Kuboty作曲の歌詞一覧リスト  41曲中 1-41曲を表示

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41曲中 1-41曲を表示
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炭水化物祭り晴れた日のベンチ(22/7)晴れた日のベンチ(22/7)秋元康KubotyKuboty炭水(化物だ) 炭水(化物だ) 炭水(化物だ) 祭りだ!!! ラーメン(ラーメン) うどん(うどん) カツ丼 天丼 牛丼!!!  炭水(化物だ) 炭水(化物だ) 炭水(化物だ) 祭りだ!!! チャーハン(チャーハン) ナポリタン(ナポリタン) オムライス カレーライス 焼きそば!!!  tulululu tulululu...  何万カロリー?(気にするな) いくらでも好きなだけ食べるだけ 糖質(抜くなんて) 絶対 死んでもやりたくない  ウマ!ウマ!ウマ!ウマ!旨い 締めのご飯ものは最高だ Yum! Yum! Yum! Yum! Yummy! まだまだ ほら食べられるぞ  タレカルビに ビビンバに 生姜焼きに 白いご飯 メンチカツに エビピラフ 時々 麺に 時々 パンに 大福餅(Ah)  炭水(化物だ) 炭水(化物だ) 炭水(化物だ) 祭りだ!!! マカロニ(グラタン) とろろ(めし) だんご 茶漬け お好み焼き!!!  炭水(化物だ) 炭水(化物だ) 炭水(化物だ) 祭りだ!!! シューマイ(シューマイ) ドーナツ(ドーナツ) 天ざる 冷麦 ちらし寿司!!!  もっと食べたいよ(もっと食べたいよ) 食べ物ばかり夢をみる もっと食べたいよ(もっと食べたいよ) 食べること以外 趣味なし!  炭水!化物だ!! 炭水!化物!!!  tulululu tulululu...  摂取カロリー(消費カロリー) 計算なんかしなくていい あれを食え(これを食え) 一年通してお祭り騒ぎ  デリ!デリ!デリ!デリ!デリシャス こんな旨けりゃ何も言えねえ Good! Good! Good! Good! Very Good! 満腹 ハッピースマイルだ  とんかつに 唐揚げに アジフライ エビフライ ポテトチップに ごぼう天 揚げ物に ハズレなし アゲアゲだ(Ah)  炭水(化物だ) 炭水(化物だ) 炭水(化物だ) 祭りだ!!! うな丼(うな重) フレンチトースト(フレンチトースト) たこ焼き 雑炊 小籠包!!!  炭水(化物だ) 炭水(化物だ) 炭水(化物) 祭りだ!!! 天(津飯) ホット(ドッグ) ソーメン(カッパ巻) ハヤシライス!!!  他に何かない?(他に何かない?) ダイエットなんかしたくない 他に何かない?(他に何かない?) そろそろ小腹が空いて来た!  炭水!化物だ!! 炭水!化物!!!  lalalalalala lalalalalala...  炭水(化物だ) 炭水(化物だ) 炭水(化物だ) 祭りだ!!! マカロニ(グラタン) とろろ(めし) だんご 茶漬け お好み焼き!!!  炭水(化物だ) 炭水(化物だ) 炭水(化物だ) 祭りだ!!! シューマイ(シューマイ) ドーナツ(ドーナツ) 天ざる 冷麦 ちらし寿司!!!  もっと食べたいよ(もっと食べたいよ) 食べ物ばかり夢をみる もっと食べたいよ(もっと食べたいよ) lalalalalalala lalala
We're フジコーズフジコーズフジコーズ秋元康KubotyKubotyHey Hey Hey Hey 踊ろうぜ! Fu Fu Fu Fu We're フジコーズ! Hey Hey Hey Hey 騒ごうぜ! Fu Fu Fu Fu We're フジコーズ!  La La La La... Hi Hi Hi Hi La La La La... Hi Hi Hi Hi  ちょっと! そこの兄(にい)ちゃん! 素通りするなんてないでしょ? Come on!(Guys!) これから 何する? 可愛ければ そう 許されるはず  Do it! Do it! 簡単なリズムで Shake it Shake it Vibesに乗ってこう カッコつけずに心も裸になって Woh oh (Ride on!)  La La La La... Hi Hi Hi Hi La La La La... Hi Hi Hi Hi  それじゃ 全然 分かり合えない 自分からハイにならなきゃしょうがない もっと ガツガツ行きましょう  Hey Hey Hey Hey 愛してるかい? Fu Fu Fu Fu We're フジコーズ! Hey Hey Hey Hey 愛されてるかい? Fu Fu Fu Fu We're フジコーズ!  Everybody 遠慮するなよ 身体 近づけるしかないっしょ Are you OK?(Guys!) 周り 気にしないで 自分がよければいいじゃない?  Cool! Cool! イケてるファッション Funky! Funky! 溢れるセクシー 言葉じゃなくてピンと来たら運命 Woh oh (Go ahead!)  La La La La... Hi Hi Hi Hi La La La La... Hi Hi Hi Hi  何か守ってちゃ意味ないよ 全部解放 自由以上の楽園はない みんなここで 弾けちゃおうぜ  Hey Hey Hey Hey 踊ろうぜ! Fu Fu Fu Fu We're フジコーズ! Hey Hey Hey Hey 騒ごうぜ! Fu Fu Fu Fu We're フジコーズ!
世界中で歌おうぜ22/722/7秋元康KubotyKuboty歌おうぜ! 歌おうぜ! 世界平和は 歌えば始まる どんな言語もOK! 聞かせて 歌おうぜ! 歌おうぜ!  街のどこかで 誰か歌えば 洗濯物を干してたマンマまで 自転車乗った郵便屋さんも みんな楽しそうに歌い出す  やがて覚えてしまう 知らない曲もいつの間にか 恥ずかしがらず 胸を張って 好きな歌よ 世界中の人へ届け!  歌おうぜ! 歌おうぜ! 大きな声を出せばしあわせ 歌っていれば誰もが笑顔で争うこともない 歌おうぜ! 歌おうぜ! 歌わなきゃ 分かり合えやしない 音程なんかいい 声を出せ! 歌おうぜ! 歌おうぜ!  なんか不思議な習性だよね 誰かの歌に釣られてしまうんだ 誰の心の中にもあるんだ ふいに口をついて出てしまうフェイバリットソング  歌詞なんか知らなくても 鼻歌だけでもいい気分 間違っても 誰も責めない 共に共に共に 歌えば仲間になる  歌ってると 歌ってると なんだかんだでしあわせになれる 古代からあるリズムに初めは唸(うな)るだけだったか 意味を持つ 言葉が乗って 神様への祈りになったのか 大地よ 自然よ ありがとう 歌いたい 歌いたい  ラジオからもテレビからも どこか部屋のレコードからも 僕たちを誘う歌が聴こえる  歌おうぜ! 歌おうぜ! 大きな声を出せばしあわせ 歌っていれば誰もが笑顔で争うこともない 歌おうぜ! 歌おうぜ! 歌わなきゃ 分かり合えやしない 音程なんかいい 声を出せ! 一日中 一日中 歌ってれば みんなハッピー 世界中で… 歌おうぜ!
渋谷の街の桜の丘でアーリオ・オーリオ・エ・ペペロンチーノ, 天籠りのん, 安心院みさ, 音門るき, トゥルシー・ナイトメアアーリオ・オーリオ・エ・ペペロンチーノ, 天籠りのん, 安心院みさ, 音門るき, トゥルシー・ナイトメアKubotyKubotyKuboty渋谷の街の桜の丘で 巡り会う人々の笑顔たち 咲いて咲いて繋がる 創造(create)文化(culture)ここにあり 舞台(stage)この先に広がる未来(future) 進め進め進め 進め進め進め  色とりどりの織りなす景色 人を知り触れ合えば鮮やかに 呼んで呼んで輪になる 喜び(delight)繋がり(connection)溢れ出す 小さな光が重なり合って 歌おう歌おう歌おう 歌おう歌おう歌おう  優しい世界が伝わるように 忘れないどんなときも思いやり そっとそっと広がる 愛と平和この胸に 舞台(stage)この先に広がる未来(future) 行こう行こう行こう 行こう行こう行こう  僕ら出会った桜の下で また会える、心ずっと共にある
PPEDMアーリオ・オーリオ・エ・ペペロンチーノアーリオ・オーリオ・エ・ペペロンチーノKubotyKubotyKuboty「皆の者~、茹で上がるのじゃ~! パスタ王国にようこそ! 私が国王のアーリオ・オーリオ・エ・ペペロンチーノであ~る! いっしょにペペロンチーノを食べて、盛り上がっていくのじゃ~!」  Garlic!!! Chili pepper!!! Olive oil!!! Garlic!!! Chili pepper!!! Olive oil!!! Garlic!!! Chili pepper!!! Olive oil!!! Garlic!!! Chili pepper!!! Olive oil!!!  温めたオリーブオイル gotta ケミストリー にんにく唐辛子炒めときゃ マジで間違いなし  ペペロンチーノん家のペペロンチーノヤバイよ ペペロンチーノん家のペペロンチーノてやつは オイニーがいい! 食感がいい! ダントツおいしい! ランキング1位!  My name is Peperoncino. I am the king of pasta land.  ペペロンチーノん家のペペロンチーノは愛情 ペペロンチーノん家のペペロンチーノは最高 ペペロンチーノん家のペペロンチーノヤバイよ ペペロンチーノん家のペペロンチーノは最高  Garlic!!! Chili pepper!!! Olive oil!!! Garlic!!! Chili pepper!!! Olive oil!!! Garlic!!! Chili pepper!!! Olive oil!!! Garlic!!! Chili pepper!!! Olive oil!!!  食べた瞬間突き刺す快感 もれなく五感からの五臓六腑に 染み渡る、激(たぎ)る、漲(みなぎ)る パスタの中のパスタ of パスタ  ペペロンチーノん家のペペロンチーノヤバイよ ペペロンチーノん家のペペロンチーノ食べたら 幸福度UP! GDPもUP! 人生ガラッと変わる 全部良くなる  My name is Peperoncino. I am the king of pasta land.  ペペロンチーノん家のペペロンチーノは愛情 ペペロンチーノん家のペペロンチーノは最高 ペペロンチーノん家のペペロンチーノヤバイよ ペペロンチーノん家のペペロンチーノは最高
パスタの歌 ~ペペロンチーノ~アーリオ・オーリオ・エ・ペペロンチーノアーリオ・オーリオ・エ・ペペロンチーノKubotyKubotyKubotyペーロペーロペロ ペペロンチーノ ペーロペーロペロ ペペロンチーノ ペーロペーロペロ ペペロンチーノ ペーロペーロペロ ペペロンチーノ  パースタパスタパースタ パースタパスタはアルデンテ パースタパスタパースタ パースタパスタはアルデンテ  お腹がすいたら ペペロンチーノ みんなが大好き ペペロンチーノ 3時のおやつに ペペロンチーノ 毎日飽きない ペペロンチーノ  イタリア生まれのおいしいパスタ  ペーロペーロペロ ペペロンチーノ ペーロペーロペロ ペペロンチーノ ペーロペーロペロ ペペロンチーノ ペーロペーロペロ ペペロンチーノ  パースタパスタパースタ パースタパスタはアルデンテ パースタパスタパースタ パースタパスタはアルデンテ  イタリア人なら「ペペロンチーノ」 日本(ニッポン)人でも「ペペロンチーノ」 世界の主食だ ペペロンチーノ みんなで毎日 ペペロンチーノ  アーリオ・オーリオ だいすきパスタ  ペーロペーロペロ ペペロンチーノ ペーロペーロペロ ペペロンチーノ ペーロペーロペロ ペペロンチーノ ペーロペーロペロ ペペロンチーノ  パースタパスタパースタ パースタパスタはアルデンテ パースタパスタパースタ パースタパスタはアルデンテ  オリーブオイルとか 焦げたにんにくとか それだけでいいでしょ みんな自由でいいの  ペーロペーロペロ ペペロンチーノ ペーロペーロペロ ペペロンチーノ ペーロペーロペロ ペペロンチーノ ペーロペーロペロ ペペロンチーノ  ペーロペーロペロ ペペロンチーノ ペーロペーロペロ ペペロンチーノ ペーロペーロペロ ペペロンチーノ ペーロペーロペロ ペペロンチーノ  「できあがり!」
ジャンピングジョーカーフラッシュ乃木坂46乃木坂46秋元康KubotyKuboty大人にはなるな 常識なんかほっておけ! どうだっていいじゃないか 天国行きのバス 偉くなって 何したいの? そんなシケた面(つら)見せないでくれ! 騒ごうぜ 立ち上がって とりあえず声を出せ!  誰かが昔 歌ったんだってね? やっと 乗り越えられる 難しく考えないでくれ 飛んで行こう(頭揺らして) 踊ろうぜ(ノリノリだぜ) さあ  ジャンピングジョーカーフラッシュでGO!GO! (ジャンピングジョーカーフラッシュでGO!GO!) ジャンピングジョーカーフラッシュが最高! (ジャンピングジョーカーフラッシュが最高!) 俺たちの世界で 意味あるものって何だろう? 理屈だけ並べたって 愛を感じやしない 腕を振り上げるだけで 熱く伝わるものがある 何が一番 大切なのかって ジャンジャンジャンピングジョーカーフラッシュ  聞き分けよくなるな! 反抗し続けろよ 右と言われたら 左へ行くんだ 暴れようぜ! いつだって 大人たちの反対が正しい 馬鹿になれ! 今だけでいい とりあえず笑っておけ!  流行った歌にもあったんだろう? 語呂良けりゃいいんだ 周りのことは気にするな 目を瞑って(リズムに乗れ!) まだ知らない(自分になれ!) 今  ジャンピングジョーカーフラッシュでCome on! (ジャンピングジョーカフラッシュでCome on!) ジャンピングジョーカーフラッシュは最強 (ジャンピングジョーカーフラッシュは最強) ああ 青春の日々よ 輝やけるのはいつまでか? 今日までって言われたって 後悔しないように… 一緒に騒ぐだけで かけがえのない時間(とき)になる 何が一番 思い出なのかって ジャンジャンジャンピングジョーカーフラッシュ  ジャンピングジョーカーフラッシュでGO!GO! (ジャンピングジョーカーフラッシュでGO!GO!) ジャンピングジョーカーフラッシュが最高! (ジャンピングジョーカーフラッシュが最高!) 俺たちの世界で 意味あるものって何だろう? 理屈だけ並べたって 愛を感じやしない 腕を振り上げるだけで 熱く伝わるものがある 何が一番 大切なのかって ジャンジャンジャンピングジョーカーフラッシュ  ジャンピングジョーカーフラッシュでKnock Knock (ジャンピングジョーカーフラッシュでKnock Knock) ジャンピングジョカーフラッシュをOpen (ジャンピングジョーカーフラッシュをOpen) 忘れないでくれよ 俺たちの合言葉だよ 目と目合えば 叫びたくなるんだ ジャンジャンジャンピングジョーカーフラッシュ
Endless NightDREAMCATCHERDREAMCATCHERKubotyKubotyKubotyRemember it was such a waste of time 居場所探しさ迷う Sleepless nights 悔しくて もがいて 流した涙 anymore 堪えて 乗り越え 二度と I don't wanna stop  物語の幕開け まだ見ぬ世界めがけ 今すぐ夢の向こうへ Fly away  Wake me up 何度だって Don't give up 立ち上がれ 振り返りはしない Just dream it, and do it  Never stop 走り抜け To the top 駆け上がれ 強く願い込めて 叫ぶんだ Breaking every endless night  もうダメなんだって 自分自身のせいにしたって 何も変わらないって 気付けないと始りもしない 一回きりの Race されどもただの Game 失敗も成功の Base 共に進もうか Friends  闇夜の曇り空も この声で切り拓こう 誰にも邪魔させやしない Don't be afraid  Wake me up 何度だって Don't give up 立ち上がれ 振り返りはしない Just dream it, and do it  Never stop 走り抜け To the top 駆け上がれ 強く願い込めて 叫ぶんだ Breaking every endless night  巡る One more chance 絶望の果て 掴み取った未来 離しはしない  朱い太陽 夜明けの空 美しく舞い上がれ One life  Wake me up 何度だって Don't give up 立ち上がれ 振り返りはしない Just dream it, and do it  Never stop 走り抜け To the top 駆け上がれ 強く願い込めて 叫ぶんだ Breaking every endless night  Breaking every endless night
DAN PATSU SHIKIバンドじゃないもん!MAXX NAKAYOSHIバンドじゃないもん!MAXX NAKAYOSHIみさこKubotyKubotyFight Fight Fight! Fight Fight Fight! Shine☆ Shine☆  アイドルにもそろそろ飽きてるんでしょ? てゆーか好きなのは自分だけなんでしょ? 国を代表して申したい だけど女の子はか弱い 張り手したって涙ためてるんでしょ?  ここで終わるのか? それがもしも天命でも 切り落として 獣にだってなる 負けやしない 勝つまで  ぶつかり続けたって未だ 燃え尽きる前さ 消えることなどなかれ 真実(ほんもの)以外投げ飛ばして あなたは私を 一生推して押して Shine☆ Shine☆  ライブ会場でデートしていいよ 放課後のたまり場にしてもいいよ 彼氏 嫁 お子 マブ マイメン 女子会 飲み会に三次会  汗かいて おいしい米食べようよ 農耕 田園 稲穂 精米 めんどくさいね それでもあなたの主食みたいに そう日常に成り上がりたい  ぶつかり続けたって未だ 燃え尽きる前さ 消えることなどなかれ 真実(ほんもの)以外投げ飛ばして あなたは私を 一生推して押して Shine☆ Shine☆  私がうつったスクショ消さないで プロフィールから名前消さないで チェキ売らないで CD 捨てないで 一緒のお墓連れてって  転がり続けたあなたが 燃え尽きるときは 私は私も殺す  ぶつかり続けたって未だ 燃え尽きる前さ 消えることなどなかれ 真実(ほんもの)以外投げ飛ばして あなたは私を 一生推して押して Shine☆ Shine☆ Fight Fight Fight!
Broken BonesTOTALFATTOTALFATShunKubotyJust forget all your broken bones And remember there 's always hope  Take a risk to reach your goal Find your purpose, gain some self control now There' s only one way to believe Stay strong, hold tight just for me Alright? I' m by your side  There are moments that happen when we turn around or fight We can choose to complain or keep moving towards the light  Just forget all your broken bones And remember there's always hope It's all about your ups and downs Learn to stand out in a crowd  Just forget all your broken bones (Just play it out till your life ends) And remember there's always hope (Even though you have some strife) It's all about your ups and downs (Remember, stay yourself) Learn to stand out in a crowd
Fear of ChangeTOTALFATTOTALFATShunKubotyWe're breaking the fear of change The voices inside are asking my brain “Does anybody learn from silence? Lift up your voices and rage There's no more wasting time Taking action is the strongest truth  Everyday I hear the noise It's always disturbing my voice I'm getting sick and tired from Holding myself back, being afraid of what they say This is the end of silence I'll execute my blindness for…  Breaking the fear of change The voices inside are asking my brain “Does anybody learn from silence? Lift up your voices and rage There's no more wasting time Taking action is the strongest truth  Life is meant to be free Don't you all agree? When we plan our future, the biggest crime is people who stay silent Nothing can hold me down I've still got my voice Taking action is the one ultimate truth  We're breaking the fear of change The voices inside are asking my brain “Does anybody learn from silence? Lift up your voices and rage There's no more wasting time Taking action is the strongest truth I'll sing louder to end my static blues Just wake up from the numbness Discover truth
Drop Like WaterTOTALFATTOTALFATShun・Jose・Bunta・KubotyKuboty乾いた心に水を注ぐように 交わした言葉に高鳴っていく鼓動 騒いで笑って溢れた涙から 芽を出した想いに花を咲かせるように  転んで破れたポケット こぼれ落ちすくい上げた記憶 偽らないでそのまま持って 二人歩き出せばいい  Let your love drop like water めぐり会えたことの Let me trip into your flavor 幸せの中で 寄り添って迷って集めた雫が 明日を潤わせるから  When we lose When we feel pain Just remember we're not alone 繋いだその手をけっして放さぬように  Let your love drop like water 信じ合えることが Let me trip into your flavor 喜びをくれる さまよって探して見つけたこの音が 二人の道を照らしていくから  Into thirsty space Let's pour the water When we're good or bad Whenever we are Between us everything doesn't matter Love is our perfect gravity  Let your love drop like water めぐり会えたことの Let me trip into your flavor 幸せの中で 寄り添って迷って集めた雫が 明日を潤わせるから
VisibleTOTALFATTOTALFATShunKubotyIs this testing us? There are explosions on the TV screen We don't know why… Stupid hatred causes lots of death  This is not science fiction The world has too much damn friction Don't let the bombs mess up our lives Have we lost our minds?  We are visible and Everything's different now It's not impossible We all can change Let's grab the wheel together and Just come face to face Let's steer a new way for the human race  How many times did we make mistakes then fail and fall? Who will be the savior of this era now? This is what we need to believe: “Conversations will achieve a World with balance”  We are visible and Everything's different now It's not impossible We all can change Let's grab the wheel together and just Come face to face Let's steer a new way for the human race  Conversations made face to face
Better Yet, Better OffTOTALFATTOTALFATBunta・Imani Jessica DawsonKuboty“Everything is gonna be alright” Is what you said But I was dumb to let you mess with my head I don't know why why why I'm so naive  One day you went and left my side. What the hell?! My gut was right and even friends could tell Now I know why why why Why I believed  Love is something that I used to chase around Those movies sure did seem nice But now it's time to talk shit at the bar  Thinking thinking thinking 'bout it You were just a stupid habit It's your loss Got me talking talking like I'm hurting but it's you that's just a burden Now I see  The world is smaller than you think All your crap will come around eventually No matter how it ends you're putting in what your gonna get.  These days they say“Girls don't cry” And they're right Over boys don't waste your fuckin time Although we try try try, it's like they're all the same  The good ones seem few or none Fuck boys know how to talk and troll With all these lies lies lies It's such a crime  You're just fuck boy thinking you good guy Delusional, it's brutal babe so don't believe the hype  Don't need validation from none of you punk asses Chivalry is dead and every single one of you classless!  And It's tragic, the fact is, you acting brand new But when she catch a case you know shits gonna be on you  Got my keys, pay my rent, I provide my own eats No necessity, A Man is a WANT not a NEED  Love is something that I used to chase around Those movies sure did seem nice But now it's time to talk shit at the bar  Thinking thinking thinking 'bout it You were just a stupid habit It's your loss Got me talking talking like I'm hurting but it's you that's just a burden Now I see  The world is smaller than you think All your crap will come around eventually No matter how it ends you're putting in what your gonna get.
Grown Kids feat. SUGA(dustbox), 笠原健太郎(Northern19)TOTALFATTOTALFATShun・JoseKubotyDrink up and come with me Let's make a promise for Just you and me  Growing up to become The hero we used to dream Through this song  Music is the reason I live my life No matter where you are It lets you reunite with your friends  How colorful life can be Just listening to the sound over and over again Over, over and again  Counting all the empty bottles is Just like looking back on memories I'll buy you one more So get me two more Here's a toast for our bright future  To smile like a child together Let's stay in our youth forever Here comes the miracle we've made This is how we've played  Time flies tonight Like they say kids are alright It's time to say goodbye Till we meet again And get drunk in the sound Keep it up Live it hard We will play again  Drink up and come with me Let's make a promise for Just you and me  Growing up to become The hero we used to dream Through this song  Now it's your turn Stop doubting your life, you'll be fine So keep your head up high We will meet again And get drunk in the sound Keep it up Live it hard Now let me hear your voice  Drink up and come with me Let's make a promise for Just you and me  Grown up but still a kid Chasing my same old dream Through this song  Passing on to the kids Let's make a future for Just you and me
Good Bye, Good Luck遠藤正明遠藤正明Shun・Jose・Bunta・KubotyKubotyHajime Okano・TOTALFATYou say good bye 旅立ちのとき また会える日まで  行くあてもなく泣いた 憂鬱な lonely days 君はいつもそばで 笑って手を伸ばした One day 君が言った 何気ない言葉 そのひとつひとつが 僕を導いた  果てなく絶えない笑顔よ 星になって あの日のように輝け  You say good bye 旅立ちのとき ともに見た夢を proud of my heart I say good luck 約束しよう また会える日まで  ひとりで歩く back street 寂しげな夕陽 君の笑顔さえも 忘れてしまいそうだ One day 君は泣いた 何も言えなかった 小さな後悔が 僕を迷わせた  忘れないで この街で見た景色 胸に刻んで 羽ばたけ  You remember 消えない想い 追いかけた日々は time after time Keep on shining 悲しまないで 僕はここにいる  You say good bye 旅立ちのとき ともに見た夢を proud of my heart I say good luck 約束しよう また会える日まで 君と また会える日まで
Star DriveTOTALFATTOTALFATKubotyKuboty変わらない日々の中で 忘れていた感情が 不意に零れ落ちた夜 過ぎ去る季節を眺め 流されるくらいなら 星の瞬きのように 輝きたい  衝動に駆り立てられ 本能に呼び覚まされ 僕たちは空見上げる 想像を膨らませ 現実を凌駕して 空高く飛べるはずさ  Star Drive 僕たちは希望の欠片 Star Drive 追い掛けて確かめ合う 太陽系の彼方 君と行くよ 夢だけじゃ終わらせない  ふと自分に問いかける これで良かったのか? 可能性は秘められたままで 犠牲にした感情を 映し出す曇り空 限界を突き抜ければそこは freeな世界  Star Drive オーロラの幕が開き Star Drive 星屑のステージを舞う 銀河系を超えて未知のソラへ 僕たちに限りは無い  もしもこの夜が明ける頃僕ら離れ離れになるとしたら 今夜一体何ができる? 寂しそうな顔はしないで僕ら孤独と隣り合わせだから 迷わずにその手を伸ばして  Star Drive 僕たちは希望の欠片 Star Drive 追い掛けて確かめ合う 太陽系の彼方 君と行くよ どこまでも手を繋いで  Star Drive 星たちが映し出した Star Drive 新しい朝の姿 君と遥か遠く離れても この夜を忘れない
BxAxSxMxTTOTALFATTOTALFATKubotyKuboty冷たいアスファルトに うつむく影眺めて 心の奥じゃ 誰かのことを 頼りたいけど  何気ない優しさに 思わず涙こぼれ ぬくもりをもっと 抱きしめたらきっと 素直になれる  僕らは愛を探す 身勝手な旅人 自分にだけ特別な 思い出ばかり集め 世界中の誰しもが 憂いの空の下 眠れない夜を越え 明日に想いを馳せる  寂しさに慣れ始め 思いやりも忘れて 求めたことを 求められても 分からずにいた  うつむく君の顔に 昨日の自分を重ね 満たされたモノを 全て失って また繰り返す  僕らは愛を語る 欲張りな旅人 求めても足りないと ワガママになるばかり 自分を守るための 言葉だけじゃきっと 大切な人さえも 傷付けてしまうから  弱いトコロ他の誰かに 見せる訳にいかない 何度でもいいさ 立ち上がろうか 傷ついても 構わないよ まだ終わりじゃない  絶え間ない雨はやがて 虹を描くだろう 苦しみを乗り越えて ぬくもりの意味を知る  僕らは愛を探す 身勝手な旅人 自分にだけ特別な 思い出ばかり集め  世界中の誰しもが 憂いの空の下 愛される喜びを 抱き締めながら彷徨う 僕らは旅人
Teenage dreamTOTALFATTOTALFATShunKubotyEast and west Drive so fast We've been on a journey I feel it's like an endless trip  From the first time we met Cannot off the magic Teenage dream will carry on  Hurry up!! We're not creatures from the past Steady go!! To the future all the best For better, for worse There will be the way The answer is “carry on”  Sometimes we get sad and shed tears Sometimes we are out of control But why do we always search for new answers? Teenage dream will carry on  Hurry up!! We're not creatures from the past Steady go!! To the future all the best For better, for worse There will be the way The answer is “carry on”
Space FutureTOTALFATTOTALFATKubotyKuboty鼓動は静けさを刻み 目指すは暗闇の先に 想いは導かれて行く 光がはじけ飛ぶように  夜明けが押し寄せる前に その身を委ねてみればいい 時間が止まるように祈り 飛び込め 追い風と共に  心配しないで 強く帆を張って 一緒にいるから 扉の向こうへ  Space future 僕らを乗せた船は 永遠に続く夜へ飛び出す Space future 放たれた星空に Where you are 君を迎えに行くよ  少年はいつの日か 胸に秘めた想いを 現実に変えるだろう Space future, let's go  彼方に浮かぶ碧い月 朝陽は夢を霞ませる 終わらない夜はないように 乾かない涙はないだろう  喜びを抱き 悲しみを背負い 君が変わるとき 世界は目覚めた  Space future 星が煌めく空に 君を浮かべ その名前を呼ぶ Space future この夜が終わろうとも Forever 君を置き去りにしない  Space future 僕らを乗せた船は 永遠に続く夜へ飛び出す Space future 放たれた星空に Where you are 君を迎えに行くよ  少年はいつの日か 胸に秘めた想いを 現実に変えるだろう Space future, let's go  夢を乗せて 遠くまで Space future, let's go
Call It LoveTOTALFATTOTALFATShunKubotyEveryday stay with me Tonight, tonight, by my side Shall we go home now?  Flowing up imagination We are king and queen But there's no crown, there's no rings, We don't live in castle In my wallet there's no paper There's no parasitic card But nothing can change one right thing “You're my treasure”  Rank, money, fame, I don't care Don't wanna wear crown on my head Why people always think abuot it I don't understand My life is happy if you're with me I call it “love”...  Everyday stay with me I'm sure, I know I'm not rich man Baby, don't cry Stay with me tonight, tonight, by my side Shall we go home now? Home sweet home  Getting back real imagination We're just boy and girl Try my best I can do Give me your big pleasure  Rank, money, fame, I don't care Don't wanna wear crown on my head Why people always think abuot it I don't understand My life is happy if you're with me I call it “love”...  Everyday stay with me I'm sure, I know I'm not rich man Baby, don't cry Stay with me tonight, tonight, by my side Shall we go home now? Home sweet home  We are different We're more than friend We never end We'll be closer  Where to go? Everywhere OK I just want you to say me “yes” Why are you so attractive to me I wanna understand You life will be happy if you're with me Let's call it “love”...  Saying your name with melody Coz I can't keep singing for you Everyday stay with me I'm sure, I know I'm not rich man Baby, don't cry Stay with me tonight, tonight, by my side Shall we go home now? Home sweet home
R.I.P.TOTALFATTOTALFATShunKubotySome one says we'll become a star After we finish lives and gone No, we will never be No, we will never be No one has known where we go after we die But then...  そう僕ら 現れては消えるローテーション 夢から醒めたように生まれ変われ We are on the circle like merry go round きっとまた会える next life  Some one says it's like a rolling stone Even we end lives we'll be back Yes, we will be back here Yes, we will be back here Over and over and over and over again  そういつか 巡り会えたら it's so special 今でもその瞬間を待っている I believe that we have a destination きっと輝ける this life  あぁ 真っ白になった記憶の上に Let's start it over again Let's draw it with a paint あぁ 積み重なる喜びを糧に So let's see you again We'll never feel the pain  そう僕ら 現れては消えるローテーション 夢から醒めたように生まれ変われ We are on the circle like merry go round きっとまた会える next life  No we don't ever say goodbye See you again next life This is not way to make you cry See you again next life
We Rise AgainTOTALFATTOTALFATShunKubotyHow many days did we leave? Can we do anything? Changing of the season was the moment of our tears Everyday we cannot forget 'bout the fear and pain We're all the same We are the broken heart  How long we cried after that? We shed a lot of tears Tears are flowing deep inside It's hurting you and me We believe that time will tell the answer to the bled We never say“Too late”and“It's over”  How can we get up and overcome? Tragedy had broken everything? We are gonna live with people who had been lost We will not give up their soul forever We rise again  Wake up, wake up Wake up from the pain Take back, take back Back the usual days  Everlasting memory is not dead Thousands of smiles We're gonna keep our beave  Happy ending never fades away We won't give up Wake up, take back  How can we get up and overcome? Tragedy had broken everything? We are gonna live with people who had been lost We will not give up their soul forever We rise again  Wake up, wake up Wake up from the pain Take back, take back Back the usual days  Everlasting memory is not dead Thousands of smiles We're gonna keep our beave  Happy ending never fades away We won't give up Wake up, take back We won't give up Wake up, take back
Echoes Inside My MemoriesTOTALFATTOTALFATShunKubotyI remember when I was a boy I was really nervous 'bout playing the music Sitting on a chair and close my eyes Fingers opened, then I touched black and white keys  Loneliness, broken heart All emotions of my youth glowed up with these notes It always echose inside  So will you keep on singing loud Until the day your voice is gone That I can follow your sign Even if music stops and the silent blinds my world  I lived in a small world in my mind It was really bright and rich imagination Waited for the savior of my youth There was nothing I can do without your help  Loneliness, broken heart All emotions of my youth glowed up with these notes It always echose inside  So will you keep on singing loud Until the day your voice is gone That I can follow your sign Even if music stops and the silent blinds my world  So will you keep on singing loud Until the day your voice is gone That I can follow your sign Even if music stops and the silent blinds my world  So I will keep on rocking the night If there's no music, I'll be wreck This is my dearest life line There's nothing else that I can trust and feel the worth  I remember when I was a boy I was taking a trip alone around my world
Friend Never SucksTOTALFATTOTALFATShunKubotyTell me why The reason for you are here alone Take my hand and step your feet So stand by me  I'll say you're my friend Don't be ashamed to shake hands Let's come my home And the party starts from now I hope you're doing well  Who you are? We don't care We are not alone Say your name and shake my hand Stay here with me  I'll say you're my friend Don't be ashamed to shake hands Let's come my home And the party starts from now I hope you're doing well  What they say? We don't fuckin' care It's ok, never mind Make some noise and circle pit Now we're all friends  I'll say you're my friend Don't be ashamed to shake hands Let's come my home And the party starts from now I hope you're doing well  Tell me why The reason for you are here alone Take my hand and step your feet So stand by me  I'll say you're my friend Don't be ashamed to shake hands Let's come my home And the party starts from now I hope you're doing well
Chase MarsTOTALFATTOTALFATShunKubotyHajime Okano・TOTALFATSun's going down Sky turns to brown I don't care 'bout the time and sunset  Night spawns the stars Look up to Mars Burning red, burning red Running away  Never fade out Mars growing dark Stars falling down I chase it through the night  Never fade out I don't give up I'll keep on chasing stars tonight  Earth's going down Take a look around Why can't anyone see it dying  Feel the heat of the ground Hear the crying sound Living dead, living dead This is the end  Never fade out Mars growing dark Stars falling down I chase it through the night  Never fade out I don't give up I'll keep on chasing stars tonight  Never fade out Mars growing dark Stars falling down I chase it through the night  Never fade out I don't give up Even if this is the end And even if we fall dead I'll keep on chasing stars tonight
Good Bye, Good LuckTOTALFATTOTALFATShun・Jose・Bunta・KubotyKubotyHajime Okano・TOTALFATYou say good bye 旅立ちのとき また会える日まで  行くあてもなく泣いた 憂鬱な lonely days 君はいつもそばで 笑って手を伸ばした One day 君が言った 何気ない言葉 そのひとつひとつが 僕を導いた  果てなく絶えない笑顔よ 星になって あの日のように輝け  You say good bye 旅立ちのとき ともに見た夢を proud of my heart I say good luck 約束しよう また会える日まで  ひとりで歩く back street 寂しげな夕陽 君の笑顔さえも 忘れてしまいそうだ One day 君は泣いた 何も言えなかった 小さな後悔が 僕を迷わせた  忘れないで この街で見た景色 胸に刻んで 羽ばたけ  You remember 消えない想い 追いかけた日々は time after time Keep on shining 悲しまないで 僕はここにいる  You say good bye 旅立ちのとき ともに見た夢を proud of my heart I say good luck 約束しよう また会える日まで 君と また会える日まで
Attack Or DieTOTALFATTOTALFATShun・KubotyKubotyTOTALFATSadness fills up my heart tonight I am gazing at the ceiling all night long Madness is hiding in my mind Cant't help losing myself There's no way to run away  Oh my destiny, place where I belong I don't throw away all my memories They'll forget as time goes by but I don't care I won't hold it back No pain, no gain  Set it free / Breakin'free / Break me free There's a reason to fight I don't cry out any more Life is not so easy I have to search for something  Let it be There's a reason to fight I don't cry out any more If I can not walk alone, the darkness never ends  Breakin'free (Go where the darkness ends) Breakin'free (Sun rises, shines on me)  Let it be There's a reason to fight I don't cry out any more If I can not walk alone, the darkness never ends
Life Is Such a Danger FlightTOTALFATTOTALFATShun・Jose・Bunta・KubotyKubotyHajime Okano・TOTALFATDay by day, step up Try to make yourself better Don't ever choose to live your life easy and smart No Way!!  So many liars Take a good thing out of your faith 偽り無い道を突き進めるかい? Your way!!  Hey boys, hey girls!! One time, one life Don't waste your time now Don't be afraid of failing  喜怒哀楽ブチ込んで 覚悟キメたなら danger flight 遅れをとるなよ OK!?(OK!!!)  Say good bye to yesterday 踏み出した旅路の果て 最後に笑えりゃ alright!!(alright!!!)  Hey boys, hey girls One time, one life  Monday through Sunday, let your heart burn Go let it out Don't ever let you down Keep on running forward Oh yeah!!  Let's keep your face up!You can learn a lot from your mistakes 向い風すり抜けて今飛び出そう OK!!  Hey boys, hey girls!! One time, one life 壮大なストーリー 今この手で描くように…  上昇気流飛び乗って まだ見ぬ景色へ danger flight 行く手阻む壁 break out!! Thumbs up for your brand new days たった一度の人生 最後に叶えりゃ alright!! Hey boys, hey girls One time, one life  Hey boys, hey girls One time, one life Don't waste your time now Don't be afraid of failing  喜怒哀楽ブチ込んで 覚悟キメたなら danger flight 遅れをとるなよ OK!?(OK!!!)  Say good bye to yesterday 踏み出した旅路の果て 最後に笑えりゃ alright!!(alright!!!)  Hey boys, hey girls One time, one life
Livin' for The FutureTOTALFATTOTALFATKubotyKubotyDon't you be afraid You can get rid of your pain Keep on dreaming Remember that I will be waiting here for you  Made your mind to leave here With your dreams But I can't desert my hometown where I was born  It is time to tell you Ever since I met you My eyes keep watching only you  I know you try I know you cry I can get inside your head I wanna see you Every time in your dreams I'll take you away  Don't you be afraid You can get rid of your pain Keep on dreaming Remember that I will be waiting here for you  It is time to tell you Ever since I met you My eyes keep watching only you  I know you try I know you cry If I can get inside your head I wanna see you Every time in your dreams I'll take you away  I'll see you again Don't you make me say goodbye So dry your tears And feel my heart it will be with you  Don't you be afraid You can get rid of your pain Keep on dreaming Remember that I will be waiting here for you  I know you try I know you cry If I can get inside your head I wanna see you Every time in your dreams I'll take you away  I'll see you again Don't you make me say goodbye So dry your tears And feel my heart it will be with you  Don't you be afraid You can get rid of your pain Keep on dreaming Remember that I will be waiting here for you  Going through change everyday So nothing stay the same Don't be afraid Your own way  That I will be waiting here for you
Highway 3TOTALFATTOTALFATShunKubotyGlorious days of life Music makes you high Don't let yourself down Glorious days of life I'll be your light Come on and break it out  Where to drive out ? I'm sure 'bout running through Unknown destination is not faraway  We're too tired I know it but it's good Tougher situation will change you into warrior  Glorious days of life Music makes you high Don't let yourself down Glorious days of life I'll be your light Come on and break it out  We've just begun This is the way to chose An amplification of our perfect sound  Let's take our hands When you about to fall Make it faster So don't you be late!! Now let's start it out  Glorious days of life Music makes you high Don't let yourself down Glorious days of life I'll be your light Come on and break it out  I'll be your light Come on and break it out
Jack is a Punk RockerTOTALFATTOTALFATShunKubotyThere's a man He's my second dad He's really easily moved to tears He's like a boy than anyone “Teenage kicks” That's his favorite song  Jack is a punkrocker  Jack is He's a punkrocker !!  His tear drops give me dream and belief (Our dreams came true) His friendship makes me strong and warm (Makes me a man) His dream is my dream forever Even death cannot do us part  Jack is a punkrocker  Jack is He's a punkrocker !!  I remember we cried at the coffee shop We were very young and hopeless (Young and hopeless) Courage, knowledge, everything was not enough But we kept on fighting on  Jack is a punkrocker  Jack is He's a punkrocker !!
RevelationTOTALFATTOTALFATKubotyKubotyWelcome all to the fall and rise I believe in myself and go I never have the time to remember  If I lose it will make me tough No, I just cannot lie to myself ever I am not scared of pain  What are you living for? Won't curry the favor If you wanna have something Just take it away  Got myself everything all on my own Doesn't matter what you say My fate is in my hands, nobody can stop me I will start the history  Welcome all to the fall and rise I believe in myself and go I never have the time to remember  If I lose it will make me tough No, I just cannot lie to myself ever I am not scared of pain  What are you living for? Won't curry the favor If you wanna have something Just take it away  Got myself everything all on my own Doesn't matter what you say My fate is in my hands, nobody can stop me I will start the history  Got myself everything all on my own Doesn't matter what you say My fate is in my hands, nobody can stop me I will start the history
See You Later, Take CareTOTALFATTOTALFATKubotyKubotycan I see deep inside your heart I spend the day with my very lonely mind I feel you so far away  I don't regret you chose your own way tonight, I want you to stay here keep your face up don't forget your smile  How do you feel How do you see? How do you hear? Makes me wonder  Goodbye to yesterday I will welcome the future  I'm alright See you later, take care
The Wonderful WorldTOTALFATTOTALFATShunKubotyFriday's over Next day morning She is crying Saying,“Where's my darling” He got so far from his baby He wasn't crying He needed a fair distance  Boys are delicate Girls never understand Girls are fragile, too Boys don't see it at all  Boys are delicate Girls never understand Girls are fragile, too Boys don't see it at all  They misunderstand Never think the same But they need each other Boy and girls are in“The Wonderful World”  Love's not over for these sweeties She stops crying “Stay with me, my darling” He's so sorry for his baby And he's crying “Baby, I can't live without you”  Love is not so easy and light We are all complicated But people still fall in love And know it sometimes hurts So boys never give up Girls never lose their mind  Boys are delicate Girls never understand Girls are fragile, too Boys don't see it at all  Boys are delicate Girls never understand Girls are fragile, too Boys don't see it at all  They misunderstand Never think the same But they need each other Boy and girls are in“The Wonderful World” Boy and girls are in“The Wonderful World”  Sunday's over Next day morning She woke up early To make lunch for her darling He was sleepy Still in bedroom She came to him As he woke up, she kissed him
In Your HandsTOTALFATTOTALFATKubotyKubotyWhen the quite has come, you will ask me why “Can I stay here or go somewhere” I reply as I look into your eyes “It is all up to your mind”  You are losing faith in yourself But only you can change your fate  In your sight, find the light Lead yourself til the end Don't forget dream is in your hands Healing pain, broken heart Step into a brand new day Don't forget dream is in your hands  When the quite has come, you will ask me why “Can I stay here or go somewhere” I reply as I look int your eyes “It is all up to your mind”  You are losing faith in yourself But only you can change your fate  In your sight, find the light Lead yourself til the end Don't forget dream is in your hands Healing pain, broken heart Step into a brand new day Don't forget dream is in your hands  When you've lost your way Look what's in your hands All the time you have Bright futures, on your way Get out or this maze Your life is in haze But I believe that you can overcome the pain you're in, your sufferings 'Cause only you can change your fate  In your sight, find the light Lead yourself til the end Don't forget dream is in your hands Healing pain, broken heart Step into a brand new day Don't forget dream is in your hands  Don't forget dream is in your hands Don't forget dream is in your hands Don't forget dream is in your hands
PredatorTOTALFATTOTALFATKubotyKubotyCan you believe in your flaming soul? Burn all your grasses if you are in doubt You should go back to where you were born So stay alive Don't be a grass eater  Oh!! Right now!! Stand out to be free  Oh!! Kill all the grass eaters Oh!! I am the predator!
BruisedTOTALFATTOTALFATShunKubotyAre you feeling like you're the only one alone? Do you give up and run away? When every broken heart and all your bruised friends Know they're not the only ones feeling that way Your tears will be gone Tell me, how does it feel to fall to the ground? Did you give up? Can you go on? When every broken heart and all your bruised friends Know they're not the only ones feeling that way Like deep blue It stops being bruised This song is for you  Home never fades away An everlasting place There are full of memories So wipe your tears away Please smile again Cause there's always a place for you I'll always wait for you back home  Tell me, how does it feel to fall to the ground? Did you give up? Can you go on? When ever broken heart and all your bruised friends Know they're not the only ones feeling that way Like deep blue It stops being bruised This song is for you  Home never fades away An everlasting place There are full of memories So wipe your tears away Please smile again Cause there's always a place for you I'll always wait for you back I'll always wait for you back home
SmileTOTALFATTOTALFATKubotyKubotyEvery night at the beach You're by my side Counting the stars in the sky You always make my day with you smile Break of day Time has come I will say goodbye Precious time I spent with you We haven't made any future plans  But I don't feel lonely Everything's alright I know it 'cause someday we will meet again  Never lose your passion Give me your illusion Infatuated, I know Life's dull without you Break bad situations You're my true sensation I know you're always shining Hope to see you smile again  Every night at the beach You're by my side Counting the stars in the sky You always make my day with you smile Break of day Time has come I will say goodbye Precious time I spent with you We haven't made any future plans  Never lose your passion Give me your illusion Infatuated, I know Life's dull without you Break bad situations You're my true sensation I know you're always shining Hope to see you smile again Never lose your passion Give me your illusion
One Last Time, I'll Try To Be With YouTOTALFATTOTALFATKubotyKubotySuddenly, in my dream, your are gone Still, I can't forget Can't you see? Rememver the way it used to be Tragedy I fall down on my knees  I know that the world is boring In my heart, rain is pouring down Waiting for you to come around Pull me out of misery I drown  I woke up with teary eyes But I found you by my side Thank god, I'm back to reality You're the one to make my day 'Til the day we part our ways Can't you see? I'll try to be with you  Suddenly, in my dream, your are gone Still, I can't forget Can't you see? Rememver the way it used to be Tragedy I fall down on my knees  I woke up with teary eyes But I found you by my side Thank god, I'm back to reality You're the one to make my day 'Til the day we part our ways Can't you see? I'll try to be with you  The dream is over, but still I wonder Never leave me I'll never leave you So won't you tell me that you feel the same? 'Til the day we have to say goodbye  So won't you tell me that you feel the same? 'Til the day we have to say goodbye Can't you see? I'll try to be with you One last time I'll try to be with you
OverdriveTOTALFATTOTALFATShunKubotyI can fly away with everyone I wish I could hold you in my arms Hear your heart beating It's growing up Spreading out my wings Let's fly away, fly away Hurry up Overdrive  Let your courage unfold Don't let despair take hold Tell me everything that's on your mind  Keep on running don't stop Wipe away your teardrop Let it blast! Kick into overdrive  I can fly aways with everyone I wish I could hold you in my arms Hear your haert beating It's growing up Spreading out my ways Let's fly away, fly away Hurry up Overdrive  Let your courage unfold Don't let despair take hold Tell me everything that's on your mind  Keep on running, don't stop Wipe away your teardrop Let it blast! Kick into overdrive  Have you ever been to a place called paradise? Take you for a ride It's a brand new start  Snow-white wings are spread out on your back Come on, fly away now!  Let your courage unfold Don't let despair take hold Tell me everything that's on your mind  Keep on running, don't stop Wipe away your teardrop Let it blast! Kick into overdrive  I wish I could Take you Overdrive
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. きょういくばんぐみのテーマ
  2. 怪獣
  3. ダーリン
  5. 倍倍FIGHT!



  1. 無限大(INFINITY) 2025
  2. わたしに花束
  3. 琥珀
  4. あたしを選ばなかった君へ
  5. ちゅだい

