全1ページ中 1ページを表示
19曲中 1-19曲を表示
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
Follow The DreamOAUOAUMARTIN JOHNSONOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDFollow me under the trees I'm endlessly, Playing games of empathy, Catching trains to follow the leader.  Drown with me in ecstasy I'm happily, Trading tales of tragedy, Watching sharks who wallow the bleeder.  True as ever all my wants are fading into madness, Waited for the moon to find me sleeping on the ground.  Follow me in to the dream I'm restlessly, Waiting for the birds to sing, Pulling strings to follow the lead again  Walk with me down to the stream, I'm tirelessly clutching to the end of spring, Finding shade to come up and breathe again.  Watch your back fade into shadow wanting for the answers, Smells of sorrow seeping into severs in the sand.
Broken GlassOAUOAUMARTIN JOHNSONOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDA hundred mountains from the road, Smile along a stretch of sky, With a lullaby in my head, Breathing calmly walked I.  Catch a tale of foretold dreams, Serenity right by my side, But I am not quite what I seem, A toppled glass of broken pride.  A product of that childish pantry play, I'll see the light of day.  Whether you were with me or you turned around and missed me, I was riding at the stern. Asked an honest question try to answer through the tension, With so much left to learn. All you wanted from me was a shoulder when you're weak, All I wanted from you was your time. Just a little of your precious time.  Two eyes burning through the mist, Fear makes me lose my stride, The answer crushes like a fist, Why show what I can hide?  Two lovers lost at sea, Rise and fall with every wave, Try to find what's meant to be, With nothing left to crave.  Then open up the door to change the scene, And be what we can be.  Whether you were with me or you turned around and missed me, I was riding at the stern. Asked an honest question try to answer through the tension, With so much left to learn. All you wanted from me was a shoulder when you're weak, All I wanted from you was your time. Just a little of your precious time.  A state of open mindedness, To cauterize a wound that cuts too deep, A sling to hold my soul up endlessly To keep my head above so I can breathe Keep me from crying in my sleep.  Whether you were with me or you turned around and missed me, I was riding at the stern. Asked an honest question try to answer through the tension, With so much left to learn. All you wanted from me was a shoulder when you're weak, All I wanted from you was your time. Just a little of your precious time. Just a little of your precious time.
Blind MoonlightOAUOAUMARTIN JOHNSONOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDLook into another light, You have the right, To make it better, Trust is what you gain in time, Another night another letter.  Hey you there, Blind moonlight, Hold me tight, Forget tomorrow.  Lay all day, If you can, Understand, You're baiting sorrow.  Someday, In a moment, Always, We are learning.  Troubled faces, Watch the sky, As they cry, Showing their weakness.  Strength in numbers, But for those, All alone, They are left Speechless.  Sometimes, More than others, Wanting, To ask the questions.  Look into another light, You have the right, To make it better, Trust is what you gain in time, Another night another letter.  Always, We are running, Tripping, On broken sidewalks.  Tomorrow, Will bring another, Feeling, From yesterday,.  Look into another light, You have the right, To make it better, Trust is what you gain in time, Another night another letter.  Hey you there, Blind moonlight, Hold me tight.
Making TimeOAUOAUMARTIN JOHNSONOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDSoft whir of wheels, Wind from the south, Cut strait through the mountain, On the road home. It's dark as it could be, Out in the wild, Perpetual rhythm, My ears and eyes.  A natural lifeline, A Travelers friend, A table of bounty, Taken in stride. It's freedom in finding, A masterful mind, Oh the places you'll go, The faces you'll find.  Making time, In the night, Making time tonight.  It's written in romance, The wide open road, And sought by the many, Though ever a trail. A light for the weary, Is cast in the dark, Ever on till the dawn, And strait to the mark.  Making time, In the night, Making time tonight.  Round these eyes, Round these eyes, Round these eyes, Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh  Making time, In the night, Making time tonight.
Ride TodayOAUOAUMARTIN JOHNSONOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDWe washed our souls in whiskey, Drowned our tears away, Passed another station, Heading home to Tokyo bay. Whispering winds betray me, Lashing down in streams, Tied me once and twice around, And sowed me at the seams.  So raise your glass in silence, All your debts repaid, But ever on is the open road, Ride ride today.  Now for home we're wandering, Longing in the lanes, Ever knowing all the while, We'd wind up at the same, City center calling, Ever does it scream, Tells me tales over other lives, That I will never lead.  So raise your glass in silence, All your debts repaid, But ever on is the open road, Ride ride today.  Where is home my darlings? Is it where you lie? Travel round this wide wide world, To work until you die. Ever in the limelight, Understood by none, Names will fade into the night, Until the morning's come.  So raise your glass in silence, All your debts repaid, But ever on is the open road, Ride ride today.
N.A.COAUOAUMARTIN JOHNSONOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDPepper in the air, Cant stop this sneezing from the junk. Even in the afternoon, Serve it with a wooden spoon. Terrified of terrifying statements on the tube, What a perfect tool to break the mood. Oh and all their prayers are consummated in the currency, Never mind the family they say that trend is dead, But its all the same to me.  Make a leader of me, There's fire on the mountains and blood in the sea, No where left to run and hide, I'm high in the seat with the world by my side, But conversations died.  Doubled over on the tiles, To kiss the floor goodbye. A second entry in the lights, Watching as the jokers fight. Two by two they file out, To an uninvited dawn, Only to bed with curtains drawn. Every day a slight submission, Keeps the truth alive, Round each bend a new addition, Keeps you satisfied.  Make a leader of me, There's fire on the mountain and blood in the sea, No where left to run and hide, I'm high in the seat with the world by my side,  Make a leader of me, There's fire on the mountain and blood in the sea, No where left to run and hide, I'm high in the seat with the world by my side,  Make a leader of me, There's fire on the mountain and blood in the sea, No where left to run and hide, I'm high in the seat with the world by my side, But conversations died.
Treason SongOAUOAUMARTIN JOHNSONOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDSo you think you can walk all the way to the valley? Wipe yourself off with the wings of an angel? Reap all the gains with a greedy tongue, Waste it all in vain.  Don't you feel you've been trusted with lives of the many? Not bringers of imprint or soldiers of fortune? Washing your hands forcing demands, Rub till your bones display.  Intrepidly minded, Incredibly gifted, All eyes are upon you, I hope you feel it when you sleep. Uncommonly viscous, From up in your tower you cast an eye, This weight on the strong backs of men, Will chase the sun out of the sky.  There's a line you can't cross to get into the valley, There is no touching the wings of an angel, Was it of worth at the end of days, Treason song, Here with all freedoms gone, Treason song they say.
朝焼けの歌OAUOAUTOSHI-LOWOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDごらんよここにまた日が昇が登る 覗く暗がりのその先を 夢見てくれよ 残る大地と新しい光景を  ごらんよここにまた人が来る 慣れた手つきで積み荷を解く 曇るガラスを手で撫で映る 暗闇が立ち並ぶ  深く眠る君の寝顔を思いながら 跳ね返る泥を払う ご覧よここに また日が昇る 指先は明日を指す  幾千の夜も 山も川も超えて 君の住む街へ やがて見る街へ  痛みも不安も紛れた闇の中で 月と競う俺達は ごめんよここに また鳴り響く 騒がしい明日を待つ  東から北へ 南から西へ ねぐらを移して 君の住む街へ 今も住む街へ やがて見る街へ 幾千を超えて 君の住む街へ  ごらんよここにまた日が昇る 今はまだ何も無い
QuestionOAUOAUTOSHI-LOWOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUND冷たい夜風が運ぶ 光とそのメロディーに 今は待ちわびた喜びの その中で眠らせて  溢れた朝日が結ぶ 期待と不安の明日を 急いで君にただ会いに行く 今夜は夢見させて  眩しい記憶の中に 迷いこんだその時も 互いに目を合わせ来た訳を あと少し聞かせて  遠く どこまで 僕らは行くのだろう 遠く いつかは 僕らの旅も終わる 抱かえた胸のあたり 微かに聞こえる君の鼓動が 教えてくれる どこから来たの どこまで行くの  苦しく切ない雨も 暗い闇の坂道も 全ては幸運と思うんだ このままでいさせて  もうすぐ 夢の続きがみれるだろう もう少しだけ 僕らの旅も続く 生まれ変わって巡る奇跡と 瞬く時の旅人 教えて どこまで 抱かえた胸のあたり 微かに聞こえる君の鼓動が 教えてくれる どこから来たの どこまで行くの どこから来たの どこまでも遠く
夢の跡OAUOAUTOSHI-LOWOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDうつむく顔 遠ざかり 君がいる いつの間にか 消えていく 影のよう  その時 まだ君の名を 知らなくて 鏡の中 手を振った 影を待つ  遠くで ほら泣き出した  声響く 振り返れば 笑ってる 傍にいる  当てなく  いつ旅立って行くのだろう 思いのまま さよならをするのだろう  世界に ただ  微笑んで 何処へ行く 世界に ただ 束の間の  夢の跡
gross time ~街の灯~OAUOAUTOSHI-LOWOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUND埋まらないこの距離を連れ添りながら 羽の生えた足跡追いかけ走る人波を他所に  つまらない風景も一人も耐えた 雨ざらしの朝にも 追い風吹かぬ夢萎えた夜も  いつか交わした約束 止まりかけてく足音 動かないこの足と夕闇に 静かに灯った街の灯よ  座り込む道端に置き忘れてた 羽の生えるはずない背中を汲んだ 誰かの後押し  手が届きそうな場面も そこまで来ては逃げて行く 引きずる一足と夕刻の 足元照らした街の灯よ  動かないこの足と夕闇に 静かに灯った街の灯よ
coffee stainOAUOAUMARTINOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDWhat's true if not what's seen What's brighter than the sun Another day is done What's brighter than the moon  Show me your eyes tell me your secrets Even if I seem far away Darkest of eyes Lighting the silence Words can not explain  Where else but here and now Together in this room When will the flowers bloom When will we meet again  Show me your eyes tell me your secrets Even if I seem far away Darkest of eyes Lighting the silence Words can not explain Words can not decide  Tonight will tell it's tale Don't speak another word  Show me your eyes tell me your secrets Even if I seem far away Darkest of eyes Lighting the silence Words can not explain The answers in Those speaking eyes
wispOAUOAUMARTINOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDOf all the gloomy places I could not abode, I settled in a river riddled town There were sentimental faces and welcoming bestowed, a hearty meal and place to lay me down.  I dreamed a dream of ships that sail upon horizon's tips, welcome homes and realizations you are not the same.  Drawn towards the light and I think I might have a moment Reflection before the dawn finds the moon has withdrawn A face I am chased to hold 'for I shuffle off down the road.  I woke up in the morning the same as every day, bells off in the distance sang their song. It could have been a wedding, perhaps it was midday My conscience told me time to move along.  There stood the days betrayal her face hid by a veil a presence so enticing I was helpless to resist.  Drawn towards the light and I think I might have a moment Reflection before the dawn finds the moon has withdrawn A face I am chased to hold 'for I shuffle off down the road.  And in the midst of our first kiss my hand rest on her cheek. Warm and soft with youth' s resilience, pleasures to bespeak. A gasp of air the wisp of hair was all that could be heard. The lights went out and she was gone fore I could say a word.  Drawn towards the light and I think I might have a moment Reflection before the dawn finds the moon has withdrawn A face I am chased to hold 'for I shuffle off down the road.
pilgrimageOAUOAUTOSHI-LOWOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUND光も影もやがては消え行く 少し身を寄せて微笑んだ君も 叫んでみても遠ざかる あの日のように  うずく街の灯 風は揺らいで ままにならない恥をめくった 笑い声に 遠い明日に 耐えきれない傷を数えてた 答え捜し ただ突き刺した  胸打つ場面も 届いた言葉も まどろむ間もなくすべては 瞬き消えると誰もが言わずに 叫んでくれよ 今ここで あの日のように  汚れた希望さえも神の名も  ここまで辿り着いた 理由すら忘れて 最初についた嘘 終わりはないと  怒り忘れた時はうぬぼれ 生きて死ぬをごまかせずに 遠のく声 脆い明日に 夢も寝返る事を知っていた 苦しみ解く 魔法もないと  解れた神話さえも君の名も  ここまで辿り着いた 君すら忘れて 最後についた嘘 終わりはないと  辿り着いた 君から応えた 最後に聞いた嘘 終わりは…  光も影も夢の跡さえ
reportageOAUOAUTOSHI-LOW・MARTINOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDあの場所の匂いの染みる汗をかきながら元来た道を力なく思い返す 今出来る事は現実をありのままに見つめ耐えること 軽薄な淋しさに起こされた朝も 曖昧な涙に疲れて寝ついた夜も 煌めくような悲しさを見え透いた儚さと一緒に連れて 誰にも告げず 一人 一人 雨を飲むように 雨を飲むようにただ待ち焦がれる  欲しいものが多すぎて結局何一つ手に入れず 全てを諦めてしまうように 誰かに相手にされたくて結局誰とも語らず 黙って去って行ってしまうように 健全な怒りを失って結局自分自身を標的に 歪んで忌み嫌っていくように こうやって一つ言葉を吐くたびに大事なものを また一つ忘れ去っていくように  誰にも告げず 一人 一人 雨を飲むように 雨を飲むようにただ待ち焦がれる  Amid the scars and all the strains, internal conflict reigns Cut down sideways Convictions in a daze Watch without care confused by lights I'll stand up and fight Scream songs to the night I'm losing myself waiting for hell  絶望できぬほどの絶望感を抱きしめた 重い記憶の中では人に剥がされる前に自ら剥いだはずの化けの皮 やせ我慢を回避した 苦い思いより勝利の美酒 次の日までも持たない安い味  標  それにも似た日常的な構造 一生のうちのどれ程が良かった事なのか 起きて 寝て 学び 働き 遊ぶ 困難 失敗 苦難 抵抗 予兆と結果 人 人まね 物まね  本当に悲しい事すら 悲しい事すら伝わらず 伝わらずぼろぼろと崩れていく  明かりを点けて何も見えず 明かりを消して月明かり  誰  目をつむれば昨日までの後悔で目を覚まし 耳を澄ませば身代わりにもならない嘘が鳴り響く もう驚きも悲しみも焼き捨てるものすら無い 冗談みたいな別れと現実 幻想のように何の気配も感じない 貧しさが君を変えた 心の貧しさだけが君を変えた  偶然がもった不確かな使命これを必然と呼ぶんだ 最後まで胸の内から消えてはいかない景色 消えてはいけない情景 内なる風景 子供たちの笑う声 地平線 遠く遥か向こうに  遥か向こうに…  Amid the scars and all the strains, internal conflict reigns Cut down sideways Convictions in daze Watch without care confused by lights I'll stand up and fight Scream songs to the night I'm starting to slip, Fall strait through the crack with no turning back A hole in the soul from losing ones self waiting for hell
MaskOAUOAUMARTINOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDIt seems to me a riotous remedy to rectify reality is a dream that can't be beat Cradled fears and tears that fall on wheels and gears turning silently while the mind is fast asleep Carving away a new now As time is running out Caving calming kindness stead of broken blindness all my selfish needs have put me on the brink  Where is the courage that you feared my friend Where is your pretty soft voice When pain is bellowing like a kite Trade the brilliance for the night  Build a life to be a man caught inside the hourglass of life falling with the sands Clear away a patch of mind to find a barren landscape reaped with tears streaking through my hands I'll be the sun that shines so bright You be the moon that brings the night But keep your distance all my peaceful ways Will burn your rage away and change all that you've never known  Where is the courage that you feared my friend Where is your pretty soft voice When pain is bellowing like a kite Trade the brilliance for the night  Separations grasp on simple conversation will break the day darkening the room All you see is clouds you don't know where you are or will you find a way to throw away your gloom I'm in the middle of a tale Wandering through the veil Contagious pain will bring me down the side effects of a single frown I made from disenchanted words  Where is the courage that you feared my friend Where is your pretty soft voice When pain is bellowing like a kite Trade the brilliance for the night
PuppeteerOAUOAUMARTINOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDMarch in time blindly follow decoration Crouch behind invisible segregation Cry inside for those fleeting temptations Close your eyes to the reached degradations  Feel the wind sweeping quickly away from the fight Dusty road and heavy load tonight  Look up at the man above your head To always be underneath a hand A pawn for the king  Steal away to the place your dreams remember With waking eyes strip away a false endeavor Smiles and lies sending souls into the nether Condemn your life coveting another's treasure  What is honor if not knowing when you are right Kindness is a kind of might  Look up at the man above your head To always be underneath a hand Look up at the man above your head To always be underneath a hand A pawn for the king  Back to chivalry back to the days of our pride Eyes that were blind will realize  Look up at the man above your head To always be underneath a hand Look up at the man above your head To always be underneath a hand A pawn for the king
all the wayOAUOAUTOSHI-LOW・MARTINOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUND飛び立つ時たいした訳も無く 思いのまま昨日を振り切って ここではまだ答えは見つけずに 次への場所は 今よりきっと  別れの時 いつものことだよと 笑いもせず言葉も遠くなり 溢れかけた思いを内にして 目も合わせずに 最後にずっと笑いかけた  夢の欠片集めて 明日はどこへ行く 答えた君 ベルの中 何も聞こえずに  気づいた時 華やぐものも無く 閉ざした時 一人は重くなり 降り立つ時 思いを口にして 抱えたものも いつかはきっと忘れてゆく  春の扉叩いて どこへ駆けて行く 旅立つ君 名前呼ぶ声も聞こえずに  Still standing there on the threshold of tomorrow and the future yet to come. Face the sun, start off in the opposite direction, light your way to brighter days.  春の扉叩いて どこへ賭けて行く 旅立つ君 名前呼ぶ声も聞こえずに  声も聞こえずに 旅立つ君よ
Dissonant MelodyOAUOAUMARTINOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDOVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDWandering wondering what is in store for us simplicity lacking some meaning for me without small pleasures my life comes monotonous constantly reaching for treasures unseen. Where did we end up rambling wandering and trudging through scenery white into green? Music and money, a dissonant melody, I need serenity so give it to me.  I'm tired, I'm lonely, I'm weary, I'm hungry Just be by my side when I sleep. I'll love you forever if only you'll let me. I'll fulfill all of your dreams.  I have been trying for what seems like an eternity, watching and waiting for my chance to arrive, mustering courage in my insecurity. Fantasies of you is what gives me drive. Beauty embodied into perfection, udder temptation of body and mind. With plans for our futer romantic direction, a moment of happiness shines in my eyes.  I'm tired. I'm lonely. I'm weary. I'm hungry Just be by my side when I sleep. I'll love you forever if only you'll let me I'll fulfill all of your dreams. So what would you ask of me?  I need you here like a fountain of life, together through these endless years. With only the knowledge you'll be by my side well I know I can love without fear.
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. JUMP
  2. ダーリン
  3. 怪獣
  4. きょういくばんぐみのテーマ



  1. 無限大(INFINITY) 2025
  2. HEART
  3. Swish
  4. スイートピー
  5. 琥珀

