Mr.WiFiUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | And I wanna get Wi-Fi, So I'll be fine 始めなきゃセッション 僕は Mr.Wi-Fi 職場の最寄り ビルの間に間に カフェインの香り ドアーを開けば オーダーよりもまず Baby Could you tell me the password? And I wanna get Wi-Fi, So I'll be fine 昼夜カンバセーション 孤独なユニバース 出張先でチェックイン もちろんカードキー 見た目の割に リーズナブルでしょ シャワーよりもまず Baby Could you tell me the password? And I wanna get Wi-Fi, So I'll be fine 異文化コミュニケーション 飲み干せない D.T.L (Desire To Learn) 背中にはBack Pack CameraとEye Wear ときにはサスペンダー This is ジャパニーズ・スタイル あとはわかるね Baby アレさえあればいい And I wanna get Wi-Fi, So I'll be fine 夜はマスターベーション 秘密裏に Feel fine And I wanna get Wi-Fi, So I'll be fine 始めなきゃセッション 僕は Mr. Wi-Fi |
Inside-outUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | 抱きしめるたび 鳴く声でFeel me 絡める舌の アプローチが強引 白無垢を脱ぎ捨てるような君がもっと見たい 素知らぬ素振り 裏腹にSwingin' 聞き分けのない 躰に仕置き 昨日までのルーティンワークを翻してみたい You can fly, Tonight, I'll make you cum And I can fly, Tonight, You'll make me cum Inside-out, Upside-down, Baby ヌード(しょうたい)を曝してもっと Inside-out, Upside-down, Baby 豪快に狙えサンパウロ イヤだってことは スキだってことさ オモテとウラは 突き合っているらしい 君次第じゃSもMも僕はやぶさかじゃない You can fly, Tonight, I'll make you cum And I can fly, Tonight, You'll make me cum Inside-out, Upside-down, Baby 快感で軋む滑走路 Inside-out, Upside-down, Baby 豪快に狙えサンパウロ Please me, Please me Please, you please me and yourself Love me, Love me Love and show me your inside Inside-out, Upside-down, Baby 本性を暴く無鉄砲 Inside-out, Upside-down, Baby 官能の地図は未発表 Inside-out, Upside-down, Baby ヌード(しょうたい)を曝してもっと Inside-out, Upside-down, Baby 豪快に狙えサンパウロ |
“inpei”UNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | Seen falling from the night sky These papers full of their lies Just play it cool and roll with it my brotha Keep telling us it's okay You bringin that to your grave? Don't think about the rug we sweep it unda “inpei” yes, an inpei is a pain, pain. It's an inpei. It brings pain, pain Please wipe away your make up These clowns all need to wake up You say one thing and then you do another Don't worry 'bout what looks good I thought it was understood When things go bad you keep it undercover “inpei” yes, an inpei is a pain, pain. It's an inpei. It brings pain, pain I'll never listen to you I don't care if you try “inpei” yes, an inpei is a pain, pain. It's an inpei. It brings pain, pain I know its true Yellow stars they can't shine thru, even if they lie “inpei” Nobody will believe you You twist and bend what seems true Appearances don't go that far my brotha Please wipe away your make up These clowns all need to wake up Your pride ain't worth the lies you spread to others “inpei” yes, an inpei is a pain, pain. It's an inpei. It brings pain, pain I'll never listen to you I don't care if you try “inpei” yes, an inpei is a pain, pain. It's an inpei. It brings pain, pain I know its true Yellow stars they can't shine thru, even if they lie “inpei” yes, an inpei is a pain, pain. It's an inpei. It brings pain, pain |
2 late 2 luvUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | 秘密のミッドナイト 気分はSo High 逃げたもん勝ちのサイバースペース あっさりグッバイ 僕にはもったいない 手ェ出したもん負けの耐久レース スリルを味わうだけの コンフィデンシャルじゃ 君のリアリスティックな シンデレラ願望にゃ足りない? 君がどんな服で着飾っても 遅すぎた出会い そこに真の愛は芽生えはしない It's too late to love again 偽装のハイウェイ おしゃべりはワンウェイ 口を滑らせたら大ダメージ 情報の漏洩 それだけは防衛 アイデンティティは各人で経営 スパイの真似事をして コードネームで呼んで ちゃちな個室のBarで 慰め合ってても足りない? 僕が恋の灰と化したとしても 遅すぎた出会い 僕の真の愛はアナタ以外 It's too late to love again 僕がどんなSの吸血鬼(ヴァンパイア)でも 深すぎた世界 それはもう時効成立の誓い It's too late to love again 君がどんな服で着飾っても 遅すぎた出会い そこに真の愛は芽生えはしない It's too late to love again 君がどんなスローガン掲げても 狭すぎた視界 それは天の選んだ運命の違い It's too late to love again |
stay hereUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | Hello 晴れた日の午後には 木漏れ日の咲く公園通り 靴を揃え 歩いたね 昨日までの地図にはない道も 僕の右手いつもの通り 迷わぬように 強く握って このままずっと stay here 悲しみを抱いて stay here この永くて短い時間の終着まで Hello 土砂降りの夜には お気に入りのコーヒーを嗜んで 蕩けるように 微睡んだね その何気ないひとつひとつを きっと守り抜くよ Yes I know 互いの 宝物にして いつまでもずっと stay here 寒さを凌いで stay here 夕陽が沈んで水平の向こうへ旅立つまで 緩やかにそっと stay here 過ぎ去る季節を stay here 氷が解け合って土に沁み込んで消えゆくまで stay here... このままずっと stay here 全て分け合って stay here 花が咲いて喉を嗄らして萎れるまで 何度でも言うよ stay here... stay here... この永くて短い時間が終わるまで |
AuroraUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | どこへゆき何をする? 刻々と ただ移ろいゆく まるでオーロラ 君にはどう映るの? 一体僕は どんなイキモノだ? ねえ教えてよ 心はがらんどうのシジマ 灯りのない夜の海 僕は 誰で 何の ために 生まれ やがて 死んで ゆくの 何度も 何度も 何度も 何度も 問いかけ 問いかけ 問いかける 群れを為して 他人を真似て 時間潰して 見失ってゆく どこへゆき何をする? ゆらゆらと ただ代わる代わる 放浪エキストラ 君にはどう映るの? 一体僕は どんなイキモノだ? ねえ教えてよ 該当データない パスワードもない 目を閉じ想像してよ そこじゃ僕はヒーロー 惜しまれながら死んでゆく 地球救う猛き 英雄 夢はデッカくていい みんな 例外 になり たくて なれな くて他 人に すがる 答え なんか わから ないよ 迷い ながら 出会い 別れ 巡る 100年足らずで 僕に出来ること 世界にとっちゃ 石ころに過ぎない ドコヘユキナニヲスル? どこへゆき何をする? 刻々と ただ移ろいゆく まるでオーロラ 誰がため生きるのでしょう? 自分のため? いや君のため? 全然わかんないや 迷走で何が悪い 空っぽでも やはり特別な 血の証 探し続けるのだろう 夢を見て そうや夢を見て ずっと夢を見て |
スタイル・ミサイルUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | ココロに閉じ込めたハズ あの日の君 “ここから早く出せっ!” わめいてるぜ 外に一歩出ればホラ マジメで大人しい奴 演じてるだけだろ せーのでコア開け 個性派ポテンシャル タイミングは今 せーのでロック外せ 機密ディープセクション 派手にぶっ壊せ ユメとウツツのミックスジュース 飲み干せない 臆病風でスカート めくれてるぜ みんなの前ではホラ 目立たない味気ない子に 見せかけてるんだろ せーのでコア開け 無意識の奥 コツがあるのさ せーのでロック外せ 守秘義務はない 派手に蹴飛ばせ 隣のあいつのせいかもね たまにいるんだ エゴイズムの彫刻みたいな 顔してのさばる ホントは悔しいだろ 叫びたい言葉あるだろ いつ本気になるの? せーのでコア開け 個性派ポテンシャル タイミングは今 せーのでロック外せ 機密ディープセクション 派手にぶっ壊せ We can't wait コア開け タイミングは今 We can't wait ロック外せ 派手にぶっぱなせ! スタイル・ミサイル |
太陽とイーリスUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | 息をしてさ こうやって そっと 脈打つ鼓動 感じて ずっと 君と見てたこの空が 鮮やか 歩くことをあきらめてた 僕の足はもう動かない 終わりへとだらだら続く道の隅っこ咲いていた君が 太陽に寄り添っていた 息をしてさ こうやって そっと 脈打つ鼓動 感じて ずっと 君を抱いたぬくもりは あたたか 絶望をただただ辿る道でもたった一人の君と 同じ景色が見れた 息をしてさ こうやって そっと 脈打つ鼓動 感じて ずっと 君の隣が一番 穏やか なぜだか 重ねた言葉 色とりどり浮かび上がる 息をしてさ こうやって そっと 脈打つ鼓動 感じて ずっと 世界は美しくて 残酷 いつまでも遠い空 見上げる 僕は生きているんだよね? ねぇ涙が止まらない 問い掛けても君は目を 開けない 君の言葉が浮かぶ 風に吹かれて消える 君の涙が揺れる 空に溶けて無くなる 僕の願い儚く うたかたに弾け飛ぶ 君の心は全部 夜に潜む星屑 |
I AM THE SUNUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | “I am the sun” 闇夜を切り裂く掃除屋サン 殺菌作用のいやらしいこの目でナメまわさん! 君の肌と心 焦がそう 重い服はキマジメ 脱ぎ捨てて 純情系イカロス 踊ろうよ Under the sun 派手にトランス 艶めくお嬢さん 70憶年後でも サンサンと散々君を照らそう “I am the sun” 銀河系最狂のテクニシャン 200万℃のいやらしいこの手でまさぐらん! 君の汗と涙 いただこう 露出度は高め 暴かせて ポッチャリイカロス 歌おうぜ Under the sun 派手にトランス たわむれ脂肪酸 70憶年後でも サンサンと散々君を照らそう 思ったよりネコ目 睨みつける上目 踏みつけて サディスティックイカロス お仕置き Under the sun 派手にトランス なんなら追加予算 純情系イカロス 踊ろうよ Under the sun 派手にトランス 艶めくお嬢さん ぽっちゃりイカロス 歌おうぜ Under the sun 派手にトランス たわむれ脂肪酸 “I am the sun” |
My BicycleUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | オレのいい子を紹介すんぜ 乳白色のボディーがキュート 艶かしいシェイプにまたがって されるがまま敏感に反応 相性は抜群さ ぴったりフィット Feel so good 息を荒げて 反復運動 加速 サドル盗る奴は許さないぜ 禁錮10年に相当さ 重罪 キミには辛い想いさせないぜ ダックスフンドちゃんて名付け手前 なのにあの夜 どこへ行ってしまった 冬の池尻 カギだけが残った もう一度キミと 愛のツーリング 淫らに走りたいんだ 変速機いらねえ キミだけを シンプルに操りたいな 恋人がいないより キミの不在が何より寂しい 電車はいつも 早送りの景色 好きになれないよ 戻っておいで My bicycle もう一度キミと 愛のツーリング 淫らに走りたいんだ 変速機いらねえ キミだけを シンプルに操りたいな “I want to ride my bicycle again” “Please once again, I want to ride my bicycle, bicycle, baby” 恋人がいないより キミの不在が何より寂しい |
Another VisionUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | おはようベイベー 世界はまだ混沌かい? さあ行くぜ君の ディスプレイへダイビング 誰にも邪魔されない ここは楽園だい でも触れられない これじゃあ生殺しです 外いこっと “部屋からログアウト” 予報を裏切る空がうそぶいてら 途方もない青さに揺れた四月の朝 これはマボロシかい? まさかゲンジツかい? 昼飯と地デジ 政治家さん 絶賛会議中 姿は鮮明で 言葉は灰色 閉じてゆく未来を 想像してもうた 中身もハイビジョンで お願いします 部屋出よっと “チャンネル変えよう” 生ぬるい風の唄が嘆いてやがる 憂いのメロディーに撃たれた徒然の午後 これは幻想界? まさか現実界? あぁ透明だった 世界が色付いた あぁ心がどっか プツンと弾け飛んだ ここでもう少しだけ呼吸したい気分 僕には何が出来るのか 幼い太陽が頭上でくすぶっている お前はまだおとなしくしてればいいさ そうだ何かが始まるんだ そして僕は歩き出すんだ あぁ透明だった 世界が色付いた あぁ心がどっか プツンと弾け飛んだ あぁ曖昧だった 明日のピント合った あぁ続いていた ずーっと繋がっていた あぁ透明だった世界が色付いた |
The Game Of LifeUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | サイコロは“1”だった 人生は牛歩です ドーナツの輪の中 我慢比べを繰り返すだけ 次世代を担う18才 渋谷に夢落ちてないかな とりあえず大学行って 出た目の通りなすがままに “3”は「運命の異性と出会います」 “5”は「ふりだし」 ゴールはどこかな 何がゴールかな 金じゃないでしょ サイコロは“6”だった 人生は激流です 天国への階段を ただ昇ってるみたい ハイリスク・ローリターンも いささか仕方ないです 理想と現実は 人見知りで 恋愛ベタ “4”は「事故に遭って3マス逆戻り」 “2”は「宇宙旅行」 あの子は「歯科助手」のカードを引きました 君はどうかな? サイコロは“1”だった 君とはお別れです 自分だけのワインディングロード 進むしかないさ 神様は意地悪で 平等なんかないんです 君は君の道を 独りでゆく 独りでゆく 君と僕の延長線が いつかまた交わればいいね その時は照れくさそうに 二人同じサイコロ振って |
The World Is YoursUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | Free... Be free... 固く閉ざされた瞳に ふいに柔らかな光が射すとき Free... Be free... 跳べるはずさ君にだって 新世界うたう旋律たどれ 感じ取れるさリアリテイ 辛らつうずく雑踏の群れ フロンティア奪ってくアイロニー 切り開いてゆく幻想捨てて 感覚だけのヒューマニティ 雲天模様の喧噪破り 存在証すシンフォニー響いてく The World Is Yours 世界は君のその目が映し出す光に照らし出されるのさ Ah, Welcome To The Whole New World Free... Be free... 見えるもの君次第さ What You See? 瞬間だけを信じて生きる ぞんざいすぎるフィロソフィー 見失わないで感情たどれ コンパスが指す現在地 蜃気楼のように浮かんでは消える 現実という物語 雲天模様のキャンバス捨てて 感じたままに彩り描いていこう Find The Way 答えは君が選んでくすべてのことから導かれるのさ So, Move On To The Whole New World まわる世界が君の心を乱しても The World Is New 生まれ変わるのさ そうさ The World Is Yours 世界は君のその目が映し出す光に照らし出されるのさ Ah, Welcome To The Whole New World |
HigherUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | UNCHAIN | Where is my mind? Beyond the actual world What we need is Imagination, you know Blowing up the boring day Glowing colors' pouring in Makes me smile Free as a bird Unite against hate Now, all I need is love Baby, take you higher Take you to the sun There must be something fantastic, I swear Believe me Baby, take your higher Let me free your soul Smashing through the darkness of your mind You're not alone What's wrong with Your harsh reality of life? Blowing up the boring days Glowing colors' pouring in Makes you smile Free as a bird Unite against hate Now, all we need is love Baby, take you higher Take you to the sun There must be something fantastic, I swear Believe me Baby, take your higher Let me free your soul Smashing through the darkness of your mind You're not alone Everyday's exactly the same? Wherever you go, something never change at all When you dare step across a line Everyday will be brand-new day!! Baby, take you higher Take you to the sun There must be something fantastic, I swear Believe me Baby, take your higher Let me free your soul Smashing through the darkness of your mind You're just aplashing into ocean of delight I know There must be something lonely in your life 'Cause you're not alone |
myselfUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Hiroaki Tani・Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | I sing this song again In quest of the future I did kid myself Always hesitate Open the escape route and justify myself Now I have stopped wasting my time I'm going I say good-bye to past myself Good-bye to backward days My way is long an winding, dusty road I'm just rolling No one can stop me I'm just rolling No one can beat me Except the man reflected in the mirror I sing this song again Breaking the illusion I don't change my way Sell my heart out There is a strong will to survive the harsh winter Know who I am Changing fast each day, growing (Good-bye again) (Don't look backward) (Get overr any wall) I'm just rolling No one can stop me I'm just rolling No one can beat me Except the man reflected in the mirror I say good-bye to past myself Good-bye to backward days My way is long an winding, dusty road I'm just rolling No one can stop me I'm just rolling No one can beat me Except the man reflected in the mirror |
GravityUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | UNCHAIN | 行き先不明の旅路には、神様はいない 瞬き消えていくだけで、見たいものが見えない 気負い立ちブレる視点汗ばみ 比例してズレる視線定まらない ぬるい気分まとう体が沈む めまい誘うようなフラッシュバック拭えない 感情振り切って左手ギセイにした うずく傷あとそのままここから駆け出せ 感傷追い越して右手届きそうだ のばす指先かすめた世界を奪っていけよ 午前5時の白けた静けさが、意識ニブらす 壊れた街灯、悠長な赤い信号 やさしいものを捨てて 光さし振れる無限静かに 否定して超える野生おぼつかない ぬるい気分まとう体が沈む めまい誘うような閃光ほとばしる 感情振り切って左手ギセイにした うずく傷あとそのままここから駆け出せ 感傷追い越して右手届きそうだ のばす指先かすめた世界を奪っていけよ Dive Into Black ギラついた眼で 憶い Over Drive くらい尽くせ 光さし振れる無限静かに 甘いにおい触れる母性超えられない ぬるい気分まとう体が沈む キセキ起こすその衝動 鮮やかに残像焼き付いて乱れて千切れそうだ あふれてこぼれ落ちてゆく心が叫んでいる 感傷追い越して右手届きそうだ 「のばす指先かすめた世界を奪っていけ」と |
MusicUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | UNCHAIN | I've been trying to unchain my soul In the barricade of The ready-made ideas, oh yeah Getting a clue during listening to music Music, lots of different types of genres They're all exciting!! I didn't know anything at the start Still I did enjoy playing with my band I did not understand what it means actually Now I see everything certainly Link with me, music is something like The bridge between you and me You know what, I hope my music Will act on someone's emotions These things touch my heart I wonder if you feel in the same way That feelings affect each other Make me feel that We can change the world Some will say it is just only music Some will say that you can't Change this world, no no… Still I believe in the power of music Music's something touches your heart Right? That is the point, see? I didn't know anything at the start Still I did enjoy playing with my band I did not understand what it means actually Now I see everything certainly Link with me, music is something like The bridge between you and me You know what, I hope my music Will act on someone's emotions These things touch my heart I wonder if you feel in the same way That feelings affect each other Make me feel that I didn't know anything at the start Still I did enjoy playing with my band I did not understand what it means actually Now I see everything certainly Link with me, music is something like The bridge between you and me We can change the world |
Progress and Go UpUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | UNCHAIN | Loneliness, which lets me down and I can't break down Nowhere to go and I struggle for the light Fear, which makes me trembling awfully But these affections would be proof of our life I've found that I am not alone Delight may be equal to sorrowfulness I've found that I am not alone God's blessin', you and I need to go With no pause any more Let's sing when you feel deep sadness And then that could rescue you from the deep sea Let's sing when you're lost in sadness Just try sing in the pouring rain over and over With no pause any more Progress and go up Reprogram yourself Lookin' for the perfect beat goes on |
Brighter DaysUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | 淡い記憶 夢を描いていた 狭い部屋 広い空見ていた 求めていた何もかもが きらめいていた眩しい日々を きっと溢れた感情も君と交わした約束も遠く揺れて ずっと胸にしまっていた今は期限切れの誓い抱いて いつか辿り着く日まで 寒空の片隅で君の ぬくもりと歌が響いていた 帰り道 にぎわう雑踏の 冷たい街に舞い込む雪は やさしく温めてくれた 君の白い声 切なくなる恋しくなる あの日溢れた感情も君と交わした約束も遠く揺れて ずっと胸にしまっていた今は期限切れの誓い抱いて 柔らかに差し込んだ冬の光と まっすぐな瞳の変わらない君と 止まったままの時間と 淡い記憶が何度でも心揺らす 遠い日に輝いた君と見ていた星空 もう見えない ほんのわずかでもいい君の光で僕を照らして きっと溢れた感情も君と交わした約束も消えない ずっと胸にしまっていた今も信じている誓い 強く抱いて いつか辿り着く日まで |
Withered VoiceUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | UNCHAIN | I got to bawl and squall [Can you endure disgusting scenes?] Never be satisfied [So, I told you never can do it to me] Vicious an [Nobody understand] It's dried-up [like withered voice] Vicious an [Nobody understand] It's dried-up [like withered voice] You fucked up everythins in your life? [There is no point doing that, you know] you can't do any more [I'm a bum like a withered rose] Vicious an [Nobody understand] It's dried-up [like withered voice] Vicious an [Nobody understand] It's dried-up [like withered voice] The distant voice, it has gone far away The distant voice, it has gone far away Boy, I'm dried-up like Withered voice, nobody understand Is that all? I'm dried-up like Withered voice, nobody understand The distant voice, it has gone far away The distant voice, it has gone far away |
Across The SkyUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | 無限の光が奏でゆくメロディー 君も聴こえるだろう? 虹のハーモニー僕ら繋ぐ合図 揺れる鼓動が伝って優しく響いているよ今 静かに闇が夜を深くかすかに聞こえるのは雨 見上げた空に月はいない わずかな温もりさえ消えてしまいそうなほど かじかむ手をあたためて すれ違いを怖れ立ちすくんでいた僕ら 回り道をしてはぶつかりあい傷つけあい響きあう 無限の光が奏でゆくメロディー 君も聴こえるだろう? 虹のハーモニー僕ら繋ぐ合図 さようならさ うつむいた影と 動き出した時計 水色の風が傷み空へ運んで 揺れる鼓動が伝って優しく響いているよ 胸の奥の痛み気づかぬフリをしていた 僕はわかっていたよ 強がって寂しがって嘘つきな瞳を その傷みをいつか胸に抱けたのならほどけてく夜を越え 緩やかに顔を見せる白い月が微笑む 目の前を照らし出していく 雨上がりの空が導くよ 君も見えるだろう? 雲を引き裂くようなまばゆい旋律 無限の光が奏でだすメロディー 君を包み込んだ 虹のハーモニー僕ら繋ぐ合図 さようならさ うつむいた影と 動き出した時計 水色の風が傷み空へ運んで 繋いだ手を通って揺れる鼓動が伝って 僕の胸の奥で優しく響いているよ You will be okay... |
Signs Of SpringUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | What kind of people will be in the new world See cherry blossoms It's a slight chilly morning Ah a sweet breath of spring And it fills my heart With sound of a gentle breeze You & I will be higher than the clouds We can fly to the sky We'll find the way to glow Just like a shooting star It's all new This is true So, everywhere I go, I'm excited in my heart It's alright What will be waiting for me in this place Trees push out new shoots It's a little warm evening Ah, I'm feeling a wind of spring It's lovely and my heart is just like break beats You & I will be higher than the sun We can fly to the sky We'll find the way to glow Just like a shooting star It's all new This is true So, everywhere I go, I'm excited in my heart It's alright There are people who live for the moment Or wealth and fame There are people who you've never seen before It's a new day We need to be together Then we will see tomorrow If you & I open up so big and soft And also spread around the world It will be fun just like space Don't you cry, you're not alone If we work together, we can even stop the rain Can you stand? come with me You can shine like a rainbow We can fly to the sky We'll find the way to glow Just like a shooting star It's all new This is true So, everywhere I go, I'm excited in my heart It's alright |
Let Me Be The OneUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | Everything I'd like to be When I just see a smile in your eyes There is something to me Let me be the one will shine with you When I am flat on the ground And you lift me to the sky When I am all the way down And you put me on the high Tomorrow will be better We'll be aiming higher Always make me feel so fine really Feel like I will make it through Everything I'd like to be When I just see a smile in your eyes There is something to me Let me be the one will shine with you Everything you'd like to be When you need I'll be there for you Listening to your heartbeat Got a hold on me and won't let go When you're down and troubled Don't let it get you down Remember I'll be by your side, baby Your smiling face is shinning Like that Sunday morning Everything I'd like to be When I just see a smile in your eyes There is something to me Let me be the one will shine with you Everything you'd like to be When you need I'll be there for you Listening to your heartbeat Got a hold on me and won't let go Stay with me We'll be together Stay with you Everything I'd like to be When I just see a smile in your eyes There is something to me Let me be the one will shine with you Everything you'd like to be When you need I'll be there for you Listening to your heartbeat Got a hold on me and won't let go Everthing only fades away And nothing ever stays the same There is no everlasting love Still believe in the power of love Everything I'd like to be Say good-bye to my sorrowful days Everything we'd like to be Got to be startin' something bright It must be brand-new lovely day |
Don't Need Your LoveUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | Things will get better There's a wing and a prayer There's a time for everything I won't forget It's all just like magic Every little thing changes my life So, I'll keep it in my mind I won't slide away Carefully take one step at a time You are nothing but a frail creature Don't try to do more than you're able to do I don't need your love That ever lets me down You know, real love is all I want Even though It's nothing but a heartbreaker I don't care if I spend a lonely night You don't know How much I am stronger now I don't care what others say about me I'm not fazed If you like I could sing a song for you, it's alright You only care how you looks And that is just full of shit Whether your soul is hot or not That's important You are jut jerking around You don't have a second chance It's just like a table game Regret that nothing is done Watch every step Or you will fall into a trap Don't try to do more than you're able to do I don't need your love That ever lets me down You know, real love is all I want Even though It's nothing but a heartbreaker I don't care if I spend a lonely night You don't know How much I am stronger now I don't care what others say about me I'm not fazed I don't need your love That ever lets me down You know, real love is all I want Even though It's nothing but a heartbreaker I don't care if I spend a lonely night You don't know How much I am stronger now I don't care what others say about me I'm not fazed If you like, I could sing a song If you like, I could sing a song for you Sing a song carve the new way for myself I don't need her love And I'll get up off my knees She has given me Nothing but a fake flower |
Light Your ShadowUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | Little ground, it takes me back to sad and joy Little girl, she's standing, and looking at me Little ground at that time cry and smile Little one means all the world to me I never take my eyes off our music It's my one and only place in the sun I was fascinated ever since that day It's my one and only message I wanna send for you Don't you know The place you lighten up The most so fine in the world? Light your shadow well You can work it out Don't you know The space you truly confess Everything in the earth? Your shadow well You can find yourself Overcome your sorrow And say everyday good-bye |
Mother EarthUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | Take a look around And there is something wrong There needs some more love here With a heart of gold And still she loves everything Always she's close to my heart You know, there is no reason We're born to be... Mother earth bless the child Don't you remember What she has given Think what we have to do Every little thing is fine Appreciate the gift And it's so simple Circle of life to infinity Make a dream come true All living hand in hand When we think about it It's not so difficult I mean, she loves everything Always she's close to my heart You know, there is no reason We're born to be... Mother earth bless the child Don't you remember What she has given Think what we have to do Every little thing is fine Appreciate the gift And it's so simple Circle of life to infinity Oh yeah Lasting forever as long as she lives Oh yeah Live every day, don't forget the benefits Stay in good spirit over one hundred years I'm sure she'll love the future Maybe she's close to our heart We couldn't be happier Everything is born to be... Mother earth bless the child Don't you remember What she has given Think what we have to do Every little thing is fine Appreciate the gift And it's so simple Circle of life to infinity |
Life Is WonderUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | One day I happened to walk down the street You appeared right in front of me I tried to sound calm, so heartily But actually, my heart was beating, loudly Just wondering why at that time You're feeling my vibration So I was meant to meet you Ain't no reason why That's the way it is, I'd say You know, it's so wonderful, isn't it Fallin' in love with you Awesome experience Once in a lifetime My life is wonder And not too bad, I guess you know I'm saying Your life is wonder Ain't no stoppin' us All I can say So life is wonder One day I happened to call you Then you were on the phone with someone And it turned out down the road, woo That you called me too at the same time Just wondering why at that time You're feeling my vibration So I was meant to meet you Ain't no reason why That's the way it is, I'd say You know, it's so wonderful, isn't it Fallin' in love with you Awesome experience Once in a lifetime My life is wonder And not too bad, I guess you know I'm saying Your life is wonder Ain't no stoppin' us All I can say So life is wonder Everybody's got to make it happen I don't know what's going down I'm going to do it my way That is what I'm trying to say And I won't look back again Hey!! Just do what to do And I can make it through the day Though I can't buy you a diamond ring Just singing a song for you is all that I can do I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you Don't forget it My life is wonder And not too bad, I guess you know I'm saying Your life is wonder Ain't no stoppin' us All I can say So life is wonder Everybody's got to make it happen When you are happy So am I happy Now I am hungry And are you hungry? At a time like this If I were a preacher man Maybe, I would say like that “Yeah!! thank you Lord, have mercy me” “Have mercy” |
Show Me Your HeightUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | People are always smiling with my brothers People who are respecting for the others People are always shining powerfully They're my light Joyful, You just forget about your mistakes Painful, and the depression after haertbreak Mindful not written in the book of life It's learned by mind We must keep on waterring the flowers So as not to dry the possibilities We must keep on burning light of power 'Cause we will be always singing Time of my life, it never comes again So I'll try to live for moment here Until the end of my sight It never comes again Even though a mistake Heaven don't laugh at boys Dye me red like a rising sun Get rid of your hedge show me your limit and the power of your fate Get rid of your hedge You're just no longer, friendly neighbor You're just a player Show me your way |
QuarterUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | I was born and she was born In the ever-changing world of people I just sing to their voices I was born in this world It is now over a quarter century She just sings to their voices What has she ever got in cruel world I have to get that something on my own There'd been many regrets And many mistakes But, she'd stood up for the light time and time again I've only just drunk A quarter cup of water So, this world is wide The will built up for 25 years is Surely on the track There're hard times Why did not I run away? Givin' me something precious all the time Only 25, end of a journey's so far away Thank you for your love Leading me the way to the light I was born and she was born In the ever-changing world of people I just sing to their voices I was born in this world It is now over a quarter century She just sings to their voices Time's streaming Things are changing every time What did I get and lose in my life? But it seems a long way off I understand I've only just drunk A quarter cup of water So, this world is wide The will built up for 25 years is Surely on the track There're hard times Why did not I run away? Givin' me something precious all the time Only 25, end of a journey's so far away Thank you for your love Leading me the way to the light There's a wall to overcome In front of me, very high In my brief span of life I should keep seeking something And face forward With all my heart and soul Working towards my goal There're hard times Why did not I run away? Givin' me something precious all the time Only 25, end of a journey's so far away Thank you for your love Leading me the way to the light I just sing to their voices She just sings to their voices |
make it glowUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | What is your name? How's it goin'? What's in your mind? What'll I say? If I can come across you once again Surely the same We'll laugh and sing till the morning comes In a moment we will find kindred spirits I've got nothing but There's music and you supported me It should have gone on forever And four years passed by Before I knew it, you're grown spiritually You don't need me anymore I just wanna make it glow Why do you wanna get so wound up? Take it slow, go with the flow I just wanna make it glow Why do you wanna get so wound up? I'm sure there is something left in your heart No matter how much this world is wide You're the only one It's too late that I've noticed it Now, there's no trace of you left anywhere But I need to get on with life Have an open mind Though I'll miss you As time goes by, I'll love someone I've got nothing but There's music and you supported me It should have gone on forever And four years passed by Before I knew it, you're grown spiritually You don't need me anymore I just wanna make it glow Why do you wanna get so wound up? Take it slow, go with the flow I just wanna make it glow Why do you wanna get so wound up? I'm sure there is something left in your heart As long as I live, this feeling is forever How long will I live? It hasn't changed since I was a little boy As long as I live, I'll make it glow I've got nothing but There's music and you supported me It should have gone on forever And four years passed by Before I knew it, you're grown spiritually You don't need me anymore I just wanna make it glow Why do you wanna get so wound up? Take it slow, go with the flow I just wanna make it glow Why do you wanna get so wound up? I'm sure there is something left in your heart |
Dear My FriendUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | When trees and flowers are dying down Being the most beautiful in their life I wanted to see you would be old Also your wife and your children too November comes again I remember The sun went down like hide-and-seek I wish I could do say good-bye Tears kept filling my eyes And I'd seen the shallow beach All I could do is crying under the clear sky Dear my friend, I've decided to hang in there It's beautiful that leaves turning gold Driving with you Feel like it was yesterday November comes again I remember A leaf fluttered down from nowhere I wish I could do say good-bye Tears kept filling my eyes And I'd seen the shallow beach All I could do is crying under the clear sky Dear my friend, I'll just sing a song for all time Feel like I can sing a good song When I remember you The irony is that My song will not get through to you again, again As I get older, fading memories Then will I forget you? No, I won't forget you, forget you I wish I could do say good-bye Tears kept filling my eyes And I'd seen the shallow beach All I could do is crying under the clear sky Dear my friend Please let me say good-bye |
RaptureUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | | What's there in this world? There is life & death And there're many things We don't know Even if we still don't know The meaning of life As time goes by We'll find the answer Life is a serious thing And can not be replaced Because there is no life that's wasteful Struggle to your feet And we are born not knowing How much bless given All we could do is only crying As if we know all tragedy But may be that it is really Meaning the raptures The one and only life given The eyes, the nose, the ears, and the lips Everything is shining bright What's the joy of life? I think we should know it We must live on to find the reality Life is a serious thing And can not be replaced Because there is no life that's wasteful Struggle to your feet And we are born not knowing How much bless given All we could do is only crying As if we know all tragedy But may be that it is really Meaning the raptures The one and only life given The eyes, the nose, the ears, and the lips Everything is shining bright And still too young to die You don't know how depressed we are You should love yourself so much And you should respect life so much Have you ever lost a close friend? You don't know how much we shed tears We trust in each other much more And we should respect life so much more And we are born not knowing How much bless given All we could do is only crying As if we know all tragedy But may be that it is really Meaning the raptures The one and only life given The eyes, the nose, the ears, and the lips Everything is shining bright Born to this world crying Lovin' yourself so much Find the meaning of life Everything is shining bright |
make it glowUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | UNCHAIN | What is your name? How's it goin'? What's in your mind? WHat'll say? If can come across you once again Surely the same, we'll laugh and sing till the morning comes In a moment we will find kindred spirits I've got nothing but, there is music and supported me It should have gone on forever And four years passed by Before I knew it, you're grown spiritually You don't need me anymore I just wanna make it glow Why do you wanna get so wound up? Take it slow, go with the flow I just wanna make it glow Why do you wanna get so wound up? I'm sur that there is something left in your heart No matter how much this world is wide You're the only one It's too late that I've noticed it Now, there's no trace of you left anywhere But I need to get on with life Have an open mind Though I'll miss you As time goes by, I'll love someone I've got nothing but, there is music and supported me It should have gone on forever And four years passed by Before I knew it, ,you're grown spiritually You don't need me anymore I just wanna make it glow Why do you wanna get so wound up? Take it slow, go with the flow I just wanna make it glow Why do you wanna get so wound up? I'm sure that there is something left in your heart As long as I live, this feeling is forever How long will I live? It hasn't changed since I was a litte boy As long as I live, I'll make it glow I've got nothing but, there is music and supported me It should have gone on forever And four years passed by Before I knew it, you're grown spiritually You don't need me anymore I just wanna make it glow Why do you wanna get so wound up? Take it slow, go with the flow I just wanna make it glow Why do you wanna get so wound up? I'm sure that there is something left in your heart |
Movin' my soulUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | UNCHAIN | Play together Are you ready? It's too way-out I'm sure you'll be surprised I vow to my heart I won't hesitate So, come together It's the dawn of the new world Yes!Yes!My soul, Move on!...Yes!Yes!Your soul, Move on! Play together Are you ready? It's too exciting that you'll leap all around I vow to my heart I won't hesitate So, come together The dawn of our drama Yes!Yes!My soul, Move on!...Yes!Yes!Your soul, Move on! I'm getting so excited I'm going underground The reaction is true I'm going underground And I'm going down into the black Show me the way I won't run away from it And I'm getting over the high wall Lead me the way I won't fade away Still movin' my soul Dance together Let's shake your hip Shout to the top We'll create the new world I vow to my heart I wan't hesitate So, sing together This song dispel the black Yes!Yes!My soul, Move on!...Yes!Yes!Your soul, Move on! Yes!Yes!Their souls, Move on!...Yes!Yes!Our soul, Move on! It's no mistake So, don't you escape Your natural sense is right It's no mistake So, don't you escape Your natural sense is here And I'm going down into the black Show me the way I won't run away from it And I'm getting over the high wall Lead me the way I won't fade away Still movin' my soul Searching for my sight Show me the way I won't run away from it (I'm still loving and just singing) You're my guiding light Lead me the way I won't fade away (It's exciting song) Still movin' my soul |
one wordUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | UNCHAIN | I found that there is nothing left behind, no matter how much I regret I'm not alone, clear my mind Anything and everything comes from one word It made me feel so helpless and small Everything blew off in a flash It made me think anew about...because Everything blew off in a flash Let's look around, everyone smile, seem so enjoyable Let's sing along, everyone smile, I send a word for truth I found that there is a way to work it out, even if up against the wall I'm not alone, make up my mind Everything comes along with one word It made me feel so helpless and small Everything blew off in a flash It made me think anew about...because Everything blew off in a flash Let's look around, everyone smile, seem so enjoyable Let's sing along, everyone smile, I sing a song for you Let's look around, everyone smile, seem so enjoyable Let's sing along, everyone smile, I send a word for truth I'm not alone Clear my mind I'm not alone Make up my mind I'm not alone Into my mind I'm not alone I send a word for truth |
Perfect MomentUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | UNCHAIN | I use time freely... gaining and loosing something He spent the glorious days, she lost fighting spirits Everyone listened to music, and played the“music game” Someone could be saved by someone's music Many times, again and again That moment comes, It ever lasts Don't you miss it I'm going to fly away Don't you miss it The clouds clear away Don't you miss it You'll be far away Don't you miss it I'll never die Many times, again and again That moment comes, It ever lasts Don't you miss it I'm going to fly away Don't you miss it The clouds clear away Don't you miss it You'll be far away Don't you miss it I'll never lose myself Don't you miss it I'm going to fly away Don't you miss it The clouds clear away Don't you miss it You'll be far away Don't you miss it... Brand new day, Clear away, Walk away, Lonely way Brand new day, Can I say? Walk away, Feel always Don't miss it!! |
departureUNCHAIN | UNCHAIN | Masanori Tanigawa | Masanori Tanigawa | UNCHAIN | A beautiful day, what a clear blue sky I'm driving through the town The Number is 8176 I realized that I loved you, always It's all covered with ashes and nothing is in shape Certainly it is there where we can not reach I think our life is seeking that The answer is still unknown I just got to this place, and I'll restart with this phrase I could smile without reason You're on the horizon I could sing without a reason You're on the horizon remember A beautiful day, what a breezy morning This journey goes on, on and on The Number is 8176 I'll give you my life, my love, and my all All I counld acquire may be nothing but the least Even so, it pushed me to move on I don't know what's the meaning of life The answer's blowin' in the wind I just got to this place, and I'll restart with this phrase I could smile without reason You're on the horizon I could sing without a reason You're on the horizon Everyone will surely come back to the place to be Standing alone on the some stage I'll surely come back to the place to be And I'll fight again and find the way We'll survive this real world, Someday, just like that day, will remain deep in our heart I could smile without reason You're on the horizon I could cry without reason You're on the horizon moonlight and silence vanish in the darkness I could cry without reason... |