】 高らかに 【Absolute leader】 目覚めよ今 Wake up  並べ立てられたご都合主義 噛みつき剥ぎ取り 弱者は強者のPrey 立ち上がれ 不条理に泣いても 何人たりとも此処は 穢させないよ  私は私の言霊で 私自身と歩いてゆく 【Believe me】 I know どんなに嗤われたって 恥ずべきことはない  Don't stop 進み続け 何度も生まれ変わりながらFearless 【I'm a Berserker】 蹴散らして 有象無象 私の世界は私のモノ 揺るがない真実を 【Absolute leader】 燦々と 【Absolute leader】 目覚めよ今 Wake up  Burn up 怒髪天衝いて 燃え盛れ 想いを懸けてEverything 【I'm a Berserker】 塵と化せ 有象無象 私の世界は私のモノ 掲げるのは希望 【Absolute leader】 高らかに 【Absolute leader】 目覚めよ今 Wake up
HERE COMES HOPE絶望の世界の中 永遠の様な闇を見た Who is the criminal? Who knows the answer? 誰もが目を伏せたまま 地面に何か探してた What do they look for? How can they find it?  天使の様な慈悲だけじゃ 悪魔の気高さだけじゃ Not enough そう 光を見出すには  Just wanna light up the hope in life. That is made by my black and white 瓦礫の中埋もれても 輝く真の希望 Light up the hope in life. That is made by my black and white 彼方まで果てまで照らせ Let me go again tonight. Sing loud  悪夢を見ている様な 残酷が目の前にあった Where am I standing? Where's the peace I know? 誰もが欲にまみれて 誰かを貶め嗤っていた Do they have kindness? Do they have no love?  赦しを与えるだけじゃ 悪しきを罰するだけじゃ Not enough そう 私の理想像には  Don't wanna give up the hope in life without taking a chance and try it 醜い心の底で 湧き出す純粋(ピュア)な感情 Give up the hope in life without taking a chance and try? 立ち上がれ何度負けても Let me go again tonight  未来でも救いでもない 甘い言葉は要らない I'll risk my all 世界の希望の為に  Just wanna light up the hope in life. That is made by my black and white 瓦礫の中埋もれても 輝く真の希望 Light up the hope in life. That is made by my black and white 彼方まで果てまで照らせ Let me go again tonight. Sing loudIRyShotaruTom-H@ckRINZO絶望の世界の中 永遠の様な闇を見た Who is the criminal? Who knows the answer? 誰もが目を伏せたまま 地面に何か探してた What do they look for? How can they find it?  天使の様な慈悲だけじゃ 悪魔の気高さだけじゃ Not enough そう 光を見出すには  Just wanna light up the hope in life. That is made by my black and white 瓦礫の中埋もれても 輝く真の希望 Light up the hope in life. That is made by my black and white 彼方まで果てまで照らせ Let me go again tonight. Sing loud  悪夢を見ている様な 残酷が目の前にあった Where am I standing? Where's the peace I know? 誰もが欲にまみれて 誰かを貶め嗤っていた Do they have kindness? Do they have no love?  赦しを与えるだけじゃ 悪しきを罰するだけじゃ Not enough そう 私の理想像には  Don't wanna give up the hope in life without taking a chance and try it 醜い心の底で 湧き出す純粋(ピュア)な感情 Give up the hope in life without taking a chance and try? 立ち上がれ何度負けても Let me go again tonight  未来でも救いでもない 甘い言葉は要らない I'll risk my all 世界の希望の為に  Just wanna light up the hope in life. That is made by my black and white 瓦礫の中埋もれても 輝く真の希望 Light up the hope in life. That is made by my black and white 彼方まで果てまで照らせ Let me go again tonight. Sing loud
Flower of hope目覚めてゆく世界 暗闇を追い出すような そんな朝陽 朝露に隠してた 濡れた頬を暴くように 乾かしてく すべて  大切なものを見つけたんだ すぐそばにあった きっともう迷うことはないよ これから  どんな絶望が襲ったって やがて光が差すから あなたの胸にあるその希望 失くさないでいて 足元にある小さな花のつぼみ いつか開く日まで  あまりにささやかで 誰も気に留めないような 優しさが 真実だと思った 人間の本当の想いだと 信じることできた  守りたいものを見つけたんだ 誰もが持っていた だからもう疑いはしないよ いつでも  たとえすべてに打ちひしがれて 明日が見えなくなっても あなたは今もずっと美しい 変わらぬ心で  傷ついても傷つけても繰り返してもいいの 愛を捨てないでいれば 何度だっていつまでだって私は希望歌おう 朝陽のように  どんな絶望が襲ったって やがて光が差すから あなたの胸にあるその希望 失くさないでいて 足元にある小さな花のつぼみ そっと開いてゆくIRyShotaruKanadeYUKKanadeYUK目覚めてゆく世界 暗闇を追い出すような そんな朝陽 朝露に隠してた 濡れた頬を暴くように 乾かしてく すべて  大切なものを見つけたんだ すぐそばにあった きっともう迷うことはないよ これから  どんな絶望が襲ったって やがて光が差すから あなたの胸にあるその希望 失くさないでいて 足元にある小さな花のつぼみ いつか開く日まで  あまりにささやかで 誰も気に留めないような 優しさが 真実だと思った 人間の本当の想いだと 信じることできた  守りたいものを見つけたんだ 誰もが持っていた だからもう疑いはしないよ いつでも  たとえすべてに打ちひしがれて 明日が見えなくなっても あなたは今もずっと美しい 変わらぬ心で  傷ついても傷つけても繰り返してもいいの 愛を捨てないでいれば 何度だっていつまでだって私は希望歌おう 朝陽のように  どんな絶望が襲ったって やがて光が差すから あなたの胸にあるその希望 失くさないでいて 足元にある小さな花のつぼみ そっと開いてゆく
Bare your teethWhose hands are choking me? What's torturing me now? Tell me what's inside me Resolution going down  Something feels so wrong since I came here Imagine. Do you get what I'm saying? It's like a poison killing me You won't accept this You can't refuse You chose it yourself Little and loud voices whispering in to my ears like a fairy tale But did pansies always have a face like this?  So sick of this world that I can't say a thing I have to lie so I smile Every second is a fake Choking myself until there is a remedy See that? I'm okay  Anger, evil, desire and envy No amount of guilt is ever enough No doubt There's no way out of this vortex Mistakes don't go away  Something smells so awful since I came here Feel it. Do you hear what I'm saying? It's like a poison killing me You won't accept this You can't refuse You chose it yourself Little and loud voices whispering in to my ears like a fairy tale But how long have I been laying here? Why am I who I am? Voices inside my head are driving me crazy  Now you need to bare your teeth and live  So sick of this world that I can't say a thing I have to lie so I smile Every single thing is fake Choking myself until there is a remedy See that? I'm okay Okay…IRySKIHOWZAQKanadeYUKWhose hands are choking me? What's torturing me now? Tell me what's inside me Resolution going down  Something feels so wrong since I came here Imagine. Do you get what I'm saying? It's like a poison killing me You won't accept this You can't refuse You chose it yourself Little and loud voices whispering in to my ears like a fairy tale But did pansies always have a face like this?  So sick of this world that I can't say a thing I have to lie so I smile Every second is a fake Choking myself until there is a remedy See that? I'm okay  Anger, evil, desire and envy No amount of guilt is ever enough No doubt There's no way out of this vortex Mistakes don't go away  Something smells so awful since I came here Feel it. Do you hear what I'm saying? It's like a poison killing me You won't accept this You can't refuse You chose it yourself Little and loud voices whispering in to my ears like a fairy tale But how long have I been laying here? Why am I who I am? Voices inside my head are driving me crazy  Now you need to bare your teeth and live  So sick of this world that I can't say a thing I have to lie so I smile Every single thing is fake Choking myself until there is a remedy See that? I'm okay Okay…
Moment of my lifeここにあるよ 大切なものがあるよ 時が変わろうと My Life  Time goes by… Where do you want to go? Just ride on time Time goes by… Take me to the time, where I can find you  知らない街 風 空 時が全てを変えているのね 明日が昨日になったら 未来も過去だよね いつもね いつでも 私を憶えててよ  (Fly out)不安定すぎる (Fly free)時代っていう舟を 漕ぎだしてみたら 夢があった (Fly to my future now) 理想の手前で ひとり気づいた どうして どうして 戻りたくなるんだ  ここにあるよ 大切なすべて 君がいる 今以上はないってことなんだね 見えない未来をこの場所で 駆け抜けてゆく気持ちよ 忘れないで消えないで (Time will tell everything, eve -ry time)  ひとつ違えばもう今はないの (Fly out Fly free) 奇跡のなか生きているよ (I want to fly to your future right now) ここにあるよ 大切なものがあるよ (Fly out Fly free Fly high right now oh) さぁ走り続けようIn my life  たまには朝 昼 夜 いらないって思う日があるの 当たり前はすぐ 慣れてしまうね ぐるぐる ぐるぐる 思考に飲み込まれてる  (Fly out)ここじゃないとこ (Fly free)憧れていたの でも辿り着けば また違う (Fly to my future right now) 現実はどこも 理想じゃないね だからさ だからさ 今をただ私と  ここがいいよ 君といるすべて 未来はさ 連れられて行く場所じゃないから 創ろう創ろうよ一緒に バカみたいなこと言うよ 今よ今よ消えないで (Time will tell everything, eve -ry time)  Tick Tick Tick tock Tick Tick Tick Tick tock 止まらない止めないで 自分の手で掴むから  Time世界は変わるよ 誰もが予想しないまま Life限りある私すべてで やりたいこと できることをしよう  ここにあるよ 大切なすべて 君がいる 今以上はないってことなんだね 見えない未来をこの場所で 駆け抜けてゆく気持ちよ 忘れないで消えないで (Time will tell everything, eve -ry time)  ひとつ違えばもう今はないの (Fly out Fly free) 奇跡のなか生きているよ (I want to fly to your future right now) ここにあるよ 大切なものがあるよ (Fly out Fly free Fly high right now oh) さぁ走り続けようIn my life, Now (Fly out Fly far away)IRyS柿沼雅美森本練佐藤カズキここにあるよ 大切なものがあるよ 時が変わろうと My Life  Time goes by… Where do you want to go? Just ride on time Time goes by… Take me to the time, where I can find you  知らない街 風 空 時が全てを変えているのね 明日が昨日になったら 未来も過去だよね いつもね いつでも 私を憶えててよ  (Fly out)不安定すぎる (Fly free)時代っていう舟を 漕ぎだしてみたら 夢があった (Fly to my future now) 理想の手前で ひとり気づいた どうして どうして 戻りたくなるんだ  ここにあるよ 大切なすべて 君がいる 今以上はないってことなんだね 見えない未来をこの場所で 駆け抜けてゆく気持ちよ 忘れないで消えないで (Time will tell everything, eve -ry time)  ひとつ違えばもう今はないの (Fly out Fly free) 奇跡のなか生きているよ (I want to fly to your future right now) ここにあるよ 大切なものがあるよ (Fly out Fly free Fly high right now oh) さぁ走り続けようIn my life  たまには朝 昼 夜 いらないって思う日があるの 当たり前はすぐ 慣れてしまうね ぐるぐる ぐるぐる 思考に飲み込まれてる  (Fly out)ここじゃないとこ (Fly free)憧れていたの でも辿り着けば また違う (Fly to my future right now) 現実はどこも 理想じゃないね だからさ だからさ 今をただ私と  ここがいいよ 君といるすべて 未来はさ 連れられて行く場所じゃないから 創ろう創ろうよ一緒に バカみたいなこと言うよ 今よ今よ消えないで (Time will tell everything, eve -ry time)  Tick Tick Tick tock Tick Tick Tick Tick tock 止まらない止めないで 自分の手で掴むから  Time世界は変わるよ 誰もが予想しないまま Life限りある私すべてで やりたいこと できることをしよう  ここにあるよ 大切なすべて 君がいる 今以上はないってことなんだね 見えない未来をこの場所で 駆け抜けてゆく気持ちよ 忘れないで消えないで (Time will tell everything, eve -ry time)  ひとつ違えばもう今はないの (Fly out Fly free) 奇跡のなか生きているよ (I want to fly to your future right now) ここにあるよ 大切なものがあるよ (Fly out Fly free Fly high right now oh) さぁ走り続けようIn my life, Now (Fly out Fly far away)
One Step at a TimeAnother day, I wander without escape, I ponder a million questions I don't need to find an answer for  Like is it worth the hassle? or is it worth the pain? I look inside the mirror, and say to myself  Am I enough? ohhh Am I worth it?  I see the way you notice all of my fragile moments a part of me is still uncertain I should let you in  but as it flows and passes the time will just confirm that when you're here with me, I can just let go  Now suddenly the clouds clear out all my worries disappear and all the stars, they feel so near I could almost reach out right now  Because of you, I feel myself again You helped me realize what I was here to do Because of you, I'm feeling real again now I know where I should go you got me walking back to hope One step at a time  I can't explain the feeling a sorta kinda healing a different wave of love that travels through your precious words  at times I circle back but I guess I just forget that when I'm down and low, I could count on you  Now suddenly the clouds clear out all my worries disappear and all the stars, they feel so near I could almost reach out right now  Because of you, I feel myself again You helped me realize what I was here to do Because of you, I'm feeling real again now I know where I should go you got me walking back to hope a step at a time  what can I say but thank you surrounded by some angels honestly, it's hard for me to live without  tomorrow's bringing something new i know for certain, it's worth it all thanks to you  Because of you, I feel myself again You helped me realize what I was here to do Because of you, I'm feeling real again now I know where I should go you got me walking back to hope  Because of you, I feel myself again You helped me realize what I was here to do Because of you, I'm feeling real again now I know where I should go you got me walking back to hope One step at a time  A little closer every step gets closerIRySsalta佐藤厚仁(Dream Monster)佐藤カズキAnother day, I wander without escape, I ponder a million questions I don't need to find an answer for  Like is it worth the hassle? or is it worth the pain? I look inside the mirror, and say to myself  Am I enough? ohhh Am I worth it?  I see the way you notice all of my fragile moments a part of me is still uncertain I should let you in  but as it flows and passes the time will just confirm that when you're here with me, I can just let go  Now suddenly the clouds clear out all my worries disappear and all the stars, they feel so near I could almost reach out right now  Because of you, I feel myself again You helped me realize what I was here to do Because of you, I'm feeling real again now I know where I should go you got me walking back to hope One step at a time  I can't explain the feeling a sorta kinda healing a different wave of love that travels through your precious words  at times I circle back but I guess I just forget that when I'm down and low, I could count on you  Now suddenly the clouds clear out all my worries disappear and all the stars, they feel so near I could almost reach out right now  Because of you, I feel myself again You helped me realize what I was here to do Because of you, I'm feeling real again now I know where I should go you got me walking back to hope a step at a time  what can I say but thank you surrounded by some angels honestly, it's hard for me to live without  tomorrow's bringing something new i know for certain, it's worth it all thanks to you  Because of you, I feel myself again You helped me realize what I was here to do Because of you, I'm feeling real again now I know where I should go you got me walking back to hope  Because of you, I feel myself again You helped me realize what I was here to do Because of you, I'm feeling real again now I know where I should go you got me walking back to hope One step at a time  A little closer every step gets closer
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. 幸福論
  3. きょういくばんぐみのテーマ
  4. 怪獣
  5. 倍倍FIGHT!



  2. 無限大(INFINITY) 2025
  3. タイムリミット片想い
  4. Swish
  5. MUSE

